D&D 5E [5E] YP: Sunless Citadel

What Adventure should I run for my next PbP Campaign?

  • Lost Mine of Phandelver

    Votes: 2 22.2%
  • Sunless Citadel

    Votes: 6 66.7%
  • Other WotC Adventure Path

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • Other Adventure

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Poll closed .


First Post
Okay I have added most of the background to this point -- need GM input in order to finish it -- also [MENTION=6899077]EarlyBird[/MENTION] let me know what you think

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Charwoman Gene

Quarterstaff and Arcane focus: staff. -- Yeah they can be the same item.
Cant/cantrip swap. I'll allow it, but you must follow through with taking level two as a wizard, and you will gain thieves cant instead of one cantrip when you do.

Please post your PC's in the RG, and get over to the IC thread.
Someone just opened the door to your cell.
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First Post
Sorry I haven't been as attentive as I should be here.

Cant/cantrip swap. I'll allow it, but you must follow through with taking level two as a wizard, and you will gain thieves cant instead of one cantrip when you do.

I am good with this and yes (in my mind at least) the character was locked into taking Wizard 1 at 2nd level. Now however the idea was that this character never learns Thieves Cant due to him not being a "Thief" but more of a Scout and just using the Rogue class to cover that. Now if you do not feel perhaps Thieves Cant by itself is worth the Cantrip Prestidigitation (which is often considered mostly a role playing flavor cantrip that has little impact on game play) then might I propose giving up Thieves Cant and Weapon Proficiency Long Sword for Cantrip Prestidigitation -- and if you are perhaps okay with the trade concept but feel that is not enough please let me know what you might consider. Thank you. Now If you simple are completely opposed to making a minor class alteration altogether just let me know and I will drop this topic altogether as I realize some GMs are not comfortable with doing such. And again I am not trying to get something for nothing and only asking to better tailor the character's mechanics to the character's overall concept.

Oh not sure if I outlined it -- but I did a bit of starting equipment swapping I figured that would be okay as it was an equal value swap and the swaps were more inline with the character concept and/or removed some items I did not see the character carrying in place of items I really thought the character ought to have. However again if you are not comfortable with those swaps (which are outlined under the CharacterBuild spoiler under the Starting Equipment Adjustment section) just let me know and I will remove them.

Also under the Characters Background I posted >> OCC : Okay kind of need some input from the GM on what the quest was for and how and why we got captured by Goblins.

Next the Sage Background comes with a Letter (which I denoted coming from his Mentor rather than a dead colleague) "that poses a question that the character has not yet been able to answer" -- was wondering if this could be fleshed out a bit more and perhaps maybe be some adventure hook or insight or some such -- aka more than just a piece of meaningless fluff that we can then work the details out to as to how it gets utilized within the game.

Lastly I will most likely ask things from time to time such as these on how you are running things and/or if you would be okay with this or that -- please do not feel I am wanting something for nothing or that I have a requirement for these things -- I am simply asking because I am aware that GMs all run things slightly differently and it simply never hurts to ask as generally the worst thing that happens is you get a no and you are no worse off than you would have been but sometimes you get a yes or a well how about ... aka an alternate way to reflect a similar solution. Oh and thanks for letting me join.
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Added in this background to the RG, had to change my bond, but that was ok.

Growing up as the fourth of five children was a great quandary for Rem Davonshaw. He wasn't the baby anymore, and the other three born before him were accomplishing things years before him, so by the time he did the same thing it was just another, or not like when so and so first did that. As to escape the world around him young Davonshaw turned to the world of books, and from the time he could read he wasn't far from one. It was the discovery of the unknown that kept the young scholar coming back for more, he found knowing more than his older brothers or learning something before they did very satisfying.

The Davonshaw family lived and traveled in the Great Carnival of Urnst, and Rem was taught a variety of instruments to be used in the act while his parents and some of his older siblings preformed daring high-wire and tumbling acts. Even his younger sister played instruments only a short time before she too went "on stage" leaving the young musician alone to play all the parts. On Freedays he would make his way to the nearest sage/library to barter for a new book, no matter the title.

Then his mother became severely sick and instead of taking to bed she continued on with the show. She died from a terrible fall, as Rem watched in horror. The family never recovered from the accident and his father sent Davonshaw off to live with his uncle a year later.

At first Rem thought this was punishment for not wishing to take up the family trade. But one look at the library of the old wizard and the soon to be physician whispered a prayer of thank you to his father. Diving into the unending knowledge was like a dream come true, but what to use it for, was always in the back of Rem Davonshaw's mind. An ancient tome written in the language of angels held the answer. Davonshaw would learn all he could to heal the sick and tend those who couldn't afford the healing of the clergy.

During his self-styled hermitage into the seeking of this knowledge he met the deep gnome, Zath'ras. His uncle's strange servant was another great fountain of knowledge and wisdom, and when the two of them put their heads together it seemed there was no problem they couldn't overcome. When Rem found out the gnome was learning from his uncle, he to sought to become an apprentice. It took many months before he figured out the odd teaching methods of his eccentric uncle, but Davonshaw approved, it was like the self teachings from a book. You either learned from your experience or you didn't. And if you didn't you went back over the information and started anew.

After he had exhausted all he could learn of anatomy, illness, and healing form his uncle, the young doctor was ready to venture out and put what he learned to the test. Not knowing where to start it was his uncle who again offered an excellent suggestion. He needed Zath'ras to go to Oakhurst to retrieve a bit of lore for a new spell, and the deep gnome could use a companion/guide on the journey.

Setting out it wasn't long before both fledgling adventures were set upon and captured by goblins.[/sblock]

Charwoman Gene

Item swaps are no big deal, go ahead.
I'm allowing the cant/rip swap for now. Understand, I'm a pretty narrow interpreter of prestidigitation and illusions.
***Okay kind of need some input from the GM on what the quest was for and how and why we got captured by Goblins.***
The quest was for information on a defunct dragon cult that operated out of this locally famous dungeon. Just inside the entrance at the bottom of a ravine, you were overwhelmed by a force of 6 goblins who took you inside. They keep arguing when they come feed you which is roughly daily over what to do with you.


First Post
Ah okay thanks, thanks and thanks

As to the argument (did we understand it - I mean it sounds like we did) what were the possible topics -- I am sure letting us go was not one of them ;)

Charwoman Gene

Okay, I'm trying to leverage my time better. I'd like to check your interest in continuing this game. On a scale of 0-5, how much interest do you have in continuing?

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