• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

3PP Release (3rd Party Book Release) Paranormal Power: A Psionics Option for 5e and A5e, written by Steampunkette!


Rules Tinkerer and Freelance Writer
Just realized that I forgot to mention a mistake I noticed in Body Manipulation 1 dice modifiers. The Restoration runs in to the one before it so it looks like they are just one modifier.
Oh...damn. Good catch!

I'll do up a very small errata, I think. Two notes, so far.

Body Manipulation's Restoration Augment: You may expend a single hit die and recover hit points or recover one psi dice.
Unfettered gets changed to remove the Short Rest and Psionic Focus recharge rules.

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Deep Healing/Restoration: You nailed it. It's to create a "Floor" of 1d8 healing but also allow particularly durable characters, like Berserkers and Fighters, to tap into their HD to get extra healing, if they have the extra HD available. It's also there as a specific option to allow for psionic characters, like a Psi Knight, to decide "You're empowering me for healing, but since I got lucky on the first 3d10 of the 4 you allowed me to use, I'll make the 4th into a Psi Dice!"

That said, the Chirurgeon's Field Aid benefit makes spending hit dice for d6 characters more attractive, too. Since you can force rerolls of hit dice from your use of the Chirurgery power. Might get better on 3d6 rerolling low numbers than 3d8, after all. It wouldn't apply to strict d8 Restoration dice.
Follow up question regarding that: I interpreted the Restoration Augment as giving the recipient extra dice on top of what they spend from their personal Hit Die pool, is that correct?

So going into an example:
Esper uses three psi dice on Chirurgery on a Berserker ally, spending one on Deep Healing and two on Restoration.
Berserker can spend two HD (one from initial power, one from the augment) to heal a total of 2d12+2d8+Con Mod HP

At base, the recipient of the power is still required to spend at least one Hit Die to gain any effect.

Also, for clarity for the Healing Reservoir from the Chirurgeon, the loss you ignore is from the bad rolls right? So using the above example, if all three psi dice rolled 1s, the Esper would only lose one die from that manifestation. The wording for some reason feels a little clunky to me on initial reading.


Rules Tinkerer and Freelance Writer
Follow up question regarding that: I interpreted the Restoration Augment as giving the recipient extra dice on top of what they spend from their personal Hit Die pool, is that correct?

So going into an example:
Esper uses three psi dice on Chirurgery on a Berserker ally, spending one on Deep Healing and two on Restoration.
Berserker can spend two HD (one from initial power, one from the augment) to heal a total of 2d12+2d8+Con Mod HP

At base, the recipient of the power is still required to spend at least one Hit Die to gain any effect.

Also, for clarity for the Healing Reservoir from the Chirurgeon, the loss you ignore is from the bad rolls right? So using the above example, if all three psi dice rolled 1s, the Esper would only lose one die from that manifestation. The wording for some reason feels a little clunky to me on initial reading.
Esper uses 3 psi dice on Chirurgery, Berserker spends 2HD and gains an addition 2d8, yes.

But if you manifest it and augment it once with Restoration they're "Qualified" to roll 2 dice (One HD on Chirurgery and 1d8 on Restoration). If they don't have HD left, they can still roll the 1d8 Restoration. The power still creates healing and is affected by the Restoration basic augment. The target is just unable to take full advantage of it.

And yes. Roll 3 ones, only lose one of your dice. Roll five 1s and you lose three of your dice.


Oh...damn. Good catch!

I'll do up a very small errata, I think. Two notes, so far.

Are you sure this isn't going to print too early? It seems like questions and issues like these are still coming pretty fast.

A couple of typos:


p. 33



Typo p.66


So for future power expansions, do you think you'd go about adding a new discipline and filling in the combinations, or adding new entries in for the existing ones? I can see a case for adding another 1st tier power for each discipline. It's a little awkward that adding in a "full" power suite for a new discipline skews the additional powers towards Tier 3 heavily.


I finally had a chance to sit down and at least skim the PDF from front to back, reading some of the sections in detail.

