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Infernal Cogs of Diablos Ex Machina


Diablos ex Machina

Nowhere will you find a greater hive of scum and villainy...

[sblock="Character Creation"]Stats: 32 point buy, plus level and racial bonuses
ECL: 20th
LA: Limited to +5, but any LA will be adjusted via racial traits (see house rules)
Alignment: Any non-good, but Lawful and Evil will have certain perks. And remember, Evil != jerk.
Races: Most any, pending approval, provided the net LA/HD is less than 5.
Classes: Most any, pending approval.
Wealth: Standard for 20th level.
Starting XP: 190,000 + (1,000 * 1d10)
Rolling: Invisible Castles. For the love of Benji, post the correct link to the results, not to the rolling page.[/sblock]

[sblock="House Rules"]
  1. Epic Levels: I'm not going to be using the standard epic rules, but a variant based on the E6 concept. But that's a bridge to cross when we get to it.
  2. Skills as Saves
  3. Racial Abilities It won't be 100% like that, but you'll get the general idea of it.[sblock=Warforged]<otherwise same as core>
    • 4th level ability: Improved Damage Reduction, an experience warforged has learned to use it's metal plating to absorb blows, and instinctively shifts his body to do so.
    • 8th level ability: Enhanced Fortification, more time in the world has taught the warforged the places it does not want to get struck. With a few minor modifications to it's body, along with an improved sense of awareness, the warforged now has a 50% chance to negate a critical hit or precision based damage.
    • 12th level ability: +1 bonus to Constitution or Strength
    • 16th level ability: Fluidity, by now the warforged has learned to move in a more fluid and natural way, compensating from imperfections in it's base design. A warforged with either the Adamantine Body or Mithral Body feat has it's armor check penalty reduced by 1 and it's max dexterity bonus increased by 1.
    A warforged without these feats has it's base land speed increased by 10 feet.
    In either case, the warforged's arcane spell failure chance is reduced by 5%.
    • 20th level ability: +1 bonus to Constitution or Strength[/sblock]
    [sblock="Ogre"]• 8th level ability: Power Attack
    • 12th level ability: Improved Darvision, an ogre's eyes learn to make out more detail and adjust even more to the darkness letting him add another 60 feet to his Darkvision range.
    • 16th level ability: Smash; When taking the full attack option to make a melee attack, an ogre can forgo interative attacks, making only a single attack for which his normal strength bonus is doubled, as is any damage bonus from Power Attack.[/sblock]
  4. Weapon Group Feats
  5. Armor as DR
  6. Vitality and Wound Points I will have to tweak this a bit, as I've found that at high levels Fort saves are so high that it can take *Days* for something to die once you get it to 0 WP.
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Fighter 16

[sblock] Vitality roll= http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1399023

Height: 9'11''
Weight: 620lbs
Hair: Black
Eyes: Grey
Alignment: LE

Str: 36 +13 mod (16 + 4 level adj + 10 racial + 6 belt of giants strength)
Dex: 10 +0 mod (12 - 2 racial)
Con: 24 +7 mod (16 + 4 racial +4 Vest of Endurance)
Int: 6 -2 mod (10 - 4 racial)
Wis: 12 +1 mod
Cha: 6 -2 mod (10 - 4 racial)

AC: 37 (10 + 13 armor + 5 deflection (ring) + 5 amulet of natural armor + 5 racial -1 size)

VP: 201 (121 [4d8+16d10] + 80 [16xcon mod])
WP: 20

Speed: 30ft (40ft base - 10 armor)

Saving Throws:
Fortitude: 19 (10 + 4 racial + 5 con mod)
Reflex: 8 (5 + 1 racial + 0 dex mod + 2 lightning reflexes)
Will: 9 (5 + 1 racial + 1 wis + 2 iron will)

Base Attack Bonus: -1 due to size (already taken off my BAB)
(+15/+13/+8/+3) + (+3 racial)

Unholy Flaming Greatsword +5 to hit: +40/+35/+30/+24
dmg: 4d6+19 Crit: 19-20x2 (+4 to confirm)
+2d6 vs. good

Shocking Burst Heavy Flail +5 to hit: +39/+31/+26/+21
dmg: 2d8+13 + 1d6 Crit: 19-20x2 +1d10 on crit

Frost Shortspear of Distance +5 to hit: +39/+31/+26/+21
dmg: 1d8+13 +1d6 Crit: x2 Range: 40ft

Grapple: +35 (18 base + 13 strength + 4 size)

Skills: (excludes Untrained)
Athletics (S) uses str
Awareness (S) uses wis
Handle Animal (G) uses cha
Intimidate (S) uses cha
Ride (S) uses dex
Sense Motive (A) uses wis
Warcraft (S) uses int

Feats: (9 fighter bonus + 2 racial + 6 level)
Weapon Focus (greatsword)
Greater Weapon Focus (greatsword)
Weapon Specialization (greatsword)
Greater Weapon Specialization (greatsword)
Weapon Mastery (slashing) ~~ +2 to attack and dmg rolls [PHB II pg 81]
Defensive Sweep ~~ allows for AoO if defender has not moved [PHB II pg 76]
Power Critical ~~ +4 bonus to confirm critical (greatsword) [C.W. pg 103]
Improved Bull Rush
Improved Sunder
Shock Trooper ~~directed bull rush, domino rush, heedless charge [C.W. pg 112]
Brutal Throw ~~adds str mod instead of dex mod to thrown weapons [C.A. pg 106]
Power Throw ~~power attack for thrown weapons [C.A. pg 111]
Great Cleave
Mounted Combat
Iron Will
Lightning Reflexes

Racial Abilities:
Power Attack
Darkvision 120ft


[sblock=Equipment (costs and weights)]

