Search results

  1. BiggusGeekus@Work

    Getcher very own magic sword from Hasbro!

    That's why if I get it I'll make sure to see if it glows blue near an orc.
  2. BiggusGeekus@Work

    I'm at work! Anyone else...?

    You really shouldn't post from work, man.
  3. BiggusGeekus@Work

    I'm married! (and not drunk)

  4. BiggusGeekus@Work

    Feats as Rewards

    Yes! Yes! Yes! Although I typically make my players pay for the feat normally. But the feat I let them choose is extra good. I aim for something that's about 50% better than a normal feat, plus a +1 bonus to Diplomacy, Bluff, or Intimidation (Player's Choice) as word of their deeds spreads...
  5. BiggusGeekus@Work

    Pot-Bellied Pig Familiar...

    I dunno. But just don't ever try cross-breeding it with an elephant.
  6. BiggusGeekus@Work

    Where Do Elves Get Their Metal?

    Wall of Iron Duration is instant so it can't be dispelled. The metal is probably of poor quality, but when you live a couple hundred years you have time to refine the stuff.
  7. BiggusGeekus@Work


    Trick or treat! Smell my feet! Give me something good to eat!
  8. BiggusGeekus@Work

    need advice on playing lawful neutral

    Vahailor from the CRPG Planescape:Torment was a totally kick-butt Lawful Neutral. Very scary guy. He was a mercykiller in life (basically like a cop in the Planescape metaverse) but when he died, his obession for justice remained behind and animated his armor and battleaxe. He never hesitated...
  9. BiggusGeekus@Work

    MoP Rejection Letters are going out.

    "In the middle of the action" Remember the original Star Wars movie? With the Imperial Destroyer coming up on Leia's ship. You weren't introduced to the characters or given a specific idea of what was going on. Just a great big ship beating the snot out of a tiny little ship. The more...
  10. BiggusGeekus@Work

    [DM]Music choices?

    In my d20 Modern game, whenever the party comes across a bad guy who is associated with the Big Bad Guy, I play "Dance of the Sugarplum Faries" from the Nutcracker. Scares the bejeebus out of them.
  11. BiggusGeekus@Work

    MoP Rejection Letters are going out.

    Yeah, check out the Tor Books online submission guidelines as an example. I've run accross the guidline a couple of other places as well.
  12. BiggusGeekus@Work

    Why no WotC M:tG and D&D crossover?

    I remember reading something about this. If I remember correctly, the various divisions were a little uncomfortable with each other at first and they were worried about "branding". In other words, they were worried that a crossover might weaken the D&D and MtG product lines because only people...
  13. BiggusGeekus@Work

    MoP Rejection Letters are going out.

    Yeah, when I get it, I'm going to frame my rejection letter. I did my sample chapter in media res which in hindsight was probably dumb. After belated research into the book writing buisness, I've found out that the publishing companies like the first couple of chapters, not the middle ones...
  14. BiggusGeekus@Work

    When I'm learning a new game I like to...

    Don't be silly, those are all the same ruleset so I can do it for all three books at once. Geeze, you're acting like I'm some kind of deviant or something.
  15. BiggusGeekus@Work

    When I'm learning a new game I like to...

    Open up the rules, strip naked, cover myself in honey, and roll around all over the rulebook. Why isn't this an option in the poll? Surely I can't be the only one who does this? Right guys? Guys? -BG PS Also, I create a character and look through the introductory sample module. If there...
  16. BiggusGeekus@Work

    When I'm learning a new game I like to...

    Open up the rules, strip naked, cover myself in honey, and roll around all over the rulebook. Why isn't this an option in the poll? Surely I can't be the only one who does this? Right guys? Guys? -BG PS Also, I create a character and look through the introductory sample module. If there...
  17. BiggusGeekus@Work

    When I'm learning a new game I like to...

    Open up the rules, strip naked, cover myself in honey, and roll around all over the rulebook. Why isn't this an option in the poll? Surely I can't be the only one who does this? Right guys? Guys? -BG PS Also, I create a character and look through the introductory sample module. If there...
  18. BiggusGeekus@Work

    OT - Angelsboi Medical Update

    Hey! Good news! Alwright!
  19. BiggusGeekus@Work

    [ENWORLD] What can we do!?!?

    Well, nuts. Between the time I saw the thread and Morrus' reply I re-upped my account. At least you'll get a couple of bucks from me in a few months then. In the meantime, what's the best way to get you some money for Cyberstreet?
  20. BiggusGeekus@Work

    No Common Tongue

    I tried having lots of languages. My players hated it. I dropped the issue and re-worked my campaign so there would be a plausible reason for a common language and moved on from there. -BG PS Did I mention my players hated it? They really hated it. As in they approached me individually and...