Search results

  1. Helmsman01

    PBP Interest Check Player's Pick the Game

    Hello starting this to see who all is interested and to see what everyone might be interested in. Players pick the game/style of game dungeon crawl princess rescue bandit beatdown Adventure league Specific Module Players pick the starting level: Lets say anywhere between 1st and 7th I'm not...
  2. Helmsman01

    Interest Check - Players Choice Game

    Edit: I've changed the game from my first proposal. So for the past week I have been working on a second game, since it looks like you can run more than one on here. I started by first rolling randomly to determine which Adventure League Season it would be based on. The die came up 7, which...
  3. Helmsman01

    [5e_One Shot] Baptism by Fire

    Welcome to what I'm hoping to be a great little bit of fun. A learning experience for sure, I'm quite new to 5e and hope to be close to a veteran by the end of this. Just using this opening post to store links and info, I will open the game up in my next post. (Staling cuze I'm scared.) The...
  4. Helmsman01

    [5e_One Shot] Baptism by Fire_RG

    I have been staring at this screen for about 15 minutes and still not sure what to do. Ok here goes nothing. Setting: East Faerun, the Kingdom of Unther in the year 1489DR Background: Before The Sundering and the loss of Unther to the world of Abeir, the Arch-mage Delenir ruled in Unther. After...
  5. Helmsman01

    [OOC] Baptism by Fire_FULL

    Welcome Welcome I'm excited to try my hand at this. So from what I have gathered from other threads I have read, and have open I need to list character generation here and discuss any type of rules queries. OK her goes: Character Gene: Race: Any Class: Any Starting LvL and HP: will start at...