Full Plate of Heavy Fortitude +5 -------------103,300gp-------100lbs
Restful Crystal ---------------------------------500gp----------0lbs
Flaming Unholy Greatsword +5---------------128,350gp--------16lbs
Greater Crystal of Adamant Weaponary---------3,400gp---------0lbs
Shocking Burst Heavy Flail +5-----------------98,330gp--------20lbs
Frost Shortspear of Distance +5--------------98,304gp---------6lbs
Belt of Giants Strength +6--------------------36,000gp---------1lbs
Amulet of Natural Armor +5-------------------50,000gp---------0lbs
Ring of Protection +5-------------------------50,000gp---------0lbs
Greater Cloak of the Salamander--------------36,000gp---------1lbs
Greater Boots of the Mountain King-----------21,500gp----------1lbs
Instant Fortress-----------------------------55,000gp-----------0lbs
Scabbard of Keen Edges---------------------16,000gp-----------1lb
Decanter of Endless Water--------------------9,000gp-----------2lbs
Ring of Freedom of Movement----------------40,000gp-----------0lbs
Cure Serious Wounds Potions (20)------------15,000gp-----------1lb
Belt Pouch---------------------------------------2gp------------1lb
Efficent Quiver--------------------------------1,800gp-----------2lbs
Greater Horn of Blasting----------------------70,000gp----------1lb
Tan Bag of Tricks----------------------------6,3000gp-----------0lbs
Serpentine Owl (wonderous figurine)----------9,100gp------------1lbs
Vest of Endurance +4-----------------------16,000gp------------1lbs

Gathra (mount)-----------------------------20,000gp------------alotta lbs
Exotic Military Saddle--------------------------480gp------------320lbs
Bit and Bridle-----------------------------------16gp-------------8lbs

Gold Remaining: 16,950
Total Weight Carried: 156lbs

Gathra CR 12
LE Huge Magical Beast (Extraplanar)
Init -2; Senses Darkvision 60', low-light vision; Listen +9, Spot +9

AC 20, Touch 6, flat 20
hp 166 (12 hd), wp 60; DR 3/-, 10/magic
fort +18, Ref +5, Will +7

Spd 40'
Melee Gore +18 (1d10+12) and 2 Hooves +13 (1d6+6)
Trample 2d6+12 (AoO at -4 or Reflex DC 22 for half)
Space 15' (long); Reach 5'
BaB +12; Grp +24
Atk Options trample, bellow

S 35 D 7 C 30 I 4 W 17 C 16
Feats Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Bull Rush, Power Attack, Awesome Blow
Skills Hide -5, Surival +9

Bellow (Sp) 3/day, fear, 30' radius, Will DC 18

Gathras are powerful and dangerous animals that wander the scorched plaines of Avernus. While they may look like herd animals, gathras are actually predators that hunt down and devour any animal unlucky enough to be caught in the open.

A gathra looks like a horrid blend of board and bull. It is heavily muscled, with stubby legs that can propel it at great speed. Two enormous tusks jut from it's fang-filled mouth, and it constantly drools as foul-smelling spittle. The eyes of a gathra glow with a dim, red light that becomes brighter when the beast is angered.

Demons and other evil creatures round up gathras to use them as mounts. The beasts are stubborn and unprdictable creatures that require constant discipline and domination to be kept in line.
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Character stats (incomplete)

Height: 5'8''
Weight: 140lbs
Hair: Grey
Eyes: Black
Alignment: LE
Human Cleric 17/ Disciple of Baalzebul 3

Str: 14+2 mod (10+4 belt)
Dex: 16 +3 mod (12+4 belt)
Con: 18 +4 mod (14+4 belt)
Int: 14 +2 mod (14)
Wis: 32 +11 mod (15 +5 level +6 periapt +2 racial +4inherent)
Cha: 22 +6 mod (10 + 2 racial, +6 cloak)

AC: 34 (+10 armor, +5 deflection, +6 shield +3dx)

VP: 104rolls + 80con + 20feat = 204 hp
WP: 18

Speed: 30ft

Saving Throws:
Fortitude: 19 (10 +4 con mod +5 vest)
Reflex: 16 (8 + 3 dex mod +5 vest
Will: 29 (13+ 11 wis +5 vest)

BAB +14/+9/+4
rapier +19/+15/+11 (1d6+5 & 2con)
Touch +17 (by spell)

Skills: (excludes Untrained) +10 cleric, +10 level, +2 int, + 1 human + 8 class skill bonus
Act (s) +32
Bluff (s) +34
Concentration (s) +27
Diplomacy (s) +32
Common Knowledge (A) +14
Sense Motive (A) +23
Spellcraft (g) +20
Supernatural Lore (s) + 25
Warcraft (S) +25

Feats: 10 (7 level feats + 3 racial feats)
Weapon groups – bow + light blades + simple weapons
Improved initiative
Disciple of Darkness
Spell penetration
Practiced Caster
Quicken Spell-Like ability: suggestion 1/day (BoVD)
Craft Wonder
Greater Spell Penetration
Spell focus Necromancy
improved toughness

Special Abilities:
Tongue of the Devil(ex): add int mod to bluff skill
Sneak attack +1d6
Suggestion (sp)1/day DC 17 (10+3 level+4 charisma)

Weapons and equipment
Xp 3000
106 Mithril Breastplate, called, Heavy Fort +5 (15lbs)
25 Vest resistance +5
72 Rapier of puncturing +3
0.4 4 vials bless weapon oil
75 Rod of metamagic - Quickening
32 Rod of metamagic - Reach
37 mithril buckler +5, deathward
110 Book of Wisdom +4
50 Ring of Protection +5
40 Ring of Freedom of movement
64 Belt of Animal Power +4(str,dex & con)
36 Peripat of wisdom +6
36 Cloak of Charisma +6
3 Heward's handy Haversack
6.6 scroll Healx4
28 Scroll Tru Rez
10 Diamonds: 10k
4.5 circlet of persuasion
33 backup stash of magic items(+4wis,+2chr, +2 mithril shirt, 5kcash)
773.5k Total

Trickery and Diabolism domains
caster level 20 (17+3 feat) +4 vs SR ; DC 21+spell level +1 if necromancy
1st (8+1), 2nd(8+1) 3rd(8+1) 4th (7+1) 5th (6+1) 6th (6+1) 7th (5+1) 8th(3+1) 9th (2+1)
Quickend spells: Greater Dispel Magic, Dimensional anchor, Heal
Reach Spells: Harm, Heal, Slay Living 27dc

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Nac Mac Feegle

First Post
[sblock=Base Stats (human form)]
Female Human Druid 5/Master of Many Forms 10/Warshaper 5
Alignment: NE
XP: 190,000+

Str: 22 (+6) [4 points, +4 Warshaper, +6 item]
Dex: 18 (+4) [4 points, +6 item]
Con: 22 (+6) [4 points, +4 Warshaper, +6 item]
Int: 20 (+5) [6 points, +6 item]
Wis: 20 (+5) [6 points, +6 item]
Cha: 28 (+9) [8 points, +7 level, +6 item]

