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[4e] The Dustbowl (IC)


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Rashka looks up at the blue vein, Well, it isn't a magic stone that rains gold when you touch the underside... We've established that, Rashka throws a knowing glance at Mialucus, Let me study it a moment... He finishes whispering, then pauses, and stares upward at the vein, feeling it out both physically and metaphysically.


10 Arcana
20 Religion

To identify the blue vein


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Caden grins almost maniacally as he sees he has the drop on the orc. But he is no fool either and the bloody alcove and the obvious sentry role the orc is filling cause him to pause in caution.

Pulling back against the wall, he immediately signals to the others to be quiet. He silently mouths for Mialucus to join him as he prepares his hand crossbow with a spider bolt and carefully checks the orc's behaviour.


First Post
Taking notice of Caden's sly movements, Roithe followed closely behind him mimicing his stealth.


Stealth: Roll Lookup (19, but even if I rolled a 1 he would'nt see me if not for critical failure)


Roithe stares intently at the orc, waiting for the exact moment there is a sufficient number of the party to successfully take him out quickly and quietly enough. Not moving, only waiting...


Hold action: Fey Step Behind the orc and then Curse and Sneak Attack.
Trigger: Someone joins the party. (After they ready their actions of coarse)

Sneak Attack: Roll Lookup (16, I keep rolling 7s I guess)
Hit: Roll Lookup (13)


Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Mialucus stalks down to Caden's side <E3 please>, hoping for more foes to smite. 'What do you need?' says a playful twirl of arm and blade.

<Response Caden?>


Ready Action= On Caden's attack, charge to I6 and use Blazing Lunge power.
1d20+12=28, 2d8+6=17

Don't have any condition-causing power so it'll just have to be straight damage. :)[/sblock][sblock=Mini Stat]
Mialucus, Elven Swordmage
Initiative: +2; Passive Perception: 17 Passive Insight: 13
AC: 23--Fort: 15--Ref: 16--Will: 15--Speed: 7
HP: 55/55--Bloodied: 27--Surge: 13--Surges remaining: 11/11
Action Points: 1--Second wind: Not used
Luring Strike (AP)
Sword Burst (FRPG)

Racial: Elven Accuracy (PHB)
Falcon's Mark (AP)
Blazing Lunge (AP)
Channeling Shield (AP)
Frost Backlash (FRPG)
Lingering Lightning (FRPG)
Item: Wounding Weapon (AV)


First Post
Caden nods in agreement as the plan is hatched.

With dagger in his right hand, and hand crossbow in the left, Caden looks around one last time and then gives the 'go' signal. The halfling slides out from his position of cover and throws his dagger at the surprised orc before briefly visually checking the room to his left for more foes.
[sblock=ooc]Standard Action: Deft Strike (at will) move to G5 and attack with combat advantage and penalty due to cover included (1d20+13=15) and damage (1d4+9+2d6=20)
Think I missed!![/sblock]


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Stick listens to the plan, but knows that Caden will be exposed if he doesn't kill the guard immediately, so after hearing the grunt of the orc hit by Caden's dagger, the dragonborn rushes forward around the corner, standing protectively next to the halfling.

He points his staff in the direction of the guard and a white dragon's head erupts from the ground, the maw of the beast opens and it bites down on the orc, chilling it to the bone. Satisfied with his efforts, Stick calls upon his armour and the feeling of the cold steel on his scales makes him feel safe.

Delay to after Caden
Move:to D4
Standard: Use Ice Dragon's Teeth burst 1 centered on I6 - vs Ref; Cold dmg (1d20 9=26, 2d8 11=20) Hits Ref 26 for 20 cold damage and target is slowed TENT.
Minor: Activate armour
Last edited:


First Post
1st Round Combat

Rashka studies the blue vein intently, trying to discern its origins. The vein appears to be magical in nature as Stick found out, but doesn't look to have any sort of liquid or anything in it. It feels soft to the touch and malleable, moving freely while still being attached to the wall. It is difficult to tell where this originiated, but it doesn't appear to be created by man or mage; it seems to be native to the soil. But there was something else that had the other adventurer's attention. And it was carrying a very large axe.

