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Machyna: Killing Machynes OOC

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First Post
William Neville
Son of Sir James Neville, Guild of St. George

William is the son of Nell and Sir James Neville, a respected member of the gentry, knighted for services to the crown. His interest in Machyna worries his family, but the income he's been able to earn plying his trade has helped the family maintain the lifestyle his father's new knighthood requires.

William is a plain lad, more concerned with his studies than his appearance. Nevertheless he is reasonably fit and has been known to put his studies aside for a good game of tennis.

Talent: Technologiste

Charisma: 1
Intelligence: 3 (+1 to all Int tests)
Body: 1
Agility: 2

Heart: 4
Strength: 3

Spirit: 7
Honor: 0
Darkness: 0

Initiative: 2
Dodge: 6

Poison Save: 1 (+3 vs. Machyna)
Fall Save: 2 (+3 vs. Machyna)
Soul Save: 2 (+3 vs. Machyna)


Advanced Repair +2 (Bonus)
Basic Invention +2 (Bonus)
Detect Machyne +2 (Bonus)
Speak Latin (Bonus)

Repair (Common) +1 (1 point)
Repair (Weapon) +2 (3 points)
Anchient Knowledge +2 (3 points)
Combat Gun (Pistol) +1 (1 point)
Combat (Hand) +1 (1 point)
Written Language 1 point


First Post
Saul Riversham

Talent: Speaker
Honor: -
Eyes: Grey-flecked Brown
Hair: Black, short
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 154lb

Charisma: 3
Intelligence: 2
Agility: 1
Body: 1

Heart: 5
Strength: 2
Spirit: 7

Init: 1
Dodge: 4
Poison: 1
Fall: 1
Soul: 3

LP: 7
AP: 0

Special Abilities:
+1 to charisma action tests
+2 to retainer action tests
+1 to soul save modifier
character starts with and may use raise money skill
character starts with and may use publishing skill
character gets 1 free spoken language (french)
character gets riding skill free

barter +5/1
bribery +5/1
combat (rapier) +2/1
etiquette (court) +6/2
hire retainer +7/1
performance +5/1
publish +4/2
raise money +6/2
riding +3/2
spoken language (gaelic, german) +3/1
written language (english) +3/1

Equipment: 6 gold marks
leather armour
noble's garb x2, travelling garb x2
ink & quill

Saul is a gentleman of taste and class. While not an arrogant man he chooses his company carefully, and is well versed in the eitquette of court. He prefers to dress in clothing fitting of his station, maintaining good personal hygiene and doing what he can to remain up to date in the latest fashionable styles. He possesses a good build, giving the impression of physical fitness, but this is more a product of good breeding than actual effort and he lacks any real talent for physical activities. He does though occasionally enjoy some fencing and equestrian sports.

Saul is a handsome and influential young man. He is clean shaven and his black hair is kept short. He wears a simple pair of spectacles over deep brown eyes flecked with grey. Saul's eyes give the impression that he is a man of deep thought, and he is to some extent having recently finished a university degree in writing and publications. He realises though that there are people in the world far more skilled than him, so he is often modest in his claims.

Having completed his education Saul felt the need to set out on his own for a time and find some of the inspiration he would need to write works of high quality. After being given a small sum by his father, the Dean of the university he attended, to kick off his travels he left to see what he could find.


First Post
Kezia "Kizzy" Jo'Franka

Born and raised in the gypsy ways Kezia is a charming young lass quick on her tongue, temper, and heels in the case of danger. While not afraid to face a fight she would rather run away to plunder again another day.

Out for the adventure of the open road and the chance to gain both coin and knowledge, Kizzy is extremely personable with most she encounters, making easy friends, though she is wary of potential enemies as well.

Charisma 2
Intelligence 2
Heart 4

Spirit 7

Agility 2 (+1 to all tests)
Body 1
Strength 3

Init. 2
Dodge 6 (+1 to all tests)

Poison 1
Fall 2
Soul 2

Honor 0
Darkness 0
Life Points 10


Disappearing +5/2
Avoid Traps +4/1
Pick-pocket +5/2
Combat Hand
Combat Blade +2/1
Combat Ranged +5/2
Combat Gun
Basic Disguise +3/1
Basic Language

Spoken Language: German


Night Cloak 0/0 (+1 Hiding, +1 Disappear)
Leather Armor 5/0
Stiletto 2/1/+1/Yes
Longbow (1/2)/5/+1/60-130-230

Common & Traveling Clothes x1 each
Rations x5
Torch x2


First Post
Ilium here is some gear for you:

2 Gold Marks
Pistol (extremely expensive and regulated)
Gunpowder Pouch x 3, 1 Pouch per pistol shot (extremely expensice and regulated)
Ink and Quill
Common Garb
Oil x 2
Torch x 2
Globe (of known Europe)
Messenger Pidgeon Account: x 2 to any Britaine Locality
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First Post
Deep in a warm darkness there is the ticking of machynes. Heat, smoke, and steam permeate the air, but the One does not choke. It breathes the dust to fuel it's waking sleep, as others tend to factors of body and life.

The One stirs for the first time in a long while. It had slept for long in a happy greed. A messenger brings news.

Others. Not the same others, the ones of the Machyne, but living mortals of the food and armies. Souls of strength and power, and courage. Souls who do not bend to your will.

The messenger is eaten in a metallic fury.

The One sends out it's minions of sense as the first command in months. This is wrong. A threat walks the land.

Heroes walk the land.


IC game play here:


Game play starts with first GM post on Saturday 4pm PST
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First Post

Great post Festy. We will wait for the others to respond before we continue yer play. I still haven't slept so no assurance I will post today.


First Post
I am really happy how this has opened. I will probably post next tomorrow morning, Tuesday.

If I am going too slow, players please let me know.

Voidrunner's Codex

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