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4e Heroic Souls (FULL/CLOSED - accepting alts)


Graf – the map was created in MS Paint, which is hardly an ideal program to do that in. I just drew some circle and lines and stuff! I don’t know how much more detailed we’ll be able to get it. I’ve changed the castle so that it sits on a cliff (I hope it looks like that on the map!) Changing any major details (like how the river flows and the situation of the wards) will be tougher the more detailed the map gets, because we’ll have to recreate everything around the changes too. What we should do is get things like the river, the neighborhood locations, the castle location and stuff like that set in stone, and then we can start adding a few more details to it. Paint certainly isn’t ideal for this. If anyone has any better suggestions, I’m all open to it. It’s just the only I have to work with. I meant it more as a way to get the layout straight in everyone’s head.

A little more about Alexander – Quite frequently, his chores around the farm would take him to the river. Whether it was fetching water for the animals, of getting water to irrigate the crops, he got to know the section of river just beyond the bridge quite well. The massive forest on the other side of the river would sometimes break the concentration that he usually had with his work. He would stare into it and wonder what was out there. He began to feel truly alive with just the thought of wandering its depths and exploring its secrets. He would occasionally see shadowy figures staring back from a distance, but later he would always chalk it up to his imagination.

Until a few weeks ago, that is. While bathing in the river after a long days work one of the shadowy figures suddenly appeared on the edge of the river and just stood there. Its entire body was concealed in a cloak, but it certainly wasn’t his imagination. Adrenaline surged through him for perhaps the first time in his life. The sky seemed bluer, the grass greener, and the forest beyond the river more majestic. He frantically swam across the river to get to the figure. Who was this man? (or woman)… He got to the other shore, but, as normal, could go no farther once he hit the boundary. He tried with all his might to push past it, but couldn’t. The figure just stared at him and his efforts for a few brief moments longer, before turning and slowly disappearing back into the forest.

He quickly ran to the bridge and found his good friend Eldan and asked if he’d seen anything – with no luck. Eldan hadn’t seen anything of the sort, but he also hadn’t been looking down in Alexander’s direction. Since then he hasn’t been able to stop thinking about the encounter. Who was that figure? What did it want with him? What other things are out there waiting to be found? The questions continue to haunt him, fighting back the dreary haze that seems to be over almost everyone else in the town.

As always - feel free to tell me some of the details in my "hook" don't fit in with what your concept of this is.


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First Post

First of all: Wow! What a fantastic game concept you have developed. I am HUNGRY to take part in this. I am GMing a 3.5 game on ENWorld, and mostly manage to post every single week day. I will probably stay with 3.5 for my GMing for a while (given that it can take a while to learn a system well enough to GM it), but would be keen to play in a 4e game to learn the system.

I would like to add a character concept and be considered for this game:

Name: Karothen

Appearance: A healthy young man, touching 22, with prematurely silvering hair. His grey eyes and chiseled, clean shaven features mark him out. He is thoughtful, quiet, contemplative, withdrawn, and very, very worried.

Background: The books are what holds the key. Karothen knew this. He sought them out. Secretly. But they haven't unlocked their secrets to him, yet. He has taken care of himself for many years now. He works in a small store, selling reclaimed nails, repaired tools, reclaimed clothing, and seeking out his much loved books wherever he can.

Your Family/Neighbors: Father - tool maker, died when his child was 2. Taken by disease. Mother - withdrew into herself. Never connected with her child. Became silent. Died when child was 15. There once was a sister...

He is intrigued by a young lady who speaks to him in private like she has some of the fear in her that he holds. An ancient lady, all leathered flesh, from down the street, whispers almost indecipherable remembrances to him. He ensures she is well fed and clothed.


Intended Class: Not sure yet - perhaps wizard? Need to see the core rules. Clearly something intellectual though, and not a fighter or rogue!


Obviously you guys have are giving me some great stuff to work with. Sorry if I'm a bit behind.

Redclaw said:
I'm fine with all of it, and can just see Eldan doing his best to keep gramps from upsetting Enric again. It feels like a very real dynamic to me.

