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(4th IR) Year 1 (thread 1)

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Edena, besides the war, these are my ongoing projects. Just thought I'd post them. (New ones as well) Edit: now listed by priority.

I would also like some info in the great swamp on Oerth

  1. A Militia. To get more then one army out of 10 PL, this army is used for defense of the nation where the army is raised.
    Solutions to preserve my mages in case of an anti magic strike.
    The development of Blackpowder and applications
    Cures against all Dominating Books.
    Anti-Magic device.
    A better Navy, Submarines using ideas from jules verne and DaVinci.
    A Gate to Ghelspad.
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Timothy, you remind me of myself from last IR. :p

And that gives me an idea...

Edena, I'm going to implement the use of the Trebuchet in my invasion. As a master siege engineer, Gustav will perfect the creation of the weapon, modernized to deliver tons of small lead balls. These lead balls wouldn't be too deadly to troops, had they not been prepared by mass enchantments with fireball and worse. This is our primary siege weapon in use, for the sake of current events.

Figuring that the average Trebuchet we use is 30-60 feet high, with a 25-50 foot arm, we can probably manage a balast of 500 pounds or so, and get a good solid launch of 2000 feet or so. Against 'Hard Targets' like cities and structures, bunkers and dragons, we use 'Solid Shot.' A Solid Shot is a large piece of rounded Mass launched with a contingency Divine Light spell. Against many soft targets, or to deal with air supremecy, we use warped trebuchet arms to fire more 'bowed' arcs of shot at the enemy, in which case we use inch-and-a-half lead and Iron balls for ammunition. These balls are mostly enchanted with Fireball spells that go off at the set distance of striking, creating lines of explosions at any given time. Just one of these should be pretty devastating, so I'm going to believe that I probably have no more than 20 per army, but I will make devastating use of them, and protect them with Iron Knights, Gold Knights, and Summoned Celestials.

Edit: One other idea came to mind. If we are fighting at night, or against anything weak against a Light or Sunlight spell, we will use lead shot once again with multiple Light Spells, thereby acting as a Defender Designator/Blinding Sunlight over a battle-field.

The Reverse is also true, if we need to 'blind' enemies with normal seeing, I'll make heavy use of darkness spells and deeper darkness.

Edit Edit: Ooh, even better idea, I'm also going to make contingincies on 'fireball spread-shot' to instead go off when someone touches them. Instant super-vicious mine-fields wherever we want, whenever we want. This is primarily used to cut enemy movements in half, and cripple their ability to invade.

Edit: Edit: Edit: I expect to be attacked by mages from the sky, so every trebuchet will also make use of a few well-trained anti-mage snipers using long range crossbows and spells to deal with these attackers.
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First Post
"Son of the Heavens, please listen to my words. There is an ancient alliance between your people and my people, and I have come to honor it. These strangers that offered you help are liars. They want to take your people to their lands, where they will feed them with a drug much worse than the opium the Europeans brought. They will strip them of their freedom, and strip you of your throne, cause when they'll take the drug they won't rever you anymore, they'll rever only the leader of the strangers. They want your people so they'll have an unstoppable army, and they'll use them to fight their own wars.
Please do not listen to them. Do not travel beyond the portal.
I can help your people, and they won't need to leave their homes. I'll protect them from their enemies while you will remain their just and holy ruler. Please listen to my words, listen to to the sincere words of one who means no harm to your people, who wants to defend them against those strangers and liars. Look around yourself. Your ancestor trusted my kind. Please trust me."

"No, Great Emperor, it is this beast who is lying" The embassador from the Meritocracy speaks from beside the throne. "We know of the great Celestial Dragons who once aided your country in antiquity. They appeared much like this creature, and your depictions of them. This beast knows this and has therefore changed its appearance to match. We have tought you of the spells of Illusion, great Qing Guangxu? Yes, yes... This creature has either used Illusion of Shapeshanging to appear this way. His true anatomy is much more similar to the savage beasts that destroyed London and Berlin and broke two powerful Empires." She shows the Emperor images of typical Gold Dragons and Red Dragons. "As you see, great Emperor, besides their colouration they are practically identical. 'Paint a rat with golden paint, it still remains a rat'. And if the rat is infected with the Red Death, it's bites will be all the more savage."
"As for their other claims," she sneers at the dragon, then looks soothingly at the Emperor. "You yourself has enjoyed the Spice of Harmony, and have you experienced any ill effects? Do you feel like your free will has been removed? Of course not! The dragon is lying to you, noble Emperor. All it wants is that you expell our legions that are protecting you so that it can ravage this country as its kin devastated England and Germany. They carried Queen Victoria away to their world to be violated in every way and raised her as the lowest form of undead to suffer for all eternity, longing for death. Please, great Emperor, do not allow this beast to do this to you. Please, for I love you too much to survive the mere possibility that that could happen to you."

ooc: There are quite great differences between oriental dragons and occidental dragons. The oriental dragons look pretty much like snakes with legs, a mammalian snout and a lions mane, occasional tufts of hair or fins sticking out in various places on their bodies. The Gold Dragons of DnD do not look remotely like this iIrc, and it was never mentioned before that Lichtenhart's PC was anything but a standard Gold Dragon.


