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(4th IR) Year 1 (thread 1)

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There is a big uproar in the Underground Alliance. Lord Raynar has just sent a big search party to Earth, spread out to seek certain engineers. Russian scientists have brought up the names of some important people on Earth who are still alive, and Raynar has ordered to get them into the Underground Alliance.

The most important person, Thomas Edison is being sought heavily, and when found brought to the labs in the Underground Alliance. His knowledge on how to use electricity will make a great difference. Also the brothers Wilbur and Orville Wright are being taken to the UA. The news that they are working on a way to fly without magic or wings will be heavily supported.

The completion of the steam engines allows for more difficult research, electricity, magnetism and more important; warfare. New projects in the Underground Alliance arise, including vehicles with cannons, the first airplane will be created.

In the mean time, a different group of biologists is working full time on a way to cancel the mind affecting drug that has been released. The drug must both cancel the effect of the drug if present and make the target immune to further contact with the drug.

Last, but not least, the UA is trying to get the Magic-Stopping Spell ready.

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A message is sent to Creamsteak's and William Ronald's characters;

"Dear Lords

As most of us have already noticed, there is a mind affecting drug going round on Toril, addicting people everywhere and making them listen to only one person. I have gained the knowledge that you have been working on an antidote against this drug. I am willing to help you researching this cure, for this drug might be a bigger threat than the biggest gun in imagination. The free will is an important thing.

If you agree on combining our research, we might speed up the progress. I hope I'll hear a confirmation soon.

For the best,

Lord Raynar Smartface, King of the Underground Alliance."


First Post
Muad Dha Bin Sits in his strategy room and lloks at the map. He sees the Armies of Alarah and Gustav battling, and he sees his forces advancing on the eastern holdings of Gustav. His eye then falls on the Isles od Nelanther, Alarah has half of them, hmm, strange I did remeber me having control. Muad checks his reports and finds that he is mistaken. So he'll send the following Letter to his friend.

Dear Friend

I know you have other pressing matters to take care of, but I would ask of you one small favor. The Nelanther Isles are currently split between us and I would benefit greatly if the whole of the area will be under my rule. This will tighten our bonds further, and I will promiss you my cooperation in any future wars you might encounter


Your Friend Muad Dha Bin.
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First Post
Dear Friend

I know you have other pressing matters to take care of, but I would ask of you one small favor. The Nelanther Isles are currently split between us and I would benefit greatly if the whole of the area will be under my rule. This will tighten our bonds further, and I will promiss you my cooperation in any future wars you might encounter


Your Friend Muad Dha Bin.

The Zakharan Empire had proven to be a truly worthy ally and their request wasn't unreasonable by any means. Gustav had been right in one thing, Meritocracy holdings were too spread out, and allies were more vaulable than a few dots of land in the ocean.

"Dear Friend and Ally,
You have my sincere gratitude for your assistance in our battles against the misguided fools of the Imaskari. As a token of that gratitude we will grant your request.

Alarah Gomenei, lord President of the Meritocracy"

Edena: I will transfer my troops in the Nelanther Isles (1 army iIrc) to Tethyr, to fight against Creamsteak. Timothy gets the nelanther isles.

William Ronald

OOC: Unless I greatly misunderstand Edena's rules, we can only move armies once in a six month term. I have NOT moved my armies because I understood this was the rule.
So, maybe we want to slow down on moving armies until Edena says we can move armies about. (I did not anticipate THIS problem with moving armies, but I see them.)

That is why I will consider any criticisms of my character not moving his troops unfair. I think Edena did NOT want us to move our troops.

Top Secret for Edena: If you allow me to do so, I will move 4 armies to Earth and work on evacuating refugees and fighting the invaders. The armies will appear in China, Britain, the Austo-Hungarian Empire and Africa.

Seven of my remaining armies will remain to protect my territories. I will add two armies to the liberation of Amn, Calimshan, and Tethyr. As of this very moment, my armies stand ready to move when called for by creamsteak.

A letter:

From Ardan Turval, President of the Free Nations of Faerun to the honorable Lord Raynar:

Yes, I shall combine my efforts to yours. I am sending representatives to work with you. I believe now is the time for all people of good will to stand together in peace and friendship.

I look forward to meeting with you, but there is an urgent matter I must address.