Abilities when Shifted:
Str: As Creature +10 [+4 Warshaper, +6 Item]
Dex: As Creature +6 [+6 Item]
Con: As Creature +10 [+4 Warshaper, +6 Item]
Int: 20
Wis: 20
Cha: 28

Class Abilities: Nature Sense, Wild Empathy, Woodland Stride, Trackless Step, Resist Nature's Lure, Wild Shape 11 times/day, Shifter's Speech, Fast Wild Shape, Improved Wild Shape (Diminutive through Gargantuan, Animal, Humanoid, Giant, Monstrous Humanoid, Fey, Vermin, Aberration, Plant, Ooze, Elemental, Dragon), Extraordinary Wild Shape, Evershifting Form, Morphic Immunities, Morphic Weapons, Morphic Body, Morphic Reach, Morphic Healing, Multimorph.

Hit Dice: 20d8 + 120 (varies by shape)
HP: 213 (varies by shape)
AC: 34 (+9 Armor, +6 Shield, +4 Dex, +5 Deflection from NA), Touch 19, FF 29. Varies by shape.
Init: +4 (+4 Dex, varies by shape)
Speed: 30ft (varies by shape)

Fortitude +26 [+15 base, +6 Con, +5 Resistance] (varies by shape)
Reflex +17 [+8 base, +4 Dex, +5 Resistance] (varies by shape)
Will +18 [+8 base, +5 Wis, +5 Resistance]

BAB/Grapple: +15/+21 (varies by shape)
Attack routine varies by creature.

Skills : 15 initial, +10 level, +12 (charisma only) aging. All physical skills vary with form.
Athletics: +22 [G (2 from 1st Level)]
Awareness: +28 [S (3 from 1st level)]
Bluff: +32 [S (4 from aging)]
Diplomacy: +32 [S (4 from aging)]
Handle Animal: +32 [S (3 from 1st Level)]
Intimidate: +32 [S (4 from aging)]
Search: +28 [S (2 from 1st level, 2 from leveling)]
Spellcraft: +22 [G (2 from 1st Level)]
Stealth: +27 [S (4 from leveling)]
Supernatural Lore: +28 [S (4 from leveling)]
Wilderness Lore: +28 [S (3 from 1st level)]

Alertness (1st)
Endurance (Human Bonus 1st)
Multiattack (3th)
Improved Multiattack (6th)
Track (Human Bonus 8th)
Serpent's Fangs (9th)
Swift Wild Shape (12th)
Rapidstrike: Wings (15th)
Rapidstrike: Claws (Human Bonus 16th)
Improved Maneuverability (18th)

Languages: Common, Celestial, Infernal, Druid.

Girdle of Physical Perfection, +6 to all physical stats, +5 natural armor (194,000, includes surcharge for stacking items)
Armbands of Mighty Fists +5 (120,000)
Thorn Circlet of the Omnipresent Mind (Belt of Battle with +6 to all mental stats added) (150,000, includes surcharge for stacking items)
Scintillating Collar (12,000, toggleable on and off at will 'Scintillating Scales')
+4 Wild Heavy Wooden Shield (49,152)
+5 Wild Darkwood Chain Shirt (64,500)
Anklets of Speed (12,000)
Ring of Spell Turning (98,280)
Ioun Stone: Lavender and Green Ellipsoid (40,000)
Cords of Resistance (Vest slot, Resistance +5, 25,000)

Money: 5,068gp

Spells/Day: 5/5/3/2

Spells Prepared: Pass Without Trace x2, Jump x2, Obscuring Mist. Lesser Restoration x3. Neutralize Poison, Remove Disease.

General list of preferred forms: Roc, Kraken, Legendary Bear, 12-headed Hydra, Siege Crab, Ssvaklor, Topiary Guardian, Mountain Troll, various dragons (Force, Fang, Battle, Pyroclastic, Rust, Styx, Tarterian), Magma Drake, Hill Landwyrm, Feral Yowler, Arcane Ooze, Living Spell (various), Zeugalak.

Sources: SRD (Legendary Bear, Force Dragon, Hydra, Roc, Kraken). MM3 (Siege Crab, Ssvaklor, Topiary Guardian, Mountain Troll, Arcane Ooze, Living Spell, Feral Yowler). Draconomicon (All other dragons, Magma Drake, Hill Landwyrm). Lords of Madness (Zeugalak).

[sblock=Primary Combat Form]
Wyrmling Force Dragon

Abilities when Shifted:
Str: 41 [31 base, +4 Warshaper, +6 Item]
Dex: 16 [10 base, +6 Item]
Con: 31 [21 base, +4 Warshaper, +6 Item]
Int: 20
Wis: 20
Cha: 28

Hit Dice: 20d8 + 200
VP: 293
WP: 62 (modified for Huge size)
AC: 50 (+9 Armor, +6 Shield, +3 Dex, +24 Deflection from NA, -2 Size), Touch 35, FF 47.
Init: +3 (+3 Dex)
Speed: 60ft (fly 250 ft, average maneuverability)
Space/Reach: 15ft/15ft (20ft with Bite)

Fortitude +30 [+15 base, +10 Con, , +5 Resistance]
Reflex +16 [+8 base, +3 Dex, +5 Resistance]

BAB/Grapple: +15/+38
Melee Attack: Bite +33 [4d6+20, x2]
Melee Full Attack: Bite +33 [4d6+20, x2, Poison (if using feat)], 2 Claws +33/+33/+28 [2d6+12, x2], 2 Wings +33/+33/+28 [2d6+12, x2], Tail Slap +33 [2d8+27, x2]
Poison: Fort save DC 30, 1d6 Con/1d6 Con (via Serpent's Venom).

Extra abilities: Frightful Presence (DC 29), DR 10/Magic, SR 24, Immune to Force. Overland flight speed 40 mph normal (80 mph hustling).