First Post
A modern cannon will outrange any trebuchet and a single cannonball can destroy it. Cannons are lighter, cheaper and more mobile than trebuchets, and we have imported large quantities of cannons, gatling guns, rifles, heavy artillery, ammunition and explosives from Earth. Smite all you want Creamsteak, by using Domination Books we have learned all the secrets of Earth Technology and tactics and your knights are no match for my modern armies. The Domination Books should also give our soldiers a significantly higher level than yours since they aid greatly in learning. The Drug and the Books should also give my entire population and soldiers a far greater loyalty to me than yours have to you. That should affect the powerlevels.
Representatives from the Meritocracy will also approach the leadership of the Twisted Rune under white flag and point out that lawful good paladins usually do not work well together with evil undead and if, unlikely as that may seem, Gustav manages to defeat the Meritocracy he will surely turn on them next.

We will summon however many Modrons and Formians that we can get, and send them and our tamed monsters against the Imaskari's forces.

The other plan we have is to deliver a pair of fresh Red Dragon Eyes to the table of Alarah, to represent the death of the dragon. It is accompanied by this note...

You've dominated my friends and family, and then call me an evil person? You've stolen my home-land from me, with magic and poison. You've made this personal, and call me an invader of my own home. This is why you will learn to respect your betters. I respected you, and thought you would understand, now I know your just a greedy accountant. Prepare to recieve your first loss.

Alarah reads the note, anger twisting his features at the thought of all those lives, all that money, being destroyed. Snarling he grabs his pen and writes a message in return.

"To Gustav the Iron, lord of the Imaskari

Respect, dear Gustav, is something that can only exist between equals. You were never the equal of me, and now the whole world will surely realise that. Your foolish war, your callous use of magic for the purpose of killing only strengthens the Red Death. By your actions are all the Wizards, Dragons, Faerie and Gods in this world being corrupted by an evil greater than you can ever imagine. You prate of freedom, but you do not know its meaning. Whatever oppression I might be responsible for the opression of the Red Death is far more final. It is an opression, not of the flesh or the mind, but of the soul. You doom this world, and end all the freedoms herein, forever. But you are already tainted, aren't you? Your savage treatment of monsieur Pasteur was the first evidence for that, your foolish attack against my people was the second. Your savage armies raping their way trough my territory, was the third. Feh! I tire of teaching to the unteachable, tossing pearls to swine. Do what you must, dear Gustav. And let the best man win.

Alarah Gomenei, Lord President of the Meritocracy Confederation"
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Edena, my forces will add those of Forsaken One in conquest of Earth. I shall offer alliance and give magical knowledge to Germany if they allow Faith of Tiamat to be spread it their lands.

From Emperor Morgoth to Mina:

You serve The One God? Knights of Neraka follow you, so I assume that you mean The Dragon Queen, which I thought was known as Takhisis on Krynn. Therefore you and I are allies, or am I wrong?

I am also consolidating my realms on Faerun as I mentioned in OOC thread, creating a trully totalitarian regime, putting all gifted( especially magically) children in Academies, and developing mass half-Dragon and Half-Devil breeding program.

Sollir, have you considered my offer of alliance?

Forsaken One, I have some troubles with being online at the moment, so you have permission to you use some of my forces in our conquests, which you can turn to undeath, hopefully increasing their PL. Let the weak tremble before our might.


First Post
Serpenteye said:
"No, Great Emperor, it is this beast who is lying" The embassador from the Meritocracy speaks from beside the throne. "We know of the great Celestial Dragons who once aided your country in antiquity. They appeared much like this creature, and your depictions of them. This beast knows this and has therefore changed its appearance to match. We have tought you of the spells of Illusion, great Qing Guangxu? Yes, yes... This creature has either used Illusion of Shapeshanging to appear this way. His true anatomy is much more similar to the savage beasts that destroyed London and Berlin and broke two powerful Empires." She shows the Emperor images of typical Gold Dragons and Red Dragons. "As you see, great Emperor, besides their colouration they are practically identical. 'Paint a rat with golden paint, it still remains a rat'. And if the rat is infected with the Red Death, it's bites will be all the more savage."
"As for their other claims," she sneers at the dragon, then looks soothingly at the Emperor. "You yourself has enjoyed the Spice of Harmony, and have you experienced any ill effects? Do you feel like your free will has been removed? Of course not! The dragon is lying to you, noble Emperor. All it wants is that you expell our legions that are protecting you so that it can ravage this country as its kin devastated England and Germany. They carried Queen Victoria away to their world to be violated in every way and raised her as the lowest form of undead to suffer for all eternity, longing for death. Please, great Emperor, do not allow this beast to do this to you. Please, for I love you too much to survive the mere possibility that that could happen to you."

ooc: There are quite great differences between oriental dragons and occidental dragons. The oriental dragons look pretty much like snakes with legs, a mammalian snout and a lions mane, occasional tufts of hair or fins sticking out in various places on their bodies. The Gold Dragons of DnD do not look remotely like this iIrc, and it was never mentioned before that Lichtenhart's PC was anything but a standard Gold Dragon.

