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D&D 3E/3.5 3E D&D Aurelia setting & houserules material (now with magic items!)

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First Post
Aurelian General Feat List

I don't know how I will ever be able to go through all of this. Do you have some sort of log showing the stuff you've altered?
Well, each of the feats that has been altered says in the last line before its prerequisites "this is a similar but slightly different version of the original feat" or something along those lines. Others specifically say they're new feats. And others say they're exactly like the original feat; but in those cases, there is often a small difference in the wording that is meant to clarify how it works, and may in fact make it work just a bit differently from the original, less-clear or less-wordy version did.

While I don't have a list of specific changes, I can easily enough point out what feats are changed and how. It'll just take a while if I bother to compose a detailed list. I'll edit this post sometime this week to show the feat list and indicate which ones are different, which are new, and which are unchanged.

Edit: Here it is. Scroll the table rightward to see the Changes in Brief notes.
[B]General Feats[/B]
[I][U]Feat Name			Brief Description				Changes in Brief[/U][/I]
Ability Focus			+2 to special ability save DC			Any Sp/Su ability, or racial Ex
Alertness			+2 Listen and Spot
Ambidexterity			Eliminates off-hand penalties			Full Str bonus to off-hand dmg
Animal Control			Rebuke/Command animals like a cleric		Clarified
Animal Defiance			Turn (not destroy) animals like a cleric	Clarified
Armor Proficiency (Heavy)	No attack penalty from armor
Armor Proficiency (Light)	No attack penalty from armor
Armor Proficiency (Medium)	No attack penalty from armor
Arterial Strike			Trade 1 sneak attack die for Wounding		Clarified
Athletic			+2 Climb and Swim
Augment Summoning		Summons get +1 AC, attack, dmg, hp/HD		+1 AC, altered prerequisites
Beguiling Presence		Supernaturally improve attitudes 1/day		New
Blind-Fight			Ignore some concealment penalties
Brachiation			Swing from trees/vines at normal speed		Clear, may charge or use vines
Broadened Skills		+3 skill points, +1 per four extra levels	New
Charmed				+2 luck on a save and a check, 50 gp/level	New
Chink in the Armor		Standard action to ignore half armor AC
Circle Kick			Unarmed strike vs. 1 extra foe/round, -2 AC	Clear, full/std action, +2 BAB
Cleave				One extra attack when damage drops a foe	Clarified
Clever Wrestling		+2 grapple per size of difference, if smaller	Wider uses, more sizes
Close-Proximity Blindsight	Limited 10-foot blindsight			Blindsight, 5-ft. Radius revised
Close-Quarters Fighting		You are difficult to grapple or pin down	+3 Escape Artist vs. grapples
Combat Agility			Extra 5-foot step, +1 Mobility AC		New
Combat Mystic			+6 to cast/manifest/activate defensively	Combat Casting revised
Combat Reflexes			Extra/flat-footed attacks of opportunity
Dash				+5 feet of speed/copy, if lightly burdened	Prerequisites, special options
Death Blow			Std action coup de grace, +4 AC vs. AoO		AC bonus against CdG AoO
Deep Sleeper			Sleep quickly, 4 hours/day, hard to wake	New
Deflect Arrows			Ref save to negate 1 ranged attack/round	Clarified
Dirty Fighting			One attack/round, at +1 or more, +1d4 dmg	Clarified, and an attack bonus
Dodge				+1 dodge AC versus one foe/round		May take once/2 lvls, round up
Dual Strike			Extra +2 flanking with other Dual Strikers	Clarified, applies to dmg too
Eagle Claw Attack		Damage objects unarmed, minor benefits		Ignore 1 hardness, fast Iaijutsu
Enchanting Personality		+2 on and against various Charisma rolls	New
Endurance			+6 or +3 versus fatigue/suffocation		Higher bonus, +3 certain saves
Evade Sundering			+6 AC and +3 Reflex for your gear		New
Exceptional Fortitude		+4 Fortitude, overrides Great Fortitude		New
Exceptional Reflexes		+4 Reflex, overrides Lightning Reflexes		New
Exceptional Will		+4 Will, overrides Iron Will			New
Exotic Weapon Proficiency	No attack penalty with a weapon
Expertise			Trade attack bonus for AC, max = BAB/+5		Not when fighting defensively
Expert Skill			Chosen skill gets +2, becomes a class skill	New
Expert Tactician		Free melee attack/round vs. Dex-denied foe	As detailed in Song & Silence
Extra Spell Knowledge		Learn 1 or 2 spells of any level you can	1 or 2, may = your highest lvl
Extra Spell Slot		Get 1 extra spell slot of any level you can	may = your highest lvl, max 8
Eyes in the Back of Your Head	+1 Reflex, cannot be flanked			Clarified and limited, + Reflex
Far Shot			Range increments x2 throwing, x1.5 other
Favored Weapon			+1 or +2 to hit with weapon, -1 with others	New
Feign Weakness			Bluff 1/battle to feign weakness, strike foe	Limits, no AoO, unbalances
Fists of Iron			+1d4 damage unarmed, 3+Wis mod/day
Fleet of Foot			Make a 90-degree turn, charging or running
Flick of the Wrist		Catch flat-footed w/ light free-action draw
Great Cleave			Use Cleave any number of times per round
Greater Fists of Iron		+3 Fists of Iron per day and +1d4 damage	New
Greater Resiliency		Increase general DR by 1, limited DR by 4	May boost limited DR by 4
Greater Spell Focus		+4 DCs of spell school, override Spell Focus
Greater Spell Penetration	Override Spell Penetration with +4 CL/+2 D	+2 on dispel checks
Greater Toughness		+4 HP per feat with Toughness in the name	New
Greater Two-Weapon Fighting	Extra off-hand attack at -10 to hit
Great Fortitude			+2 on Fortitude saving throws
Great Throw			Unarmed trip damages and moves foe		OA feat from James Wyatt
Hold the Line			Get AoO vs. charging foe, may stop them		Str 13+, dmg bonus, stop
Improved Bull Rush		Safer and more effective bull rushes, +2 vs.	Bonuses, may push +5 ft.
Improved Critical		Double threat range of one attack type		More attack options
Improved Disarm			Safer disarming, +2 for and against		+2 to the opposed rolls
Improved Flight			Flight maneuverability improves by 1 step
Improved Initiative		+4 to Initiative checks
Improved Overrun		Safer overruns, get AoO, hard to avoid		Grant AoO and negate foe's
Improved Power Attack		May Power Attack any amount up to BAB		New
Improved Shield Bash		Shield bashes may bull rush foes 5 feet
Improved Sunder			+50% dmg to objects, ignore 25% hardness	BAB +3, dmg, hardness
Improved Swimming		You swim faster than normal			Changed speed increase
Improved Toughness		Get +10 HP, eventually becomes +20		New
Improved Trip			+2 to make or resist, free attack after trip	+2 to the opposed rolls
Improved Two-Weapon Fighting	Extra off-hand attack at -5 to hit
Improved Unarmed Strike		Easier punches/kicks, normal/subdual dmg	Damage allowance, kicks
Iron Will			+2 on Will saving throws
Jack of All Trades		Use any skill untrained
Knock-Back			Bull rush foes 5 feet with 10+ dmg attacks	New
Knock-Down			Trip foes with 10+ dmg attacks			Combo with Knock-Back
Lightning Reflexes		+2 on Reflex saving throws
Light Sleeper			May use 10 hours of naps, awaken easily		New
Martial Weapon Proficiency	No attack penalty with weapons			Applied to certain groups
Mobility			+4 dodge AC during various movements		Expanded to other moves
Monkey Grip			Use a bigger weapon in 1 hand at -2 to hit	Str 15+, expanded option
Mounted Archery			Half penalty for shots on a moving mount	1+ ranks of Ride
Mounted Combat			Ride check replaces mount's AC 1/round		1+ ranks of Ride
Multiattack			Secondary natural attacks get only -2 to hit
Multicultural			+4 to interact with certain races		1 race + 1 per Int bonus
Mystic Defense			+4 on saves vs. chosen school(s) of magic	Arcane Defense revised
Nature's Augmentation		+1 round/max HP for Summon Nature's Ally	New
Off-Hand Parry			Trade off-hand attacks for 2+ shield bonus	Clarified and expanded
Pain Touch			Stunning Fist DC +1 and nauseate 1 round	+1 to save DC
Pin Shield			Off-hand strike vs, shield, then get an AoO
Plant Control			Rebuke/Command plants like a cleric		Clarified
Plant Defiance			Turn (not destroy) plants like a cleric		Clarified
Point Blank Shot		+1 to hit and damage at ranges up to 30 ft.	Clarified
Power Attack			Melee attack/damage tradeoff, max = BAB		Absolute max is +/- 10
Power Lunge			Take AoO charging, do +2 + Str mod dmg		+2 to damage bonus
Precise Shot			Shoot easily into melee, grapples, or cover	Expanded options
Prone Attack			Attack while prone, no penalty, stand freely	No normal -4 penalty
Quick Draw			Free actions to draw, pick up, or sheathe	Expanded options
Quicker Than the Eye		Bluff check to distract for a partial action
Rapid Reload			Reload projectile or siege weapons faster	Revised and expanded
Rapid Shot			Get 1 extra ranged attack during full-attack	Clarified
Remain Conscious		Stay conscious through great pain/injury	Expanded options
Resist Disease			+4 on Fortitude saves versus disease
Resist Poison			+4 on Fortitude saves versus poison
Ride-By Attack			Charge on your mount and keep moving		Clarified and revised
Run				Run at x5 speed or go +5 ft. with 5-ft. step	Expanded options
Sharp-Shooting			Shoot at foes easier in various conditions	Expanded options
Shield Charge			Double damage on a charging shield bash
Shield Expert			Retain shield bonus when attacking with it	Expanded for buckler
Shield Proficiency		No attack penalty from any shields
Shot on the Run			Move before and after a ranged attack		Clarified, improved
Simple Weapon Proficiency	No attack penalty with weapons
Skilled Interference		Disrupt use of spells, powers, and abilities	New
Skill Focus			+3 with chosen skill, and 1 or 2 free ranks	Expanded, improved
Skill Versatility		Choose 3 additional class skills		New
Snatch Arrows			Catch physical ranged attacks, return fire	Slightly expanded
Snatch Weapon			Catch disarmed weapon, free attack at +2	Int 13+, +2 to hit
Spell Focus			+2 to spell save DCs of chosen school(s)	Prerequisites
Spell Penetration		+2 to caster level checks, +1 to dispel		Prerequisites, dispel
Spell Preparation		May prepare some of your spells for a day	Arcane Prep. revised
Spell Specialization		+2 damage for spells with Weapon Focus		Clarified and revised
Spirited Charge			x2 dmg on a mounted charge, x3 w/ lance		1+ ranks of Ride
Spring Attack			Move before and after a melee attack		Clarified
Stunning Fist			Unarmed strikes stun foes for 1 round		Clarified
Summoning Mastery		Summon more creatures per Summon spell		New
Sunder				Safely strike weapons/shields, and +2 dmg	Shields, dmg bonus
Superior Toughness		Get +1 HP/HD, +2/Toughness-named feat		New
Supreme Cleave			Get a 5-ft. step before each Cleave attack	Based on Master Samurai
Surging Spell			Increase spell DCs and CL checks 3/day		New
Swift Pursuit			Take 5-ft. steps to follow threatened foes	New
Throw Anything			Throw improvised weapons more easily		Revised and clarified
Toughness			Get +4 HP, eventually becomes +8		Used to be a static +3
Track				Find/follow tracks using Wilderness Lore
Trample				Easier and damaging mounted overruns		1+ ranks of Ride, revised
Two-Weapon Fighting		Reduce penalties by 3 for two/double wpns	3 points instead of 2
Unfettered Agility		+1, +2, or more AC in no/light/med. armor	New
Warrior's Toughness		+1 HP per HD					New
Weapon Finesse			Use Dex for certain melee attacks, 1/copy	Clarified, no BAB prereq.
Weapon Focus			+1 to attack rolls with one wpn/attack type	Expanded options
Whirlwind Attack		One full-round attack vs. all foes in reach	Revised and clarified
Zen Archery			Use Wis or +1/2 Wis for shots out to 60 ft.	Range, +1/2 Wis option
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First Post
Well, each of the feats that has been altered says in the last line before its prerequisites "this is a similar but slightly different version of the original feat" or something along those lines. Others specifically say they're new feats. And others say they're exactly like the original feat; but in those cases, there is often a small difference in the wording that is meant to clarify how it works, and may in fact make it work just a bit differently from the original, less-clear or less-wordy version did.

While I don't have a list of specific changes, I can easily enough point out what feats are changed and how. It'll just take a while if I bother to compose a detailed list. I'll edit this post sometime this week to show the feat list and indicate which ones are different, which are new, and which are unchanged.



First Post
Duelist Prestige Class

The Duelist

On the high seas, in the port cities, and on the lands of "honorable" nobility are renowned masters of single combat, the duelists. A stylish and fancy warrior who has most likely been trained by elite trainers or famous retired fencers, maybe even by an active but aging duelist, they learn to fight with grace and precision, maintaining decorum or adding their own personal flair in any battle. Duelists may dress like fops and dandies, or appear to be casual corsairs, or they might look like serious and dangerous warriors, but their techniques are flawless and their fighting skills top-notch.

A duelist learns some manner of fencing style, often preferring a rapier, longsword, or similar weapon, and they specialize in swift attacks of deadly accuracy. They also master several defensive techniques and evasive maneuvers, learning to better protect themselves without the encumbrance of armor and shields. Graceful and acrobatic maneuvers are commonly practiced by duelists, and some of their tricks for dispatching foes require that agility, so they generally avoid any kind of restrictive armor. Duelists rely on their wits and fast reflexes to overcome enemies and other challenges.

Duelists have long been prominent warriors among the Elves, Half-Elves, and Humans, particularly among the ancient Mentari and now their descendants, the Aquari, Endari, and Firagi in particular. Aeragi and Celestri duelists are less common due to their lower proclivity for violence, but their duelists are more flamboyant and charismatic than others among the Mentari descendants. Draegi are rarely duelists since they often prefer, and need, to fight many opponents at once and deal with warfare, rather than skirmishes and single combat. Still, there are a few, and Draegi duelists are often little more than assassins with a personal agenda. Mentari-descended duelists tend to fight with the katana and wakizashi, a chisakatana (equivalent to a scimitar), an uchigatana (saber), a daito (bastard sword, also includes tachi and chokuto), a tsurugi (longsword), or ko-dachi (short swords). These duelists are either samurai, Aeragi pirates, or Firagi bushi (the warrior caste).