[sblock=Alternate Combat Form - Grappling]
Astral Kraken

Abilities when Shifted:
Str: 44 [34 base, +4 Warshaper, +6 Item]
Dex: 19 [13 base, +6 Item]
Con: 37 [27 base, +4 Warshaper, +6 Item]
Int: 20
Wis: 20
Cha: 28

Hit Dice: 20d8 + 260
VP: 353
WP: 148 (modified for Gargantuan size)
AC: 50 (+9 Armor, +6 Shield, +4 Dex, +25 Deflection from NA, -4 Size), Touch 35, FF 46.
Init: +4 (+4 Dex)
Speed: Fly 60ft (Good)
Space/Reach: 20ft/15ft (65ft with Tentacles)

Fortitude +33 [+15 base, +13 Con, , +5 Resistance]
Reflex +17 [+8 base, +4Dex, +5 Resistance]

BAB/Grapple: +15/+44
Melee Attack: Tentacle +33 [2d6+22, x2]
Melee Full Attack: 4 Tentacles +33 [2d6+22], Bite +33 [4d8+13, x2, Poison (if using feat)]
Poison: Fort save DC 33, 1d6 Con/1d6 Con (via Serpent's Venom).

Extra abilities: Improved Grab

[sblock=Ability Damage/Fast Healing Form]
12-headed hydra (pyro or cryo)

Abilities when Shifted:
Str: 33 [23 base, +4 Warshaper, +6 Item]
Dex: 18 [12 base, +6 Item]
Con: 30 [20 base, +4 Warshaper, +6 Item]
Int: 20
Wis: 20
Cha: 28

Hit Dice: 20d8 + 200
VP: 293
WP: 60 (modified for Huge size)
AC: 45 (+9 Armor, +6 Shield, +4 Dex, +18 Deflection from NA, -2 Size), Touch 30, FF 42.
Init: +4 (+4 Dex)
Speed: 20ft, Swim 20ft
Space/Reach: 15ft/15ft

Fortitude +30 [+15 base, +10 Con, +5 Resistance]
Reflex +17 [+8 base, +4 Dex, +5 Resistance]

BAB/Grapple: +15/+34
Melee Attack: Bite +29 [2d8+14, x2, Poison]
Melee Full Attack: 12 Bites +33, 1 Bite +28 [2d8+14, x2, Poison]
Poison: Fort save DC 30, 1d6 Con/1d6 Con (via Serpent's Venom).

Extra abilities: Fast Healing 22, Darkvision 60', Low-Light Vision, Scent, Full Attack after moving/charging.

[sblock=Spellmimicry Form]
Living Spell (Common forms: Meteor Swarm, Wail of the Banshee, Mordenkainen's Disjunction, Prismatic Sphere)

Abilities when Shifted:
Str: 29 [19 base, +4 Warshaper, +6 Item]
Dex: 22 [16 base, +6 Item]
Con: 29 [19 base, +4 Warshaper, +6 Item]
Int: 20
Wis: 20
Cha: 28

Hit Dice: 20d8 + 180
VP: 273
WP: 58 (modified for Huge size)
AC: 39 (+9 Armor, +6 Shield, +6 Dex, +5 Deflection, +5 NA, -2 Size), Touch 19, FF 35.
Init: +6 (+6 Dex)
Speed: 20ft (Wail of the Banshee) or 60 ft (Meteor Swarm)
Space/Reach: 15ft/15ft

Fortitude +29 [+15 base, +9 Con, +5 Resistance]
Reflex +19 [+8 base, +6 Dex, +5 Resistance]

BAB/Grapple: +15/+32
Melee Attack: Slam +27 [2d6+19, x2]

Extra abilities: DR 10/Magic, SR 30, Ooze Traits, Engulf: Standard action absorbs all those within its area (DC 28 reflex save negates), targets are considered grappled and take effects of spell (save DCs 28)

The world is divided into two groups, predator and prey, and Lilith has always known which she was. Her past is largely a mystery, as she has killed everyone – or almost everyone – who might have known her long ago. It's clear that she was once a druid, but she long ago strayed from that path, for something more primal. For countless years Lilith has walked the planes, slipping through errant portals, riding unnoticed as a moth on a wizards shoulder through gates, always hunting greater prey, until there was no more challenge left for her. The ultimate predator, she no longer can find any hunt worth pursuing.

Lilith's habitual form is that of a young human woman, which she claims is her own form – although given her vanity it's entirely possible she's made a few alterations here and there. When she doesn't wish to be recognized, she has a bewildering array of disguises and faces to choose from of all sizes and shapes.
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First Post
Artim Black

[sblock=Artim Black]Male, Dark Spellwarped Goblin
Rogue 1 / Swordsage 4 (+6) / Warblade 3 / Invisible Blade 1 (+2) / Thrall of Demogorgon 1 / Legacy Champion 10
Neutral Evil
Experience: 190,000
Attributes (32pt buy)
Str: 18/+04 (02pts, -2race, +4spellwarped, +6belt)
Dex: 40/+15 (16pts, +4race, +2spellwarped, +5levels, +6gear, +5tome)
Con: 20/+05 (02pts, +4spellwarped, +6belt)
Int: 24/+07 (06pts, +4spellwarped, +6belt)
Wis: 20/+05 (06pts, +6belt)
Cha: 12/+01 (00pts,-2race, +6belt)

HP: 20d8+60con = 8 + 95 + 60 = 163hp (Max 1st, avg rounded up,con modifier)
AC: 37 (+1size, +15dex, +6armor, +5wis), Touch 31, Flatfooted 22
Init: +20 (+15dex, +5quickToAct (swordsage))
BaB/Grapple: +16/+12
speed: 100' (base 30'+10'race+10'templatex2helm, light armor, light load)
Saves: +9 Fort[6](+3con), +27 Refx[12](+15dex), +17 Will[12](+5wis)
Languages: Common, Goblin, Orcish, Elvish

Combat Stats
Attack: BaB +15/+10/+5, Str +2, Dex +15, WF(shadow hand weapons) +1, Bracers of Mighty Fists +5
Damage: Strength +2, Dexterity +15 (shadow hand stance + shadow hand weapons), Bracers of Mighty Fists +5
Conditional: Wisdom +5 (shadow hand strikes), +1 pt. Con damage on a critical

