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  1. J

    Welcome to Furyondy CY591 (campaign log)

    Heres is a crude drawing of the battle.
  2. J

    Welcome to Furyondy CY591 (campaign log)

    Hey there, Yesterday we had another session, sadly Kiran and Myr couldnt make it today so we went on with the 4 others and the DM. So we were in this room with the pit trap. Leaves covered the center of the rooms floor and on the sides there was a way to walk around it. We found out that...
  3. J

    Welcome to Furyondy CY591 (campaign log)

    So, were 2 weeks later since our previous session and now i have some news again about what happened yesterday. -Our new party now consists of: Marcel, sorcerer lvl 5 (Thats me, former Thafar) Myr, rogue lvl 5 (former Meso) Tallis, monk lvl 5 (former Fang) Lion, monk/cleric total lvl 4/2...
  4. J

    Welcome to Furyondy CY591 (campaign log)

    Here i am again trying to give this post a new life... We did a hell lot in Wolf Nomad Territory. Here is a summary: -We talked to Tungra Stillwater (leader of the wolf nomands in Eru Tovar. -Joined with him on a crusade to retake the howling hills. -Went with the party to the west entrance...
  5. J

    Welcome to Furyondy CY591 (campaign log)

    Hey there, Alot happened last sessions so ill give a brief update. -Villagers nearby were gone missing and who tracked the ones responsible down. After a long search we found out we had to cross the Veng River. We crossed the river with help of a jerkin who had a boat. At the other side we...
  6. J

    Welcome to Furyondy CY591 (campaign log)

    Dear readers! Here is the background of my ranger, im translating while typing this so there could be some errors. Background Nathaniël Orville Nathaniël was born in 559 CY at the border of the Gnarling Forest. His father made a living there as a hunter. When Nathaniël became old enough to...
  7. J

    Welcome to Furyondy CY591 (campaign log)

    Church of Rao The Church of Rao, in many ways, represents what many of the people of Furyondy wish for: Peace and Serenity. As such, it attracts a great deal of interest from those who have grown weary of the constant wars that have plagued the nation. Its teachings stress the search for inner...
  8. J

    Welcome to Furyondy CY591 (campaign log)

    Here is some info about the Green Jerkins and the Church of Rao. The Green Jerkins The Green Jerkins, also known as the Furyondy Ranger’s Guild, is an order of rangers and woodsmen dedicated to protecting the open lands and frontiers of Furyondy. Named for their forest-colored clothing, the...
  9. J

    Welcome to Furyondy CY591 (campaign log)

    Hallo again, To answer Sanders question, i barely even notice it the on the fly events. Anyway here is what we did last session: Back to the homeland After we left the sewers we decided it was time to leave this lands. We had some vital information and with the dangers of these lands it was...
  10. J

    Welcome to Furyondy CY591 (campaign log)

    Here are some statistics and the history of my new character: Nathaniël Orville. Classes: Ranger 1, Fighter 3 HP: 33 AC 19 (10 +4 armor,+2 shield, +3 dex mod) AC with bow: 17 Str: 14 Dex: 16 Con: 12 Int: 12 Wis: 10 Cha: 10 Saves: fort +6, refl +6, will +1 Skills: Hide - 7 ranks +3 dex...
  11. J

    Welcome to Furyondy CY591 (campaign log)

    What a cliffhanger! i ran out of time there but heres the rest. After following the stranger to a safe spot to talk and simon getting the rest of the crew we negotiated: we wanted information he had his eyes on the gold. Anvil first cast a Detect Evil and indeed, he was evil. "I have no...
  12. J

    Welcome to Furyondy CY591 (campaign log)

    Here i am again with an update of what happened the last 2 sessions. We were send on a scout mission last session to get some information about Molag, a big orc city near the border. We have to find out where interresting entry points are, what happens in the city and weaknesses in the...
  13. J

    Welcome to Furyondy CY591 (campaign log)

    Here is a more detailed session i remember and enjoyed to the fullest: We infiltrated a town within the Empire of Iuz. Alishia (me) and Anvil disguised as guards. Green was disguised as a hunter. Ramon and Victoria were disguised as merchants, the former scamming people with some gambling...
  14. J

    Welcome to Furyondy CY591 (campaign log)

    Hey people, here i am sitting down, trying to find the crockport map for my own war-based campaign im going to run and the link to this topic came up. We have played ALOT of sessions meanwhile reaching level 5. Heres a summary: -Went into the Empire of Iuz -Slain many orcs and goblins -Brought...
  15. J

    Mounted Leap Attack Question

    Ye thats why i wanted it :P but ive build the char different now, still the pala with mount etc but i took improved initiative...should prevent partymembers to stand in the way of my charge.
  16. J

    Mounted Leap Attack Question

    Hey there, Im planning to play a paladin lvl 14 with a Dire Lion Special Mount. Now my idea was to wield a spiked chain and get the leap attack feat. Now my DM and I dont know for sure if its possible to use the feat while mounted. Hope anyone can help me with this.
  17. J

    Permanent Rune Question

    woops wrong forum
  18. J

    Permanent Rune Question

    Hi, Im planning on playing a Runesmith (Fgt 1/Wiz 4/RS 5/EK 2). Now I have read the Permanent Rune ability and I have a question: Can you use this ability all the time aslong as you stick to its rules (permanent loss of spell slot and the costs) or can you do this only once?
  19. J

    Welcome to Furyondy CY591 (campaign log)

    I see Sander did quiet a job trying to keep up but meanwhile we are way ahead, reached level 3 meanwhile and fight fierce enemies inside the lands of Iuz himself. Ill try to relief him with a post hoping i can still remember the details. Session 8: Bones. The adventurers travel for a while...
  20. J

    Welcome to Furyondy CY591 (campaign log)

    Hey nice job Sander on translating my background (I am the mastermind behind Alishia btw). Here my oppinion about some things and some additional information. First my character: Alisha is a human cleric of Pelor, wearing a thick robe embroided with the Symbol of Pelor. She carries a Scale...