I like what I see in terms of rules and mechanics, especially the psi dice, but I especially like the ideomorphic monsters and the idea of the mindscape, especially in combination. Usually what I do when I see a good idea is try to invert it or turn it inside out and see what happens because often a good idea works through a lot of inversions.

What I got when I did that here just clicked instantly in my mind that that's what sufficiently powerful outer planes creatures do. Not canonically, they don't, but in my headspace, there's now room for the idea that when demons or devils, or perhaps also fey or elementals manifest, they're not trying to drag people into a mindscape, they're trying to drag their own physical and "moral" foundations into the Prime Material and locally overwrite morality and reality to their liking.

I guess that's not an entirely new idea, now that I'm writing it out-- it's not too dissimilar to the Overlay idea in T&T, and it's surely lurking around behind the scenes of the Regions idea. But thinking about it this way, as being (possibly) tied to a specific powerful creature's intentionality just feels different to me. It makes things personal in a way D&D-esque demons and devils often aren't, in my experience.

Are you sure this isn't going to print too early? It seems like questions and issues like these are still coming pretty fast.

A couple of typos:

View attachment 274670

p. 33
View attachment 274671

View attachment 274672

View attachment 274673

Typo p.66
View attachment 274669
I too have to wonder what is the rush to get it to the printer. Seems like the prudent thing would be to give it a week. It is actually the beauty of doing a project like this - I get the eyes of 700 editors!

But if you manifest it and augment it once with Restoration they're "Qualified" to roll 2 dice (One HD on Chirurgery and 1d8 on Restoration). If they don't have HD left, they can still roll the 1d8 Restoration. The power still creates healing and is affected by the Restoration basic augment. The target is just unable to take full advantage of it.
That is... fairly potent. As long as the Psi dice last that can potentially be at will healing. But that also seems to contradict the clause stating "If your target has no hit dice available, in either case, this power has no effect" near the end of the power description before the Augments.

Anyway, now that I've had a chance to look more into the book, some more questions and feedback.

What knowledge would Psionics and mindscapes be considered under? Arcana? Seems a little odd that Espers don't seem to get that as a class skill.

Psychic Focus requiring concentration seems unnecessary, since it means that you'd have to lose your Psychic Focus anytime you manifest a non-instantaneous power and therefore lose whatever benefits you were having (Discipline specific focus ability), assuming manifesting follows similar rules to spellcasting.

Should the Psionic Stride Noetic require Kinesthetic or Telekinetic focus to keep up with theme?

For the Energy Manipulation power is it possible to just hit a creature similar to a Thymokinetic Mind Blast? Or do you have to play with the Augments to get a single target damage effect beforehand? Since aside from Empower there isn't specific clause for damaging a target while it does say you can generate or manipulate effects, aside from Ignite (which specifies an unattended object) there is no explicit clause for Generating a fire, cold, or lightning effect. Things that are implicit over explicit leads to nerds arguing, one fellow nerd here put it.

For Psychoportation, the "On a success they remain where they are, and are unharmed." for an unwilling target seems unnecessary if a failed save doesn't actually move the target, nor are there augments to selectively teleport a specific body part away, like an arm holding a sword. Simply saying on a failed save they take X damage for Y reason, and nothing on success seems like it'd be fine.

I find the Noetics in general, to be blunt, lackluster. Some seem a little redundant in the abilities they give in context of existing powers or they should have been an Augment of an existing power or flat out part of a new power themselves. Like for Empathic Interference Power, Thymokineticist's Emotional Control, and Aura Vision Noetic all give a way to perfectly know a target's emotional state. Granted they each do something besides that, but it feels like at least 2 of those could have been combined. Also on the note of Emotional Control, I've never been a fan of abilities that are one time use ever, especially if it might mean more bookkeeping to keep track of who's still venerable to it. I think that it should either be an automatic failure if it's a one time ever ability, or just allow it to be used multiple times on a creature but conditionally. Since you already have to concentrate for a full minute to gain the benefit, either give it a time limit (like once in the next 10 minutes after gaining insight on the target, then they're immune to the effect for 24 hours) or key it off of expending Psychic Focus.