+38 melee, Unarmed Strike, 2d10+22+wrack spell+level drain+poison, 20/x2 (standard)
+38/+33/+28 melee, Unarmed Strike, 2d10+22+wrack spell+level drain+poison, 20/x2 (full; single weapon)
+36/+36/+31/+31/+26 melee, Unarmed Strike, 2d10+22+wrack spell+level drain+poison, 20/x2 (full; two-weapon attack sequence)
+34/+34/+34/+29/+29/+24 melee, Unarmed Strike, 2d10+22+wrack spell+level drain+poison, 20/x2 (full; two-weapon attack sequence + snap kick)
+30 ranged, Short Bow (small), 1d6, 20/x3, piercing, 70'ri (standard)
+30/+25/+20 ranged, Short Bow (small), 1d6, 20/x3, piercing, 70'ri (full)

Skills - [Swordsage 104pts. = 104pts. - 10pts.(tricks) = 94pts.]
+40 Balance (+15dex+2tumble)
+38 Climb (+15dex)
+48 Hide (+15dex+4small+6race)
+45 Jump (+15dex,+2tumble,+5boots)
+28 Listen (+5wis)
+44 Move Silently (+15dex+6race)
+28 Spot (+5wis)
+40 Tumble (+15dex+2jump)

• Weapon Finesse (racial bonus feat): Use Dex mod instead of Str mod to hit with light weapons
• Agile Athlete (lvl 1): Dex modifier used for Climb and Jump checks
• Adaptive Style (lvl 3): May spend a full round to select maneuvers instead of 5 minutes. This also renews any expended maneuvers.
• Shadow Blade (lvl 6): Add Dex mod to damage while in any shadow hand stance and using a shadow hand weapon.
• Gloom Razor [Tactical; Tome of Battle](lvl 9)
• Two-Weapon Fighting [PHB](lvl 12)
• Improved Two-Weapon Fighting [PHB](lvl 15)
• Snap Kick [ToB](lvl 18): As rapid shot but for unarmed attacks.

Goblin Traits race list
• +2 Dexterity, -2 Strength
• Small: +1 Armor Class and attack rolls, +4 on Hide checks, -4 on Grapple checks, small weapons, 3/4 carrying capacity.
• Goblin base speed is 30 feet.
• Low Light Vision
• Stealthy: +4 racial bonus to Hide and Move Silently checks.
• Bonus Feat: Weapon Finesse, goblins use their agility and quickness naturally in combat.
• Weapon Proficiency: Goblins are all trained and proficient in the Kukri, Blowgun, Shuriken and Bolas.
• Strong Back: Constitution used to calculate carrying capacity in place of Strength.
• Automatic Languages: Goblin and Trade Common
• Bonus Languages: Elven, Hob, Gnoll and Yuan Ti
• Favored Classes: Ranger and Rogue
• 20th level ability: +2 Dexterity
• Traded off 4 racial abilities for the Dark Template LA+1 and Spellwarped Template below

Dark Template [Tome of Magic pg. 160]
• Extraplanar
• +10' to all modes of movement
• Darkvision 60'
• Hide in Plain Sight (Ex): Use the Hide skill even while being observed (except in natural daylight, the area of a daylight spell or a similar effect).
• Cold resistance 10
• Superior low-light vision
• +8 racial bonus on Hide checks and +6 racial bonus on Move Silently checks
• LA +1

Spellwarped [Monster Manual 3]
• Aberration
• Natural Armor +2
• Absorb Magic if it doesn't beat your SR
• SR 31
• +4 Str, +2 Dex, +4 Con, +4 Int
• LA +3

Rogue [lvl 1]
• 1d6 HD, BaB+0, Fort+3, Ref+7, Will+7
• Skills ---> See skills breakout below
• Trapfinding
• Sneak Attack +1d6

Swordsage [lvl 4 (+6 Legacy Champion)]
• 8d8 HD, BaB(Avg), Fort(b), Ref(g), Will(g)
• Proficient with simple and martial weapons (including those that can be used as thrown weapons), and light armor but not with shields.
• Skills ---> See skills breakout below
• Maneuvers Known 25 / Readied 12
•• Lvl 1: Clinging Shadow Strike (sh strike 1, supernatural), Wind Stride (dw boost 1), Burining Blade (dw boost 1)
•• Lvl 2: Cloak of Deception (sh boost 2), Shadow Jaunt (sh telport 2), Drain Vitality (sh strike 2)
•• Lvl 3: Shadow Garrote (sh strike 3), Fan the Flames (dw strike 3), Strength Draining Strike (sh strike 3)
•• Lvl 4: Hand of Death (sh strike), Obscuring Shadow Veil (sh strike, supernatural), Searing Charge (dw strike fire)
•• Lvl 5: Shadow Stride (sh teleport), Bloodletting Strike (sh strike), Leaping Flame (dw counter)
•• Lvl 6:
•• Lvl 7:
•• Lvl 8:
•• Lvl 9:
• Stances Known 6
•• Child of Shdow (sh 1), Island of Blades (sh 1), Assassin's Stance (sh 3), Step of the Dancing Moth (sh 5)
• Quick to Act +5
• Discipline Focus (weapon focus): Shadow Hand
• AC Bonus: Wisdom modifier added to all AC
• Discipline Focus (insightful strikes): Shadow Hand and Desert Wind - Add Wisdom modifier to strikes from these disciplines
• Sense Magic: Identify weapons & armors properties with a level check DC10+item caster level at will (10 minutes per attempt)
• Discipline Focus (defensive stances): Shadow Hand and Desert Wind - +2 on all saving throws when in one of these discipline stances.
• Evasion

Warblade [lvl 3]
• 3d12 HD, BaB(good), Fort(b), Ref(g), Will(g)
• Proficient with simple and martial weapons (including those that can be used as thrown weapons), and light armor but not with shields.
• Skills ---> See skills breakout below
• Maneuvers Known 25 / Readied 12
•• Lvl 1: Clinging Shadow Strike (sh strike 1, supernatural), Wind Stride (dw boost 1), Burining Blade (dw boost 1)
•• Lvl 2: Cloak of Deception (sh boost 2), Shadow Jaunt (sh telport 2), Drain Vitality (sh strike 2)
•• Lvl 3: Shadow Garrote (sh strike 3), Fan the Flames (dw strike 3), Strength Draining Strike (sh strike 3)
•• Lvl 4: Hand of Death (sh strike), Obscuring Shadow Veil (sh strike, supernatural), Searing Charge (dw strike fire)
•• Lvl 5: Shadow Stride (sh teleport), Bloodletting Strike (sh strike), Leaping Flame (dw counter)
•• Lvl 6:
•• Lvl 7:
•• Lvl 8:
•• Lvl 9:
• Stances Known 6
•• Child of Shdow (sh 1), Island of Blades (sh 1), Assassin's Stance (sh 3), Step of the Dancing Moth (sh 5)