Still kneeled before the Emperor the Dragon speaks again.
"Again, Son of the Heavens, they're twisting the truth. Indeed the beasts that attacked Berlin and London looked like me, in the same way a Chinese looks like an Englishman. When those beasts attacked, where were the strangers? I was there, and I helped driving them away. My kind is there to help the victims, while the strangers are here, thousand of miles away. They claim that I'm lying, that I'm using magic to fool you, but these powerful strangers don't defend you from me, they do not destroy the screen I'm hiding behind. They can't, for there is no such screen. There is no magic on me. They claim I want to destroy you, but I came here alone, in peace, with no magic and no army. I didn't threaten anyone, let alone you. You can ask me to leave, whenever you want, and I'll leave.
I came here to pay homage to you, while they don't respect you. They ask you questions and don't wait for the answers. They don't speak with the proper respect to the Son of the Heavens. I am sure that in your wisdom, you know many ways to notice if someone is lying to you. Please use them on me. Ask me something that an invader and a slaver would never tell you or give you. Put me to the test. I have no fear, for the Truth is on my side. Can the strangers say the same?"

OOC: My PC is a Great Wyrm Gold Dragon. They have not seen a Celestial Dragon in nearly two thousands years. In this time I don't don't think they ever saw anything else more similar than me to them. Besides, my anatomy isn't THAT similar to that of a Dracolich. And you didn't state before you used the Drug on Earth.


Hrm... supposing Serpenteyes is right that he can move a great deal of post american civil war artillery, he could do quite a great deal of damage to my units by using standard mortar and cannister shot. It would devastate my units quite well.

Only thing to do about that is cut his supply lines now, and be a rat bastard.

Gustav, once he has knowledge of these weapons (I'll assume that some time lapses first), will have to take matters into his hands to flank the enemies supply lines and cut down on ammunition. He's probably able to teleport this ammo in anyway then...

What do you do about that?

Alright, then, I'm going to have to poison his supply lines instead. Massively, food, water, and Specifically, the mind control drugs (how much of this does he have, Edena, to my knowledge?)

I still think that the massed fire of the magical artillary at my disposal's much more useful against infantry, but he does have me on the cannonade and machine guns versus the artillery and regiments.

I'm also going to need to counter-mand his forces fake moral to the best of my abilities. I'm going to need monsters for this, and lots of them. I try and affix a horde of creatures at my disposal to aid in this, especially creatures that can create an aura of fear. Fear should still pierce his control I assume.



I'm going to have to do this now, I didn't expect to be forced into this on this turn, but it's becoming necessary. Gustav will go to earth to work with Lichtenhart and William's characters for the purpose of protecting the Earth, especially America, Britain, Japan, and China, from the aggression of the outside forces. It's becoming necessary to gain allies and knowledge here, and these people, these free and noble people, from being dominated by the greedy Alexei.

If William and Lichtenhart need Armies, I'll send my invasion force there to aid them, but only against my aggressors on Toril, those being the afformentioned Alexei, and the dark hoardes. Until they call on me, however, my armies will continue to fight against Alexei and his mind-controlled servitors.


First Post
OOC:* My PC is a Great Wyrm Gold Dragon. They have not seen a Celestial Dragon in nearly two thousands years. In this time I don't don't think they ever saw anything else more similar than me to them.
* Besides, my anatomy isn't THAT similar to that of a Dracolich.
* And you didn't state before you used the Drug on Earth.

*Heh, they sure have plenty of pictures of them though, I've never been in a Chinese restaurant that didn't have at least one depiction of an Oriental dragon.
*There's still a similarity of skeletal anatomy (unless all FOs dragons were demiliches) and even all dracolishes (and other undead dragons) are not completely skeletal. Only the oldest of them have lost all their flesh, and most of FOs are newly transformed.
*I did, however, state that I used the Drug in all of my territories. Since Edena ruled that China is mine, China is one of my territories and I used the Drug there (though since China in 1885 had about 475 million inhabitants I guess I've not been able to addict them all)


As soon as possible after the first formula of the Drug was created my researchers start anew, to create many new variations of the formula, more resistant to countermeasures. We also use our new knowledge in biochemistry to attempt to create potent and cheap synthetical poisons that can be used on the battlefield in gaseous form. We experiment with high-pressure tanks, combinations of short-lasting antimagic zones and Nerve Gasses, explosives that also give off toxic gas when detonated, and all kinds of fun stuff.

Creamsteak- I just have to say that I greatly respect your intelligence. You have quite a good grasp on tactics, and you're one innovative sob. It's a pleasure competing against you, regardless of who wins. :)

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