With a quick gesture, Caden leaps out from behind the corner of the room and hurls a dagger directly at the surprised orc. His aim was only slightly off, and that was enough for the dagger to graze the opposite edge of the wall and miss the orc. Stunned, the orc stood and met the rest of the attack face on. Immediately in front of him, Roithe appeared and brandished his weapon, cursing the orc and slashing at him. The orc was able to stop the assault with a few quick parries of his axe as he roared in defiance. Just as he thought he was about to stop the attacks, Mialucus jumps from the shadows and strikes, his blade hitting true and causing the orc to wince in pain. But that is also not the least of his worries.

The air around the orc freezes and shatters simultaneously as shards of ice pelt it. The large beast tries to swing his axe in a vein attempt to stop the assault, but he is unsuccessful as it penetrates his small leather armor. His target momentarily distracted, Caden turns to the small aclove and looks over to his left. He is instantly glad he does so.

[sblock=Marvelously Failed Stealth Check]

Two Orcs hiding in the Shadows:

13,15 vs. Caden's 19 PP.


Roughly ten feet from him in the small corner is the source of the blood. Dozens of body parts have been brutally chopped off from their former owners and placed in two very large, 3 foot tall buckets. Blood fills these buckets to the brim, causing some of the appendages to spill over onto the floor. Behind these two buckets, Caden can make out two more orcs attempting to hide in the shadows. Upon making eye contact with them, the orcs realize that they have been spotted and pull very sharp blades, their edges almost as dark as the shadows they attempted to hide in. Their blood red eyes and rotten-toothed grin tells Caden they are all but ready to chat. Even in the haste of combat, both Roithe and Mialucus are fully aware of the orcs hiding in the shadows.

The three sets of blood red eyes descend upon the adventurers. From looking at the only slightly wounded orc, it appears that this one might have been more than just a measly sentry....

[sblock=Combat Setup and OOC]


Welcome to the first round of combat for this next encounter! The two X's in the small alcove mark the 3 foot tall buckets. Unless you attempt to jump over them, they are considered difficult terrain (takes 2 spaces to move through them). Please follow the initiatve order for the first round (shown in the Sblock below). That means Stick is the first one up! On the monsters: OB is the one that you have attacked, while OD1 and OD2 were the Monsters that Caden spotted. Good luck!

[sblock=First-Round Initiatives]

(Rolls are based on the order the PC's appear in the Status sblock below.)
Character Rolls

1. Stick
2. Rashka
3. Roithe
4. Caden
5. Monsters (OB, OD1, OD2)
6. Mialucus

This is the order for the first round that begins now. Please follow this order in your posting for this first round. Once this order is satisfied, then we will follow the same pattern as the last combat:

Any 3 players - MiniStatus Update - Last 2 Players - Monsters/Update - Repeat


[sblock=PC and Monster Status]

Caden - HP: 44/44 Status:
Mialucus - HP: 55/55 Status:
Rashka - HP: 43/43 Status:
Roithe -HP: 45/45 Status:
Stick - HP: 58/58 Status


OB - Damage: 37 Status: Slowed
OD1 - Damage: Status:
OD2 - Damage: Status


First Post
Rashka rounds the corner at a leisurely stroll, and comes to a halt near Caden. He runs a hand through his hair, as if the cosmic display was to give him better lighting, and snaps his fingers. A spectral hand gives the top of the furthest bucket a shove toward the orcs.
SooOOWEEE, Orc, Orc, Orc. Come here little fella, I got just the thing for you!


Double Move to G5

Minor, Mage hand to attempt tipping over the bucket at I4 onto the orc.



First Post
[sblock=ooc]Figure maybe you can use Caden's action and have Roithe delay until the mini-update?[/sblock]Knowing the two butcher-orcs are there doesn't sway Caden's view that the battleaxe-wielding orc is the main threat. "Two to the left!" the halfling calls out as he moves swiftly into a tactically better position and thrusts deep with the dagger; anticipating the door behind him to open shortly.
[sblock=ooc]Move Action: move 6 squares to J8, avoiding Opportunity Attacks;
Standard Action: Sly Flourish (at will) against OB Sneak Attack with Combat Advantage from flank position (Atk vrs AC 1d20+15=24, dmg 1d4+13+2d6=21);
Misc: Caden will use his racial Second Chance (encounter) ability (reroll 1 enemy attack that hits) at first opportunity.[/sblock]

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