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Mini-Game Writers, Represent! EN MINI-GAMES needs you!


Unattainable Ideal
EN World and yours truly are unsatisfied with the lack of mini-game action in the d20 world, and we're doing something about it. And we need you to help out.

EN MINI-GAMES is the newest product line from EN Publishing. We're going to be publishing a new d20 mini-game every two months starting in April, with in-between releases of campaign setting stuff, new monsters, spells, adventures, and what have you to support the mini-games as they come out.

"Okay, barsoomcore, I got it. Mini-games. Only, what's a mini-game? (And may I say how fine you're looking today?)"

A mini-game is a quick update to an existing game (such as d20 Modern or D&D) that refits it for a particular genre, adding custom rules, setting material and adventure ideas. Mini-games let you run d20 games fine-tuned for unique game styles. Whether you run them as a one-shot game or turn them into an extended campaign, mini-games give you and your gaming group fresh new alternatives to the d20 standards.

A mini-game is small (go figure). The goal is to produce games that you can read on Saturday and play on Sunday. They'll range from 10,000 to 20,000 words in most cases.

And a mini-game is NOT a campaign setting, folks. If your mini-game idea depends on one particular world or setting or religion or cosmology, it's not a mini-game. Think in terms of genres, NOT places. A mini-game ought to be usable in a variety of settings.

For example, you can run Teenage Hot-Rod Werewolves From Mars! in the provided California town, if you like, but you could just as easily run it in Hong Kong, or New York, or the City-State of the Invincible Overlord. The game doesn't depend on the setting.

(Oh, and thanks! Feeling mighty fine, too)

"So what does this have to do with me? (no problem, hot stuff. Are you free later?)"

You've got ideas: we need mini-games. Wanna publish your mini-game? Send a submission in and let's get to it!

(And I'm married, so hands off, cheeky)


Send your submission as an email to barsoomcore@mac.com. Include the words "Mini-Game Submission" in the subject line, along with the title/idea of the game. Your submission should be presented in the following format:
  • TITLE (the name of your mini-game if you have one. If you don't, that's cool, put in a title like "I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO CALL IT BUT I LOVE IT")
  • A paragraph outlining the basics of the concept: what genre, what setting, what inspiration is this based on? Is it a mashup of two genres that yields wacky results, or is it based on a rules notion you have that you want to implement?
  • Another paragraph explaining what the PCs do in a game like this. Do they foil the schemes of evil-doing industrialists or do they investigate top-secret military operations, looking for the clues to piece together a global conspiracy? What archetypes or role models are they going to use for inspiration?
  • Finally, outline some of the rules-specific uniqueness of the game. Does it need new classes? New feats? Is it based on Modern, the 3.5 SRD or some other source? What makes this game a unique and fun experience for the players and the DM? What kind of setting material will a DM need to run a game like this?
As stated above, mini-games will vary from 10,000 to 20,000 words, for the most part. Payment will be negotiated with each writer but expect a royalty-based pay structure. Not yet knowing how this line will take off, I'm reluctant to commit to any particular structure just yet, so early submitters will be helping me to work it out. I want to be fair to the writers, but I also want the line to make money, so there'll be a balance-finding period while we see how we do.

If you have payment expectations, please include them in your submission and we can talk about it.

There are some standards I hope all submissions will try to live up to:
  1. Perfect English. Grammatical errors, typos, or just plan crappy, hard-to-read writing will cost you heavily. Don't make me feel like I'm going to have to spend hours copy-editing your manuscript.
  2. Tight. Your submission shouldn't be any longer than 500 words. Heck, try and keep it under 100 words if you can. Brevity, wit, soul.
  3. Rules funk. If the mini-game is just a few feats and a setting, it's not really worth doing as a mini-game. We're looking for products with new mechanics. New ideas on how to use the d20 core. New classes, new combat or magic systems, new new new new...
  4. Fun. Sell me on this puppy. Although, if you come up with an idea like "Dino-Pirates of Ninja Island", it kind of sells itself. :D
  5. Oh, and read the above Submission guidelines, willya? Don't make me come over there.

Both myself and Morrus are very excited about this product launch, and I think a lot of people will be eager for new mini-games they can make their own. We want this line to be the new mainline source for mini-game goodness. So get those brain cells crackling (use canola oil -- it doesn't smoke as easily as olive oil) and send in your submissions.

Let me know if you have any questions.
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Is this going to be similar to the en-arsonal and en-armory lines where they will be PDFs until a collection of them gets printed (hopefully)?

How long will the open call be availible? (I'm busy this month but it is something I could consider next month if I work like a madman and get everything done for this month.)

Mark Charke


Unattainable Ideal
Mark Charke: this call will be a standing offer as we expect to continue publishing mini-games as long as there is a demand and a supply. This month, next month, next year... We'll be looking for minigames.

clockworkjoe: given that the call has been up for about 36 hours, and that your submission has been in my inbox for about 24 hours, I'd say you're expecting a faster turnaround than is reasonable. I mean, you want me to read it carefully and THINK about it, don't you?


Byrons Ghost: Confirmed, work-for-hire agreements, but 100% open content, so the point is kind of moot.

As a general rule, folks, please expect no less than 48 hours for responses to submissions. If after 48 hours you haven't heard from me, post a query in this thread. Thanks!
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To all those who are interested, feel free to join the d20 Mini-Game yahoo group.
We've been pretty quiet since Dungeon dropped the mini-games, but En World's jump into the market will probably get the chatter started again.
We also talk about Fantasy Flight Games' Horizon series.
Just visit us and request to join at Definitive d20


First Post
Thanks for the quick turnaround, guys. In case you're wondering where the rest of my submission is, it's here and waiting, but hotmail seems to be stuck in a fugue state, so as soon as it is fixed you will have Dravakor.

Lee Garvin

Voidrunner's Codex

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