Part me expects that given how few Powers and Noetics an Esper gets over the course of their career they should have a bit more oomph or synergy with each other. Like having some Noetics have certain Powers as prerequisites, or allow for better action economy reduced augment cost between Powers to "combine" them, ultilize them with other . Such using Astral Projection in conjunction with Psychoportation to teleport to to someone you know well as a singular action, or use of Psychometry or Dreamwalker through an Astral Projection. Or like a Noetic that helps reduce the cost of a specific augment of a specific power by 1 (to a min of 1 die) to represent becoming more specialized in that power.

Alternatively, they could have just have more Noetics that draw inspiration from other classes that keep thematically in line the new Psionic theme, (I'll admit part of this is due to be corrupted by the Warlock which I consider a near pinnacle of good class design, and unfortunately for me I keep seeing vestiges of it in the Esper). For example having a spattering of Ranger-like abilities themed for navigating or survival in the Astral Plane, Mindscapes, or Dreamscapes (like Expert Forager except you are taking food out of dreamland or adding the functionality of the Read the Room Knack to Read Minds), or an Int-based version of the Herald's Prophetic Protection, or Premonition from Cleric's Signs of Faith. Which now that I think about it, Precognition is a very psychic power the generally seems to be missing from the general powers. Might be good for a future supplement maybe?
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Rules Tinkerer and Freelance Writer
Are you sure this isn't going to print too early? It seems like questions and issues like these are still coming pretty fast.

A couple of typos:

View attachment 274670

p. 33
View attachment 274671

View attachment 274672

View attachment 274673

Typo p.66
View attachment 274669
I too have to wonder what is the rush to get it to the printer. Seems like the prudent thing would be to give it a week. It is actually the beauty of doing a project like this - I get the eyes of 700 editors!
1) I promised speed. That it would get to the printers ASAP and get shipped out fast once the Kickstarter was over. I don't wanna spend the next month trying to get things perfect and make 300 out of those 700 angry about not getting their product. God forbid my computer should burn out like the last one did and I should lose progress, again, and wind up months behind.

2) I have ADHD. And I know if I hyperfocus on Paranormal Power I won't get Martial Artistry done or The Lands Beyond started. And the latter of those is meant to be an anthology with other people.

3) Getting it off my plate also allows me to focus in on other projects that have deadlines and burn through them.

4) I can't please everyone. So discussion of mechanics and rehashing of how they "Should" work will be productive to a point... but will eventually, even fairly quickly, wind up bogged down in preferences. Which can end up in week long discussions that devolve.

And it would be a month. Because it takes 3-5 days for the printers to do pre-media, then I -have- to order another Proof, which takes 2-4 weeks if I pay $40 worth of shipping. Even if we only discussed things 'til Monday, that's still maybe March before I get the Proof, and then 4-6 weeks after that, in April, people get the books I promised in late February/Early March.

I basically tied my own hands out of the gate...

That is... fairly potent. As long as the Psi dice last that can potentially be at will healing. But that also seems to contradict the clause stating "If your target has no hit dice available, in either case, this power has no effect" near the end of the power description before the Augments.

Anyway, now that I've had a chance to look more into the book, some more questions and feedback.

What knowledge would Psionics and mindscapes be considered under? Arcana? Seems a little odd that Espers don't seem to get that as a class skill.

Psychic Focus requiring concentration seems unnecessary, since it means that you'd have to lose your Psychic Focus anytime you manifest a non-instantaneous power and therefore lose whatever benefits you were having (Discipline specific focus ability), assuming manifesting follows similar rules to spellcasting.

Should the Psionic Stride Noetic require Kinesthetic or Telekinetic focus to keep up with theme?

For the Energy Manipulation power is it possible to just hit a creature similar to a Thymokinetic Mind Blast? Or do you have to play with the Augments to get a single target damage effect beforehand? Since aside from Empower there isn't specific clause for damaging a target while it does say you can generate or manipulate effects, aside from Ignite (which specifies an unattended object) there is no explicit clause for Generating a fire, cold, or lightning effect. Things that are implicit over explicit leads to nerds arguing, one fellow nerd here put it.