Elven duelists are the most elegant and most focused on perfecting their fighting style, which is often both dancelike and extremely precise. They are often the scions of noble houses, or noble lords and ladies in their own right, sometimes just elite scouts, spies, or frontline military leaders. They prefer Elven leafblades, Elven blade ribbons, longswords, or rapiers. Half-Elves tend to follow a Human duelist tradition, but some receive Elven duelist training. Human duelists are usually Lirenos fencers, privateers, or corsairs, occasionally Basranni nobles, duelmasters (bodyguards and dueling proxies for nobles or wealthy merchants), or pirates, and once in a while Thesskan knights or sea captains. A rare few are Neharon khans (clan leaders) or chanshi (elite warriors), and a few others are Mitajji shikari (scouts and hunters) or kshatriya (highborn soldiers).

Other Human cultures of Aurelia never produce duelists, although it's remotely possible an orphan raised by someone from another culture might be trained as a duelist by their adoptive mentor/guardian. Lirenos duelists often wield a main-gauche (equivalent to a cutlass), fencing foil, rapier, or longsword, while Thesskan duelists wield similar weapons or sabers. Basranni and Mitajji duelists wield scimitars or, for some Mitajji, kryss (equivalent to cutlasses). Neharon duelists wield da huan dao (scimitars), dao (longswords), wo dao (bastard swords), jian (short swords), or katana.

Other kinds of duelist are rare, but Githyanki, Githzerai, Spirit-Folk, Half-Orc, Halfling, Gnome, Dwarf, Genasi, Hengeyokai, Sprite, and Celestial duelists are not unheard of. The traditions that gave rise to duelists originated separately among Elves, Celestials, and humans of the Mentari and Gith cultures. Mentari duelists had some influence on Elven warriors of old, which gave rise to a second kind of Elven duelist, practicing styles of combat that more closely resemble Mentari martial arts and following related philosophies. These are much rarer than the traditional Elven duelists, however, and are considered an oddity by other Elves, though not treated with hostility. Gith duelists are just soldiers who have learned to fight more like assassins or who focus on personal glory more than the survival or glory of their race or faction, which is unusual for Gith, since their kind tends toward factionalism and fanaticism.

Celestial duelists are generally hunters of fiends, or special warriors who serve their kind in solo missions across the planes, although Eladrin duelists are often just flashy and individually-focused warriors who don't care for group tactics or fighting formations. Dwarven and Gnome duelists are very rare but adapted the dueling techniques of Humans towards the light pick, heavy pick, pickaxe, Gnome hooked hammer, and Dwarven urgrosh, favoring the piercing ends of these weapons. Other duelists are more unique or just follow a Human duelist tradition, whether mimicking it or belonging to a Human-dominated order.

Duelists are rarely part of any greater organization, aside from those who belong to knighthoods in Human or Half-Elven lands. They are most often just individuals trained by other individuals, pursuing their own goals, while some are part of military units. The only significant duelist organizations are the Knights of the Thorn and Knights Argenti, both Lirenos knightly orders, the Knights of the Golden Spear and Knights of the Scarlet Storm, a pair of Thesskan knighthoods, the Mithral Blades, a Thesskan mercenary guild, and the Ravens, a loose Thesskan syndicate of pirates, bandits, and smugglers.

Knights of the Thorn are loosely associated with the Knights of the Rose, a Lirenos order of Paladins, except that Knights of the Thorn are less strict and less idealistic, warriors who fight for honor and glory rather than justice and faith. Their ranking structure is based on skill and deeds, with new members simply called Thorns, more experienced members earning appelations like Bloody Thorn, Deadly Thorn, Iron Thorn, Steel Thorn, Adamant Thorn, Ruby Thorn, and High Thorn, the leader.

Knights Argenti are bodyguards and dueling proxies for aristocrats, widely respected in Lirenos territories. They are often joined by minor nobles who don't have any prospects for land and titles of their own, seeking at least an impressive reputation as guardian of a lord or lady, possibly even a chance at marrying into a more powerful family. Their knightly titles are simple, starting at Brass Knight, onward to Bronze, then Copper, Silver, Electrum, Golden, Platinum, and finally Mithral Knight. Rather than a single leader, the Knights Argenti are lead by the handful of Mithral Knights, who determine other knights' ranks. How they achieve each rank is not known outside the order, but it is known that each rank has members of greater skill than the last, although seniority or bribery may have something to do with it as well.

The Knights of the Golden Spear are unusual, as they preferentially train in the use of halfspears and light lances, often wielding two halfspears simultaneously. They serve the remnants of the old Thesskan empire, and are known as skilled javelineers as well as spearmen. Their order maintains a secure cache of magic spears and javelins from their long history and association with Thesskan mage-guilds. Each of their knights is called a Spear, with numerous ranks of obscure, compound titles awarded for duty and accomplishments. Their leader is the Most Exalted Golden Spear of Ardent and Splendid Prowess.

A Knight of the Scarlet Storm is part of the small knightly order in Thessk's old borderlands and protectorates. They hunt monsters and quell rebellions, through words or swordplay, and are known as both capable diplomats and fierce warriors. Despite their knightly position and loose code of honor, the Knights of the Scarlet Storm are a rather chaotic, individualistic, scattered lot, rarely meeting with other chapters of their order. They often fight at sea, on lakes and rivers, fighting pirates, monsters, and revolutionaries, despite being fairly chaotic themselves. Some operate briefly as spies among the rebels. Each Knight of the Scarlet Storm is titled after natural themes, with new members called Knights of Dawn, more experienced members called Knights of Dusk, Twilight, or Midnight, and highly experienced members titled Knights of Autumn, Winter, Spring, or Summer. The four highest-ranking members are called the Knight of Mists, Knight of Thunder, Knight of Storms, and Knight of Scarlet.

The Mithral Blades use common military titles and are simply mercenaries, serving as hired bodyguards or soldiers of fortune. Ravens have no titles except for whatever rank they may hold on a pirate ship, smuggling crew, or bandit gang.

The easiest way to qualify for this prestige class is by taking 6 levels in the Swashbuckler variant Bard, although its Acrobatic Attack class feature will overlap. Psihunter variant Psychic Warriors may easily qualify at 6th-level, as can most Samurai. Some duelists may be 6th-level Swashbuckler/Fighter multiclass characters, who also qualify easily. Other Fighters can qualify by 6th-level with the Skill Versatility feat, as can any Barbarians, Avenger variant Druids, Zealot variant Clerics, Slayer variant Fighters, Justiciar variant Paladins, or Templar variant Paladins. A typical Paladin with the Expert Skill or Skill Versatility feat may also qualify at 6th-level. Standard Rangers may qualify at 6th-level with the Skill Versatility feat, or the Expert Skill feat if they took the Mountain Man Ranger Talent.

A majority of duelists, however, are some manner of Bard, Fighter, or Rogue, with a significant minority of duelists being some kind of Samurai, a smaller number being Psychic Warriors, slightly fewer being Rangers, and only a rare few belonging to other classes. Any duelist Paladins must be ex-Paladins, but it is a fair choice for ex-Paladins to become duelists and hunt down whoever caused their fall from grace, or to hunt down and slay or humiliate evildoers. Some ex-Paladin duelists are still honorable enough to follow their code and retain their Paladin abilities.

Elven duelists are typically Bards or Fighters, occasionally Rangers, and the rare Elven Samurai are also occassional duelists, following the Mentari-influenced tradition. Mentari-descended duelists are usually Samurai but sometimes Fighters, while Aeragi duelists are often Bards or Rogues, and Draegi duelists are typically Fighters, Rangers, or Rogues. Human duelists run the gamut. Dwarven or Gnomish duelists are usually Fighters or Rangers, rare though they be. Halfling or Sprite duelists are nearly always Bards or Rogues, with a few Fighters. Gith duelists are generally Fighters or Psychic Warriors.

Hit Die: d8.

To qualify to become a duelist, a character must meet all the following criteria.
Base Attack Bonus: +6.
Balance: 5 ranks.
Perform: 3 ranks.
Tumble: 5 ranks.
Feats: Dodge, Expertise, Mobility, Weapon Finesse (any piercing, martial, melee weapon of equal or smaller size category than the character).
Special: Must train with another duelist for at least six months prior to gaining this prestige class.

Class Skills
The duelist’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Diplomacy (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Gather Information (Cha), Innuendo (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (geography) (Int), Knowledge (local) (Int), Knowledge (nobility & royalty) (Int), Listen (Wis), Perform (Cha), Profession (pilot) (Wis), Profession (sailor) (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), and Use Rope (Dex).
Skill Points Per Level: 6 + Int modifier.

Class Features
All of the following are class features of the duelist prestige class.
[sblock]Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A duelist gains no extra proficiencies.

Acrobatic Attack (Ex): At 1st-level, if the duelist attacks by jumping at least 5 feet into his opponent, jumping down at least 5 feet onto his opponent, jumping at least 5 feet towards his opponent and past them (through an adjacent space), swinging at least 5 feet on a rope or branch or similar object into his opponent, or swinging at least 5 feet on a rope or branch or similar object past his opponent (through an adjacent space), the duelist gains +2 on attack and damage rolls against that opponent this round. These bonuses apply only to melee attacks, and only to physical damage (not damage from magic touch attacks, for example).

The duelist may perform charge attacks in this manner, by jumping or swinging towards the opponent rather than just running on a surface towards them, and swinging or jumping charges may be made in arcs rather than straight lines. For jumping attacks, the duelist must succeed at a Jump check to move at least 5 feet, otherwise Acrobatic Attack does not apply to that attempt. For swinging attacks, the duelist must make a successful Use Rope check against DC 10, or else he or she cannot benefit from Acrobatic Attack on that attempt. If the Jump check succeeds but would carry the duelist further than his opponent, he may choose to limit the jumping distance, to end adjacent with his opponent.

Acrobatic Attack may be combined with the Spring Attack feat, if possessed, to continue moving after the attack (the duelist does not need to jump or swing the additional distance). Tumble checks are needed as normal if the duelist wants to avoid attacks of opportunity for movement, or if he wants to move through enemy spaces. Acrobatic Attack is an extraordinary ability and does not stack with other copies of itself.

Canny Defense (Ex): A duelist adds his or her Intelligence or Charisma bonus, whichever is higher, as a dodge bonus to AC. However, the dodge bonus will not exceed his or her duelist class level, and is lost when wearing medium or heavy armor, using any shield other than a buckler, carrying more than a light load, immobilized, or denied a Dexterity bonus to AC. Furthermore, to benefit from Canny Defense the duelist must wield a one-handed, piercing melee weapon, no larger than the duelist in size category, and the duelist must hold nothing in the other hand (or hands). Canny Defense is an extraordinary ability.

Precise Strike (Ex): As long as the duelist benefits from Canny Defense, her or she inflicts greater wounds through speed, skill, and precision. The duelist does not learn this extraordinary ability until 2nd-level, at which point he or she may deal 1d8 points of bonus precision damage with weapons that fit Canny Defense's requirement (throwing the weapon is acceptable). This bonus improves by +1d8 per four duelist levels gained beyond 2nd, so 2d8 at 6th-level and 3d8 at 10th-level.

As precision damage, this only applies against targets that are susceptible to Sneak Attacks (as per the rogue class feature) at the time, although Precise Strike does not require the target to be flanked or denied a Dexterity bonus to AC. Anything that would negate or reduce damage from Sneak Attack likewise affects Precise Strike (except that Precise Strike damage dice are not traded for other effects with feats like Hamstring or abilities like Crippling Blow). These bonus damage dice are not multiplied on a critical hit.

Dueling Advantages (Ex): Duelists learn various fancy and deft techniques over time, but their training or creativity is not the same from one duelist to another, so they always learn at least a few techniques that many others do not. To represent their unique training and practice, each duelist chooses a special ability from the following list at 3rd-level in this class, another at 5th-level, yet another at 7th-level, one more at 8th-level, and a final ability at 9th-level. A different Dueling Advantage must be selected each time, and many have prerequisites that must be met before selecting those Dueling Advantages. All are extraordinary abilities.

Acrobatics: The duelist with this ability gains a +3 competence bonus on all Balance, Climb, Jump, and Tumble skill checks. Acrobatics only functions when wearing light armor or no armor, and carrying no more than a light load. These benefits stack with those of other Acrobatics class features, unlike other competence bonuses.

Acrobatic Distraction: Duelists that learn this Dueling Advantage may distract, confuse, or misdirect opponents with their nimble maneuvers around the battlefield. Whenever the duelist moves through an opponent's space or through an adjacent space to the opponent, the duelist may treat his or her Tumble check for that movement, if any, as though it were also a Bluff check to feint in combat (even against multiple opponents, if they are close enough for the movement to qualify). This feint applies only towards the first attack the duelist makes after or during the movement. Acrobatic Distraction applies only while Canny Defense functions.

Ardent Challenger: With this ability, the duelist uses determination and focused tactics with a strong drive for victory. He or she gains a morale bonus equal to his or her Wisdom bonus on Will saving throws against Enchantment effects and Telepathy effects. Furthermore, he or she receives an equal morale bonus on damage with a single attack using Precise Strike each round, versus a creature of larger size, higher level, or higher Strength than the duelist. Choose when to use this benefit just before making the attack, but it has no effect if the opponent does not meet one of those criteria. You need a Wisdom of 13+ before selecting this ability.

Baffle: While a duelist with this Advantage is wielding a weapon compatible with Canny Defense, he or she can baffle, misdirect, and interfere with enemies through fancy maneuvers, dangerous flourishes, fake-outs, and distracting chatter. Opponents threatened by the duelist's weapon suffer a penalty on Concentration checks to cast spells, manifest powers, or activate abilities on the defensive, and that penalty equals the duelist's level in this class + his or her Intelligence or Charisma bonus (whichever is higher).

Furthermore, any foes stricken and dealt damage by the duelist's weapon (after defenses are factored in) suffer a penalty equal to the duelist's Intelligence or Charisma bonus (whichever is higher), on Concentration checks to cast spells, manifest powers, activate abilities, or maintain concentration on them. This stacks with the other penalty when applicable. In order to select Baffle, you must first have at least 5 ranks in the Bluff skill.

Clever Strike: A duelist with this special ability may add half of his or her Intelligence bonus, rounded up, to melee damage rolls when fighting defensively. Clever Strike applies only with a weapon that fits the requirements for Canny Defense, and this bonus damage is precision damage like that of Precise Strike, suffering the same limitations (except that it is multiplied normally on a critical hit). The duelist has learned to use clever tactics and quick wits to take advantage of any opening in an opponent's defense while they try to pierce his own expert defenses. Keen understanding of enemy weakpoints and swiftly recognizing flaws or openings in an opponent's fighting style allow the duelist to handily strike down foolish opponents who take the bait of his or her seemingly-frantic defensive moves.

Cool Under Pressure: Some duelists are more calm and calculating than other, more frenetic and impulsive duelists. With this Dueling Advantage, the duelist gets a morale bonus equal to his or her Wisdom bonus on Will saving throws against fear, and as normal this applies to the DC of Intimidate checks made against him or her. In addition, Cool Under Pressure gives the duelist an equal morale bonus on Sense Motive checks and Escape Artist checks. This ability cannot be selected unless the duelist has a Wisdom score of 15+.

