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    D&D 4E [4E] Storm-22 - Lighting Defender Build

    So, I’ve been fiddling around with HeroLab recently, making builds for characters of mine, trying to get a build that reflects their personality and abilities as best as I could. As I did so, however, the guides I was looking at directed my towards a Paragon Path that I hadn’t known about...
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    Artic Firestorm - Advice wanted for a Tri-Element build

    So, I got a little build here that I am made on Hero Lab for the fun of it, and I was wondering... how good actually is this? I can think of a few areas where it might run into problems, so I’m looking to see what other people think of the situations, and whenever or not they should be...
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    Build Help: Dragonborn of the Radiant Storm

    Being that I am recently getting back into 4th Edition, and I have Hero Lab. I decided to play around with the 4E character creator and make a few characters. Starting with a Hybrid Paladin/Sorcerer, because I really like Hybrid characters, Paladin/Sorcerer is a wonderful combo back in 3.5 and...
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    Gifts for the Queen Item Set Question

    So, I'm working on what I hope will be a pretty strong build at the moment. A Hybrid Paladin/Sorcerer Dragonborn Build Centered around Implement Powers. The trick being using the Rod of the Dragonborn in conjunction with Lighting, Thundering and Radiant breath to make any Implement Power deal...