Redclaw said:
I see what you mean about the dwindling supplies. I guess it's a more traditional approach, present a problem and challenge the PCs to fix it. I appreciate the new take, but it'll apparently take me a while to adjust. :D
It's a very cool idea.
I don't think you have adjustment issues, if anything I see your suggestion as pushing the game a little bit more into PoL; in essence through PoL and into post-apocalyptic.
It's a great genre. As you move further and further into the genre it's very tight, you create a sort of claustrophobic environment where things are tough and victory is rare and avoiding failure/destruction is a success.
But I think that a setting like that requires the "buy in" of the whole group and a greater degree of trust than normal DnD (or even PoL DnD). The DM is supposed to be hard on the PCs, you're supposed to suffer losses to give your partial successes the sweetness that makes them bittersweet.

I think anyway.

Redclaw said:
I'll keep working on the cousin. I haven't figured out which of the gods he is unknowingly attached to. On the other hand, I figured having our very own oracle might be a fun tool for the DM.
I -do- appreciate the thought and I like the cousin. Someone like that may be useful. I will say that, as of now, I am not planning on using him extensively. (see also the whole DM character discussion)
This does -not- mean you can't use him btw.

Redclaw said:
I like the glowing globe in the castle, and it seems like a great hook for a new character.
I'm thinking that the castle may not be the best place. Most people, I assume, are near the market.
I suppose we need a new big building... any ideas?

NPCs in the starting area

doghead said:
For example, the mystic lives somewhere in the east of town.

d'Anconia said:
one of the shadowy figures suddenly appeared on the edge of the river and just stood there. Its entire body was concealed in a cloak, but it certainly wasn’t his imagination.

hewligan said:
He is intrigued by a young lady who speaks to him in private like she has some of the fear in her that he holds. An ancient lady, all leathered flesh, from down the street, whispers almost indecipherable remembrances to him. He ensures she is well fed and clothed.

hewligan said:
Eldan's cousin is the only person Eldan has noticed doing anything unusual, getting Eldan to help him sneak into a section of the castle and then just sitting there, kneeling and talking to himself in front of a broken statue of some sort.
Each of these ideas is good/cool/interesting. They offer mystery, they can function as plot and roleplaying type interactions.
My instinct is to say that I'm not so keen on having DM NPCs in the starting area. I'm not so keen on running them, honestly, and I think that it threatens to be something of a crutch. If you have somebody who "knows something" when the PCs "don't know anything" then going to that person and getting information becomes the most intelligent thing to do (especially if they're in your back yard).
-Having- said that I had a concept in mind that would probably fulfill a similar function (as well as addressing some story needs i see as needing addressing). So lets just throw them all in and see what happens.

doghead said:
For example, the mystic lives somewhere in the east of town.
The Big Green Eyes is a rumor, a story children tell other children. The stories all differ in the details, but supposedly, if you run deep enough into the bramble, where it's so deep and dark that there's very little light at all, even at noon you can find the lair of something. Some stories say that you can only find the lair at a certain time of day, or day of the month, or time of year; others say that you must have eaten something, or nothing at all, or you have to be lost, or you have be trying to find it. Some tell you that Big Green Eyes will chase you, and eat you, or give you something, or ask you questions, or tell you a story.
Every child talks about Green Eyes differently.
With they grow up, of course, they forget.
Depending on doghead's and/or other people's characters they may have an exaltation around remembering an encounter with Big Green Eyes.

d'Anconia said:
one of the shadowy figures
[sblock=Graf's suggestion]Quite frequently, Alexander's chores around the farm would take him to the river. Whether it was fetching water for the animals, of getting water to irrigate the crops, he got to know the section of river just beyond the bridge quite well. The massive forest on the other side of the river would sometimes break the concentration that he usually had with his work. He would stare into it and wonder what was out there. He began to feel truly alive with just the thought of wandering its depths and exploring its secrets. Soemtimes, looking at the forest, he'd see something, just for a moment, a pale figure. He's shiver, and realize how cold he was, look down to see that the river was unnaturally still, and his breath was fogging. Then, usually, the daze would overcome him. Later when he would always chalk up the fragmentary memory to his imagination.

Until a few weeks ago, that is. While bathing in the river after a long days work, he realized, suddenly that he was icy icy cold in the river. His breath was fogging and he was freezing. When he looked up he saw a small figure in a cloak of rich vermilion. The cloak was held closed with an ornate golden clasp, in the shape of a strange creature, something a snake with wings.

