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  1. J


    Assuming your typical campaign... what percentage of encounters take place in a dungeon/cavern environment?
  2. J

    Fear of Girls Kickstarter is Live!

    Fear of Girls Kickstarter is Live! If you have enjoyed the last three episodes, please consider helping Ryan make Episode 4. :D
  3. J

    Fear of Girls 4 - Coming Soon!

    Coming soon, Fear of Girls 4!
  4. J

    Coming Fear of Girls 4 - Coming Soon on Kickstarter!

    So this went down last night in the game room.... I'll keep you all updated as more information becomes available.
  5. J

    Variant Campaign Rules: Contacts, Honor, and Reputation

    Has anyone used the following variant rules in a campaign they have run/played in? I am contemplating the use of these variants for my next campaign and was curious as to what people thought of them. Contacts Honor Reputation
  6. J

    Settings - Advancing Timelines, Reimagining, Etc.

    I am a huge fan of Greyhawk. I love my 1983 boxed set; I love my City of Greyhawk boxed set. After years (decades!) of play, my sets are pretty well worn down, falling apart but taped back together. Over the years Greyhawk has transitioned quite a bit. The original boxed set (not including...
  7. J

    D&D 3E/3.5 Half-Elf Bard Substitution Levels [3.5]

    My Google-fu is weak. I have a player who is playing a half-elf bard and is taking the racial substitution levels from Races of Destiny. Among the abilities gained is the following: The problem is that a standard bard does not learn a 4th-level spell at 8th level. I have been unable to find...
  8. J

    Epic-Level Commoner

    Tonight I was writing up the city of Dyvers (metropolis; population 50,588) in my Greyhawk campaign. As part of the process I have been rolling for the highest-level locals as per the Dungeon Master's Guide (pages 138 & 139). The process resulted in four (!) epic-level commoners. For the most...
  9. J

    Relearning 4th Edition

    History - In June of 2008 I picked up the newly released PHB, DMG, MM, and Keep on the Shadowfell, as did a friend of mine. Together, over the next couple of months, we played through H1 with the pregens and started into H2. In November of 2008 we set the game aside until after the holiday...
  10. J

    Favorite PHB Race!

    A few days ago Jimlock posted a poll asking for your favorite Player's Handbook class. As that thread has been a success I thought it was time to ask what is your favorite PHB race? Edit: This is meant to be for 3.0/3.5.
  11. J

    D&D 3E/3.5 Eliminating Class and Cross-Class Skills (3.5)

    I have been giving a lot of thought to the idea of eliminating class and cross-class skills from my next 3rd Edition campaign; more accurate would be to say that all skills are class skills. Before I implement such an idea, I would like to get a feel for what the benefits of such a system is; as...