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Pathfinder: Burnt Offerings

Rogue's Gallery

I've subscribed to Pathfinder, Paizo's new adventure path. The new path starts in August, so we have a lot of lead time to recruit and get settled. And anticipate. The Pathfinder Player's Guide will be available August 2007. The adventure itself ships in August, so prospective players can expect play to begin the 3rd or 4th week in August (assuming I receive my copy on time). Edit: Pathfinder .pdf received 20 August, play expected to begin 1 September.

Number of Players: 4-6
Point Buy: 28
Level: 1st
Alignment: No evil, CN will need a good backstory and must be accompanied by the intent to play well with others in the party
Setting: Varisia of Golarion
Pantheon: Open for consideration
Starting Gold: Max for your chosen class
Suggested Sourcebooks: v3.5 PHB, DMG, MM, Pathfinder Players' Guide, Dragon magazine material, Draconomicon, Book of Exalted Deeds, Unearthed Arcana, Complete Warrior, Complete Divine, Scarred Lands CS, Relics and Rituals I and II, Divine and Defeated, Deities and Demigods.*

Character Concept Submission Deadline: 27 April 2007. I won't have the book in my hand until August, but I'd like to know who's in this thing before then. This is not a first-come-first-served game! You can do a full on character concept that includes all the stats if you like, but it won't be necessary to do all that and be accepted to this game. Preliminary things that I will need to see include: character name, race, class, alignment, primary weapon, and a rough estimate of feat and skill selection. I'll happily read more if it is provided, though. If you won't have access to the Pathfinder Players' Guide, don't sweat it. The Players' Guide is out there for you if you want, but it won't be necessary to participate in this game.

*Please ask if there is something you're in love with that is not on the list. The list above contains what I own in print and will most likely allow.

Players Selected:
Kaodi, gnome fighter
Whizbang Dustyboots, human paladin
Olaf the Stout, halfling rogue
Insight, human ranger
Blind Azathoth, human cloistered cleric

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Here's a link to the Pathfinder Blog, updates are supposed to post daily M-F, I believe.

[sblock=Golarion Time and Calendar] Time on Golarion:
Time travels on Golarion much as it does here on our own Earth. Sixty seconds form a minute, sixty minutes create an hour, and twenty-four hours make a day. The people of Golarion measure time much like we do as well, with seven days to a week and twelve 30-day months to a year. Years are marked since the founding of the last great empire, that of Aroden, the Last Man. Although the empire has collapsed, its calendar remains in use to this day. At the start of the campaign, the date is 4707 AR (Absalom Reckoning).

Days of the Week:
The days of the week are as follows. Each day has a general purpose that most people in the Inner Sea region follow.

Day and General Purpose
Moonday--work, religion [night]
Oathday--work, pacts signed, oaths sworn
Sunday--rest, religion

The months in Golarion correspond to our own, with each new year starting shortly after the solstice. You'll notice that the name of each month is etymologically tied to a specific god—residents of Golarion see the gods reflected in the changing of the seasons, and their names for the months reflect this. (Gozreh's month, for instance, is a time of budding and new life, while Zon-Kuthon's is seen as the death of the old year.) Holidays in a given month are generally tied to their patron deity. In order, the months are:

Abadius (January)
Calistril (February)
Pharast (March)
Gozran (April)
Desnus (May)
Sarenith (June)
Erastus (July)
Arodus (August)
Rova (September)
Lamashan (October)
Neth (November)
Kuthona (December)[/sblock]

[sblock=Setting Languages]Varisian Languages: Numerous languages are spoken throughout Varisia, including Common, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, and Halfling. Not as commonly heard in civilized regions are the Draconic, Giant, Goblin, Orc, and Sylvan tongues. In addition, the following five languages each have their place in Varisian culture.

Boggard: A language of croaks and pops belched by the frogmen
of the Mushfens. Non-reptiles can only speak the simplest form of
this crude tongue.

Chelaxian: Only the wealthy of Korvosa and travelers from the
far south speak the national tongue of Cheliax. Humans of Chelish
descent gain this tongue as a bonus language.

Shoanti: The language of Varisia’s Shoanti tribes, this sharp
tongue is spoken across the Storval Plateau and any of the other
rocky lands the barbarians inhabit. Humans of Shoanti descent gain
this tongue as a bonus language.

Thassilonian: This is the dead language of the land’s ancient monuments,
spoken today only by intellectuals, historians, and arcanists.

Varisian: Songs in this rolling, sultry language of Varisia’s native
wanderers precede them wherever they travel. Humans of Varisian
descent gain this tongue as a bonus language.[/sblock]

[sblock=Golarian Holy Symbols]Abadar: Golden key with a cityscape carved into its head, with four runes and a keyhole along the lower edge.