He felt a powerful urge to kneel before this person. He felt his knees buckle, the current pulling him.

He remembers a slim, pale hand reaching out toward him. A face of a beautiful young girl, white as a tooth. A voice, "You were not born to kneel."

Alexander's next coherent memory is of spitting out lungful after lungful of water, racked with freezing spasms. His friend Eldan, and his father Enric, were kneeling nearby, worried looks on their faces.

hewligan said:
An ancient lady, all leathered flesh, from down the street, whispers almost indecipherable remembrances to him. He ensures she is well fed and clothed.
[sblock=Graf's suggestion]The ancient lady is truly ancient. She hadn't teeth or hair or even fingernails; she's so old her ears seem to be withering in exhaustion and she looks much like a vulture. Everyone calls her Old Grandmother though she loathes the name.
And Karothen has known her for as long has he had lived. She is well and truly dazed, never coming out of it, and as such she isn't a threat but when he was a child he was powerful scared of her. For she loathed him to the point of incoherence, the mere sight of him was enough to drive her into a froth and she'd follow him and his mother about town around until they could lose her, mouthing incomprehensibilities and making strange gestures.
Karothen grew into childhood and the woman got older and older and more and more bent Karothen began to realize, as children do, that she was great fun. And he would seek her out, to appear and upset her, run her around the town, for she would hobble after him cane in hand from one end of the town to another and then all the way back. It was a great thing to do in a town where your own parents could often barely speak to you.
In fact other children would come to the courtyard house where Karothen lived on the second floor (for stairs were old grand's nemesis, she could no more climb a stair than a normal person could fly and his mother insisted they stay at the top of the steepest, most treacherous steps in the entire town) and call out that they wanted to "play with old gran!" and Karothen's attendance was required.
This was generally considered, after berry picking in the bramble, and various dares involving the castle and the ghost town beyond it, to be the best game and seldom did a day go buy when a pack of children was not spotted running pell mell through town with Karothen in the middle and old gran hot on their tail.
For all that she was dazed old gran was powerful cunning, quiet when she wanted to be and knew the streets and paths as well as any child. The children much loved her ability to suddenly pop out of a side alley and sent the pack scattering, screaming and laughing.
As the years past she became so bent her head faced down into the dirt and she could not raise it, and to catch her eye he had to come to her side. After her right eye became milky only the left side would do. The game was not nearly so much fun then and Karothen had few companions for his "game".
When her second eye grew white he had to speak, for the sound of his voice was the only thing that roused her from her spot the corner of the building with the stained glass windows. She could not walk well, let alone chase him, so he had to hold her frail arm and help her move about; even then she had a decently strong voice, and could babble her non-words at him, punctuating them with an occasional vigorous gesture and a hiss.

She would not eat, save if Karothen were about and even then sometimes only if he would tease her, remind her that she couldn't catch him if she didn't eat.

As such his existence was frequently punctuated with this person or that person who lived near the stained glass building (for no-one would live inside save gran) saying that old gran "hadn't moved in a day or two" and he had to come. And he would have to go down and carry her to market, where the other old women would ply her with thick soup and some of the sour berries from the bramble that she liked so much.

And once she began to hiss and mutter belligerences at him he'd know she'd regained enough of her strength and he'd carry her and a little kettle of soup with him back to the building with the stained glass windows.

It feels like people might avoid them subconsciously. Maybe I'm envisioning them as more sinister than they are.
I see where you're coming from but the daze really overwhelms anything like that to my mind. I see the walls as being black, and very irregular. Sometimes 20 feet tall sometimes only a foot.

doghead said:
Food and animals could be farmed in small plots throughout the city. Chickens and goats wondering the streets.
Can you believe I hadn't thought about animals... at all.
Obviously they need to be wandering around somewhere.
Maybe the NE zone? For some reason I like the idea that it's overrun with goats, they go into the NE zone to eat from the edges of the bramble but don't stay for long.

Re: Gods
My intent is to have the "gods" be on the back burner for a while. If group has a cleric then they'll be interacting in a sort of transcendental way with something. But it won't be like "I worship balnor the beastlord, NG god of furry critters, special weapon: flail". It'll be like: "I have this relationship with this other, I want to do something suddenly I'm babbling in tongues and magic happens."
[At least that's my vision right now, without a cleric or anything. If people propose other character types we can see what comes out of that.]