Deflect Arrows: This Dueling Advantage represents great practice and cleverness in fighting archers or other marksmen, teaching the duelist how to best evade or guard against projectiles or thrown objects. The duelist gains Deflect Arrows as a bonus feat, and does not need to meet its normal prerequisites. If he or she already possesses that feat, instead add the duelist's Intelligence bonus to the roll for determining Deflect Arrows' success. Furthermore, if the duelist also possesses Grace and has Weapon Prowess with their current weapon, he or she may use Deflect Arrows up to twice per round (whether they possessed the feat beforehand or not). Regardless, this Dueling Advantage only functions while the duelist benefits from Canny Defense.

Deft Maneuver: A duelist with this Dueling Advantage is particularly good at parries and ripostes that give him or her an excellent opening for powerful attacks at vital areas. Once per round, the duelist may add his or her Dexterity bonus to damage with one Precise Strike attack. This is in addition to any other damage bonuses that may apply, such as from Strength. This is treated like the rest of Precise Strike's damage bonus, except that it does multiply on a critical hit.

The duelist may instead add his or her Dexterity bonus to Armor Class a second time, as a competence bonus, versus one attack of opportunity each round. Choose which benefit to gain at an appropriate time each round, but it must be declared before the relevant attack or attack of opportunity is rolled. The duelist cannot use Deft Maneuver unless benefitting from Canny Defense and using a weapon that works with it. In order to select Deft Maneuver, you must first possess the Grace and Weapon Prowess Dueling Advantages.

Disarming Personality: The duelist with this ability knows how to use their charm and wits to best effect, putting others off-guard, deceiving them, and generally manipulating them more easily. He or she receives a +2 competence bonus on Bluff and Diplomacy checks while unarmed and outside of combat (though he or she may carry a weapon on their person). Besides that, in any situation the duelist may use this ability to more easily execute certain maneuvers, by giving him or her a competence bonus equal to his or her Charisma modifier on Bluff checks to feint in combat or create a distraction to hide.

Furthermore, he or she may use a Charisma check instead of a Strength or Dexterity check when resisting a trip or bull rush attempt (when that attempt is made by the physical actions of a creature with Int 3+). Likewise, the duelist may use Charisma instead of Strength or Dexterity for determining the attack bonus when making a disarm attempt (not resisting one). The duelist must have a Charisma score of 15+ and at least 9 ranks each in Bluff and Diplomacy before selecting this ability.

Dual Finesse: Duelists who learn this Dueling Advantage are experts in wielding two weapons at the same time and using them with equal deftness, despite the significant difficulty and concentration required to do so. When the duelist wields two weapons that each fit the requirements of Canny Defense, he or she may benefit from Canny Defense despite using a second hand and may benefit from Weapon Finesse in both weapons (if he or she has that feat for both weapons), despite that feat's normal restriction against such.

The duelist also gains double the normal AC bonus from Off-Hand Parry if using that feat with the aforementioned combination of weapons (if they have that feat). However, Dual Finesse imposes a -1 penalty to the character's attack rolls and Armor Class while in use, and Precise Strike may only be used with one of the weapons each round. This Dueling Advantage requires the Ambidexterity and Two-Weapon Fighting feats.

Enhanced Mobility: This special ability represents extra training in mobile combat, rushing around the battlefield while fighting one or more foes on open ground or even on difficult terrain. The duelist gains double their normal bonus from the Mobility feat, when applicable, while unarmored or lightly armored, and carrying no more than a light load.

Force Surrender: A duelist with this Dueling Advantage knows how to intimidate enemies into surrendering when the tide of battle turns against them. If the duelist hits and deals damage to an opponent in melee while that opponent is lying prone or when all of the opponent's visible allies have fallen, the duelist may attempt an Intimidate check as a free action against that opponent (only one per round). The duelist gets a competence bonus equal to his or her Charisma bonus on this Intimidate check, or double that if the opponent's current hit points are no higher than half their maximum.

If successful, the opponent surrenders unless they have an equal or higher character level than the duelist. If your Intimidate check wins by 5 or more points, even an opponent of equal or higher character level will surrender, providing that they have no more than half their maximum hit points remaining and that the duelist has at least half of his or her maximum hit points. Force Surrender only works when benefitting from Canny Defense, does not work against targets that are immune to fear, and requires the duelist to first possess at least 10 ranks of Intimidate.

Grace: Those who train for greater balance, fluidity of movement, and instinctive reactions to different conditions or dangers acquire this Dueling Advantage. While rarely of use in actual duels, Grace is of great assistance against mages, traps, and sometimes projectiles. The duelist gains a +3 competence bonus on Reflex saving throws, which only applies when wearing light or no armor and carrying no more than a light load.

Greater Acrobatics: A duelist who furthers their acrobatic training and practice becomes quite nimble and effortless in their acrobatic displays. Greater Acrobatics increases the bonus from a duelist's Acrobatics ability to +5 (not Acrobatics abilities from other sources). Furthermore, it allows the duelist to take 10 on any skill checks that benefit from that Acrobatics ability regardless of circumstances. This ability requires the Acrobatics Dueling Advantage.

Greater Expertise: This Dueling Advantage indicates a much greater than normal focus on intelligent fighting and carefully-devised tactics than normal for duelists. Greater Expertise provides the duelist with a 50% higher than normal bonus to AC from the Expertise and Superior Expertise feats, when using either of those feats. Round down. The maximum bonus possible from this ability (before adding it to the normal bonus from those feats) is equal to one-half your level in the duelist class, rounded down. Greater Expertise only functions while the duelist benefits from Canny Defense, and you must have an Intelligence score of 15 or higher in order to select this Dueling Advantage.

Hasty Stroke: Duelists who develop this Dueling Advantage can attack more rapidly with weapons that are compatible with Canny Defense. While benefitting from Canny Defense, the duelist may make one extra attack during a full-attack action, at his or her full Base Attack Bonus but with a -5 penalty to the attack roll. This extra attack does not benefit from Precise Strike or Sneak Attack, unless the victim is helpless, as it is too hastily mixed in with the other attacks, with less time to aim. The duelist's other attacks during that action take a -1 penalty to their attack rolls, as well. He or she must declare the use of this ability at the beginning of the full-attack action, though the extra attack may be made at any point during the full-attack.

Improved Clever Strike: A duelist who learns this special ability can take maximum advantage of any openings or flaws in an opponent's fighting style or tactics while maintaining a strong defensive posture of his or her own. Improved Clever Strike allows the duelist to add his or her full Intelligence bonus to damage when using the Clever Strike ability of this class, instead of just half that bonus.

Furthermore, he or she may choose when fighting defensively to apply half of his or her Intelligence bonus, rounded up, to melee attack rolls instead of gaining a damage bonus from Clever Strike. This attack bonus does not suffer the same restrictions as Clever Strike's damage bonus; it merely requires the duelist to use a weapon that would be compatible with Canny Defense. A duelist must possess the Clever Strike Dueling Advantage before selecting Improved Clever Strike.

Improved Feint: Duelists who learn this Dueling Advantage are well-practiced in the art of distraction and are quite capable of drawing attention away from where their next strike will come from. These duelists may now use the Bluff skill to feint in combat as a move-equivalent action instead of a standard action. If they already possess that capacity from another source, the duelist instead gains a +2 bonus on Bluff checks to feint in combat and on Sense Motive checks to resist such feint attempts. Either way, a duelist with this special ability may use his or her Intelligence modifier as the key ability modifier, instead of Charisma, for Bluff checks to feint in combat. A duelist must possess at least 5 ranks in the Bluff skill to select this ability.

Lucky Fluke: Some duelists survive and make it through their careers through sheer luck and maybe just a bit of skill. Those who acquire this Dueling Advantage may re-roll a failed Fortitude or Will saving throw once per day. This must be a save against a spell, psionic power, spell-like ability, or supernatural ability, and the re-roll gets +2 added to its result. Use the re-roll if its total is higher than the original roll. This re-roll cannot be used on the same individual save as any other re-roll effect. Declare its use immediately after learning of the original roll's failure, but before learning the effects of that failure, if possible (if the effect was not a valid trigger for this ability, the DM must inform you of that and your re-roll is not expended for the day).

Quick Wits: Particularly clever and charming duelists may learn to use this Dueling Advantage, honing their wits to a razor's edge for quick responses and scathing insults. They add half their Charisma bonus, rounded down, as an extra, unnamed bonus to Bluff checks for feinting in combat and making distractions to hide. They add the same bonus to their subsquent attack and damage roll (if any) or Hide check and Move Silently check (if any), as appropriate.

A duelist with Quick Wits may also make a Bluff check as a standard action to provoke and fluster an opponent with insults, if the opponent is within 60 feet, has an Intelligence of 3 or higher, hears the insult, and understands the language used. That opponent makes a Sense Motive check with an extra bonus equal to one-half of his or her character level, rounded down, to oppose the Bluff check. If the Bluff check wins, your opponent suffers a -2 morale penalty on attack rolls and skill checks for 1 round and will target you preferentially with aggressive actions during that 1 round.

You may try to direct their aggression against a different target within 60 feet of you when you insult them (by implying that they did something wrong or had made that insult against the opponent earlier and you overheard), but this incurs a -4 penalty to the Bluff check and has a 50% chance of still directing the aggression towards you. Calm Emotions or similar effects negate these Bluff attempts. You must have a Charisma of 15+ and at least 9 ranks in Bluff and Sense Motive to select this Dueling Advantage.

Skillful Disarmament: Training and practice in better parrying and ripostes lends some duelists the benefit of this Dueling Advantage. The duelist gains Improved Disarm as a bonus feat. If they already possess that feat beforehand, the duelist instead doubles that feat's bonus on opposed rolls to make or resist a disarm attempt, tripling it instead when the opposing weapon is larger than the duelist's or held in multiple hands while the duelist's weapon is held in only one hand.

Regardless, a duelist with this special ability may add one-half of his or her Intelligence or Charisma bonus, rounded up, to his or her opposed rolls for disarming or resisting disarmament, when the opponent is a creature with Intelligence of 3 or higher that can understand the duelist's speech. Duelists know how to overcome the size or strength advantage of opponents through deft and tricky disarmament techniques, and can use quick wits and scathing remarks to distract foes in the process.

Weapon Prowess: A duelist with this ability is especially skilled with some weapons and knows how to handle them with grace and power. The duelist deals +1 damage in melee with all weapons he or she possesses the Favored Weapon, Weapon Focus, or Weapon Finesse feats for. In addition, if the duelist has levels in the fighter class or one of its variants, then the duelist may treat his or her levels in this prestige class as fighter levels, for purposes of gaining access to the Weapon Specialization, Weapon Expertise, Lethal Blow, and Grandmaster feats (but not for purposes of gaining bonus feats, or other special fighter feats and class features). Weapon Prowess applies only regarding actual weapons, not unarmed strikes, natural weapons, or other attacks.

Elaborate Parry (Ex): At 4th-level onward, if the duelist chooses to fight defensively or take the total defense action, he or she gains an additional +1 dodge bonus to AC from that action for every two levels he or she has attained in this prestige class. The bonus from Elaborate Parry also applies when using the Expertise or Superior Expertise feats, but this ability will not grant a higher AC bonus than those feats. For example, if a duelist uses Expertise for -1 to hit and +1 AC, this ability gives +1 AC. Elaborate Parry is an extraordinary ability that functions only while wielding a weapon compatible with the Canny Defense class feature.

Improved Reaction: A duelist develops exceptional reflexes, and gains a +3 competence bonus to Initiative checks at 4th-level onward, which improves to +6 at 10th-level.[/sblock]
[B][COLOR=Red][U][I]The Duelist:[/I][/U][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]Class	Base	Fort.	Ref.	Will
Level	Attack	Save	Save	Save	Special[/COLOR][/B]
1	+1	+0	+2	+0	Acrobatic Attack, Canny Defense
2	+2	+0	+3	+0	Precise Strike +1d8
3	+3	+1	+3	+1	Dueling Advantage
4	+4	+1	+4	+1	Elaborate Parry, Improved Reaction +3
5	+5	+1	+4	+1	Dueling Advantage
6	+6	+2	+5	+2	Precise Strike +2d8
7	+7	+2	+5	+2	Dueling Advantage
8	+8	+2	+6	+2	Dueling Advantage
9	+9	+3	+6	+3	Dueling Advantage
10	+10	+3	+7	+3	Precise Strike +3d8, Improved Reaction +6
Last edited:


First Post
Duelist posted above a few days ago. Now I've edited in a handful more Dueling Advantage options, that I just hadn't finished a few days ago: Acrobatic Distraction, Ardent Challenger, Cool Under Pressure, Deft Maneuver, Disarming Personality, Force Surrender, and Quick Wits. Also tweaked a line of Weapon Prowess to make it less awkward. These new options help duelists make better use of Dexterity, Wisdom, and Charisma, whereas the initial set of Dueling Advantages emphasized Intelligence more.

Duelists make for a more effective unarmored/lightly-armored and lightly-armed combatant in Aurelia than the old, printed versions of the Duelist. They can make great use of Intelligence or Charisma, unlike most other warriors, and can get high AC without much armor, overcoming the weakness of their mediocre HP. They need two or three high ability scores to be effective, but have some neat tricks and good offensive options at the same time. The Aurelian Duelist synergizes well with the Aurelian Ranger, as well as the Fighter, Rogue, and Bard. It's especially good for combining with Ranger/Fighters or Swashbuckler variant bards.

A Ranger 5/Fighter 5/Duelist 10 or Ranger 9/Fighter 1/Duelist 10 can get huge AC bonuses along with significant offensive power. A few Ranger Talents and Battle Styles work well with a Duelist's Dual Finesse, Clever Strike, Improved Clever Strike, Skillful Disarmament, and Deft Maneuver options, and Weapon Prowess makes Fighter/Duelists an effective choice as well. Swashbucklers and other Bards can make more use of their Intelligence and Charisma than other classes becoming Duelists.

I made the Duelist more flexible than the print version, while shifting their HD/SP balance to make them more appropriately skillful. Made Reflex their strong save, to reflect their agility. Altered Elaborate Parry, granted it earlier, and made it somewhat weaker so the potential AC bonuses won't be too excessive when combined with other big AC boosters. Made Canny Defense allow for Charisma to be used instead of Intelligence for its AC bonus. Overall I strengthened the class a bit and made it more flexible so it would be a better option for those who don't want to focus on two-handed weapons or sword-and-board fighting styles, which the Fighter and Barbarian are more directly inclined towards.


First Post
Custom Aurelian Spells, Levels 0-2...