Asmodeus: Red pentagram.

Calistria: Three slender daggers touching their pommels together so the blades radiate out from the middle.

Cayden Cailean: Slightly dented and well-used iron tankard.

Desna: Butterfly with star, sun, and moon symbols on its wings.

Erastil: Arrow nocked in a bow made of a pair of antlers.

Gorum: Iron sword thrust into the side of a rugged mountain.

Gozreh: Leaf with a drop of water dripping from its tip.

Iomedae: Elegant longsword with a circular sunburst behind the sword's hilt.

Irori: Dark blue hand, palm out, inscribed inside a sky blue circle.

Lamashtu: Monstrous three-eyed jackal head seen from straight on.

Nethys: Androgynous porcelain mask, one half black, one half white.

Norgorber: Black featureless mask with one silver starburst for a left eye.

Pharasma: Comet whose tail trails out behind it to form a spiral.

Rovagug: Circular fanged mouth surrounded by nine curling spider legs.

Sarenrae: Angel with arms outstretched and wings curled above in an ankh-like shape.

Shelyn: Exotic songbird with a long rainbow-colored tail curling up over its head.

Torag: A gleaming silver hammer with blocky runes on it.

Urgathoa: White-eyed housefly with bloodstained wings and feet and a distorted human skull pattern on its body.

Zon-Kuthon: Battered skull with no lower jaw; a spiky chain has been threaded in one eye socket and out the other, so the two chains hang down like metal tears.[/sblock]

[sblock=CB's Homebrew Pantheon]Errol, The Sun God, Errol the Unerring, Errol Redblade. LG and paladin-like in his attributes. His favored weapon is the longsword. Weapons allowed: PHB cleric restrictions plus any sword. Ethos: Defend the weak, commit no evil act, and obey the church hierarchy. Priest title: Eye of the Sun. Domains: Good, Law, Sun, War. Errol's archenemy is The God of Death, Reven. Errol is an Elder God.
Holy Servants:
¤Hyperion, the Morning Star, Herald of the Sun. Also called the Star of Intercession.
¤The Daedalion, Bringer of Justice. Founder of the Order of Icarus.

Madriel, The All-Mother, Well-Mother, Mother Springstaff. NG and cleric-like in her attributes. Her favored weapon is the staff. Weapons allowed: PHB cleric restrictions plus net. Ethos: Must be of good alignment, and use lethal force only as a last resort. Priest title: Brother/Sister. Domains: Good, Healing, Protection, Water. The All-Mother, as the mother-creator of all living beings, is deeply saddened by the addition of death to her creation but is aware that life is made more precious by death and thus holds no animosity toward Tinuviel. Madriel is an Elder God.

Tinuviel, The Lady of Vengeance, Fionna Tinuviel, The Lady of Death. CN and her favored weapon is the dagger. Weapons allowed: PHB cleric restrictions plus scourge, whip, blowgun. Ethos: Vengeance. Title: None. Domains: Chaos, Death, Destruction, Strength. In the Golden Age, before all living creatures became mortal, Fionna Tinuviel loved a human. When the human spurned her love, Fionna was filled with the wrath of rejection and she killed him, thus setting the precedent for death and making all living creatures mortal, save her own kindred. The Lady of Pain is worshipped by any who seek vengeance for justice undone. The Lady of Vengeance is an Elder God.

Drendd, The Father of Stone. LG and his favored weapon is the warhammer. Weapons allowed: PHB cleric restrictions plus any bludgeoning weapon, any axe. Ethos: Protect, Defend the faithful, Serve. Title: Pillar. Domains: Earth, Healing, Law, Protection. Traditionally a deity of the dwarves. The Father of Stone is an Elder God.

Narn, The Father of Battle, Narn U'Drendd. LN and his favored weapon is the battleaxe. Weapons allowed: PHB cleric restrictions plus any slashing. Ethos: Worshippers must always be at the forefront of battle. Title: Pardoner. Domains: Destruction, Earth, Strength, War. Narn is traditionally a deity of the dwarves. The Father of Battle is the son of the Father of Stone and the two do not always get along. The Father of Battle's power is increasing as the Father of Stone's power wanes. Because death via combat is valorous and desired, even for priests, the Father of Battle does not bestow to his followers the ability to return the dead to life. Likewise, because it is a sin to waste the glorious gift of strength of arms, Narn's priests are bestowed with exceptional healing power. Because they are known to pardon the sins of those they about to slay in battle, Narn's faithful are called Pardoners.

