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8 years ago, the world ended... [4E]


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Be quiet you damn psycho wizard!! Even a frickin deaf would find us following your yells!! hisses Lukas at Limits, nervous at the light. Darkness is better to hide and flee...

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Benedict stands a moment, enraptured for a moment by the forgotten sight of sunlight.

"We.. we should use the light to put some distance between this place and us, I believe. Lukas aside, I fear we will be even more at a disadvantage against whatever scourges of this place in the dark."

Slowly, the Half-elf turns back and forth on the spot, trying to remember how to navigate in the open.
"We do need to head North.. some mountains.. North if we're to find this place. Might just as well start this way. North would be.. uh.."


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You walk down the street for about an hour and you can see the large Pelor temple ahead, standing tall and proudly. Just like many other buildings, you can see the windows had been barred shut with woodplanks and such, but its still to far to make out any detail at your current distance.

As you are walking silently, some of you notice something wrong.... On one of the high building to your right, something peeks out and slowly crawls along the edge. It's dark oily skin shine under the dim light, its mouth is wide open, uncovering countless teeths as sharp as blades, drooling. The creature seems to have no eyes, only holes in its skulls where eyes should be. It's limbs are almost animal-like, ending in black claws. It's definately "looking" at you.

[sblock=OOC all]Solaris, Lukas and Tragar noticed, the other 2 did not. [/sblock]


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Solaris catches movement out of the corner of his eye, his heightened elven senses preventing the enemy from cathing him unaware.

Moving quickly away from his companions, Solaris rushes to the other side of the street, calling out to the others "On that building, enemies approach, be ready!", while attempting to recall if he's seen anything like this creature in the natural world.

Once he's set on the far side of the street, Solaris focuses on the enemy and prepares to slash it down if it approaches him.

Initiative (1d20+8=16)
Standard: Ready an attack action (twin strike) if it comes in melee range
Move: Move away from the group, towards the far side of the road.
Minor: designate it as Solaris' Quarry
Twin Strike 1st attack;damage;2nd attack; damage; Hunter's Quarry Damage (1d20+7=10, 1d8=2, 1d20+7=11, 1d8=7, 1d6=2)
Nature Skill Check:
Nature Check (1d20+9=15)

HP: 34/34
Surges left: 7
Armour class : 19
Fortitude : 15
Reflex : 17
Will : 13

Powers Remaining:

Encounter: Elven Accuracy, Two-Fanged Strike

Daily: Jaws of the Wolf

Utility: Yield Ground

Voda Vosa

First Post
Catching the creature thanks to the elf, Limitz shorten the distance that separate him from the creature, and he wave his hands and pronounce some words of ancient magic "Prepare to taste my chilling wrath, you orc!!"
A blisteringly cold ray of white frost streaks to the beast.

Attack: 20
If hit: 8 cold damage and the target is slowed until the end of my next turn.


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[sblock=OOC Lukas] the street is generaly filled with debris and most buildings will offer a degree of cover. feel free to assume you can always hide near buildings. [/sblock]

[sblock=OOC Solaris] While its nothing like anything natural, you know its one of the shadow creatures, though they are most often seen at night or dark places [/sblock]

The creature gets excited at the sudden movements down in the street and starts rapidly climbing down the side of the building, digging its sharp claws into the stone and wood, its head down but streeting it backward to look at you in a very painful looking way.

Solaris's arrows miss the creature both times, hitting the building and bouncing off the stone instead, but Limitz's spell strikes the target at the arm. The creature suddenly drops off the wall halfway landing on its legs and arms.

[sblock=OOC all] I'll make a map of the area now, I'll update shortly. Feel free to roll initiative if you havent done so, and give me your general position.[/sblock]


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Benedict seems perplexed for a moment. Having stared intently at the fallen temple he failed to notice the approaching threat.

Glorious initiative for when I am in Initiative Benedict (1d20=2)

Also, RAW, I think if this is a surprise round and Benedict couldn't act, others (Solaris!) should only be able to take a limited action, not a full one..


Voidrunner's Codex

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