-If- the group decides to pursue the whole religion angle in character then you'll be able to find out more and I'll probably have people (probably the cleric) "make up" the gods/whatever that you're contacting as you find them.
(obviously there are limits, but that's my thought in the matter).

hewligan said:
Intended Class: Not sure yet - perhaps wizard? Need to see the core rules. Clearly something intellectual though, and not a fighter or rogue!
Unless you want to "reskin" another class the wizard is the intellectual at this stage.
You could do warlock (non-fiendish) too.
If the group wants a "controller" to start (there are four character types now: Defender (Tank), Leader (Healer), Striker (damage dealer), and Controller (Area of Effect attachs/terrain management)): then wizard is the only option.
I, personally, don't really mind whether the group has all the types or not. If you wind up with 4 strikers or whatever we'll work it out (though it looks like the group has decent balance already).

There is a "coldspot" in the bramble, where it is always misty and cool. In the morning the dew freezes into little icicles.

The "market" is actually a strange little space, bounded by walls on four sides.

Sorry if I've missed anybody. I'm trying to get most of it but I can be a bit dazed myself sometimes.

I'll take a pass at the map; finalize the character template; do a bit on relationships and we should be close to starting roleplaying (I think).

Very glad to have you. It means a lot to me that people run games on EnWorld, and (though I honestly didn't to more than take a brief look) it looks like you've got a great long running one (which is particularly hard to do).


Tried to work the map a bit

I have no artistic ability; will need to think a bit about the other zones. Or just leave them vague I suppose. I think we're getting close to having enough of a space to rp.

Which is all we need really.


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Graf's suggestion

I like it. I'm just keeping all of Alexander's info together here. Updating his entry to include the stuff we've agreed upon:

Name: Alexander
Appearance: Tall, strapping lad, who just turned 20. A muscular 6’3”, with a physique molded by long hours spent plowing in the fields. Typically wears overalls and a straw hat.

Background: Alexander was born to on the farm. His father had been farming the land and providing wheat to the city for as long as anyone can remember. He was raised to farm, and has never expected to do anything else, until recently.

Quite frequently, Alexander's chores around the farm would take him to the river. Whether it was fetching water for the animals, of getting water to irrigate the crops, he got to know the section of river just beyond the bridge quite well. The massive forest on the other side of the river would sometimes break the concentration that he usually had with his work. He would stare into it and wonder what was out there. He began to feel truly alive with just the thought of wandering its depths and exploring its secrets. Sometimes, looking at the forest, he'd see something, just for a moment, a pale figure. He'd shiver, and realize how cold he was, look down to see that the river was unnaturally still, and his breath was fogging. Then, usually, the daze would overcome him. Later, he would always chalk up the fragmented memory to his imagination.

Until a few weeks ago, that is. While bathing in the river after a long days work, he realized, suddenly that he was ice cold. His breath was fogging and he was freezing. When he looked up he saw a small figure in a cloak of rich vermilion. The cloak was held closed with an ornate golden clasp, in the shape of a strange creature, something a snake with wings.

He felt a powerful urge to kneel before this person. He felt his knees buckle, the current pulling him.

He remembers a slim, pale hand reaching out toward him. A face of a beautiful young girl, white as a tooth. A voice, "You were not born to kneel."

Alexander's next coherent memory is of spitting out lungful after lungful of water, racked with freezing spasms. His friend Eldan, and his father Enric, were kneeling nearby, worried looks on their faces.

Your Family/Neighbors: His father, Michael, was born in the same house as Alexander. He’s a farmer, and his father before him was a farmer. His mother, Ansley, was raised in the city, the daughter of the town baker. One day, she decided that she was going to marry the young man (Michael) who delivered the wheat to her father. And that was that. Alexander has a younger 16 year old sister, (name to be determined), who spends all her free time reading. How she learned to read, and where she got the books has never come up, although it’s probably a good question.

How do spend your days: Farming. It’s Alexander’s life and all he’s known. He has occasionally wondered what’s in those books his sister reads, and what exactly is on the other side of the stream that runs on the edge of his property. He draws water from it daily to feed the animals, but has never been able to make it all the way across to the far bank. Of late, he’s felt a stronger and stronger urge to break out of the monotony that is every day life in (city name). He wonders about the dreariness that seems to affect everyone he knows, and he’s becoming more and more ready to do something about it.


