• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. D

    Other Dust

    Hey guys, just seeing who has seen Other Dust, the new post-apocalyptic game from Sine Nomine. I have read it (numerous times) and cannot wait until next week when my hardcover (for GMing) and softcover (for the players) arrive. The PDF is awesome but I eagerly await the books. Just seeing what...
  2. D

    Lovecraft and RPG's?

    So, I have played RPG's and have been reading Lovecraft alot recently. I love his writing and see his name as an influence and was just wondering what about his writing? Thanks alot
  3. D

    Short Rests?

    So we had a argument tonight at the game table about Short Rests. In combat, myself and another player were the only people standing with 3 others in the negatives. We finished off the rest of the baddies and we said we were going to rest. One player who was at -3 said he was going to Healing...
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    Utility Power

    So my question regarding these is how often can they be used outside of combat?
  5. D

    RotRL or CotCT

    So I am stuck between which AP to get? I was wondering which do you feel has more depth and was more fun to run and/or play in? Also, what the story line is for both? I didnt post this in Paizo because it would have been posted in one of the forums for the AP and not the other, so I felt it...
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    Quick Fluff question

    In the PoL campaign setting implied by WotC, can anyone tell me about minotaurs? And specifically what people would think if they saw one? One of my players wants to play one, and I was wondering what their history was, and in the Nentir Vale.
  7. D

    Looking for an old thread...

    There was an old thread here just before the site changed to the new format and the thread was "Location Idea Resource" just seeing if anyone has a link to it or one like it Thanks