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D&D 5E 5E Sunless Citadel - CG


Edgar, Paladin 1

"North seems like as good an idea as any." Edgar says. He walks over to the door and tries to open it.

[SBLOCK=Mini Stats]
Passive Perception: 12
AC: 16
Initiative: +0
HP: 10/12 (HD: 1/1d10)

Halberd +5 10ft 1d10+3S
Halberd (Bonus action): +5 5ft 1d4+3B
Shortsword: +5 5ft 1d6+3P
Javelin: +5 30/120 1d6+3P

Devine Sense 2/3
Lay on Hands 5/5[/SBLOCK]

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First Post
Seeing Edgar go the Northern door, Ara positions himself right and behind Edgar, in a position to shoot past Edgar into the room. Ara does keep an eye an the Western door.

Charwoman Gene

The door opens into a 20 by 20 square room. This ruined chamber stands empty of all but a litter of rocky debris. You look around the debris and simply find nothing of value, just an empty room with a door that can be barred from the inside.

GM: Because it's play by post I wish to save time. This room is 100% empty, don't bother asking for perception, or investigation.


First Post
OOC: Western Door it is. In another PbP campaign, we have a group dungeon movement template which any one of the players can submit. In this case...

Ara take a position over Edgar's right shoulder, where he can fire past Edgar and into the room. As Ara takes his position he thinks "Train hard, fight easy. My tactics instructor was right. By now, he would have ambushed with something. Secret doors are too mundane; it would have been a sliding panel in the ceiling (likely spiders) or the floor (likely a beast with long tentacles to drag someone into the hole)."

As he moves into position, Ara quietly tells Edgar, "I have your right." While keeping a wary eye on the ceiling and floor.

Charwoman Gene

You open the western door.

Crudely executed symbols and glyphs, scribed in bright green dye, decorate this large and irregularly shaped crumbling chamber. A large pit in the center shows evidence of a recent fire. A metallic cage in the middle of the southern wall contains a gaping hole and stands empty.

A small wooden bench draped with green cloth is next to the cage, and several small objects rest on it. A bedroll
lies near the wooden bench, and the sound of whimpering comes from inside it.


Edgar, Paladin 1

Edgar surveys the room, his attention attracted to the whimpering blanket. "Who's under there! Come out!" he calls firmly, without much sympathy, but not unkindly.

[SBLOCK=Mini Stats]
Passive Perception: 12
AC: 16
Initiative: +0
HP: 10/12 (HD: 1/1d10)

Halberd +5 10ft 1d10+3S
Halberd (Bonus action): +5 5ft 1d4+3B
Shortsword: +5 5ft 1d6+3P
Javelin: +5 30/120 1d6+3P

Devine Sense 2/3
Lay on Hands 5/5[/SBLOCK]


First Post
Ara follows Egar into the room, longbow and arrow held, but bow not drawn. Ara's eye is immediately drawn to the crude symbols and glyphs on the wall. Ara tries to discern their purpose or intent.

Ara Arcana on Glyphs in room: 1D20+5 = [7]+5 = 12

[SBLOCK=Ara]Ara, Level 1 - Male High Elf Wizard -
HP: 7/7, AC: 16 Active Spells: Mage Armor
Initiative: +3, Speed: 30ft, Senses: Passive Perception 12, Darkvsion <60ft Dark is dim, Dim is light
Saving Throws Str -1, Con +1, Dex + 3, *Int +5, *Wis +2, Chr 0
By Popular Demand
Fey Ancestry - adv vs. charmed, immune sleep

Longbow: +5 1d8+3
Short Sword: +5 1d6+3

C - Green Flaming Blade, Mage Hand, Minor Illusion,Prestidigitation
1st (1/2) - Mage Armor, Silent Image, Shield,Sleep
[SBLOCK=Who, Owl Familiar]Familiar Who, Owl
Perception +3, Stealth +3, Passive Per 13, Darkvision <120ft Dark is dim, Dim is light
AC 11, HP 1
Flyby: provokes no opportunity attack when it flies out of enemy reach
Keen Hearing and Sight: Advantage on Perception checks that rely on hearing or sight

Charwoman Gene

A pathetic creature rises from the bedding. A lone kobold, his eyes wet with tears, stands up. His body has many obvious scars, and is trembling a bit.

"Is Meepo, only Meepo," whimpers the creature.

OOC: The glyphs do not appear magical in nature. They are simply words in Draconic.

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
"Hello, Meepo, I'm Kuhl. Do you want to tell us what happened here? What were you hiding from?"

Kuhl's hands are empty, not that that matters to him. "What was in that cage?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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