Invisible Blade [lvl 1 (+2 Legacy Champion)]

Thrall of Demogorgon [lvl 1]

Legacy Champion [lvl 10]
• Requirements: Know (history) 5; Feat - Least Legacy; Must possess a legacy item; Character Level 10
• 10d8 HD, BaB+7, Fort+3, Ref+3, Will+7
• Increased class level +8 in prior classes:
• Skills ---> See skills breakout below
• Reduced Ritual Cost: After a successful Know (history) check to learn the lesserlegacy ritual for your legacy item, you can perform that ritual and gain the Lesser Legacy feat as normal. However, you do not pay the associated gp cost. At 7th level you can perform the greater legacy ritual at no cost.
• Bond of Lore (Ex): You add your class level as an insight bonus to Know (history) checks made in relation to legacy items.
• Replace Legacy Ability (Ex): You can replace legacy abilities to suit your needs. 2nd level - 1 least from menu a, 5th - 1 least or lesser from a or d respectively, 10th - 1 least or lesser or greater from a or d or g respectively.
• Extra Legacy Ability Use (Su): You gain additional uses of your items daily abilities. 3rd - Select a single least ability of your item to use an additional time per day, 6th - Select a lesser ability, 9th - Select a greater ability
• Bonus Legacy Feat: You gain a bonus feat related to your legacy item at 4th and 8th level

Skills Resource Page
• Skill Points: 14 + Intelligence modifier + 10 (level 20) + 5 (class levels) = 29pts.
• Chart Values at 20th Level: U = +6; P = +9; A = +12; G = +18; S = +23
• Class Skills:
•• (S) Agility 4pts [3+1inClass]
•• (S) Athletics 4pts [3+1inClass]
•• (S) Awareness 4pts [3+1inClass]
•• (S) Common Knowledge [3+1inClass]
•• (A) Diplomacy [1+1inClass]
•• (S) Disable Device 4pts [3+1inClass]
•• (A) Ride [1+1inClass]
•• (S) Search 4pts [3+1inClass]
•• (S) Sense Motive 4pts [3+1inClass]
•• (S) Sneak 4pts [3+1inClass]
•• (S) Warcraft 4pts [3+1inClass]
[sblock=Skill Listing]
Skill List
Act (Cha) disguise, perform comedy, perform act
Agility (Dex) balance, escape artist, tumble, perform dance, use rope, all other dexterity related checks
Alchemy (Int) appraise and make, alchemical items, poisons, antidotes, potion identification
Athletics (Str) climb, jump, swim, all other strength related checks
Awareness (Wis) spot, listen and other sense related checks
Bluff (Cha) no change
Building (Int) appraise, repair and make architecture, big traps, steamcraft items, construct bodies
Common Knowledge (Int) knowledge: local, geography, history, nobility, royalty
Concentration (Con) no change
Diplomacy (Cha) diplomacy, gather information, perform oratory
Disable Device (Int) disable devices, sabotage devices, open locks
Drive (Dex) drive cars, boats, chariots, wagons
Engineering (Int) appraise, repair and make devices, locks, fine traps, clockwork items, construct innards
Finery (Int) appraise and make all forms of finery, art, forgery, gem cutting, jewelry
Handle Animal (Cha) no change
Heal (Int) no change
Intimidate (Cha) no change
Language (Int) speak and read languages, identify script, decipher script
Music (Cha) perform: sing, percussion, keyboard, string, wind
Pilot (Dex) pilot planes, trains, balloons, ships
Ride (Dex) no change
Search (Int) search, track
Sense Motive (Wis) no change
Sleight of Hand (Dex) no change
Sneak (Dex) hide, move silently, must beat awareness DC of 10 + awareness to sneak
Spellcraft (Int) spellcraft, use magic device
Supernatural Lore (Int) knowledge: occult, arcana, the planes, religion
Warcraft (Int) tactics, lead troops, set and detect ambushes, siege equipment, artillery firing and upkeep
Weaponscraft (Int) appraise, repair and make all weapons and armor
Wilderness Lore (Int) survival, knowledge: geography, nature, dungeoneering

[sblock=Personal Information]
Artim black, the small shadow barely glimpsed out of the corner of your eyes just before darkness overtakes you, had a typical goblin childhood. Digging for grubs, carrying fire wood, turning the spit, avoiding beatings whenever possible, and trying to get the last bits of scraps the older, tougher goblins didn't care for. Extremely good at sneaking around he managed to get more scraps and avoid the most severe beatings than the typical goblin child. Quick on his feet and amazingly agile he was apprenticed into the sewer shadow guild at an early age.

The guild, comprised of a loose organization of small guilds, taught Artim the trade of skullduggery and he became an amazingly good sneak thief. But even more he broke into the business of assassinations.


Artim is driven by two primary pursuits; pursuit of power and the subjugation of...Fortunately for Artim... or perhaps not so much so... these two motivating characteristics are quite often related!

Atrim Black could be described with one word; grace. Not overburdened by muscle he keeps his gear as light as he can and tries to travel with as little as he can as well. His frame is small and slender what little muscle he has is well defined despite his lack in mass. His lean frame lends itself to his natural grace and every movement flows together smoothly. He is clean cut and keeps his hair very well manicured including long sideburns and chops which naturally end halfway down his jawline. His nose is small but more pronounced than many goblins appearing almost as if it were stolen from a halflings countenance. With long pointed ears of a typical goblin and the angular bone structure even his face gives him a "quick" appearance. All of this is secondary however if you get to see his natural eyes. Atrim's eyes are a solid black from edge to edge without a hint of pupil or iris at all and they are enormous, being almost triple the size of most humanoids eyes.

[sblock=Gear 760,000gp starting]
• Ring of Sustenance (worn, right index finger, 2,500gp/-- lbs.)
• Horned Helm (worn, head, 38,000gp/.25 lbs.)
• Artim Black's Shadow Rose +5 (worn, armor, 45,000gp/.25 lbs.)
• Artim Black's Field Garb +5 (worn, torso, 26,500gp/.25 lbs.)
• Belt of Magnificense (worn, waist, 200,000gp/.25 lbs.)
• Wakeful Mind (graft, head, 14,000gp/-- lbs.)

