2 Weapon Feat Build


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I'm not aware of any 1-handed reach weapons, but any melee weapon can make a sneak attack. The OP specifically wants a 2-weapon build with SA, though, while the linked build seems to be a reach/trip/lots-of-attacks straight fighter.

And Coredump: I see what you mean with the Int and Con, but I suspect he's eventually going to want Combat Expertise.

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First Post
IcyCool said:
Are there any one-handed reach weapons that are usable to make a sneak attack?
DMG, p145, the Kama, one handed light weapon.

Thanks to the japanese protocol droid that showd me this.


First Post
I don't have my books, but a kama is not a reach weapon. It's a small sickle. A kusari-gama is a kama with a length of weighted rope or chain for tripping. I would run this as an exocit double weapon, but only the rope/chain part would have reach.

If the DMG says otherwise I assume it's a typo of some kind.


First Post
Definitely check out Invisible Blade, as it removes the necessity to flank. Also, if you can hide effectively, you can do all sorts of nasty.

As for base damage... heh. I have a character who currently does 1d3-1 base damage (19-20/x2 crit). We use a crit variant where if you keep threatening on your confirmation roles, you keep rolling... well, let's just say he did 4 points of damage with a single hit. Plus sneak, of course. But yeah, crits become pointless because the best thing to do is stack as many d6s on a single hit as you can.

Other options: Shadowdancer, or other class that grants Hide in Plain Sight. Hide, move up behind someone, full-attack sneak.

Dust of Disappearance or Improved Invisibility. Same idea.

Ninja base class (Complete Adventurer): can go invisible a small number of times per day. Sudden Strike (only when flat-footed, not flanked) works _really_ well with Invisible Blade.

I actually went two levels of Monk, and convinced the GM to let me take a feat to treat daggers as monk weapons; you get the extra attack of a TWF without having to spend the feat. I'm losing the -5/-10 offhand attacks, but get to ignore the TWF feat tree. Which, btw, is _painful_.

Oh, and for the completely munchy path, see if you can use Unapproachable East (FR book). There's a prestige class in there, Tefl-something Shadowlord, that can full-attack after any teleport. Great Gods of Greyhawk, that's powerful.


First Post
Hmm... I hadn't considered the need to go full round attack in order to use it, but I don't plan on staying in place and using it over and over. If I could get into place via an item that has blink, invisibility, or something else which would let me pull off a single devastating sneak, I could be happy with that. Even better if I could pull the same trick multiple times through withdrawing hiding myself somehow and sneaking again. I had in mind daggers which I continue to amp up through the campaign. I'm really kind of basic on rules knowledge so I don't know if I can purchase effects and then add new effects to the same blades latter. If I could, I would get wounding and some elemental damage. So if I hit with several attacks I could leave an opponent scorched (or whichever) and pouring blood from multiple wounds and then withdraw. Both the fighter and barbarian use glaives and would ideally finish whoever off nicely. But the fact that they both use reach weapons means I won't be able to stay in range flnking for sneak damage caus eI'd be the primary target. I'm not trying to be able to go toe to toe with anyone really. I just want slash-you-to-ribbons style sneak.

I need my Int high to keep all the skills I think I'll need as the party rogue through the campaign. The two weapon fighting could be some sweetness, but functionality for my role in the party has to come 1st. Dex will get all of my stat increases which will line me up for the two weapon feats eventually. I didn't take it at 1st level because I figured that would give me 2 attacks which would pretty much miss every time. Better to hold off until I could actually make use of it.

The feats I was considering as straight rogue:
3rd - Weapon Finesse
6th - 2 Weapon Fighting
9th - 2 hand defense?
12th - Improved Crit
15th - Improved 2 Hand
18th - Greater 2 Hand

Gives me a large number of attacks by the end each presumably as a wounding style hit.

I realize that build probably pales in comparison to what you all will come up with, but that's why I'm here.

I'm playing the Age of Worms path which seems to have a Deadwood western with fantasy mix kind of feel to it. Ninja's seem out of place. My character is an anglo son of a pig farmer who survived a plague as a child though most of his family didn't. Ended up with a pack of dog fighting gamblers running a flop house, got older had his own kid, and eventually was tapped by a corrupt local lawman as a kind of spy to keep tabs on rivals, do a little breaking and entering to find or plant evidence etc. Most of the PrC's that would make sense don't seem to jibe with my concept and I don't really want to take one with clashing flavor just to get the numbers I want. Invisble blade is out because I lose most of the rogue skills I need. Shadow dancer.... I kinda like, but it seems kinda fruity. Can you imagine some grizzled plague scarred tough in a western invisibly foxtrotting up on someone knife in teeth without laughing? Hell, I catch even imagine my character taking the first dance class.

Thanks for all of the suggestions though I'm loving it.
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First Post
Sil said:
DMG, p145, the Kama, one handed light weapon.

Thanks to the japanese protocol droid that showd me this.

A Kama is not a reach weapon.

A Kusari-Gama, from the Asian culture section of the Building a Different World section in the DMG is an exotic, light reach weapon that can also be used to attack adjacent foes, and functions like a spike chain with respect to tripping, disarming, and being weapon finesse-able.

Thanks for pointing that out. :)
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First Post
JimAde said:
I don't have my books, but a kama is not a reach weapon. It's a small sickle. A kusari-gama is a kama with a length of weighted rope or chain for tripping. I would run this as an exocit double weapon, but only the rope/chain part would have reach.

If the DMG says otherwise I assume it's a typo of some kind.
It is a kusari-gama. I erred.

It is a light exotic reach weapon, can attack adjacent and trip, but is not listed as a double weapon.

heh, sorry for the mistake. Gald you found it.


First Post
Sil said:
heh, sorry for the mistake. Gald you found it.

*shrugs* It happens. I'm just glad this weapon isn't in the PHB. It does everything except let you power attack with it. For the cost of one feat. That just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

Thankfully, I won't be running an asian themed campaign with the D&D ruleset anytime soon. If I do, I'll be using Alderac's Legend of the Five Rings d10 ruleset (or an adapted version of their 7th Sea ruleset).

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