The Tinker, Ungel Dingledirk, Unk, Dirk. CN and his favored weapon is the dart. Weapons allowed: PHB cleric restrictions (with dart, dagger, club being oft used). Ethos: Knowledge is the key to molding the future. Title: None. Domains: Knowledge, Luck, Trickery. Unk, as he is affectionately called by his faithful, is known to walk the realm in a under the guise of a random physical manifestation, bestowing his divine attention to unknowing earthly recipients. Those who suffer a less than favorable outcome of his meddling ways refer to The Tinker as Dirk. The Tinker is traditionally worshipped by gnomes and also lately by some mages, even humans.

The Traveler, Mattias Allbringer, The Wandering Hearthstone. CG and his favored weapon is the staff. Weapons allowed: PHB cleric restrictions plus any bludgeoning. Ethos: Discovery, attainable only by wandering, is the key to life everlasting. Title: Wayfayer. Domains: Air, Good, Protection, Travel. Many bards worship the Traveler. Fatherless sons are often given the name Mattias to reflect their bastard status. The Traveler is an Elder God.

The Luckmaiden, Freya, Freya Silverbraid. CG and her favored weapon is the Handaxe/Throwing axe. Weapons allowed: PHB cleric restrictions plus handaxe, throwing axe, spear, javelin, shortspear, crossbows (including hand crossbow). Ethos: None. An ethos would be too constraining for the notoriously free spirit of the Luckmaiden. Title: Brother/Sister. Domains: Chaos, Good, Luck, War. The Luckmaiden was once mortal; as such, one of her aliases is her mortal name, Freya Silverbraid. The Luckmaiden is often worshipped by dwarves, though many of her devout include halflings and humans. Freya is said to be the nightsky moon; she turns her watchful eye upon the realm each night, that she might both watch over and be amused by the antics of those in the throes of living.

Lodi the Axeless, Laduguer. NE and his favored weapon is the shield. Weapons allowed: PHB cleric restrictions plus shield. Ethos: Secrecy and knowledge are the protection of those who would wield power. Title: None. Domains: Knowledge, Magic, Protection, Trickery. Lodi is traditionally worshipped by evil dwarves, evil gnomes, and humans. Lodi's interest in magic made him at odds with his brother, The Father of Stone, who threw Lodi out of the Great Hall. Lodi is now a recluse and hides from his followers, save a faithful few. Lodi's inherent mistrust and shroud of secrecy are possibly the reasons why his priests are rumored not to exist. Lodi is oft mocked by worshippers of Drendd and Narn, who refer to this renegade deity as Lodi the Axeless. Lodi is an Elder God.

Welafleur, Veylar, The God of Numbers. N and his favored weapon is the crossbow. Weapons allowed: PHB cleric restrictions plus any crossbow (including hand crossbow). Ethos: A hoarder of wealth and influence, Welafleur imparts a love of money and a yearning for personal power and a strong network of contacts to his faithful. The faithful of Welafleur strive at all times to better the position of their church. Title: Master/Mistress or Dominar, if a ranking priest. Domains: Luck, Protection, Travel, Water. Welafleur is traditionally worshipped by dwarves, merchants, thieves, and sometimes travelers.

Galarn, The Winged Son, Galarn Tinuviel do Errol. CG and his favored weapon is the longbow. Weapons allowed: PHB cleric restrictions plus shortbow, composite shortbow, longbow, composite longbow. Ethos: The preservation of all life, whether sentient or otherwise, is paramount. Title: Silve/Silva. Domains: Animal, Healing, Plant, Sun. The Winged Son is traditionally worshipped by elves, halflings, some gnomes, and druids. The Winged Son is the child of The Triune Goddess and The Sun God, Errol. Because The Winged Son desires to preserve life, he is often at odds with his half-sister, The Death Maiden.

The Triune, The Triune Goddess, Ilesere Tinuviel do Drendd. N and her favored weapon is the staff. Weapons allowed: PHB cleric restrictions plus any bludgeoning. Ethos: Balance above all. Title: Abbess, Abbot. Domains: Healing, Knowledge, Magic, Protection. The Triune Goddess keeps the balance of the world. She also adjucates squabbles between The Winged Son, The Death Maiden, The Sun God, and The Death God, as well as between her father, Drendd, and her half-brother, Narn U'Drendd.

Xylla, The Death Maiden, Xylla Tinuviel do Reven. N and her favored weapon is the longbow. Weapons allowed: PHB cleric restrictions plus shortbow, composite shortbow, longbow, composite longbow. Ethos: Man before nature. Title: Brother/Sister. Domains: Death, Healing, Knowledge, Travel. The Death Maiden is the child of The Triune Goddess and The Death God, Reven. The most beautiful of all the pantheon, Xylla was born at the exact moment that Tinuviel took the first human life and ended it. This momentous event forever tainted Xylla, who now enjoys reaping the souls of the realm when their time has come to leave life. Xylla has thus long been at odds with her half-brother, The Winged Son.