A question: are you doing all spells from scratch or are these in addition to standard spells? Are you going to change save or die spells? I saw a lovely idea (from Kerrick ) that made a failed save= dying (-dx where x varies by level)


First Post
Preview of Further Custom Aurelian Spells

Additional Custom Aurelian Spells, Levels 0-6

Spell List

...............Regenerate Minor Wounds (Clr, Dru)
...............Halumin's Verbal Assault (Brd)

...............Summoning Surge (Brd, Clr, Sor/Wiz, Wuj)
...............Pack Mind (Rgr)
...............Painful Impulse (Brd)
...............Lesser Fireball (Sor/Wiz, Wuj-Fire)
...............Noxious Ruin (Rgr)
...............Quell Vitality (Sor/Wiz, Wuj)
...............Strength of the Herd (Rgr)
...............Fey Spite (Rgr)
...............Smoldering Assault (Rgr)

...............Cleansing Rain (Rgr)
...............Battle Charm (Brd, Sor/Wiz)
...............Hesitation (Brd, Sor/Wiz)
...............Painful Impulse (Sor/Wiz)
...............Stupor (Brd, Sor/Wiz)
...............Tempest Strike (Rgr)
...............Garnakt’s Draining Touch (Sor/Wiz)
...............Creepy Howl (Rgr)
...............Sand Spear (Rgr)

...............Scathing Venom (Rgr)
...............Predator’s Frenzy (Rgr)
...............Slumber Pollen (Rgr)
...............Loroche’s Unerring Bolt (Sor/Wiz)
...............Taurion’s Rapid Riposte (Sor/Wiz)
...............Nelna’s Invisible Tent (Brd, Sor/Wiz)
...............Revenant Strike (Sor/Wiz, Wuj)
...............Adamantine Sheen (Rgr)
...............Aeridion’s Vengeful Blade (Sor/Wiz)
...............Storm Shield (Rgr)

...............Glacial Axe (Rgr)
...............Wildfire Wreath (Rgr)
...............Acid Pillar (Sor/Wiz)
...............Flame Pillar (Shu-Fire, Sor/Wiz)
...............Frost Pillar (Sor/Wiz)
...............Lightning Pillar (Sor/Wiz, Wuj)
...............Loroche’s Bolt-Hole (Brd, Sor/Wiz)
...............Taurion’s Force Lance (Sor/Wiz)
...............Thunder Pillar (Sor/Wiz, Wuj)
...............Pack Survival (Rgr)
...............Shadow of Death (Sor/Wiz, Wuj)
...............Arcane Might (Brd)

...............Cure Massive Wounds (Brd, Clr, Sha, Shu-Water)
...............Regenerate Massive Wounds (Dru)
...............Greater Fireball (Sor/Wiz, Wuj-Fire)
...............Darkness Beam (Sor/Wiz)
...............Staggering Surge (Sor/Wiz)
...............Arcane Might (Sor/Wiz, Wuj)

...............Cure Massive Wounds (Dru)
...............Michella’s Vitalizing Verse (Brd)
...............Regenerate Massive Wounds (Clr)

...............Mnemonic Boost (Wiz, Wuj)

Spell Descriptions

[sblock]Acid Pillar
Evocation (Acid)
Level: Sor/Wiz 4
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 round
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Area: Up to five cylinders 10 ft. in diameter and 10 ft./level tall
Targets: One creature, + 1 creature/3 caster levels above 7th, maximum 5 targets
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex half or Fortitude half (Object) (see text)
Spell Resistance: Yes
The Acid Pillar spell creates a pillar of acid that bursts from the ground beneath a foe. It reaches up to 10 feet per caster level into the air, and is 10 feet in diameter, centered upon the corner of any square the target occupies; if the target is in the air and is higher than the pillar could reach from the ground, then the pillar instead bursts forth from the air just above the target, spreading downward. Acid Pillar deals 1d12 acid damage per 3 caster levels to the target foe, with a maximum of 6d12. Also, half the damage rounded up is dealt to all other creatures within the area of effect.

Creatures within the area, including the target, may attempt Reflex saves for half damage. The first 2d12 damage done by the acid also affects all objects within the area, which may make Fortitude saves for half if they are magical or psionic. This spell creates an additional pillar of acid at 10th-level, and another at 13th-, 16th-, and 19th-levels, for a total of five acid pillars per casting at 19th-level. Each pillar must target a different foe, and each targeted foe must be within the spell’s range; if there are not enough foes in range, then the additional pillars disappear as soon as they appear, in a tiny, harmless puff of smoke near the feet of the caster. The pillars burst from the ground simultaneously. The material component for this spell is an alchemically-preserved peel from a citrus fruit, such as an orange or lemon.

Adamantine Sheen
Transmutation (Earth) (Lawful)
Level: Rgr 3
Components: V, S, F
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Target: Melee weapon touched
Duration: 5 rounds
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
This spell grants a melee weapon the appearance of adamantine temporarily, even if the weapon is not metallic. For the duration of this spell, the touched weapon is treated as adamantine for all intents and purposes, gaining the hit points, hardness, and other qualities of an adamantine weapon. The affected weapon also overcomes Damage Reduction and other defenses as though it were a +2 magic weapon, so it can strike incorporeal creatures for example (though with the usual 50% chance of failure to hit any incorporeal creature, unless the weapon otherwise obtains the Ghost Touch property). It does not receive an actual +2 magical enhancement.

Furthermore, the weapon is treated as a Lawful magic weapon, dealing +1d6 points of lawful damage against chaotic targets (not +2d6), and imposing one negative level on any chaotic creature that holds it (as long as they hold it) as per a Lawful weapon. In addition, the weapon deals +1d6 extra damage to targets with the Air subtype, thanks to the elemental-earth power it is infused with. Air-subtype creatures suffer a negative level while holding the weapon just like chaotic creatures do (and it stacks if they are chaotic Air creatures). Lastly, the affected weapon deals +2 damage on any successful hit, as its weight magically increases on impact, then decreases as the weapon is withdrawn from each strike.

Aeridion’s Vengeful Blade
Transmutation (Force)
Level: Sor/Wiz 3
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Target: One piercing or slashing weapon touched
Duration: 1 minute/level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
This spell empowers a single weapon you touch, granting it the ability to cause significant harm to nearly anything. This may only target a piercing or slashing weapon, and the wielder must be willing (or the target weapon must be willing if it is an intelligent item). Aeridion's Vengeful Blade grants the target weapon the ability to strike opponents as though it were a magic weapon with a +5 enhancement bonus, though it does not gain any actual enhancement bonus; this is merely used to bypass damage reduction and to strike incorporeal creatures. In addition, the affected weapon may strike incorporeal foes without the normal 50% chance of failure.

Lastly, the weapon deals 1d6 bonus force damage with each hit, in addition to its regular damage, but this force damage is not mulitplied on a critical hit. The affected weapon deals this force damage to ethereal creatures on a successful attack, though this spell does not allow the weapon to otherwise strike ethereal creatures (so if the wielder is on the Material Plane, the weapon does not connect with any ethereal creatures and has no other effect on them, but an ethereal wielder will deal full damage as normal to other ethereal creatures). The warrior-mage Aeridion developed this particular spell to deal with incorporeal shadows that had the annoying tendency to drain his strength, and to help him fight golems.

Arcane Might
Level: Brd 4, Sor/Wiz 5, Wuj 5
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 round
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: 10 minutes/level (D)
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
This spell grants the creature touched a +1d4 natural armor bonus to AC, and an equal enhancement bonus to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution. Additionally, the target’s base speed is increased by 5 feet for each point rolled on the d4; this counts as an enhancement bonus. Thus, if a 2 is rolled, then the beneficiary of this spell would gain a +2 natural armor bonus to AC, a +2 enhancement bonus to Strength, a +2 enhancement bonus to Dexterity, a +2 enhancement bonus to Constitution, and a +10-foot enhancement bonus to base speed. The material component is a tiny piece of ivory, carved into the shape of a gauntlet, worth 10 gold.

Battle Charm
Enchantment (Charm) (Mind-Affecting)
Level: Brd 2, Sor/Wiz 2
Components: V, S, F
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Targets: Living creatures with total hit dice of up to 4 + 2 per caster level
Duration: 2 hours
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
The Battle Charm is a trick many arcanists use to save themselves from death or serious injury in combat. Casting this spell bewitches one or more creatures, making them sympathetic toward the caster and considering the caster's position in a more positive light. Even if the caster is blasting them and their comrades with magical attacks, the bewitched creatures consider it only a desperate attempt to survive, and take pity on the caster when they have to strike him or her down.

Specifically, each creature who fails its Will saving throw will avoid killing or eating the caster for the duration of this spell, using nonlethal force whenever possible and avoiding any finishing blows, such as a coup de grace, a poison that deals Constitution damage, a Disintegrate spell, or a Phantasmal Killer spell, for example. The affected creatures will attempt to use attacks that deal subdual damage to the caster, or other attacks that could subdue the caster without killing him or her, whenever possible. They also avoid activating damage-increasing feats and abilities against the caster, like Power Attack, Smite Evil, and others that require a choice to use (except for the Merciful magic weapon quality, which they will use if possible when attacking the caster).

They avoid taking the attack penalty to try inflicting subdual damage, however, until the caster has already been noticeably injured; once the caster is injured, the affected creatures will prefer subdual damage attacks in order to avoid killing the injured caster (this no longer applies if the caster is apparently healed of all normal damage). They will not necessarily focus on the caster, but will utilize their normal judgment (or the orders of their superiors, as appropriate) in combat, and if that means attacking the caster, this spell does not prevent it.

The affected creatures will only deliver a killing blow on purpose if they are commanded to do so by their leader, in-person, on threat of death, serious injury, exile, or loss of social or military position (otherwise, they will try to be sneaky and deliver only a subdual damage finishing blow). Affected creatures will attempt to dissuade others from killing the caster, or from ordering the caster's death, but only after the caster has been defeated (or after all the caster's apparent allies have been defeated). They will not risk serious personal loss for it. At the end of Battle Charm's duration, the affected creatures realize that their compassion towards the caster of Battle Charm was forced, not natural. The focus component for Battle Charm is an ivory mask depicting a crying demon, worth 100 gold.

Cleansing Rain
Conjuration (Creation) (Good) (Healing) (Water)
Level: Rgr 2
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 10 ft.
Area: 10-ft.-radius emanation, centered on you
Duration: 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless) (see text)
A light, sparkling rain swirls around you, conjured with essences of the Elemental Plane of Water and the Positive Energy Plane, tapping into the benevolent forces of nature to promote health and ward off malicious or negative entities. The rain is not fierce enough or thick enough to provide any concealment or other visibility problems, but douses minor fires (especially hot ones, such as a forge or bonfire, and well-shielded ones, such as an iron stove, are not doused). The rain also washes away muck, oil, dirt, and other soiling, though it does not affect Sovereign Glue or tanglefoot bags, and does not cause rust.

Each round, the Cleansing Rain deals 1 point of positive energy damage to Undead creatures, and 1 point of holy (good) damage from sacred energy to evil creatures (evil Undead suffer both kinds of damage, for a total of 2 points per round). If you fail to overcome an Undead creature's or evil creature's Spell Resistance, they are unaffected. Living creatures within the area are cleansed of some toxins and illnesses, by receiving a +2 sacred bonus on saving throws against poisons and diseases. Lastly, you alone are healed by the positive energy accompanying the rain, healing 1 hit point per round (and an equal amount of subdual damage, as normal for magical healing). All of the conjured rain disappears at the end of the spell's duration. The material component for this spell is a flask filled with exquisite herbal tea, worth a total of 2 gold pieces.

Creepy Howl
Transmutation (Fear) (Mind-Affecting) (Sonic)
Level: Rgr 2
Components: V
Casting Time: 1 full-round action
Range: 20 ft.
Area: 20-ft.-radius spread, centered on you
Duration: Instantaneous + 1d4 rounds (see text)
Saving Throw: Will partial
Spell Resistance: Yes
You utter a few syllables of primal magic, then take a deep breath and let out a loud, primal howl that sends fear into the hearts of others and rattles their bones with nature's menacing fury. Creatures within the area of effect must succeed at a Will saving throw or be shaken for 1d4 rounds; any creature with 10 or more Hit Dice are only shaken for 1 round on a failed save. Shaken creatures suffer a -2 morale penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, and checks. Regardless of the save, everything within the area suffers 2d4 points of sonic damage. The sonic damage is instantaneous like the howl. Even subjects that are immune to fear or mind-affecting effects, such as Vermin, Undead, and objects, are affected by the sonic damage. You are completely unaffected by your own Creepy Howl.

Cure Massive Wounds
Conjuration (Healing)
Level: Brd 5, Clr 5, Dru 6, Sha 5, Shu-Water 5
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will half (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
By laying your hand on a living creature, you channel positive energy to heal their injuries and rejuvenate their stamina. This heals the living creature of up to 6d8 points of damage, +1 point per caster level, and heals an equal amount of subdual damage. Laying your hand on an undead creature instead disrupts the negative energy that animates it, with the positive energy channeled through this spell. Since undead creatures are harmed by positive energy, this spell deals damage to them instead of healing them. A Will saving throw can reduce the damage by half, and undead are not normally willing recipients of this spell, so a melee touch attack is necessary to successfully affect an undead creature with this spell. Cure Massive Wounds is simply a more powerful version of Cure Light Wounds.

Darkness Beam
Level: Sor/Wiz 5
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level) or 50 ft. + 5 ft./level
Area: Line 5 ft. wide to long range (400 ft. + 40 ft./level); or line 20 ft. wide to 50 ft. + 5 ft./level
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex half and Fortitude partial (see text)
Spell Resistance: Yes
The Darkness Beam is a necromantic spell that draws up large amounts of negative energy from the Plane of Negative Energy, then hurls all of that energy in a long, wide bolt that ravages all living creatures unfortunate enough to be caught within it. At the same time, Darkness Beam suffuses Undead creatures in the area with renewed negative energy, strengthening their animation and keeping their forms together. The Darkness Beam is a shimmering mass of inky-black negative energy, rippling with gray and violet.

When you cast this spell, choose whether to make it a thin beam or a wide beam. As a thin beam, it has long range (400 feet, +40 feet per caster level), while the wide beam has a range of just 50 feet (+5 feet per caster level). The thin beam is 5 feet wide, but the wide beam is 20 feet wide. Only living creatures and Undead creatures are affected by this spell (even though spells with Fortitude saves don't normally affect Undead). Living creatures in the area suffer 1d8 points of negative energy damage, +1d8 per two caster levels, to a maximum of 8d8 at 14th-level onward. Undead creatures are instead healed of that much damage, since negative energy heals them rather than harming them. Subjects may attempt a Reflex saving throw for half damage.

Any living creature that suffers negative energy damage from this spell is weakened by its intense forces, suffering 1d3 points of temporary Strength damage and 1d3 points of temporary Dexterity damage. Living creatures suffer no ability damage in this manner if they succeed at a Fortitude saving throw. The material component of this spell is one or more black pearls, worth at least 300 gold pieces in total.

Fey Spite
Level: Rgr 1
Components: V, S, DF, XP
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Target: Melee weapon touched
Duration: 5 rounds
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
With this spell, a ranger calls upon natural magic of the fey to empower his or her weapon against spirits, monsters, and more hideous things. One melee weapon touched is imbued with Fey Spite, which allows that weapon to overcome Damage Reduction and other defenses as though it were a magic weapon with a +1 enhancement, though this does not actually increase attack or damage rolls. The weapon gains an actual, magical +1 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls against Aberrations, Constructs, and Undead, which stacks with the aforementioned benefit for purposes of overcoming Damage Reduction. Furthermore, the weapon is treated as having the Ghost Touch magic weapon quality for the duration of this spell, but only for purposes of making attacks (not for purposes of who can wield it). This allows it to strike incorporeal creatures without the usual 50% chance of failure. Casting this spell has an additional cost of 300 Experience Points.