For Psychoportation, the "On a success they remain where they are, and are unharmed." for an unwilling target seems unnecessary if a failed save doesn't actually move the target, nor are there augments to selectively teleport a specific body part away, like an arm holding a sword. Simply saying on a failed save they take X damage for Y reason, and nothing on success seems like it'd be fine.

I find the Noetics in general, to be blunt, lackluster. Some seem a little redundant in the abilities they give in context of existing powers or they should have been an Augment of an existing power or flat out part of a new power themselves. Like for Empathic Interference Power, Thymokineticist's Emotional Control, and Aura Vision Noetic all give a way to perfectly know a target's emotional state. Granted they each do something besides that, but it feels like at least 2 of those could have been combined. Also on the note of Emotional Control, I've never been a fan of abilities that are one time use ever, especially if it might mean more bookkeeping to keep track of who's still venerable to it. I think that it should either be an automatic failure if it's a one time ever ability, or just allow it to be used multiple times on a creature but conditionally. Since you already have to concentrate for a full minute to gain the benefit, either give it a time limit (like once in the next 10 minutes after gaining insight on the target, then they're immune to the effect for 24 hours) or key it off of expending Psychic Focus.

Part me expects that given how few Powers and Noetics an Esper gets over the course of their career they should have a bit more oomph or synergy with each other. Like having some Noetics have certain Powers as prerequisites, or allow for better action economy reduced augment cost between Powers to "combine" them, ultilize them with other . Such using Astral Projection in conjunction with Psychoportation to teleport to to someone you know well as a singular action, or use of Psychometry or Dreamwalker through an Astral Projection. Or like a Noetic that helps reduce the cost of a specific augment of a specific power by 1 (to a min of 1 die) to represent becoming more specialized in that power.

Alternatively, they could have just have more Noetics that draw inspiration from other classes that keep thematically in line the new Psionic theme, (I'll admit part of this is due to be corrupted by the Warlock which I consider a near pinnacle of good class design, and unfortunately for me I keep seeing vestiges of it in the Esper). For example having a spattering of Ranger-like abilities themed for navigating or survival in the Astral Plane, Mindscapes, or Dreamscapes (like Expert Forager except you are taking food out of dreamland or adding the functionality of the Read the Room Knack to Read Minds), or an Int-based version of the Herald's Prophetic Protection, or Premonition from Cleric's Signs of Faith. Which now that I think about it, Precognition is a very psychic power the generally seems to be missing from the general powers. Might be good for a future supplement maybe?
Arcana with Psionics as an Expertise, yes. And I didn't give it to the Esper with the intent to highlight that some Espers aren't super-detailed into Psionics. That some of them are intuitive Espers rather than studied Espers, with Background providing Arcana, or not, to highlight different mindsets. If it were part of the class, almost every Esper would take it. Sort of Meta-gamey in design, I know... but it made sense to me and it still does.

Psychic Focus requires concentration because Expertise on two skills is fairly powerful for an at-will constant ability, as is 15ft reach. Giving you a reason to drop concentration, expend your focus, or forgo other concentration effects based on the situation.

Thymokinesis isn't meant to deal damage as a baseline effect, no. It's meant to manipulate energy in the environment, rather than use it as a weapon, out of the gate. It's kind of meant to be the "Carrie" power, rather than fireballs.

New and interesting Noetics and Power combinations, as well as new disciplines and powers like precognition, are meant to be expansion territory in the future, yes. I tried to put a decent amount of "Second Sight" into the class and the Noetics to provide a baseline until further supplements can be written.

4) I can't please everyone. So discussion of mechanics and rehashing of how they "Should" work will be productive to a point... but will eventually, even fairly quickly, wind up bogged down in preferences. Which can end up in week long discussions that devolve.

New and interesting Noetics and Power combinations, as well as new disciplines and powers like precognition, are meant to be expansion territory in the future, yes. I tried to put a decent amount of "Second Sight" into the class and the Noetics to provide a baseline until further supplements can be written.
Very understandable. I hope that my feedback managed to stay in the productive realm. ^-^

I'm very much looking forward to all of your future products!

Voidrunner's Codex

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