Some things you're good at: Farming, animal husbandry, silently observing things

Intended Class: Ranger


The Final Character Sheet

[sblock=@d'A]Sorry I didn't post this before you redid Alexander.[/sblock]

Name Everyone has one, simple name (no family names)
Color Pick a color; your speech will be in this color. [sblock=Color]Please don't take red or blue.

(I surf the boards on stealth so my preference is for a dark color, or or one that contrasts well with the light gray of the boards (i.e. Please god no one take wheat ).
Intended Class Core only.
Attributes Divvy up 15, 9, 13, 13, 10, 12 for use until we get the books.[sblock=Or]If the stats really matter to you just do 25 point buy ... the game itself is going to be the 4e equivalent of 32 points, whatever their "high band" is, so you'll get to push up your stats once you exalt.
This is just so we have something about your character's relative competencies.[/sblock]
Hit points equal to Constitution stat (so if you have a 15 con you have 15 hit points)
Your Family/Neighbors They're affected by a curse, but that doesn't mean they are boring
How do spend your days
Relationship [sblock=The Relationships Mechanism]
(This was going to be unnecessarily complex, so I've just tried to grind it down to something simple).
Pick one other person in the party that your character has some sort of strong emotion toward. It can be simple (trusted friend) or complex (envy tinged with love and regret).

It isn't overwhelming; it doesn't need to make sense.

If this doesn't make sense pick something simple and don't worry about it. [/sblock]
Some things you're good at A few skills, or just things you're good at
[edited to add: Hooks Quick list of your hooks; if you've explained them elsewhere then one or two words is fine (the girl by the river, the old woman, my lost older sister)]

[sblock=Additional story stuff]
Some of this will be mediated, so we'll go backward and forward on it.
  • Did you ever try to visit Big Green Eyes? Did you ever run into Big Green Eyes by accident (if so what was your situation?)
  • What did you get for your glowing pebble?
    [sblock=The pebble and the Geeche]Sometimes children find a little glowing rock (a pebble really) when you're out playing. It's a well known fact among the children that you take your rock to the Geeche's tower when the sun is touching the horizon there will be an old bucket there. If you place the pebble in the old bucket the Geeche will draw it up to his window and then lower the bucket down with something in return.
    When you took your rock to the Geeche what did he give you? (it can be miraculous or mundane, though miraculous things only last for a night before turning into something that's, apparently, quite normal).
    [Some children keep their rock for a while, but generally speaking the chance of getting something amazing for it is iressitible (and even if they do resist there is intense peer pressure from the other kids -- Your glowing pebble is interesting really only for you, but if you get something awesome from the Geeche then everybody gets to see it.
    People still talk about the riding frog that that one girl got). ]

    Generally, once you found your pebble, whatever you did with it, you became an adolescent soon there after, and fell more or less fully under the daze. -If- you managed to hide it away and not turn it into the geeche you have a small, normal looking rock. If it got lost then it got lost.
    [sblock=PS]I think everybody on this thread already appreciates this but, there is -no- "right answer". One is one kind of story, another is another kind of story.[/sblock]

At some point we may need stat blocks, but, unless you feel like it, feel free to skip it.
Last edited:


First Post
Karothen Character Sheet

Name Karothen
Color Dark Orange

Race Human

Strength 9
Dexterity 10
Constitution 12
Intelligence 15
Wisdom 13
Charisma 13

Hit points 12

A healthy young man, touching 22, with prematurely silvering hair. His grey eyes and chiseled, clean shaven features mark him out. 5'10" tall. He favours white and grey clothing, often seen around town in a spotless white shirt, sleeves rolled up, a cloth wrapped bundle under one arm.

His personality is reserved. He is thoughtful, quiet, contemplative, withdrawn, and very, very worried. While not one for idle chat, preferring to apply his intellect and judgement before blurting out inanities. He can, however, be very forceful, and has effectively been alone since a very young age.

The books are what holds the key. Karothen knew this. He sought them out. Secretly. But they haven't unlocked their secrets to him, yet. He has favourite ones, ones with pictures, but it is the ones with page after page of tiny marks that intrigue him the most.