Flame Pillar
Evocation (Fire)
Level: Shu 4 (Fire), Sor/Wiz 4
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 round
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Area: Up to five cylinders 10 ft. in diameter and 10 ft./level tall
Targets: One creature, + 1 creature/3 caster levels above 7th, maximum 5 targets
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex half or Fortitude partial (Object) (see text)
Spell Resistance: Yes
The Flame Pillar spell creates a pillar of flame that bursts from the ground beneath a foe. It reaches up to 10 feet per caster level into the air, and is 10 feet in diameter, centered upon the corner of any square the target occupies. If the target is in the air and is higher than the pillar could reach from the ground, then the pillar instead bursts forth from the air just above the target, spreading downward. Flame Pillar deals 1d8 fire damage per 2 caster levels to the target foe, with a maximum of 10d8. Also, half the damage rounded up is dealt to all other creatures within the area of effect.

Creatures within the area, including the target, may attempt Reflex saves for half damage. The scorching flames instantly ignite any combustibles or flammables within the area of effect, and immediately burns to ashes any such flammables that have 15 hit points or fewer. Flammable magic or psionic items within the area receive a Fortitude save to prevent being instantly destroyed in this manner, but unless their descriptions state otherwise, they are still set on fire (either way, they detonate if powerful flames could normally cause that). Burning items may be extinguished normally, as the fire that lingers on them is nonmagical.

This spell creates an additional pillar of flame at 10th-level, and another at 13th-, 16th-, and 19th-levels, for a total of five flame pillars per casting at 19th-level. Each pillar must target a different foe, and each targeted foe must be within the spell’s range; if there are not enough foes in range, then the additional pillars disappear as soon as they appear, in a tiny, harmless puff of smoke near the feet of the caster. The pillars burst from the ground simultaneously. The material component for this spell is a tiny wad of herbal incense suitable for burning.

Frost Pillar
Evocation (Cold)
Level: Sor/Wiz 4
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 round
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Area: Up to five cylinders 10 ft. in diameter and 10 ft./level tall
Targets: One creature, + 1 creature/3 caster levels above 7th, maximum 5 targets
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex half or Fortitude negates (Object) (see text)
Spell Resistance: Yes
The Frost Pillar spell creates a pillar of chilly mist that bursts from the ground beneath a foe. It reaches up to 10 feet per caster level into the air, and is 10 feet in diameter, centered upon the corner of any square the target occupies; if the target is in the air and is higher than the pillar could reach from the ground, then the pillar instead bursts forth from the air just above the target, spreading downward. Frost Pillar deals 1d8 cold damage per 2 caster levels to the target foe, with a maximum of 10d8. Also, half the damage rounded up is dealt to all other creatures within the area of effect.

Creatures within the area, including the target, may attempt Reflex saves for half damage. In addition, the coldness makes any items within the area of effect more brittle, reducing their hardness by 4 points for the next minute (10 rounds), but no lower than 0 hardness. Magical or psionic items within the area receive a Fortitude save to prevent the brittleness.

This spell creates an additional pillar of freezing mist at 10th-level, and another at 13th-, 16th-, and 19th-levels, for a total of five frosty pillars per casting at 19th-level. Each pillar must target a different foe, and each targeted foe must be within the spell’s range; if there are not enough foes in range, then the additional pillars disappear as soon as they appear, in a tiny, harmless puff of smoke near the feet of the caster. The pillars burst from the ground simultaneously. The material component for this spell is an alchemically preserved shard of ice.[/sblock]
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First Post
Spell Descriptions, Part 2
[sblock]Garnakt’s Draining Touch
Level: Sor/Wiz 2
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Target: Living creature touched
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial (see text)
Spell Resistance: Yes
An Orcish sorcerer developed this spell to suit his greedy and rapacious nature, weakening enemies so he could more easily chase them down and defeat them, mug them, or do other terrible things to them. Orcish lore tells that despite his creativity, Garnakt perished a few years after devising this spell, slain by a Human sorceress who bested him in combat despite it. Garnakt's Draining Touch charges your hand with a pale nimbus of sickly yellow energy, and you may make a melee touch attack as part of casting this spell. Touch attacks ignore armor, shield, and natural armor bonuses to Armor Class.

If your touch attack succeeds against a living creature, your victim suffers 1d6 points of damage, +1 point per three caster levels (max 1d6+3), and must attempt a Fortitude saving throw. A successful save reduces the damage by half. On a failed save, they become fatigued (until recovering normally from that condition, usually by getting 8 hours of rest). Furthermore, if they fail the saving throw, you are relieved of any fatigue you are already suffering from (if any). If you were exhausted, you instead become merely fatigued. You are not relieved of fatigue unless the opponent is successfully afflicted with it by this spell (this fatigue is cumulative with other fatigue, as normal; a fatigued creature that suffers additional fatigue becomes exhausted).

Regardless of the save, if this spell deals any hit point damage or subdual damage, you are magically healed of an equal amount (and note that magical healing cures an equal amount of subdual damage whenever it cures hit point damage). You do not heal if the opponent is not successfully damaged, after any defenses are factored in (such as Damage Reduction). This spell applies for only one touch per casting. The material component for Garnakt's Draining Touch is an alchemically-preserved leech worth 5 gp.

Glacial Axe
Conjuration (Cold) (Creation) (Water)
Level: Rgr 4
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 full-round action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Effect: Conjured battleaxe
Duration: 1 round/level (D) (see text)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
With this spell, you conjure up a magical battleaxe composed of water and ice, which leaves shards of itself in stricken enemies and at the same time shields you from heat and flames. The battleaxe created is the same size category as yourself, and changes size categories with you as appropriate. It has all the statistics for a normal battleaxe of its size, except as follows. The Glacial Axe has a +2 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls, and cannot leave your grasp (you cannot drop it, sheathe it, stow it, or be disarmed of it, though you can shift between a one-handed grip and a two-handed grip).

Each successful hit with the Glacial Axe deals 2d4 points of bonus piercing damage, as it imbeds shards of hard ice into the victim, and 2d6 points of bonus cold damage from its frigid form. The shards left by each hit deal an additional 2d4 points of cold damage on the round following their impact, and 1d4 cold damage on the round after that (they melt away after two rounds of being embedded in the victim). Every 2 points of fire damage dealt to the victim reduces the damage of one batch of ice-shards in that victim (if any are embedded in them at the time) by one die (this negates the third round's 1d4 damage, as well as reducing the second round's 2d4 damage to 1d4 if it occurs soon enough).

The Axe melts away into a puddle of harmless, lukewarm water after making 1 successful hit per caster level (whether or not the hit deals any damage, after defenses are factored in). As long as the Glacial Axe is intact, it negates up to 5 points of fire damage to the wielder from each instance of fire damage, as part of its watery form flows around into a barrier against the heat or flames at those times. However, each time that the Glacial Axe negates some fire damage, it counts as one successful hit by the Axe for purposes of determining when it collapses into a puddle. All ice and water conjured by this spell disappears at the end of its duration (ceasing any further damage from the shards). The wielder is unaffected by the cold of the Glacial Axe (even if some effect turns that cold damage back against them).

Greater Fireball
Evocation (Fire)
Level: Sor/Wiz 5, Wuj 5 (Fire)
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 full-round action
Range: Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)
Area: 50-ft.-radius spread
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex half
Spell Resistance: Yes
This spell is a more potent version of Fireball, an expanded and advanced version of that spell's incantations and arcane formula. Greater Fireball functions exactly like the Fireball spell, except as noted above and as follows. The fire damage is 1d4+1 points per caster level, to a maximum of 15d4+15 damage at 15th-level onward. The area of effect is a spread, 50 feet in radius.

Halumin’s Verbal Assault
Enchantment (Compulsion) (Mind-Affecting) (Language-Dependant) (Sonic)
Level: Brd 0
Components: V
Casting Time: 1 full-round action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One living creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
This bardic cantrip attacks the wits, ego, and nerves of an opponent with a short, snarling arcane verse followed by a scathing insult. In order to be affected, the target creature must hear you and understand the language you speak the insult with. Halumin’s Verbal Assault deals 1d4+1 points of subdual damage to the creature, except on a successful Will saving throw, as mental feedback from the spell makes them physically pained. The widely-traveled Basranni bard Halumin devised this spell in his early days of adventuring, yet well after earning his reputation as a loud-mouthed master of insults and scathing derision.

Enchantment (Compulsion) (Mind-Affecting)
Level: Brd 2, Sor/Wiz 2
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Targets: Any number of living creatures, but total hit dice cannot exceed caster level
Duration: 3 rounds
Saving Throw: Will partial
Spell Resistance: Yes
This spell forces one or more creatures to hesitate before taking any actions, filled with doubt and indecisiveness. This is an emotion effect. Choose any number of target living creautres within range for this spell, in any order. The DM checks each target's hit dice in the order selected and, if the total hit dice so far does not exceed your caster level, rolls a saving throw for that target. If the target's hit dice would bring the total over your caster level, then that target is unaffected and the DM checks the next target.

Each creature that is affected, within the alloted hit die total, is allowed a Will saving throw to try resisting Hesitation. On a successful save, the total duration is reduced to just 1 round for the creature that made its Will save. Each round that a creature is affected, that creature is limited to only taking a partial action on his or her turn, but may also take 5-foot steps as normal; this is regardless of any other effects that may grant additional actions (even a Hasted creature, for instance, hesitates to take anything more than a single partial action per round).

Lesser Fireball
Evocation (Fire)
Level: Sor/Wiz 1, Wuj 1 (Fire)
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 full-round action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Area: 10-ft.-radius spread
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex half
Spell Resistance: Yes
This spell is a weaker version of Fireball, a simplified version of that spell's incantations and arcane formula. Lesser Fireball functions exactly like the Fireball spell, except as noted above and as follows. The fire damage is 1d4 points, +1d4 per two caster levels beyond the 1st, to a maximum of 4d4 damage at 7th-level onward. The area of effect is a spread, 10 feet in radius. Lesser Fireball does not burn hot enough to melt metals.

Lightning Pillar
Evocation (Electricity)
Level: Sor/Wiz 4, Wuj 4
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 round
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Area: Up to five cylinders 10 ft. in diameter and 10 ft./level tall
Targets: One creature, + 1 creature/3 caster levels above 7th, maximum 5 targets
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex half or Fortitude negates (Object) (see text)
Spell Resistance: Yes
The Lightning Pillar spell creates a pillar of electrical power that bursts from the ground beneath a foe. It reaches up to 10 feet per caster level into the air, and is 10 feet in diameter, centered upon the corner of any square the target occupies; if the target is in the air and is higher than the pillar could reach from the ground, then the pillar instead bursts forth from the air just above the target, spreading downward. Lightning Pillar deals 1d8 electricity damage per 2 caster levels to the target foe, with a maximum of 10d8. Also, half the damage rounded up is dealt to all other creatures within the area of effect. Creatures within the area, including the target, may attempt Reflex saves for half damage.

Combustible objects within the area of effect explode, but flammable objects do not catch fire from the lightning's brief flash of heat. Magical or psionic combustibles receive a Fortitude save to avoid automatically exploding, unless their descriptions note otherwise. Metal objects within the area of effect are somewhat magnetized by the electricity, worsening the armor check penalty of metal armors and shields by 2 points, reducing the maximum dexterity bonus to AC by 2 points for metal armors, increasing the arcane spell failure of metal armors and shields by +10%, and imposing a -2 penalty on attack rolls with weapons that have any metal. This effect lasts for 3 rounds as the metal objects are drawn to each other and other metal at random. Magical and psionic items receive a Fortitude save to negate the brief magnetization, or to prevent exploding if they are combustible.

This spell creates an additional pillar of lightning at 10th-level, and another at 13th-, 16th-, and 19th-levels, for a total of five lightning pillars per casting at 19th-level. Each pillar must target a different foe, and each targeted foe must be within the spell’s range; if there are not enough foes in range, then the additional pillars disappear as soon as they appear, in a tiny, harmless puff of smoke near the feet of the caster. The pillars burst from the ground simultaneously. The material component for this spell is a tiny shard of nickel.

Loroche’s Bolt-Hole
Level: Brd 4, Sor/Wiz 4
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Effect: One extra-dimensional space, 20 feet long by 10 feet wide by 10 feet tall
Duration: 1 hour/level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
This sneaky spell, invented by the troublesome (and oft plagued with troubles) mage Loroche, creates an extradimensional hidey-hole. Loroche found himself in need of a safe hiding spot sometimes, where he could safely retreat from a heated battle, a furious monarch, or constables and guard-mages accusing him of robbery (sometimes they were right!). So he studied some advanced planar spells, and devised his own simpler, quicker one, of a sort that served his purposes without being so difficult, unwieldy, or lavish. Just a quick bolt-hole for hiding, resting, stashing loot, and holding secret meetings.

Loroche's Bolt-Hole creates a small, box-like extradimensional space, 20 feet long horizontally from where it is placed, 10 feet wide, and 10 feet tall. The caster touches a vertical or diagonal surface, such as a wall, upon casting this spell and that surface becomes the entrance to the extradimensional space. The touched surface undergoes no noticeable changes, except that the spell's aura (when viewed with Detect Magic or similar effects) encompasses a 10-square-foot space along that surface. If the surface is not large enough, the size and shape of the entrance is reduced appropriately in those spots.

However, the caster and anyone else permitted by him or her at the time of casting (whether they are present at the time or not) may enter and leave the Bolt-Hole through that 'entrance' at will, as long as the spell is still in effect. The caster sees the 'entrance' of the Bolt-Hole as though it were faintly glowing in various colors, when looking at it from outside, but no one else sees it. On the inside, the 'entrance' is unseen and affords a clear view of the outside for those looking out, but the other five walls of the extradimensional space are an opaque, dull gray, emitting slightly less than the equivalent of candlelight in the area (and none of that light goes past the entrance).

Anything can pass through the entrance, excluding non-permitted creatures, and excluding objects greater than Fine in size (though such objects can be physically carried, pushed, or pulled into or out of the space by permitted creatures). This means that sand, most hail, sound, light, water, smells, gasses, and various other things can get into the Bolt-Hole. However, there are a few limitations. Light, sound, smells, heat, cold, and air do not leave the extradimensional space, but instead are absorbed by its walls, and any air or smells so absorbed are released through the 'entrance' when the spell ends. So those within the Bolt-Hole can observe what's outside the entrance, but not vice versa.

