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13th Age coming to Glorantha

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I've been working on a 5E Glorantha conversion; it's reasonably straight forward. The biggest changes have been to the Cleric spell list, it's pretty much unique per deity. Oh, and the addition of a Shaman class and the excising of the Druid (can't think of a place it'd fit without twisting it around). Glorantha is so very very big, though, I'm pretty much doing *example* faiths and then if my players want to play a, I don't know, Uleria initiate or cleric, I'll write it up then.

Aldryami, perhaps, should have spells from the Druid list even if they don't use all the Druid class. And I could see a case for various Hsunchen having the shape-changing and some of the magic. I think though that there's enough differences between Gloranthan magic and D&D magic to make the pure caster classes of D&D out-of-place for the setting - all of them, even Wizards and despite the westerners.

I've decided being an Initiate is a feat, like the Magic Initiate feat but a bit more limited (you have to renew your spell at a temple, but the spell can go up to 4th level based on your class level). Other minor benefits are also included, like Sense Chaos for Storm Bull initiates.

I might take that further, and have extra feats for the various cult "Rune levels". A Sword of Humakt really has to be made as a Fighter or perhaps Paladin, despite the fact that they'll also employ the magic of their god. Starting them off as some sort of Cleric just doesn't seem right.


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So this Kickstarter is going gangbusters. I was not previously familiar with Glorantha but apparently a lot of people were. They're well into stretch goals now. They will be statting out the Chaos Bat, Trolls will be a playable race AND class (??).

The 75k stretch goal unlocks Ducks, which apparently are a big thing in Glorantha?!? Whatever floats people's boats...

I'm probably more excited about bringing some of the new options back into regular 13th Age. Supposedly the Berserker class will be the 'complex Barbarian' people have been clamoring for, so that's pretty sweet.


I'm probably more excited about bringing some of the new options back into regular 13th Age. Supposedly the Berserker class will be the 'complex Barbarian' people have been clamoring for, so that's pretty sweet.

Did you see Rob Heinsoo's blog post (the first of several planned) talking about what 13G will add to the game for non-Glorantha campaigns? He shared a bit about the Earth Priestess class, and powers that are tied to icon relationships.

So this Kickstarter is going gangbusters. I was not previously familiar with Glorantha but apparently a lot of people were. They're well into stretch goals now. They will be statting out the Chaos Bat, Trolls will be a playable race AND class (??).

Uz, please, not trolls. They're very sensitive about that, the poor things.

Also, it looks to me like the classes are going to have various "builds" associated with them, and one of the ones for the berserker will be the Uz worshipper of Zorak Zoran (and I expect one of the others will be Storm Bull/Urox, with maybe Shargashi as the other one). Given how much the cultures and especially religions affect how characters are - it's more significant than class in many ways - that's probably the best way to do it.

The 75k stretch goal unlocks Ducks, which apparently are a big thing in Glorantha?!? Whatever floats people's boats...

They're very nice. With an orange sauce and a bit of salad.

I'm probably more excited about bringing some of the new options back into regular 13th Age. Supposedly the Berserker class will be the 'complex Barbarian' people have been clamoring for, so that's pretty sweet.

If they're as culturally specific as I suspect they're going to be, it might be a little harder to bring into the regular game. In a setting where Chaos isn't what it is in Glorantha, the Uroxi are going to have some rather out-of-place abilities. And Shargash (if that's what it is) and Zorak Zoran have their own peculiarities.

I'm looking forward to the Thanatar/Tien/Atyar cult myself. One of my favourite RQ adventures ever involved them, and it's always been something different groups of players have remembered when I've run it.
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Uz, please, not trolls. They're very sensitive about that, the poor things.

Also, it looks to me like the classes are going to have various "builds" associated with them, and one of the ones for the berserker will be the Uz worshipper of Zorak Zoran (and I expect one of the others will be Storm Bull/Urox, with maybe Shargashi as the other one). Given how much the cultures and especially religions affect how characters are - it's more significant than class in many ways - that's probably the best way to do it.

I believe the second of the original Berserker Deities for 13th Age in Glorantha is Babeester Gor, giving a broader range of character options to the ladies than just the Ernaldan Earth Queen or the Chalana Arroy pacifist healer or, I imagine, the Vingan variant of the Wind Lord.

Because nothing says "Earth Temple Guardian" like axe wielding maniacs who take appropriate "trophies" from men who have assulted women who have come to Earth Temples for help. And yes, the trophies are exactly what you think they are...
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On ducks:

They're very nice. With an orange sauce and a bit of salad.

It's odd, the "orange sauce" joke for ducks was spreading over here back when we played Runequest in the 80's. And this was well before internet memes. I wonder if a friend who had worked for Chaosium for a bit and then came back to Sweden brought the joke with him, but I never heard him say it. Was it in some Chaosium material, like perhaps Apple Lane? Feels too odd to be a coincidence.

The going version here (translated) was "Sure, ducks are nice, but the orange sauce is also important".

On ducks:

It's odd, the "orange sauce" joke for ducks was spreading over here back when we played Runequest in the 80's. And this was well before internet memes. I wonder if a friend who had worked for Chaosium for a bit and then came back to Sweden brought the joke with him, but I never heard him say it. Was it in some Chaosium material, like perhaps Apple Lane? Feels too odd to be a coincidence.

The going version here (translated) was "Sure, ducks are nice, but the orange sauce is also important".

Duck a l'Orange, duck in orange sauce. I believe it's one of the traditional sauces you serve duck with. It also got a mention in one of the early adventures, possibly Duck Tower, where a troll had killed a duck adventurer and was cooking them in an orange sauce.


Im on my 4th play through of he game King of Dragon Pass (iSO) which is very addictive. It really feels like know the world and its myths. Its like a gateway drug to Glorantha.
My current 13th age game is going well - 3 sessions in and lots has been accomplished, with many hooks left to explore.

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