Ardan Turval

Originally posted by Serpenteye
"No, Great Emperor, it is this beast who is lying" The embassador from the Meritocracy speaks from beside the throne. "We know of the great Celestial Dragons who once aided your country in antiquity. They appeared much like this creature, and your depictions of them. This beast knows this and has therefore changed its appearance to match. We have tought you of the spells of Illusion, great Qing Guangxu? Yes, yes... This creature has either used Illusion of Shapeshanging to appear this way. His true anatomy is much more similar to the savage beasts that destroyed London and Berlin and broke two powerful Empires." She shows the Emperor images of typical Gold Dragons and Red Dragons. "As you see, great Emperor, besides their colouration they are practically identical. 'Paint a rat with golden paint, it still remains a rat'. And if the rat is infected with the Red Death, it's bites will be all the more savage."
"As for their other claims," she sneers at the dragon, then looks soothingly at the Emperor. "You yourself has enjoyed the Spice of Harmony, and have you experienced any ill effects? Do you feel like your free will has been removed? Of course not! The dragon is lying to you, noble Emperor. All it wants is that you expell our legions that are protecting you so that it can ravage this country as its kin devastated England and Germany. They carried Queen Victoria away to their world to be violated in every way and raised her as the lowest form of undead to suffer for all eternity, longing for death. Please, great Emperor, do not allow this beast to do this to you. Please, for I love you too much to survive the mere possibility that that could happen to you."

ooc: There are quite great differences between oriental dragons and occidental dragons. The oriental dragons look pretty much like snakes with legs, a mammalian snout and a lions mane, occasional tufts of hair or fins sticking out in various places on their bodies. The Gold Dragons of DnD do not look remotely like this iIrc, and it was never mentioned before that Lichtenhart's PC was anything but a standard Gold Dragon.

Still kneeled before the Emperor the Dragon speaks again.
"Again, Son of the Heavens, they're twisting the truth. Indeed the beasts that attacked Berlin and London looked like me, in the same way a Chinese looks like an Englishman. When those beasts attacked, where were the strangers? I was there, and I helped driving them away. My kind is there to help the victims, while the strangers are here, thousand of miles away. They claim that I'm lying, that I'm using magic to fool you, but these powerful strangers don't defend you from me, they do not destroy the screen I'm hiding behind. They can't, for there is no such screen. There is no magic on me. They claim I want to destroy you, but I came here alone, in peace, with no magic and no army. I didn't threaten anyone, let alone you. You can ask me to leave, whenever you want, and I'll leave.
I came here to pay homage to you, while they don't respect you. They ask you questions and don't wait for the answers. They don't speak with the proper respect to the Son of the Heavens. I am sure that in your wisdom, you know many ways to notice if someone is lying to you. Please use them on me. Ask me something that an invader and a slaver would never tell you or give you. Put me to the test. I have no fear, for the Truth is on my side. Can the strangers say the same?"

OOC: My PC is a Great Wyrm Gold Dragon. They have not seen a Celestial Dragon in nearly two thousands years. In this time I don't don't think they ever saw anything else more similar than me to them. Besides, my anatomy isn't THAT similar to that of a Dracolich. And you didn't state before you used the Drug on Earth.

Ardan appears alongside Khrysophrenos bearing a locked box and kneels before the Son of Heaven. He is unarmed, not even carrying a staff.

"Oh, Noble Son of Heaven, Emperor of Chung Kuo, the Middle Kingdom, heed the words of Khrysophrenos. I am Ardan Turval, President of the Free Nations of Faerun, bringing you worlds of warning and proof of the words of Khrysophrenos. I swear to you on the graves of my father, and by all my ancestors that I am here of my own volition and that Khyrsophrenos did not deceive you when he said that he came alone. Noble Son of Heaven, I humbly ask to assist your people and beg pardon if my appearance has given you offence. I now beg leave to speak on behalf of Khysophreos."

"Like the British who sold wrongfullly sold opium to your people, Alarah Gomenei seeks to dominate your people. You have struggled to secure the legitimate rights of your nation."

"Alarah Gomenei has developed a drug to weaken the will of his subjects so that they will obey him. He also has previously used domination magics to enslave others to his will. This box," Ardan opens the box, "contains evidence of Alarah Gomenei's actions."

"Furthermore, he has maintained good relations with the Cult of the Dragon and others who are evil conquerors. He is what we have been able to discern of the Meritocracy's dealings with the Cult of the Dragon, the Church of Tiamat, and others responsible for the disaster on Earth. I also have works detailing Alarah Ghomeini's rise to power."

Ardan raises a stack of papers for the Emperor to present it to him if he wishes.