Spell effects, as well as powers, abilities, and item effects, cannot pass through the entrance nor the walls. When the spell ends, anything still inside the extradimensional space is harmlessly shunted out through the entrance. If the entrance is blocked, occupants are shunted as far as necessary (first in that direction, then in any direction) to get them out into an open space, and they suffer 1d6 damage per 10 feet they are shunted beyond the entrance. If another extradimensional space is brought into the Bolt-Hole, or if the Bolt-Hole is created along a surface inside another extradimensional space, there are terrible repercussions; refer to the Aurelian Extradimensional Spaces rules for details. The material component for this spell is a crystal lens worth at least 100 gold pieces.

Loroche’s Unerring Bolt
Level: Sor/Wiz 3
Components: V, F
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes
This spell was devised by the renowned mage Loroche, who was so renowned because of his legendary knack for getting into terrible situations, and then amazingly finding a way out of them. Loroche was tired of his spells failing him consistently, and created this spell as a way to ensure that he would be able to harm any foe he came across. The Unerring Bolt generates a lightning-like streak of violet-colored magical energy, which strikes a single designated creature within range, whom the caster must be able to see at least partially. As long as the caster can see the opponent at least partially, the Unerring Bolt will ignore any fake copies of the target (such as Mirror Images, Simulacrums, doppelgangers, or the like) and strike the real one (even if the caster is not sure which one is the real thing, or even if they're unaware that the opponent is using duplicates). Otherwise it strikes the one the caster targets. An Unerring Bolt can strike ethereal or incorporeal targets without fail, just the same as corporeal targets (and if the caster is on the Ethereal Plane, this spell can strike corporeal targets just as easily), as long as the caster sees his or her target. This deals 2d4+4 damage to the victim, and an additional 1d4+2 damage per 2 caster levels, to a maximum of 8d4+16 damage by 12th-level. What makes this spell so special is that any checks to identify it when cast are made at a -10 penalty (this is mostly for thwarting counterspell attempts), while any dispel checks against Loroche’s Unerring Bolt are also made at a -10 penalty, and if the mage casting this spell targets a foe with Spell Resistance, they get a +5 bonus on their check to beat the creature’s SR. The spell’s focus is a piece of any rare, magnetic metal, worth at least 5 gold pieces.

Michella’s Vitalizing Verse
Conjuration (Healing)
Level: Brd 6
Components: V
Casting Time: 1 full-round action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Targets: Up to one living creature/5 caster levels
Duration: 2 rounds
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
With this short magical lyric you conjure up a surge of positive energy to rejuvenate allies, and at the same time motivate them to greater effort and greater bravado. Michella’s Vitalizing Verse was developed by the famous Michella, Royal Bard of ancient Thesska, making a breakthrough in healing songs. Each creature to be affected is instantly healed of up to 2 hit points per caster level, and healed of an equal amount of subdual damage as appropriate. In addition, they are cured of fatigue, or their exhaustion is cured to the point of merely being fatigued (if they were exhausted beforehand). Lastly, the subjects receive a +2 morale bonus on all checks, attack rolls, and Will saving throws. The healing and fatigue- or exhaustion-reducing effects are repeated at the start of the caster's turn each round.

Mnemonic Boost
Level: Wiz 6, Wuj 6
Components: V
Casting Time: 1 round
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
With the casting of Mnemonic Boost, you instantly recall the incantations, gestures, and so on for up to 5 levels worth of spells you know and have scribed into your spellbook, or have permanently memorized through Spell Mastery or the like. You recall and refresh the magical energies of those spells as well. This essentially prepares those spells as though you had the extra slots for them, but these effective extra slots disappear the next time you prepare any more wizard or wu jen spells. This spell only applies with regards to other wizard or wu jen spells. For purposes of this effect, treat 0-level spells as one-half level. Thus, you could prepare one 5th-level spell, or a 4th-level spell and a 1st-level spell, or ten 0-level spells, or two 2nd-level spells and a 1st-level spell, or five 1st-level spells, or a 3rd-level spell and four 0-level spells, or any other such combination.

Nelna’s Invisible Tent
Illusion (Shadow)
Level: Brd 3, Sor/Wiz 3
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 20 ft.
Effect: One invisible, semisolid tent
Duration: 10 hours
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
The Gnomish wizardess Nelna created this spell long ago to shelter herself and a few traveling companions while hiding them from view, without the bothersome prospect of carrying around an actual tent everywhere they went. Nelna's Invisible Tent creates an invisible, pyramid-shaped, immobile tent of shadow-magic, 10 feet wide by 10 feet long and 10 feet tall in the middle. It must be cast upon more or less solid ground, flat enough that a normal tent could have been pitched upon it (and the tent must be more or less upright). The caster sees his or her Invisible Tent as a shadowy form, and anyone inside the tent sees the walls of it as such. From outside, nobody but the caster (and anyone seeing through a See Invisibility spell, a True Seeing spell, or similar effects) can see the tent, though Detect Magic and similar effects can reveal the tent-shaped aura.

The walls are not solid to creatures larger than Diminutive size, so most creatures can enter and exit the tent easily. Diminutive and smaller creatures find the walls of the tent to be as tough as 1-inch-thick wood (hardness 5), but the tent is not wooden, so termites and the like get no nourishment from it. The walls are nothing more than shadowstuff, partially real and partially not. There are no gaps in the walls, and the floor meets seemlessly with the ground; the tent has its own shadowy floor, so those within the tent are not exposed to whatever is on the ground outside. The Invisible Tent protects against precipitation, wind, light, dust, sand, smoke, gasses, and such, blocking out such irritants and discomforts as effectively as a canvas tent (but without billowing under winds, and without the tent catching fire).

The tent can hold off up to 1-foot-deep waters or piles of snow; beyond that point, any excess flooding or snowbanks around it will seep through the walls to get inside, unimpeded by the shadowstuff. Floodwaters flowing at a speed of at least 20 miles per hour will breach the tent just as easily, as will a severe wind or stronger winds. Thrown objects (or thrown creatures) pierce the tent's walls easily, as do projectiles, avalanches, landslides, mudslides, pyroclastic flows, lava, magma, acid, and similar hazards. The tent provides no insulation against heat, cold, or sound. Melee attacks by creatures larger than Diminutive size easily pass through the tent.

As soon as the tent is pierced, or as soon as any creature or object leaves the tent (even partially), the Invisible Tent collapses and the spell ends (so no sticking your head out to take a look outside after going in). It does provide total cover and total concealment to anything on the other side of the tent before that, however. Anything inside the tent is just as invisible as the tent itself (refer to the Invisibility spell), as long as the tent remains intact. The spell ends if the tent is destroyed, or if any part of the tent is exposed to an Invisibility Purge effect.

Noxious Ruin
Necromancy (Air) (Evil)
Level: Rgr 1
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 full-round action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Effect: Mist that spreads in a 10-foot radius, 10 feet high
Duration: 1 round, +1 round/3 levels
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial (see text)
Spell Resistance: Yes
With this spell, you call up a foul, greenish miasma to choke and poison enemies, channeling nature's cruel and deadly aspects. The area around a target point is filled with a thin greenish cloud, which provides one-half concealment for a 20% miss chance, applied towards any attacks originating within the cloud, targeting anything within it, or passing through it. The stench within the cloud incurs a -2 circumstance penalty on all checks, Reflex saves, and attack rolls made by any living creatures within the cloud who can smell it, and gives them a -2 circumstance penalty to Armor Class (note that some creatures are so big that their head or other breathing parts might not be in the cloud, so they cannot inhale the stench while so positioned). A successful Fortitude save reduces these penalties to -1.

Furthermore, besides the stink, Noxious Ruin has a poisonous effect as well, which causes 1 point of temporary Charisma damage to living creatures who inhale any of the gas and fail their save against this spell. Regardless of the first save, any living creatures exposed to the cloud who inhale some of it must attempt another Fortitude save 1 minute later against the poison's secondary effect, which is another 1 point of temporary Charisma damage. Any creature holding their breath does not suffer the circumstance penalty nor the poison, though if they breathe at any point while in the cloud, they begin to suffer the effects.

Regardless of this, the Noxious Ruin is an insidious miasma that wilts and rots living flesh, causing 1d2 points of negative energy damage per round to living creatures (and plants) within the cloud (this does not affect undead, so they are not healed by the negative energy). Those who succeed at their Fortitude save against this spell suffer only half damage from it. Good-aligned creatures suffer a -2 penalty on their saving throws against Noxious Ruin, thanks to its evil power. Any save bonuses against poison, such as a dwarf's, only apply towards determining whether or not victims suffer Charisma damage.

A moderate wind (11+ mph) disperses the cloud in 1 round, while a strong or stronger wind disperses it immediately (before it can have any effect). The material component for this spell is a 1-pound chunk of rotten meat (fresh meat typically costs 6 sp/pound); this component is not normally sold with spell component pouches, it must be purchased or otherwise acquired separately (often carved off of dead animals or monsters).[/sblock]
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First Post
Spell Descriptions, Part 3
[sblock]Pack Mind
Enchantment (Lawful) (Mind-Affecting)
Level: Rgr 1
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 full-round action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Targets: You and up to one willing, living creature per caster level
Duration: 1 round, +1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
Pack Mind forms a limited connection between you and your allies, helping you to fight more effectively together and hunt enemies or prey as a pack. This spell affects you and up to one additional willing, living creature per caster level. For the duration of the Pack Mind, each affected creature gets a +1 bonus on attack rolls against targets that any other affected creatures have attacked within the past 1 round. This bonus is doubled when an affected creature is flanking such an opponent with another affected creature. The bonus may be applied to damage with any successful melee attacks using weapons, unarmed strikes, or natural weapons, under the same circumstances, if chosen by the affected creature at the start of their turn (in which case, it replaces that creature's attack bonus from Pack Mind for 1 round).

Pack Mind also grants affected creatures an extra +2 bonus on checks to find or follow tracks, for each other affected creature that successfully uses the 'aid another' action to improve their check. Chaotic creatures affected by Pack Mind get only half of each bonus from this spell, rounded up. The material component for this spell is a scale, tuft of fur, or piece of chitin from a deinonychus, megaraptor, wolf, dog, lioness, ant, or bee.

Pack Survival
Necromancy (Good)
Level: Rgr 4
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Targets: Up to one willing, living creature per two caster levels
Duration: 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
This spell allows a ranger to link the vital energy of several willing creatures together, allowing them to share health and stamina, through the power of nature's positive and selfless aspects. For the duration of Pack Survival, any of the linked creatures may take some of the damage upon themselves when another linked creature is dealt hit point damage or subdual damage; they may take half of that damage from the injury, rounded down, instead of the linked ally taking that portion of the damage. The creature that was actually wounded still suffers the normal effects for the full damage suffered, except that their hit points are not reduced by the full amount (or they do not add the full amount to their total accumulated subdual damage, as appropriate), which might prevent them from being rendered unconscious or dead.

The linked creature that took some of the damage upon themselves is not directly affected (so they sport no visible injuries from it and are not actually stricken by the attack or effect that hurt their linked ally). Even magical or psionic backlash damage can be shared through this spell. Similarly, whenever a linked creature is fatigued by an effect, another linked creature may take the fatigue instead if not already exhausted. Likewise, whenever a linked creature is exhausted by an effect, another linked creature may take some of that exhaustion upon themselves instead, becoming fatigued while the original subject is merely fatigued (the one who shares part of their exhaustion must not already be exhausted). Note that a fatigued creature becomes exhausted if they suffer additional fatigue.

Each time that damage, fatigue, or exhaustion is shared by an ally through Pack Survival, only one such ally may take part of the damage, fatigue, or exhaustion for the ally that was directly affected (multiple allies cannot take portions of the damage or effect). A different ally can make this choice each time that one of their linked allies is affected, but not at the same time for the same injury or the like. Any time that a linked creature is killed or rendered unconscious during this spell's effect, all other linked creatures are staggered for 1 round (though their subdual damage totals do not change from this staggering). Shared damage, fatigue, and exhaustion remains in place with those who accepted it upon themselves even after this spell ends. It can be healed or otherwise relieved normally.

Painful Impulse
Enchantment (Compulsion) (Mind-Affecting)
Level: Brd 1, Sor/Wiz 2
Components: V
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Targets: Single living creature of total hit dice no greater than your caster level
Duration: 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw: Will half
Spell Resistance: Yes
This spell attacks the mind of an enemy and forces thoughts of personal suffering and great pain into their mind, so intense that it physically pains them in addition to the mental shock. Painful Impulse deals 1d6 points of subdual damage to the target creature each round, but only until the creature falls unconscious or the spell duration ends. As long as the target creature is unconscious, Painful Impulse deals no further damage to them, but it resumes dealing damage after they regain consciousness, if that occurs before the spell expires. The affected creature is allowed a Will saving throw to resist Painful Impulse, and on a successful save they suffer only half damage from it each round.

Predator’s Frenzy
Enchantment (Compulsion) (Evil) (Mind-Affecting)
Level: Rgr 3
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Targets: Single living creature
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
The subject of this spell is infused with the predatory instincts and savagery of a wild beast, compelled by nature's savage aspects to rend, smash, kill, and feed. If the subject is unwilling, they get a Will saving throw to resist. This spell duplicates the effects of a 1st-level Barbarian's Rage, except as noted above and as follows. The rage lasts for the duration of this spell, and cannot be voluntarily ended, but incurs fatigue afterward as normal (if the subject has a rage ability of their own and is not fatigued after using it, then they are also not fatigued by this rage). The subject of Predator's Frenzy gains the usual benefits and drawbacks of a rage, as well as the following.

They must spend each of their turns either attacking (with lethal force, if possible), feeding (as noted below), or moving to reach their targets for slaughter. They will not hold back on their attacks; no subdual-damage attacks if possible, no fighting defensively or Combat Expertise, no total defense, no disarming or striking objects, etc.; they will only use options that incur attack or damage penalties if those options grant them extra attacks or other offensive benefits (and will not use options that grant higher defensive bonuses than offensive ones). They can make a flurry of blows during a full-attack action, similar to a Monk, but regardless of what weapons or natural weapons they use. This gives them one additional attack during the full-attack action, at their highest Base Attack Bonus, but incurs a -2 penalty on all of their attack rolls until their next turn.

In addition, they get a +1 morale bonus on physical melee damage rolls for each opponent they kill or render unconscious within this spell's duration (this is cumulative, but will not exceed a maximum of +5). However, whenever they kill a creature or render it unconscious, the subject of Predator's Frenzy must succeed at a Will saving throw (against the DC of this spell) to avoid spending the next round on feeding off of the fallen creature. Furthermore, once all of the subject's enemies within sight (or blindsight, if they have that ability) are dead or unconscious, the subject must succeed at another such Will save to avoid attacking the closest ally they can see (through vision or blindsight). If that ally escapes or dies or falls unconscious, the subject must make another save to avoid attacking the next-closest ally, and so on and so forth. Regardless of these saves, if all allies and enemies within sight (or blindsight) are dead or unconscious, the subject of Predator's Frenzy begins feeding on their nearest fallen prey. Once the spell ends, this compulsion no longer drives them.