He has taken care of himself for many years now. He works in a small storeroom, repairing things that he later takes to the market. Small children bring him broken things, lost things, strange things, and he turns them into things that people can use. His most special, most secret talent is his ability to mend things. He needs to know what they should look like when whole again, but if he can imagine this, and he has become good at imagining this, then the things start to remake themselves.

((effectively a magical mend cantrip, although he does not know this and in truth his ability scares him and he keeps it secret from others))

One day he went to pick up Old Gran (someone who lives near the stained-glass-building said she was "unwell") and found her enthusiastically pushing dirt into the crevices of a stone block. As soon as she heard him enter she immediately laid down and pretended to be asleep. Karothen took her to get her soup, she was abnormally agreeable. Later he contrived, in some fashion, to get at the block when she was away and found inside a thick, black book.

Unfortunately he hasn't been able to open it. It hasn't lock, or clasp or anything else but for the life of him Karothen can't seem to get it open. There is a cold grey symbol on the front, and Karothen feels mighty uneasy when he touches it; like something cold is lying on his heart, and he's eaten something sour and curdled.

Karothen does not remember his father, but from what little he can tell he was a maniacal collector and organizer. He horded things, and sorted things and kept everything in the massive second story of the building that your shop is in now.

His mother moved out after he died, partially to avoid Old Gran. While he was gone he was replaced by Old Hook. Old Hook was a bit of a character, he's deeply deeply dazed and his behavior rivals Old Gran's for weirdness. He also collects things, but unlike Karothen's father, Old Hook has no penchant at all for organization. Instead the wrinkled leathery little man (he's quite small, with livid purple scars across his skin) discards things in the vast hall as soon as he finds them.

And find them he does. He's a fantastic climber and can be seen clambering all over the city. Massive piles of stuff just accumulate on the second floor, to the point that the ceiling over Karothen's head has begun to creak in an unnerving way.

And once or twice a year the old man crawls up to the roof of the building and draws paintings. He seems to have a knack for making his own paints and finding usable scraps of paper. The landscapes are strange, occasionally fantastic.

Old Hook is very private about the painting process. He crawls up onto the top of the building and paints there. There are never any figures, though looking closely at the painting it looks like there may have been figures earlier, but they are always painted over. This gives the landscapes a haunted effect.

Old Hook doesn't paint often, he tends to be manic in the weeks leading up to the painting and depressed, almost sullen in the weeks afterward.
once he's painted a painting he generally ignores in completely.

Karothen has had to rescue more than a few pictures,and repair at least one when it was negligently toppled over

Several of the better pictures include:
  • a great city full of Gothic imposing architecture, horned figures feature prominently
  • a "white world", the ground is white like it's covered in snow and the walls sparkle
  • A gigantic bridge to nowhere, disappearing into the sea

There is at least painting that Old Hook drew and destroyed, Karothen found a few shreds lying in the gutter (they had apparently fallen from the roof) -- Old Hook painted nothing after this painting for a long time, to the point that Karothen had begun to fear he would stop making paintings at all.

Karothen's mother, who left when he was a child, withdrew into herself. Never connected with her child or made any effort to seek him out. She became a silent presence around town, and died when Karothen was 15. There once was a sister... he will not speak of what became of her.

He is intrigued by a young lady who speaks to him in private like she has some of the fear in her that he holds. An ancient lady, all leathered flesh, from down the street, whispers almost indecipherable remembrances to him. He ensures she is well fed and clothed.

The Relationships Mechanism

Karothen wants to seek out Eldan to talk to him about the girl (below), but he is too confused in his emotions to do so yet. He does think that Eldan may be able to help him understand what he did wrong.

Some things Karothen is good at
Everything is old and worn. Everything is reused. Karothen is a master of repair. He tinkers away in his little storeroom, but what people don't realise is that Karothen uses his magic to mend and clean, and thus is a vital cog in keeping things in town in operation. He keeps this skill hidden as he is not sure how people would look upon his "talent".

He loves books, for they are the only link he has to what he feels may be a better world out there.

Additional story stuff / hooks

There are very few people who come to Karothen's "shop", but until recently only one adult came regularly.

