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  1. J

    Savage Worlds War of the Dead - Session 1 Recap

    A couple nights ago we started our War of the Dead campaign. I've been wanting to run this for a while and there was definitely some excitement among the players. I have a fairly large group to deal with, some of whom play remotely over google hangouts, so it was definitely a challenging session...
  2. J

    Kid's D&D part 2 - It's better than any video game

    Following up on this thread: I had the option to run another night of kid's D&D. Last time it was 5 players, the oldest being 11, and the average around 8. This time we threw another 8 year old into the mix, and a 4...
  3. J

    Evolution of your Gaming Space

    After this week's gaming session, as I was cleaning up, I thought about the evolution of our gaming space. We've always played at my house, but have moved and changed quite a bit. We started on my back porch, when 4E was released. That worked well for a little while, but we played too late...
  4. J

    Kid's Night

    Tuesday night my regular group was missing enough guys that we postponed the game. In a fit of insanity, I invited my brother and his 2 step daughters(ages 11 and 12) and my cousin and his son(age 8), to join my 2 daughters(ages 8 and 5), in a short D&D adventure. My two have sat at our game...
  5. J

    AD&D Mapping

    My 4e group has expressed interest in running through Tomb Of Horrors. As a prep for that, we're running through C1. As always, the topic of how to handle mapping came up when we started talking about AD&D. After a bit of thinking, I offered to take on the role. I'm the usual 4e DM, and we...
  6. J

    Who would have known!??!

    As an experiment, after discussing the Walking Dead finale with my game group, I sent them an email placing them in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. Miraculously, they had all survived and headed south, finding an abandoned farm. They had their wives and kids with them. I gave them some...
  7. J

    Epic Final Battle

    This is going to be a fairly lengthy post, detailing the final encounter of a level 30 epic campaign against Vecna. We've been playing for 3.5 years. The group consists of a Rogue, Fighter, Warlord, Wizard, and Cleric. They have played these characters since level 1. Epic play did not suit...
  8. J

    Challenging an Epic Party

    So after 3.5 years, countless adventures, and far too much time in analysis paralysis about combat, my 4e campaign will wrap up in 2 sessions with a confrontation with Vecna. I've got a party of 5, with immense synergy. I have barely been able to challenge them through the epic tier and I want...
  9. J

    Now this is an Epic Battle

    Last night, we continued fighting an epic battle(27th level pcs) that started 2 sessions ago. So far this encounter has lasted over 8 hours, and no one shows signs of being bored with it. I'm rather proud, so I'm sharing some details. The characters are after the Heart of Vecna, in...
  10. J

    She's one of us

    Later this month, my daughter will turn 8. A little over a year ago, she was interested in what D&D was, mainly, just the minis. Anyway, we played a few makeshift sessions and then I let her sit in with my regular group for about an hour. No one really rolled up characters, except her, and...
  11. J

    Looking for a blog writeup

    A little while ago I remember reading a blog entry by a DM about his players planning to assault a massive ship. I believe it was on the astral sea. If I recall correctly, the planning took the better part of the session. I like the idea and would like to steal/modify it to meet my needs...
  12. J

    Wall of Fire Question

    Last night in my game, we had a question about Wall of Fire. I'm surprised it hasn't come up yet. The spell says: You conjure a wall that consists of contiguous squares filled with arcane fire. It can be up to 8 squares long and up to 4 squares high. The player cast it and filled up his 8...
  13. J

    Balancing a Custom Power

    This week I am going to kill everyone's favorite NPC(including mine). This is temporary as the party cleric can raise dead, just not in the middle of a dungeon. The challenge is more about how they will handle getting the body(I require the whole thing for resurrection) out. As a result I'm...
  14. J

    Playing Vertically

    My group has recently moved to maptools and a projector. Right now I've got the projector overhead, it hits a mirror and shoots down onto the table. It works great, but it's a pain to setup(I need a ladder) I'm curious if anyone has tried projecting onto a vertical surface, such as a wall...
  15. J

    Unexpected Return

    This week, I finally managed to pummel our fighter, the damage sponge, into unconsciousness(for about .8 seconds). Our cleric immediately reacts, using Unexpected Return. Unexpected Return is an immediate reaction that says when an ally drops below zero hit points, they can spend a healing...
  16. J

    Tell me what you see

    Last session, I put a pair of magical gloves out as treasure. I did not allow the wizard to detect what they were, outside of the fact that they were magical. Being one to never let a "mystery" go unsolved, the halfing/rogue bravely(foolishly?) donned the gloves. They immediately bonded to...
  17. J

    Going digital with Maptools and 4e

    After years of thinking about it, this weekend, we went digital with our 4E campaign. I spent the better part of a week playing with maptools, learning how to draw maps with it, etc. Then I mounted a projector from some beams above our game table and hooked everything up. My players were in...
  18. J

    Reading the Hobbit to my 7 year old

    I want to thank the numerous people here who suggested reading the Hobbit to my 7 year old. She loves it. We only get a couple pages done a night and have to constantly stop to explain exactly what is happening, but she can't get enough of it. I hadn't read it since the 5th grade, so it's...
  19. J

    Savage Worlds Test Drive

    Last night my group of 4E'ers gave Savage Worlds a try. There has been so much great stuff said about it here, that we had too. We downloaded the v6 quickstart rules, The Eye of Kilquato adventure, and the pregen Characters. We started well enough with some great RP both in the adventure and...
  20. J

    Turning the World Upside Down

    Last night, as an experiment, I put my players in an unusual position. They were sent to a remote mountaintop monastery to retrieve an artifact. 500 years before, the monastery had been taken over by vampires. Arriving there, they found a military outpost at the foot of the mountains, manned...