Quell Vitality
Necromancy (Evil)
Level: Sor/Wiz 1, Wuj 1
Components: V
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Targets: Single living creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will partial
Spell Resistance: Yes
By speaking a word of power and wickedness, you sap the life force of another creature, sending a shiver down their spine (or a quiver through their body if spineless). Quell Vitality functions only against one living creature of your choice, within range. That creature suffers 1d6 points of negative energy damage, +1 point per caster level, to a maximum of 1d6+20 damage at the 20th caster level. The victim is also fatigued for 1 round afterward by the sudden weight of the word upon their soul. He or she may attempt a Will saving throw for half damage, and on a successful save they are not fatigued.

Regenerate Massive Wounds
Level: Clr 6, Dru 5
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Target: Living creature touched
Duration: 10 rounds + 1 round/level
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
This is the most powerful spell in the Regenerate Wounds line, bestowing its recipient with incredibly fast regeneration. This spell functions exactly like Regenerate Light Wounds, except as noted above and as follows. Regenerate Massive Wounds grants the subject Fast Healing 5 instead of Fast Healing 1.

Regenerate Minor Wounds
Level: Clr 0, Dru 0
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Target: Living creature touched
Duration: 5 rounds
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
This is the weakest, most basic spell in the Regenerate Wounds line, helping the subject to heal more rapidly for a few brief moments. This spell functions exactly like Regenerate Light Wounds, except as noted above.

Revenant Strike
Level: Sor/Wiz 3, Wuj 3
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Targets: You and one living or undead creature (see text)
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless to you)
Cast this spell only after you have been damaged by another living or undead creature within the past 3 rounds. Otherwise, this spell has no effect. This spell deals only with hit point damage, not other types of damage. Revenant Strike calls forth a vengeful spirit, which passes through you and takes part of the injury away, flying swiftly at the opponent who wounded you and passing through them, transferring the damage they took from you into the opponent for retribution, along with sending an extra jolt of ghostly power into the foe. Any effect that wards off ghosts, undead, or incorporeal creatures will ward off the Revenant Strike as well (AC bonuses and the like, such as Mage Armor, do not count).

Revenant Strike heals you of up to 2 points of damage per caster level, but no more than that dealt to you by one of the chosen opponent's attacks in the past 3 rounds, and no more than 24 points at the 12th caster level onward. Revenant Strike deals positive energy damage (if you are living) or negative energy damage (if you are undead) equal to the amount that it healed for you, to the chosen opponent. In addition, Revenant Strike's damage receives a bonus of +1d6 points, but only if the spell successfully heals you of some damage and successfully delivers its damage to the foe.

The opponent may be a living creature or an undead creature, but if you and the opponent are both alive or both undead, then Revenant Strike fails to cause them any harm (the enemy must be of the opposite type in order for the vengeful spirit to successfully transfer the damage to them). It does not heal the opponent in any case, and Revenant Strike does not heal you unless the vengeful spirit reaches both you and the opponent. Regardless, the vengeful spirit returns to whence it came after attempting to deliver your retaliatory strike.

Sand Spear
Transmutation (Earth)
Level: Rgr 2
Components: V, S, M, F
Casting Time: 1 full-round action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Target: One creature or object
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex partial (see text)
Spell Resistance: Yes
The Sand Spear is a ranger spell that draws up earthen power to strike at an enemy and disrupt their ability to fight effectively. The caster of Sand Spear must be standing upon a space of earthen ground, whether stone, dirt, sand, clay, mud, tiles, or similar, but not magma, lava, crystal, or metal, and there must be a sufficient amount of earthen material directly beneath the caster's space to provide the necessary sand (even if that earthen material is not sand). A spear-like mass of sand erupts from that space, just in front of the caster, and soars out to strike at the target.

That target suffers 1d6 points of piercing damage per caster level, up to a maximum of 10d6. This is subject to Damage Reduction, since it is physical damage from mundane material. You must succeed at a normal ranged attack roll in order to hit with the Sand Spear, otherwise it does no damage (it threatens a critical hit on a roll of natural 20, and deals double damage on a critical hit, when applicable). This spell transmutes some of the earthen material beneath you into sand and launches it for the attack, then moves that sand back into place and returns it to its previous state. However, small grains of sand may escape the return transmutation, remaining behind to irritate the eyes, mouths, noses, and lungs of a creature.

A creature stricken by the Sand Spear must succeed at a Reflex saving throw or become blinded, which lasts until they spend a full-round action on removing sand from their eyes and other places (or until they receive a powerful enough blast of water, or a full round of immersion in water, to wash away the sand). Any creature that succeeds at the saving throw also takes one less d6 of damage. The material component for this spell is a handful of sand that your drop during the casting, and the focus required for Sand Spear is a sharp, pointed piece of obsidian worth 10 gold pieces.

Scathing Venom
Conjuration (Acid) (Creation)
Level: Rgr 3
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Area: Cone-shaped burst
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex hal, Fortitude partial (Objects) (see text)
Spell Resistance: Yes (Objects)
Scathing Venom sends a spray of acid and venom as scattered droplets in a cone-shaped area, dissolving flesh and bone while poisoning what remains. This spell deals 1d6 points of acid damage per two caster levels to anything organic within the area of effect, including living creatures, corporeal undead, plants, wood, cloth, bones, and anything constructed of such materials, such as shield guardians and other Constructs with wood, bone, or flesh in their external composition. This deals a maximum of 5d6 acid damage, at the 10th caster level onward. Creatures, attended objects, and magical or psionic objects are allowed a Reflex saving throw for half damage from the acid (Evasion or Improved Evasion apply normally).

Any living creature damaged by Scathing Venom must also attempt a Fortitude saving throw against its poison, and if they fail the Fortitude save, they suffer 1d3 points of temporary Dexterity damage. One minute after being damaged by this spell, a living creature must attempt another Fortitude save, and on a failure they suffer another 1d3 temporary Dexterity damage (whether or not they averted the first 1d3). Any save bonuses against poison only apply to these Fortitude saves, not the Reflex save. The poison from this spell is essentially a minor form of monster-poison derived from a mix of them, and is considered a natural monster poison despite its conjured origin (thus, a Druid's Venom Immunity would apply against it). This venom is a contact poison. The material components for this spell are a vial of citric juice and a vial of mixed common venoms from different animals, beasts, and vermin, altogether worth a total of 20 gp.

Shadow of Death
Necromancy (Darkness)
Level: Sor/Wiz 4, Wuj 4
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 full-round action
Range: Personal
Effect: Aura of darkness, and 1 negative energy ray/level
Target: You
Duration: 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw: None or Will partial (see text)
Spell Resistance: No or Yes (see text)
This spell swathes you in darkness, a roiling fog-like aura that hides your features, and you can hurl some of this dark energy at opponents to weaken and blind them. This dark aura grants you one-half concealment, causing opponents a 20% miss chance on attacks against you, but the aura does not interfere with your own vision; the aura does not give opponents concealment against your own attacks and abilities. This is magical darkness, so opponents with Darkvision cannot ignore it, except for those who can pierce magical darkness with their Darkvision (such as many Devils).

The Shadow of Death also allows you to hurl rays of negative energy at opponents, up to a maximum of one ray per caster level. You can launch these dark rays at the rate of attack allowed by your Base Attack Bonus with a full-attack action, or one ray as a standard action or partial action, and you may choose to launch one ray immediately after casting this spell as part of the casting action. On full-attacks, use your normal Base Attack Bonuses for the attack rolls, and you may intersperse other attacks with the negative energy rays; for example, if you had a Base Attack of +7/+2 and held a crossbow, you could fire the crossbow with your first attack at +7 and launch a negative energy ray with the second attack at +2.

As rays, these require a ranged touch attack to hit, and ignore armor, shield, and natural armor bonuses to AC. They have a maximum range of 100 feet and have no range increments. On a successful hit, the negative energy ray deals 2d6 points of negative energy damage (which harms living things, heals the undead, and has no effect on non-living, non-undead targets). Each time a creature is stricken by one of these rays, they must succeed at a Will saving throw or be surrounded in an aura of magical darkness (if they fail their first Will save against this particular casting of the spell, they get no further Will saves against that individual casting of the spell). This is similar to the aura around the caster, except that it appears as a very light gray to everyone other than the victim, so it does not hinder others, but instead appears much darker to the victim and gives everything else one-half concealment against the victim (a 20% miss chance for the victim's attacks).

This darkness clings to the opponent for the remainder of this spell's duration, and cannot be ignored by the victim's Darkvision (unless their Darkvision can see through magical darkness). Any darkness generated by this spell does not aid in hiding nor allow individuals to hide without other concealment or cover to hide behind. Victims stricken by the negative energy rays apply their Spell Resistance only against the first ray; if that ray fails to affect them due to Spell Resistance, then all other rays from that particular casting of Shadow of Death also fail to affect that creature. The material component for this spell is the heart of a shadow mastiff, which is hard to find in markets but typically worth 500 gold pieces.

Slumber Pollen
Enchantment (Compulsion) (Mind-Affecting)
Level: Rgr 3
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 full-round action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Area: Shapeable line 5 feet wide out to maximum range (see text)
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
Tossing a handful of ordinary pollen into the air, you channel nature magic to alter that pollen's purpose and suffuse it with magical energy, scattering it with a light breeze of magic to lull creatures to sleep. This effectively spreads the Slumber Pollen in a line 5 feet wide, out to close range, but with a difference from other line effects. You can shape the line however you see fit, as long as it does not overlap, and the length of the line counts towards its range (so for instance, if you make the line stretch 15 feet forward, then turn and go right for 10 feet, then turn and go up 30 feet, it would require 55 feet of range to accomplish). The line starts in the space right in front of yours, and if you direct the line to cross through your space, then you too are subject to the spell.

Creatures within the area of effect must succeed at a Will saving throw or else fall asleep, if they inhale the pollen (creatures who do not breathe, creatures who do not smell, creatures whose heads or other breathing areas are outside the area of effect, and creatures who are holding their breath are unaffected). The pollen disappears after the casting (during which it spreads out along the line's path), but those who fall asleep from it remain asleep for 1 round per caster level. This slumber is as deep as that of the Sleep spell, so refer to that spell's description for details on how sleeping creatures may be awakened. Creatures with more Hit Dice than 5 + your caster level are unaffected by Slumber Pollen. The material component for this spell is a handful of flower pollen, which the spell magically multiplies before destroying.[/sblock]
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First Post
Spell Descriptions, Last Part
[sblock]Smoldering Assault
Transmutation (Fire)
Level: Rgr 1
Components: V, S, M, XP
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Target: Touched weapon or up to 20 touched pieces of ammunition
Duration: 1 round/level (see text)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
This ranger spell calls upon some of nature's fiery power to infuse a weapon and make it more effective, burning enemies and other objects on contact. The touched weapon or ammunition deals 1d6 points of bonus fire damage on each successful hit, but suffers the same fire damage itself as it smolders and glows faintly red with heat. This can quickly destroy lassos or nets used with Smoldering Assault, or slowly burn the edges of a club or quarterstaff for example, but it is not likely to do significant harm to wooden objects thanks to their hardness. Do not reduce this fire damage by half as normal before applying it to the weapon or ammunition, due to the nature of how this spell works.

Only the striking portion is smoldering or burning with this heat, so the wielder need not worry about their gripping end. Ammunition does not smolder and burn until it is launched, though it does smoke slightly until then. At the end of this spell's effect, affected weapons and ammunition cease smoldering, smoking, and burning, even if they are normally flammable. Ammunition and thrown weapons are no longer affected by this spell after they have already been launched or thrown once, after they have hit or missed with that attack. Projectile weapons do not transfer the effect of this spell to their ammunition, so casting Smoldering Assault upon a bow, crossbow, or firearm will do you little good (unless you use those as improvised melee weapons).

The heat and weak flames of this spell can set other items on fire if they are flammable and come into contact with the striking portion of an affected item. For instance, if you use this spell on a quiver of arrows, then fire one of those arrows at a puddle of oil, a hit will ignite that oil. The material component for this spell is a piece of charcoal. In order to cast this spell, you must also pay a cost of 100 Experience Points.

Staggering Surge
Level: Sor/Wiz 5
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Target: Living or undead creature touched, or living plant touched
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will partial (see text)
Spell Resistance: Yes
You channel powerful necromantic forces into your hand, surrounding it with a nimbus of riotous violet energy, and then reach out for another creature to deliver that powerful charge of deadly forces. Make a melee touch attack as part of casting this spell. Touch attacks ignore armor, natural armor, and shield bonuses to AC. On a successful hit, you deal 1d6 points of negative energy damage per caster level to the touched creature, up to a maximum of 20d6. This negative energy heals them if they are undead, but non-living, non-undead subjects are not affected. A living plant suffers this damage like a living creature.

A living creature touched is also sent reeling by the powerful surge of negative energy, rendering them stunned for 1 round and staggered for 1 round after that (the staggering does not affect their current subdual damage total). A stunned creature cannot act, drops anything they hold, and loses their Dexterity bonus to AC, while attackers receive a +2 bonus on attack rolls against a stunned creature. A staggered creature is simply restricted to taking only one partial action on his or her turn.

Also, a living creature stricken by the Staggering Surge takes 1d4 points of temporary Strength damage and 1d4 points of temporary Constitution damage. Furthermore, they become fatigued. Subjects of this spell may attempt a Will saving throw for partial effect, and if they succeed, they are not fatigued, nor stunned, and they suffer only 1 point each of temporary Strength and Constitution damage. They are staggered for 1 round as normal (though without the stun, this occurs immediately), but suffer only 75% as much negative energy damage, rounded up.

Storm Shield
Transmutation (Air) (Electricity) (Sonic)
Level: Rgr 3
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Effect: Swirling shield-like mass of wind, clouds, thunder, and lightning
Duration: 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes (see text)
Calling upon the forces of a storm, you gather wind, dust, and vapor in the air to form a shield-like disk of swirling winds and gray clouds, which crackles with miniature lightning and quietly rumbles with miniature thunder. The Storm Shield hovers before you, moving out of your way when you attack but interposing itself to defend against enemy attacks. Against physical attacks (including melee touch attacks and physical projectiles produced or launched by spells and powers), the Storm Shield grants you a +3 deflection bonus to Armor Class. This also applies against any electricity attacks, sonic attacks, or Air-descriptor attacks that involve an attack roll against you.

The Storm Shield absorbs some of any harmful sounds or electricity that affects you, effectively providing you with Electricity Resistance 5 and Sonic Resistance 5. In addition, whenever an opponent makes a melee attack against you, the Storm Shield intercepts and sends a jolt of lightning and thunder along the attacker's weapon or limb, even if it does not successfully deflect the attack. This deals 1d4 points of electricity damage and 1d4 points of sonic damage to the attacker. An attacker may apply Spell Resistance against this damage the first time that this individual casting of Storm Shield would harm them, and the result of your caster level check against their Spell Resistance applies for the remainder of the duration against that opponent. Thus, if you fail your check, they resist the damage every time for the duration of this casting.

