• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

3.0rd Edition Power Game


Rogues Gallery

Out of Character Comment and pregame setup thread

The message came in the middle of the night as a dream to the leader of your society: a call for the best!

Seems that there is a new threat to the south, and a magic user has called on your people to provide a champion to face this threat. The details are scetchy and the rewards more so, though the mage that sent the message has offered 500gp to those for just hearing him out. Only one person from each society was asked to attend, and since you have the greatest potential in your generation, you were the one that was offered this opertunity.

You are to meet at the Silver Tower, in the heart of Greyhawk, the neutral center of Oreth, at an appointed time. Thus you find your self outside the twenty story tower during that annointed time. The tower seems to be made out of steal, though there are no windows, seems or blemishes in the polished surfaces of the circular tower. There is only the Tower, the door leading inside, the shops that surround the square the tower is in... and three others that must have also heard the call and come. The group seems to be a strange one.

The first was a humanwith fiery hair. He seemed to have been traveling for a while, his clothing worn and dirty from the road. On his back was a well used crossbow, and at his side were two daggers and a club.

The next was one of the little folk, who seemed to be dressed in aminly dark blue except for his leather armor, and cloak. He also looked tired, though he was studying the group with interest, smiling at those that looked at him, or acknowledged him.

The third was a huge human, towering over the rest as an oak towers over aspen. With blond hair and blue eyes, a greatsword on his back He resembles nothing more then a northern barbarian, though he could be a throw back from the Sword Coast.

The last was an elf... and a wolf. Though the City around them seem to not take notice, the others certainly did. Not only is the individual an elf, but with his chestnut skin, red hair, and green eyes, not including the cut of his cloths, he appears to be a wild elf! These cousins of the high elves were rarely seen, and even rarer in the city.

The door to the tower looms in front of the group as the sun continues on it's voyage across the sky.
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Paying little heed to the others or their stares, the wild elf moves towards the tower. He is dressed in woodland shades of green and brown, and a leather coat studded with small bits of steel. Though he keeps himself hidden beneath his large cloak of forest green, you notice that his lower face is covered in a mask. Brown warpaint masks his eyes, a battered longsword hangs at his hip, and he carries a longbow in his left hand. As he strides forward towards the tower, the wolf at his heel stays back, panting happily and staring at the other travellers. After a dozen paces or so, the elf barks something in Elven, and the wolf trots towards its master.

Pausing for only a second, the elf pushes the door open and steps inside...

Thrarn Iranorn

First Post
OOC: Sorry, had to edit my post after the door didnt open

Oldum stands before the door watching all of the people and events going on around him. A big toothy grin, as big as possible for a Halfling, is spread across his face. The excitement of being here is overwhelming. He cannot help but to follow some of the more interesting fold around but always stay within site of the large door that hides the tower halls, within. However once he sees the elf approach the tower doors, all of his attention is on him. When the elf tries to open the door but is unsuccessful, Oldums smile gets even bigge, if that is possible. Looking up and down the door, he speaks to himself “Oh goody, the door is locked. I was hoping it would be so that I could try and pick it.” Now ignoring everything else around him Oldum proudly prances toward the door, following the wild elf. “Wonder why he wears a mask. Think I will ask him…Hey you there, Sir Elf!!! Heeelllloooo!!”
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The human with his fiery hairs was staring at the tower. He was looking at it like it was hypnotized. When you follow his eyes, you see he looks at the reflection of the sun on the tower. At that place, the light give the impression the tower is burning.

When the elf push the door, the sound seems to have waked up the man in his red robe.

"It is impolite to enter a place without being invited, elf, and even less to try to pick a lock, little man."

The human walk up to the door and knock at it.
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Aramil jumps slightly as the halfling calls out to him. "Sneaky small ones around here," he thinks to himself. The elf crosses his arms in front of his chest and nods his head in a gesture of greeting, then turns back to the door, looking at it despondently. He turns back to the halfling once again.

"I have traveled many leagues to reach this place, and now nobody's home...luck is not with me."

He sits down cross-legged on the ground and begins to pet the wolf, talking to it under his breath in Elven. The wolf cocks its head curiously and then wags its tail happily, looking at the halfling and panting. Aramil sighs and addresses the small man. "Very well...I am Aramil, of the Moray, and this is Kaliska. And who might you be?"


First Post
Velmont said:

"It is impolite to enter a place without being invited, elf, and even less to try to pick a lock, little man."

"But I have been invited. Every night, as the moon hangs high in the sky and I let the trance take over me, I see this very same structure. Rising high into the air, the sun glistening just as it is now.

Tell me, human...what manner of place is this? Be it the home of some demon?"

Thrarn Iranorn

First Post
Again with a hug smile, Oldum replies
"I am Oldum Sharpwind, but my friends call me Stoneskipper. You can call me whatever you like. Why do you wear a mask? Can I pet Kaliski? Oh the door! " As he fumbles with getting his thieves tools out of his belt pouch he hears the words of the barbarian. Leaning closer to Aramil he whispers Leave it to a human to take our fun away!"


As the red haired human knocks on the door, the sound seems to a gong, rather then the expected sound of a knock. The sound reverberates off the surounding stores and homes. People in the street look in the direction of the tower, and then up to it's mast expectantly. Mos tof them seem to be holding their breath, others pull their children away from the squere, hiding the faces of their young.

When the reverberations of the gong sound fades, and nothing happens, the people seem perplexed and bring their gaze to those in front of the tower. They trully look perplexed. and then their looks turn to looks of shock as the huge 10' wide, 15' tall door opens. Behind the door is a silver man... almost liquid looking figure.

It seemed to be abourt 7' tall, and skinny for it's size. It's clothing seemed to be made out of the same material as it's skin, and it's eyes glow a hellish red. The man/statue/thing seems to speak from a great distance away, it's speach quick and impatient as it looks to each of you. "Excellent! The master will be pleased that all of you could make it. Please come in away from prying eyes." It then moves to the side to show a large hall with doors on both sides. The hall seems to end in a large stair case that goes up to the oposite side of the tower and curves around the walls, where more doors on the upper level can be seen. Looking up, all of you can see the ceiling of the structure, some 200 feet above you. The stairs continue up at odd intervals to all 20 stories.

The silver man/statue/thing, motions for you all to follow him, as he seems to flow towards the stairs, past tables of exotic woods that hold strange instrements and artifacts.

[Anyone can make an arcane Knowledge check :DC: 15 to recognize the creature as a construct, higher for more information.]

Voidrunner's Codex

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