Total Carried Weight: ?? wt.
Carrying Capacity: ???/???/???

[sblock=Gear Details]
• Artim Black's Shadow Rose: [AEG, MIC, DMG]: +5 Bondleaf Armor - +6 Armor Class, Grows from the base of Artim's spine; Magic Eating (+10,000gp) - When you save against a spell that targets you the armor heals you for 1 point of damage per level of the spell; Landing (+4,000gp) - You can ignore damage dealt by the first 60' of a fall and you always land on your feet if you so choose
• Artim Black's Field Garb [ToM+DMG]: Shadow silk vest of resistance +5; It grants the wearer a +5 resistance bonus on all saves.
• Ring of Sustenance: Don't need to eat or drink
• Horned helm [Arms and Equipment Guide]: Double base movement speed and a +2 enhancement 1d8 gore attack with the antlers on his head as a secondary attack
• Belt of Magnificense [Miniatures Handbook]: +6 enhancement bonus to all attributes.

• Wakeful Mind [Faiths of Eberron]: Immunity to sleep. Artim doesn't sleep... at all. ;)

Umbral Awn (Legacy Shadow Hand Weapon from Tome of Battle)
• Base Cost 2,032gp + 1,500gp (least legacy) + 0gp (lesser legacy - cost eliminated by legacy champion) + 0gp (greater legacy - cost eliminated by legacy chamption
• Shadowcloak (Ex): You can use the Hide skill as an immediate action instead of as part of a move action. (If you can hide in plain sight you can use this at any time)
• Sneak Attack (Ex): +3d6 Sneak Attack
• Shadowhand (Ex): If unarmed and an opponent provokes an AoO you can draw Umbral Awn as an immediate action and take that attack against the opponent and they are considered flat-footed against it.
• Shadowstrike (Ex): When flanking you gain a +4 bonus on your attack rolls against the flanked target.
• Invisibility (Sp): Invisibility as the spell at will.
• Shadowstep (Su): 3/day as a swift action you can become incorporeal until the beginning of your next turn.
• +2 Speed Ghost touch Dagger
• Personal Costs
•• Attack Penalty: -2
•• Fort Save Penalty: -4
•• Hit Point Loss: 12pts[/sblock][/sblock][/sblock]
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First Post
Hermes Trisgimestus a.k.a. Count Andromalius a.k.a. The Crimson Pharaoh a.k.a. The Black Emperor a.k.a.
Male Human Beguiler 1/ Wizard 3/ Spellthief 1/ Mindbender 1/ Ultimate Magus 10/ Unseen Seer 4
Lawful Evil

Str ?? -- (0 pts) 8 base
Dex ?? -- (10 pts) 16 base
Con ?? -- (6 pts) 14 base
Int ?? -- (16 pts) 18 base +5 level +5 inherent +6 enhancement
Wis ?? -- (0 pts) 8 base
Cha ?? -- (0 pts) 8 base

Hit Points ??
AC ??, Touch ??, Flat ??
Init +??
BAB +??, Grap +??
Speed ?? (base 30 ft, load 0/33, armorcategory)
Fort +??, Ref +??, Will +??

+?? Melee, weaponname, 1d6+??, 20/x2
+??/+?? Melee, weaponname/weaponname, 1d6+??/1d6+??, 20/x2
+?? Ranged, weaponname, 1d6+??, 20/x2, 30'r
+??/+?? Ranged, weaponname/weaponname, 1d6+??/1d6+??, 20/x2, 30'r

Medium, 5'8" tall, 150 lbs, 34 yrs old
Bald with a black goatee, hazelnut brown eyes, fair skin

Speaks Common, Draconic, Infernal, Abyssal, Dwarven

+ Awareness (S)
+ Bluff (S)
+ Concentration (S)
+ Common Knowledge (S)
+ Diplomacy (S)
+ Intimidate (S)
+ Search (A)
+ Sense Motive (S)
+ Sneak (S)
+ Spellcraft (S)
+ Supernatural Lore (S)

-Heighten Spell
-Sculpt Spell
-Trickery Devotion
-Extend Spell
-Spell Penetration
-Craft Contigency Spell
-Master Spellthief

Human Traits
-brief summary
-brief summary
-brief summary

Wizards Abilities
-Improved Initiative (bonus feat)

Spellthief Abilities
-Steal Spell (9th level, but only store spells of up to 1st level)

Beguiler Abilities
-Armored Mage (Light)

Mindbender Abilities
-Telepathy 100 ft.

Unseen Seer Abilities
-Sneak Attack +2d6
-Still Spell (bonus feat)
-Advanced Learning (Hunter's Eye)
-Divination Spell Power +1

Ultimate Magus Abilities
-Arcane Spell Power +4
-Augmented Casting 8/day
-Expanded Spell Knowledge ( , , , )
-Twin Spell (bonus feat)
-Quicken Spell (bonus feat)

Spells Prepared
0th- Spell1, Spell2
1st- Spell1, Spell2
2nd- Spell1, Spell2 (S) if specialization spell

0th- All cantrips
1st- Spell1, Spell2, Spell3
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First Post
Name: Omega
Gender: N/A
Race: Warforged
Class Warmage 20
Exp: 190k+
Alignment: Lawful Evil

Str 8 –- (0 pts)
Dex 14 –- (6 pts)
Con 24 -- (6 pts) +4 racial +6 enhancement
Int 14 -- (6 pts)
Wis 10 -- (4 pts) -2 racial
Cha 30 -- (10 pts) -2 racial + 5 levelup + 5 inherent + 6 enhancement

Hit Points 20d6+140
AC 36 (10 + 2 dex + 9 armor + 6 shield + 5 deflection +4 natural) Touch 27, Flat 34
Init +2
BAB +10, Grap +9
Speed 20 (base 20, load 0/0, heavy armor)
Fort +18, Ref +13, Will +17

Speaks Common, Draconic, ?