Reven, The Death God, The Dark Father. CE and his favored weapon is the sickle. Weapons allowed: PHB cleric restrictions plus sickle, whip, scourge. Ethos: The destruction of the civilized world via chaos unfettered. Title: Eye of Death. Domains: Death, Destruction, Fire, War. Reven's arch-enemy is The Sun God, Errol. Reven is an Elder God.

The Trickster, Steckirrt Broadbarrel, Steck. N and her favored weapon is the sling. Weapons allowed: PHB cleric restrictions plus any bludgeoning. Ethos: Enlightenment through humility. Priests of the Trickster are renowned for their ability joke and will go to elaborate lengths to trick others into seeing their point of view. The Trickster delights in laughing at both herself, her priests, and others. She is otherwise known as the Laughing God. Title: Yogi. Domains: Animal, Earth, Knowledge, Trickery. The Trickster is traditionally worshipped by gnomes and halflings. The Trickster is an Elder God.

Othar, Othar Feralan, The Earthcaller, The Rainmaker. NG and his favored weapon is the pick. Weapons allowed: PHB cleric restrictions plus any bludgeoning. Ethos: The protection of nature. Title: None. Domains: Animal, Earth, Plant, Water. An enemy of modernism, progress, and war, The Earthcaller formed the rock and sea of the realm. Though Othar would have it otherwise, farmers frequently pray to Othar Feralan that he might bestow rain upon their crops. Disappointed with his creation, Othar has retreated to his beloved woods, maintaining contact only with his sister, the All-Mother. Beyond even the machinations of war, Othar despises all things undead for the abomination of life that they are. The Earthcaller is traditionally worshipped by Halflings, Gnomes, and druids. The Earthcaller is an Elder God. [/sblock]
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While some people may dislike his unrealistic style, I think Reynolds work has an amazing aesthetic. The two pictures from the blog are awesome! So awesome, I must play a gnomish fighter who may one day be known and feared by all goblinkind.

Gnome fighter sounds great. Gnomes are fine by me and I've never seen anyone take fighter and couple it with gnome before, so there you go. I'm going to be doing this game on a non-first-come-first-served basis (and forgot to include that tidbit in my OP, so I'll need to edit it in). Hope you get a kick out of 3.5 months of speculation and anticipation for this game, and that you enjoy reading the blogs.


Oh, I know it's not first come/first serve. I just felt the need to say something, hehehe... Three and a half months is a lot of time to communicate my grand vision (assuming I still have one in three and a half months).

Agreed. I'm bummed that there will be no more Dragon or Dungeon after this summer, but at least we can have the small quiet enjoyment of anticipation of Pathfinder; hence, this thread and this game.

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
I played a human paladin in a game here that petered out, like so many others. To my complete surprise, I really liked it, partially because I was playing a very different paladin than the one I DM in my Midwood campaign.

I'd be interested in playing a human paladin of high birth (although not necessarily a nobleman per se, depending on what the setting is like), who's much more lawful than good and a bit of a classist. In the Shackled City campaign, I toyed with the idea of eventually falling and becoming a Lawful Evil blackguard who still believed he was serving the good of the people -- just that he was better qualified to see what that was than the other leaders. In his own mind, he was still a good person, just "pragmatic."

Obviously, this concept would run afoul of the no-evil rule in the long run, but the entire point would be that he wouldn't be disruptive, simply morally lost.

The OTHER thing I might want to toss as a curveball would be the Ancestral Weapon feat from The Book of Exalted Deeds, which would model inheriting a family weapon (probably a bastard sword or great sword) after a level or two. The paladin/blackguard would be able to pour resources into the sword and improve it over time in lieu of using the Sword of the Week, etc.


Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
Is the Dragon Compendium good to use?

I'm considering a Savant, or maybe one of the races in there.
Hm... pole arm-wielding Lupin Ranger or maybe a Tibbit Wizard going toward Force Missle Mage? Depends on if it's an outdoorsy adventure or not.

It'd be cool if we used Dragon and Dungeon material. :heh:
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Hi CB, I'm interested in playing. I'm not sure what character exactly at this point but I think we have a bit of time up our sleeve! :D You would have seen from Psion's RttToH PbP what my general style is like. Hopefully that helps rather than hinders my cause! ;)

I'll post more details about what character I'd like to play once I've had time to think about it a little more.

Olaf the Stout


I'm tempted to jump in on this as well. Paizo has a history of producing fantastic material, and I have no doubt Pathfinder will be well done. Three months is a long time to sustain recruitment and interest for the start of a PbP game, but, on the flip side, you certainly won't rush to judgment on choosing your players :eek:

So consider this a placeholder. I need to at least check out the Player's Guide before making a decision on a character concept. I should have something along those lines soon.

EDIT: The Player's Guide isn't out until August? OK, well, I'll have to come up with a character concept without it then.
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