The Storm Shield can only protect you from one side at a time, so if you are attacked from opposite sides at the same moment, the Storm Shield only moves to intercept attacks from one side at a time; either your front, your rear, your left, your right, above you, or below you, and it protects that hemisphere effectively. You decide at the time of the simultaneous attacks, before they are rolled. The Storm Shield will not provide any of its effects against attacks from the opposite hemisphere. However, it moves quite swiftly, so it can intercept attacks from all directions over the course of a round, just not all at the same exact moment.

Strength of the Herd
Level: Rgr 1
Components: V, S, F
Casting Time: 1 full-round action
Range: Personal
Area: Emanation, 10 ft. radius, centered on you
Duration: 2 rounds, +1 round/level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
The power of nature allows you to share strength with allies through this spell, or to share in the strength of your allies. Each time you cast Strength of the Herd, choose either to share your own strength or share in your allies' strength. While sharing your own strength, you take a -4 enhancement penalty to your Strength score and other allies within the spell's emanation receive a +2 enhancement bonus to their Strength scores, whenever they are at least partly inside the emanation. When you share in your allies' Strength, you instead gain a +4 enhancement bonus to your Strength score and allies who are at least partly within the emanation suffer a -2 enhancement penalty to their Strength scores. You also benefit from the Power Attack feat while sharing in the strength of at least four allies.

The benefits and drawbacks of this spell apply only when there are at least two allies fully or partly inside the emanation. Only allies who are living creatures count for this purpose, and this spell has no effect if you are not a living creature. Allies must be willing in order for them to count towards this spell's effects. The focus required for this spell is the horn of a buffalo, antelope, carabou, bison, gazelle, ox, wildebeast, or triceratops.

Enchantment (Compulsion) (Mind-Affecting)
Level: Brd 2, Sor/Wiz 2
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 full-round action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: Single living creature of 10 hit dice or fewer
Duration: 2 rounds
Saving Throw: Will partial
Spell Resistance: Yes
With this simple enchantment, you scramble an opponent's thoughts for a few moments and send them into a mind-fogged stupor. The target creature must succeed at a Will saving throw or else be stunned for 2 rounds, dropping any objects they hold and taking no actions. A stunned creature loses its Dexterity bonus to Armor Class, and other creatures gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls against the stunned creature. On a successful Will save, the target creature is instead dazed for just 1 round; a dazed creature cannot take any actions, but suffers none of the other drawbacks of stunning. The material component for this spell is a cracked glass and silver mirror, worth 5 gold pieces and weighing 1 pound.

Summoning Surge
Level: Brd 1, Clr 1, Sor/Wiz 1, Wuj 1
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Target: Single creature
Duration: 3 rounds
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
With this spell, you grant a boost to the summoning capabilities of one creature by touch. Any spells that the target creature casts from the Summoning subschool, and any spell-like abilities they activate that belong to the Summoning subschool, receive the following benefits if completed within the Summoning Surge's duration (even if the creature began the casting or activation before Summoning Surge took effect). Any creatures summoned in this manner receives a +4 inherant bonus to their Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution scores for the duration of the summoning, or 3 rounds if the summoning has no duration or a duration of 1 hour or more. If the Summoning effect does not actually summon creatures, then it is treated as though cast at +3 effective caster levels.

Taurion’s Force Lance
Evocation (Force)
Level: Sor/Wiz 4
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 full round
Range: Personal
Effect: Floating lance composed of magical force
Duration: 1 minute/level
Saving Throw: No
Spell Resistance: Yes
A 5-foot long, sharply-pointed pole of force appears beside you, floating around a foot off the ground and awaiting your command. The force lance remains hovering next to you at all times, staying in your fighting space but not getting in your way, and only leaves your side to strike opponents as designated below, returning immediately afterward. The force lance has the same statistics as a +2 magical heavy lance sized for a Medium character, except that it is made of force and thus has no weight or cost. The force lance is immune to damage, though any effect that could destroy a force effect of this spell's level will destroy the lance, such as a Disintegrate spell. The force lance can also be dispelled, and an antimagic field suppresses it without interrupting the spell's duration.

At the beginning of each of your turns, you may designate an opponent you can see or otherwise accurately pinpoint the location of (concealment, cover, and so on do not typically impede this, but full concealment or full cover will, although tower shields and similar barriers do not prevent the designation of a foe), and verbally (or telepathically, if able) command the force lance to attack that target, as a free action. If that opponent is within 10 feet of you at any point in your turn, the force lance will immediately move in and strike at that opponent, then return to your side; the lance can only strike this way once per turn. If this attack is made while you charge the same opponent, then the force lance deals double damage, just as an ordinary lance does in a mounted charge.

In addition to this function, the force lance may attempt a single attack of opportunity each round. The force lance threatens the area within 10 feet of you for that purpose. Also, if an opponent charges at you and the force lance hasn't already made its attack of opportunity this round, then it will make one against the charging opponent, as though it were set against a charge like a spear, dealing double damage as a result. The force lance’s capabilities cannot be altered by other spells, feats, or effects that you or others use (such as the Spirited Charge feat or a bard’s Inspire Courage), though its duration, spell level, damage, and so on may be altered as normal for a spell effect (such as by metamagic feats).

The force lance’s damage and attack bonuses are not affected by your ability scores, and it has its own effective Strength score of 10. The force lance has its own attack bonus of +10 (counting its enhancement), instead of using your own base attack bonus or attack modifiers (though it gets normal attack modifiers for circumstances, such as flanking or striking prone enemies). Damage Reduction and other defenses, such as a swashbuckler bard’s Defensive Parry class feature, treat the force lance as a weapon, not a spell effect. As a magical force effect, the force lance can strike incorporeal and ethereal enemies, but only if you are able to designate them as targets for it at the time (as described above). Also, the force lance ignores the normal 50% chance of not damaging an incorporeal creature. Check against Spell Resistance for each creature the force lance strikes, but only if it is the first time that particular Taurion’s Force Lance spell has stricken them. If you fail to beat their Spell Resistance, this individual casting of the spell does no harm to that foe.

Taurion's Rapid Riposte
Evocation (Force)
Level: Sor/Wiz 3
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 full round
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 3 rounds/level
Saving Throw: No
Spell Resistance: None
A small, circular plane of force about 4-feet wide appears and floats next to you, keeping out of your way but moving to intercept weapon attacks, unarmed strikes, natural weapon attacks, melee touch attacks, ranged touch attacks, and magical or psionic projections (refer to the Weapon Focus feat's description) used against you. The disk makes such attacks against you suffer a 20% miss chance (feats like Sharp-Shooting or Precise Shot will not help against this). If such an attack misses as a result of the disk, the disk blocks and deflects the attack, then follows through by spinning around and striking at the attacker, immediately after the missed attack against you.

You make an attack roll with the disk, but instead of using your own attack modifiers, the disk strikes as per a +1 magical weapon and has its own attack bonus of +10 (counting its enhancement). The disk has a threat range of 20 and a critical multiplier of x2, deals 1d6+1 slashing damage (counting the enhancement), and has a range of 30 feet; if the attacker is more than 30 feet away, the disk will not retaliate against them. As a force effect, the disk ignores the normal 50% chance of not damaging an incorporeal creature, and it can harm ethereal attackers as well. You cannot use any feats, spells, or other abilities to increase the damage, attack bonus, threat range, or critical multiplier of the disk, and its attack and damage modifiers are not affected by your ability scores. The disk immediately returns to your side after retaliating.

Attacks by weapons, natural weapons, projectiles, or unarmed strikes of Gargantuan size or larger bypass the disk and do not trigger retaliation from it, nor do those of Diminutive size or smaller. The disk is immune to damage, but can be dispelled, and an antimagic field suppresses the spell as normal (without interrupting its duration). Any effect that could destroy a force effect of this spell's level will destroy the disk, such as Disintegrate. The material component for this spell is a tiny, rune-etched platinum disk worth 50 gold pieces.

Tempest Strike
Evocation (Chaotic) (Electricity) (Sonic)
Level: Rgr 2
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Area: Cone-shaped burst
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex half, Will partial (see text)
Spell Resistance: Yes
Calling upon the ferocity of a storm, you lash out with a chaotic spray of miniature lightning and thunderous echoes of your voice. This spell cannot be cast without its verbal and somatic components, regardless of metamagic. Tempest Strike deals 1d4 points of electricity damage per two caster levels within its area of effect, up to a maximum of 5d4. It also deals 1d6 points of sonic damage per three caster levels within the area of effect, up to a maximum of 3d6. Creatures, magic items, psionic items, and attended objects are allowed to attempt a Reflex saving throw for half damage. Flammable items will ignite if damaged by the electricity of this spell.

Chaotic forces in the Tempest Strike amplify the light and sound against lawful creatures in the area, blinding and deafening them for 1 round on a failed Will save. The caster of Tempest Strike must also attempt a Will saving throw, and if it fails, the caster suffers half damage from this spell and is dazzled for 1 round (the caster suffers no damage from this spell, and no dazzling, if they succeed at the Will save).

Thunder Pillar
Evocation (Sonic)
Level: Sor/Wiz 4, Wuj 4
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 full round
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Area: Up to five cylinders 10 ft. in diameter and 10 ft./level tall
Targets: One creature, + 1 creature/3 caster levels above 7th, maximum 5 targets
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex half or Fortitude negates (Object) (see text)
Spell Resistance: Yes
The Thunder Pillar spell creates a pillar of destructive soundwaves that bursts from the ground beneath a foe. It reaches up to 10 feet per caster level into the air, and is 10 feet in diameter, centered upon the corner of any square the target occupies; if the target is in the air and is higher than the pillar could reach from the ground, then the pillar instead bursts forth from the air just above the target, spreading downward. The air ripples from these intense soundwaves. Thunder Pillar deals 1d12 sonic damage per 3 caster levels to the target foe, with a maximum of 6d12. Also, half the damage rounded up is dealt to all other creatures within the area of effect.

Creatures within the area, including the target, may attempt Reflex saves for half damage. Creatures in the area of effect who fail their Reflex save are also deafened for 3 rounds. The first 1d12 damage is also dealt to all objects in the area of effect and ignores one-third of their hardness, rounded up, but the objects may make Fortitude saves for half damage if they are magical or psionic. This spell creates an additional pillar of thunder at 10th-level, and another at 13th-, 16th-, and 19th-levels, for a total of five sonic pillars per casting at 19th-level. Each pillar must target a different foe, and each targeted foe must be within the spell’s range; if there are not enough foes in range, then the additional pillars disappear as soon as they appear, in a tiny, harmless puff of smoke near the feet of the caster. The pillars burst from the ground simultaneously. The material component for this spell is a miniature brass tuning fork.

Wildfire Wreath
Conjuration (Chaotic) (Creation) (Fire)
Level: Rgr 4
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 full-round action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 5 rounds
Saving Throw: None or Reflex half (see text)
Spell Resistance: No or Yes (see text)
Wildfire Wreath surrounds the ranger in a swirling, circular wreath of fire, smoke, and embers, which harms enemies, lends power to the ranger's attacks, and allows him or her to unleash waves of fire. Each time an opponent hits the caster in melee without a reach weapon (natural weapons with reach do not count as reach weapons for this purpose), that opponent suffers 1d6 points of fire damage in return. This fire damage is also dealt to any weapons or projectiles that hit the caster or that miss the caster but would have hit his or her touch AC. Likewise, every successful hit the ranger makes with melee attacks (excluding reach weapons or natural weapons with reach) deals this fire damage as well.

All of the ranger's melee attacks made during this spell's effect (including those using reach weapons or natural weapons with reach, in this case) are treated as having a magical +2 enhancement bonus for purposes of overcoming Damage Reduction and for purposes of having a chance to injure incorporeal targets (with the usual 50% chance of failure in those cases, since this spell does not provide Ghost Touch). If the ranger's attacks already have an enhancement, treat it as being +2 higher for those purposes. This does not grant an actual enhancement bonus, so it does not affect attack or damage rolls. These attacks are also considered to be chaos-aligned, as though from the Chaotic magic weapon property, except that Wildfire Wreath adds only +1d6 points of bonus chaotic damage to the attacks when they hit lawful creatures, not 2d6. Furthermore, this 1d6 chaotic energy damage is dealt to any lawful creatures that the Wreath directly deals fire damage to (before any defenses are factored in against that damage, such as fire resistance or fire immunity).

This spell has another function, however, to create waves of flaming power. The ranger may concentrate for this purpose as a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity, and this action produces a cone-shaped burst of chaotic flames out to a range of 30 feet (metamagic effects and the like do not affect this, since it is not part of the spell's normal range) in the direction of the caster's choice. He or she may create a wave of flames in this manner as often as he or she likes throughout the spell's duration, by devoting a standard action to it each time. The wave of flames deals 6d6 fire damage to anything caught in its path, and while the wave is an instantaneous effect, it leaves behind a trail of burning embers in the affected area (and on affected victims who did not avoid all damage from it through Evasion, Improved Evasion, or abilities that duplicate these).

The embers burn wildly for 1 round afterward before turning to inert ash, dealing an additional 1d6 fire damage on contact (within the area) or after that 1 round has passed (on stricken victims), which is cumulative for those who were stricken and then remain in the area for a full round (if they leave and return to the area in the same round, they avoid taking damage for merely being in the area). Anything that the embers damage (after defenses are factored in, like hardness, fire resistance, or fire immunity) will catch on fire if flammable or combustible. The initial blast of flames also ignites flammables and combustibles that it successfully damages.

The wave deals 1d6 bonus chaotic damage to lawful creatures who do not fully avoid the damage through Evasion or a similar ability, and the embers deal 1d4 bonus chaotic damage to lawful creatures they cling to, regardless of fire resistance or fire immunity. However, anything caught within the flame wave is allowed a Reflex saving throw for half damage, and applies Spell Resistance against the flame wave if they have it. If their Spell Resistance successfully resists the spell, they take no damage from the flame wave and are not clung to by embers. However, Spell Resistance and Reflex saves do not protect against the fire damage and chaotic energy damage inflicted by contact with the Wildfire Wreath through melee attacks.

Wildfire Wreath automatically ignites anything flammable or combustible in the caster's space while it is active, except for that which is on the ranger's person (objects and familiars staying on his or her person are unaffected, but grapplers or other creatures are affected). This sets them on fire as per the usual rules for a burning creature or object, and this burning is just a natural result of close contact with the heat and flames of the Wreath; the fire caused in this manner is nonmagical. Every round that this spell is in effect (including the round in which it is cast), the Wildfire Wreath has a 50% chance of harming the caster (roll this chance at the end of the ranger's turn), dealing him or her 1d6 points of fire damage and 1d6 points of divine energy damage (the fire damage can be prevented by fire resiistance or the like, but divine energy damage cannot be prevented, reduced, or redirected in any way). Any time the ranger unleashes a wave of flames with this spell, he or she automatically suffers 2d6 points of fire damage (which can be reduced as noted above) and 2d6 points of divine energy damage (which cannot be reduced, as noted above), which replaces the 50% chance of 1d6/1d6 damage to him or her on that round.[/sblock]
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