Skills 5
+30 Concentration [23 + 7 Con]
+25 Weaponscraft [23 + 2 Int]
+33 Intimidate [23 ranks + 10 Cha]
+25 Supernatural Lore [23 ranks + 2 Int]
+25 Common Knowledge [23 ranks + 2 Int]
+25 Spellcraft [23 ranks + 2 Int]
+20 Building [18 + 2 Int]
+12 Awareness [12 + 0 Wis]

1 Adamantine Body (AC +4 DR 6)
3 Eschew materials
6 Arcane Mastery
9 Battle Caster (Heavy)
12 Improved Fortification (Immune to crits)
15 Spell Focus: Evocation
18 Empower Spell

Racename Traits
Construct type, living subtype
immune to poison, disease, nausea, fatigue, exhaustion, effects that cause the sickened condition, and energy drain.
Cannot heal damage naturally.
Healing spells/abilities only heal half damage.
Stasis at 0 through -10 HP.
Does not eat, sleep, or breathe.
Composite plating: +2 armor bonus, as light armor.
Light Fortification, 25% chance to avoid critical hits/sneak attacks.
Natural weapon, one slam attack for 1d4+Str.
Racial Abilities
• 4th level ability: Improved Damage Reduction
• 8th level ability: Enhanced Fortification, the warforged now has a 50% chance to negate a critical hit or precision based damage.
• 12th level ability: +1 bonus to Constitution or Strength
• 16th level ability: Fluidity. A warforged with either the Adamantine Body or Mithral Body feat has it's armor check penalty reduced by 1 and it's max dexterity bonus increased by 1.
A warforged without these feats has it's base land speed increased by 10 feet.
In either case, the warforged's arcane spell failure chance is reduced by 5%.
• 20th level ability: +1 bonus to Constitution or Strength

Classname Abilities
Basic Weapons plus Crossbows
Armored Mage (Medium) - Can wear Medium armor and shields and ignore Arcane Fail Chance.
Warmage Edge (+2) - Add 2 to the final damage of all spells that cause hit point damage.
Eclectic Learning (3rd) - Detect Magic
Eclectic Learning (6th) - See Invisible
Eclectic Learning (11th) - Repair Critical Damage (+4d8+20 dmg to constructs)
Eclectic Learning (16th) -
Sudden Empower
Sudden Enlarge
Sudden Widen
Sudden Maximize

Spellcasting (warmage CL 20, DC 20+lvl, 21+lvl evocation)
6/6 0th- Acid Splash, Disrupt Undead, Ray of Frost, Light
6/6 1st- Accuracy, Burning Hands, Chill Touch, Fist of Stone, Hail of Stone, Magic Missile, Lesser Orb of Acid, Lesser Orb of Electricity, Lesser Orb of Fire, Lesser Orb of Cold, Lesser Orb of Sound, Shocking Grasp, True Strike
6/6 2nd- Blades of Fire, Continual Flame, Fire Trap, Fireburst, Flaming Sphere, Ice Knife, Acid Arrow, Pyrotechnics, Scorching Ray, Shatter, Whirling Blade
6/6 3rd- Fire Shield, Fireball, Flame Arrow, Gust of Wind, Ice Storm, Lightning Bolt, Poison, Ring of Blades, Sleet Storm, Stinking Cloud
6/6 4th- Blast of Flame, Contagion, Black Tentacles, Orb of Acid, Orb of Cold, Orb of Electricity, Orb of Fire, Orb of Force, Orb of Sound, Phantasmal Killer, Shout, Wall of Fire
6/6 5th- Arc of Lightning, Cloudkill, Cone of Cold, Mass Fire Shield, Greater Fireburst, Flamestrike, Prismatic Ray
6/6 6th- Acid Fog, Blade Barrier, Chain Lightning, Circle of Death, Disintegrate, Fire Seeds, Freezing Sphere, Tenser's Transformation
6/6 7th- Delayed Fireball, Earthquake, Finger of Death, Firestorm, Mord Sword, Prismatic Spray, Sunbeam, Wave of Exhaustion
6/6 8th- Horrid Wilting, Incendiary Cloud, Polar Ray, Prismatic Wall, Scintillating Pattern, Greater Shout, Sunburst
5/5 9th- Elemental Swarm, Implosion, Meteor Swarm, Prismatic Sphere, Wail of the Banshee, Weird

Equipment 800gp

Black Iron Skin, +9 AC, DR 6/-, ACP: -4, Max Dex: +2, 307k
- +5 Death Ward Adamantine Chassis of Ghost Ward, 49k
- Greater Energy Resistance (Cold, Fire), 132k
- Improved Energy Resistance (Acid, Electricity, Sonic), 126k

Repulsor Plate, +6 AC, ACP 0, 64k
- +5 Arrow Deflecting Ghost Ward Mithril Buckler

Slam, +9 to hit, 1d4-1 dmg

Deathguardian Bracers, 6,000
Goggles of Night, 12,000
Ring of Protection +5, 50,000
Ring of Mystic Defiance, 7,500
Amulet of Reinforcement, 84,000
- Con +6, 36k
- Natural Armor +4, 32k +50%, 48k
Vest of Resistance +5, 25,000
Cloak of Charisma +6, 36,000
Belt of the Wide Earth, 8,000
Winged Boots, 16,000
Orb of Mind Restoration, 3,100
Orb of Body Restoration, 3,100

Tome of Cha +5, 137,500

[sblock=Background]In a lonely corner of the Material plane there is a world burned to cinders...a world of ashes and dust and rock...and the ruins of what once was. There was a great war on this world, where a barbarian horde attacked a smaller nation of magicians and technologists; great scholars and wise men, who's secrets made their neighbors suspicious, and jealous. They had been a peaceful people, and the attack came without warning. Though they defended themselves as well as they were able, it was clear that the ferocity, numbers, and combat experience of the barbarians would prevail. And yet, underground in a secure vault, they had built a dedicated war machine using all their arts of science and magick welded together. The result was Omega...the first, and last, of its kind. As the great city was overrun and sacked, Omega was given its orders. Kill them...kill them all.

So it did.

Carefully at first, it stalked and slew. Then, in open fields, it unleashed its primary weapons and obliterated armies. Over weeks, it sterilized cities. It remorselessly hunted down survivors. Then realizing that 'them' might not be limited to the barbarians, Omega started destroying more. Animals. Plants. Finally the world began to change. Plants shriveled. Weather grew more intense. And when it was done, Omega sat in silence, until visitors came. Visitors with the means to access a larger universe of multiple planes or existence.

A doomsday machine's work is never done.[/sblock]


[sblock=Appearance ]Pending[/sblock]
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