A young girl with intense eyes. You know she's related to Enric, who watches the river, she has the distinct slender build of that family.
Like many of the people around Karothen she's odd. Most of the women (and many of the men) cut their hair in the town only when it becomes a problem for them to do their jobs. She cuts her hair much more frequently, it's often irregularly chopped and rarely touches her shoulders.
Karothen saw her frequently in the building-with-colored-glass-windows when he was tending Old Gran (if he hadn't known her earlier?). He's not sure exactly how she found his shop but came frequently, initially with children guiding her then by herself.
From the short conversation (really a handful of words) she shared he understood that she wanted him to fix something.

But she never brought anything.
Karothen offered to go with her, and she took his arm and pulled him intensely about the city for hours, this way and that such that Karothen couldn't help but think of leading Old Gran about the city as a child.
Eventually, crying in frustration she gave up and left him.

She came a few weeks later, and, with what apparently was some great exertion place a little broken statue on his desk. "Fix" she said, pointing half authoritarianly, half pleadingly at the statue.

Karothen labored for weeks, inbetween his regular duties on the statue. It was quite complex for him, the statue didn't do anything. As a decoration it didn't have some function that Karothen could restore to it.

It was a picture of a winged man, or the top half of a man with wings, for it had no legs (and Karothen couldn't for the life of him, figure out where the legs were supposed to be attached). But he fixed the broken wing as best he could, using pretty silver metal from the storehouse above.
Since it was supposed to be art he even went so far as to consult Old Hook, who gamely produced some silver paint and painted the remaining stone wing silver to match.

Her reaction was not what Karothen had hoped for. Upon being shown the finished statue her expectant smile melted into tears, she threw the statue on the ground (scaring Old Hook so much that he fled from the room), weaping openly she scatted things around his shop in a fit before exiting at a run.

Karothen hasn't seen her since. However, he did collect all of the pieces of the statue, and has wrapped them, unmended, in a soft piece of fabric which he carries with him at all times.

The old woman who mumbles at him
The sister ...
Old Hook's eternal silence, yet Karothen knows that the old man draws the most achingly beautiful landscapes. Landscapes that are not of this region.
How he learned his magic - there are books he read that awoke something in him, but some of those books felt evil. He returns to that hidden stash still, hungry for the knowledge, but fearful of it. He knows his skill is still weak, and there is so much power waiting there for him (but he is a good man).

Big Green Eyes
Karothen never visited Big Green Eyes

The Geech

When Karothen found his pebble he kept it secret from the other girls and boys. He was scared, but also more excited than he had ever felt before in his life. He waited until it was late and all of the other children had gone home for their dinner before he set out for the Geech and placed his pebble in the bucket.

When it came back, it was empty.
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Just thought I'd mention that I'm tossing out a thread on the main forum to troll for ideas/get feedback.

It's titled Looking to brainstorm some "iconic" encounters for a 1st level Points of Light PbP game. (or something similar).

At the risk of stating the obvious, please do not look at that post. Reading it really will have a detrimental effect on your enjoyment of the game.
(Obviously not posting a link for that reason).


doghead said:
[sblock=OT]I moved to Fukuoka after realising that I was burning out living in Tokyo, and needed a change. Fukuoka kept coming up as a great place to live, so I went there. Its not the most interesting city. Very modern and neat. There were a few really nice temples. But it was a nice place to live. I was 15 minutes walk from the sea, 30 minutes easy ride into the city centre. Nice and flat, so easy to ride around. It was big enough that there was always something open, even late at night. Mostly the music was hip hop, but there was a reasonable live scene, and other types of music on offer if you hunted around. The people were (are) much noisier than in tokyo, and more outgoing. I remember sitting in an izakaya soon after arriving and being slightly overwhelmed by it.[/sblock]
[sblock=OT]That does sound appealing.
Unfortuntely my career (such as it is) is probably not going to let me live someplace like that.

I do hope to visit though.

-If- you like that you may like Singapore a lot actually. It has almost all of the same traits (of course interesting to live in vs. interesting to visit).[/sblock]


hewligan, generally looks great.

This is very picky but Relationships will be with other PCs. So if someone wants to play the "young lady" then that works.
If she's just a young lady-who-knows-something then my preference would be to make her the same person as Eldan's cousin who sneaks into the castle with him periodically to pray..

PS If people are finding it overwhelming you can leave the "relationships mechanism/relationships" alone for now and come back to it later.

And if you don't like the Big Green Eyes or the Geeche let me know that too. I'm sure we'll be able to work something out.

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