"This document shows how he subverted the rule of the nations of Calimshan, Amn, and Tethyr. Here are letters from their rightful rulers asking that I help liberate their territories, free their citizens of domination magics, and drug addiction. If Alarah Gomeini has dealt unfairly with those sovreigns, then the question arises as to how justly he shall deal with you, Noble Son of Heaven. I humbly ask you to examine the evidence before you."

"Your Imperial Majesty, here are photographs of the drugs being distributed to YOUR subjects by Alarah Gomenei's representatives. Most Noble Emperor of Chung Kuo, trust Khrysophrenos and my own words.

"I stand here before you as man of humble birth. I am unarmed and have no army behind me. Trust your heart, Son of Heaven. I am not your enemy nor is the noble Khrysophrenos."

"As I speak, I am providing food and medical aid to your people and all peoples of the Earth. I am also offering safe haven, only delaying a person's passage to my lands to check for any evidence of illness -- and then curing the illness. If any wish to ally with me, they can so. However, I am providing aid to all the peoples of the Earth. -- regardless of what they think of me. Although I have made offers of alliance to many, helping Earth is critical. Your Imperial Majesty, I shall respect you and your decision regardless of your choice."

"It is your sovreign right to choose whom you ally. I ask you to trust your heart. When I can, I shall seek to move my forces to drive off the invaders to your world -- invaders whom my documents show regular diplomactic contact with the Meritocracy. Your Imperial Majesty, I humbly ask for your permission to deploy an army in any territory you name to fight the invaders. In this matter, I am at your command. "

"Noble Son of Heaven, Khrysophrenos seeks to honor an ancient pact with your people. He is indeed as he appears. If his appearance was an illusion, would not Alarah Gomeini dispel it before your own eyes. He cannot do so because Khrysophrenos is a dragon, of the highest character and honor. I am honored to account him as a friend."

"I also desire your friendship. Most Noble Son of Heaven, you may ask me any question to prove my good will to you."

"Your Imperial Majesty, examine the evidence and decide for yourself. Your people have already struggled to overcome those who have unjustly sought to dominate your people by drugs. Do not fall for the words of one who seeks to use drugs and enchantments to do what the British could not do."

"It is true that I offered alliance to the British. I sought to work with them to mend their ways, to teach them to treat all the peoples of Earth with justice. There is nobility of spirit in all lands and people that like the rarest rose must be cultivated to achieve its full bloom. Noble Son of Heaven, I have faith in your wisdom and your goodness. I ask you to trust your eyes and the wisdom of your own heart. May Chung Kuo and its people be forever blessed."

Ardan has the box before the document ready to give it to the Emperor of China if the Son of Heaven desires it. The evidence is the best that the Free Nations has been able to gather about the actions of the Meritocracy, the Cult of the Dragon, Mina, Chessenta and its allies, and all allies associated with these powers. The photographs are backed by evidence of drug distribution in China by the Meritocracy.

Going off line until tomorrow. I have a game tonight. Edena, I hope you are feeling well. Edited to correct my spelling errors.
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Inez Hull

First Post
Orinil selects three of his most skilled spies and briefs them on a mission of upmost importance. They will be inserted into the court (and harem if applicable - who knows how a despots tastes run
;) ) of Alarah with the long term mission to gain positions where they are able to administer the Meritocracy's own drug to high ranking officials within the meritocracy. They are instructed to aim for quality instead of quantity - to hold off their actions until they have the opportunity to act against the highest level people they believe they can reach, Alarah himself if possible.

Orinil begins researching the new Earth technology of the phonograph. The Sharn begin working in top secret to engineer this device whilst Orinil begins planning for the recording of his first non-written pieces of propoganda, whistle blowing and misinformation.

Mr. Draco

First Post

Just got home and got caught up. However, I'd like to suggest that nobody makes any further posts until Edena has a chance to get caught up and respond to what's going on right now.

After all, we don't want to have him overwhelmed with events going on.

William Ronald

Please Read and go to the OOC Thread!


I spoke with Edena this afternoon. He tried to start his computer, a G-4 Macintosh, this morning and it would not start. So, he is unable to come to the EN Boards and respond to your posts. (He was looking forward to this, as he is feeling much better. He said he is very impressed by the quality of the posts in the IR and by the players.) He wishes he could come to the boards and respond to your posts.

Edena told me that he will try to purchase a G-5 Macintosh, which should be out on the market in a few months.

We need to stop posting here and go to the IR: OOC thread where I will relate the rest of what Edena said to me.

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