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A Chronicle of Ice, Luck and Honour - updated 19th December

(drumroll) here's the next map!

The fireball was such a beautiful thing. It threw everything into chaos... tactics were thrown to the wind (Thalin's player was taken out of the room... and I told him to walk back in looking sad as if his character was toast - worked beautifully ;) ).

I love DMing.

Spider J


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“Who’s winning?”

Milo lulled his head for a moment then shot forwards and clamped onto Torious’s arm with his mouth. His teeth grated against the cold steel. The aasimar tried to pull away, but Milo’s grip was like a vice. Torious felt the Ulutians rush past him on their way to the remaining guards.

Milo’s eyes stared straight through Torious as he chewed against the metal.

“You have been tempted by this foul creature, dressed as a blade” began Torious, his body tuning to the restorative energies of Tyr, “and you have paid the price, for you are now nothing more than an animal.”

Torious channelled the flux of power that flowed through him. The sounds of battle dimmed to a murmur.

“Return now Milo, for there is”, Torious began to stumble for words, “uhh… much to be done yet, and…well… lots of justice to be dealt.” He paused for a moment. “Now I banish thee, foul curse, to the depths of hell!”

Milo blinked, and his pupils filled back to normal. Torious looked down at the halfling with a stare of admonishment. Milo meekly relaxed his jaw and sat back cross-legged. He coughed into a fist, then slicked his hair away from his face. Milo shook his arm about until the teeth of Vampire had slid out and the gorged blade clattered to the ground.

Torious shook his head at the wayward halfling, “now that I have saved you, what do you say?”

Milo looked at the devastation about him, “Who’s winning?”

Torious wondered that himself and looked across to where the barbarians were. Having successfully waded into the clutch of guards, the battle was almost won. But not quite. Pulling the crimson halfling to his feet, Torious now saw the courtyard was almost clear of the cloud of dust. He could make out the collapsed body of Thalin leant against one wall. Milo peered down with awe, trying to piece together the last few minutes of action.

Idly, and with one eye on the courtyard, Milo fired his crossbow at the last of the guards. The bolt lodged in his back. Spiralling his arms like a windmill, the guard fell into the courtyard with a thump.

The two remaining barbarians hollered in victory and shook their weapons above their heads. Torious looked about at the heaps of dead bodies, realising that not all of the guards wore the emblem of Robar. Is this justice?

Milo dangled off the edge of the battlement then dropped into the courtyard. Torious took the stairs. Jogging over to Thalin, Torious made sure the mage was alive. He was, though his face was a rash of blistered skin and his beard was burnt to a cinder.

Above the courtyard, the barbarians began to loot the bodies of the wall guards.

Torious felt the ebb of another healing spell sink into Thalin. A faint sound, something like a buckle being undone, caught the Aasimar’s attention. The final guard, having somehow evaded death, had dragged his way to the dead body of the border-mage. With wild eyes staring at Torious, he had opened the mage's cloak and snatched a coin from the pocket. Torious felt disgraced that a half dead man would ransack his own captain!

But the crossbowman slung his arm to the ground and sent the coin spiralling into the centre of the courtyard. With a final gasp of air, the guard died. Milo glanced over and joined Torious as they together watched the coin spin to a stop. The coin glowed red and ran into the matrix of cobblestones. The patches of ice and slush in the courtyard began to melt.

Milo locked another bolt into his crossbow and crouched ready in the shadows. Torious shook Thalin awake. The mage’s eyes snapped open. His skin had healed a little from Torious’ powers. His beard was still gone.

Thalin immediately felt the pulse of magic. “Summoning coin. Dammnit Torious. I leave you for a minute and look what happens.” Torious nodded like a child then helped the mage to his feet.

Slabs of the courtyard buckled and shattered. The cobblestones began to peel away like an orange as something forced a doorway into existence. Thalin was nearly drained of spells. Torious was all out, the last of his power having pumped Thalin to consciousness. Milo felt sick and was covered in someone else’s blood.

Ack. Sorry for the delay guys - past few days have been a touch busy. Good to have you on board Tirlanolir, hope you're enjoying the Chronicle!

Palskane, this 'thing' about to appear is one of favourite in the chronicle... and don't worry, once the dust settles this time, there will be plenty more times to see them in action.


Spider J


A rumbling hiss of sulphur and a wave of heat burst into the courtyard. A molten hole of fire bubbled where there had been ground. A red lance tipped with fire shot forwards, followed by a monstrous warhorse mounted by a rider in red platemail. The rider’s helmet was down, though through his visor glared two burning eyes. Wicked barbs and hooks covered the rider’s armour. The horse was a monster, its features demonic. Droplets of flame sputtered from the creature itself.

“Emberguard!” shouted Torious. He had learned of these fell creatures on his travels. They were the servants of the demonlords and the dread cavalry of Kossuth’s armies. Horse and rider were one, their minds linked by infernal magic.

On the walls, the barbarians turned and ran with their loot. Their revenge complete, they had no deal to risk their lives further.

The Emberguard pulled itself from the ground. It glistened with sweat and fire. Wheeling once to gauge its surroundings, the Emberguard reared up to face Torious. Mount and rider as one screamed a sound like no other and thoughts of searing flesh and splintering bones snarled into the minds of those who heard.

Torious moved fast and leapt to the attack. He closed his eyes and prayed to Tyr. Freedom’s Edge hewed clean through the Rider’s leg. With a heavy thud, the armour-plated limb fell to the ground. Torious went to retreat. His chest exploded in fire as the Emberguard struck back, the beast nonchalant to its dismembered limb. Torious cried out in pain. The horse thrashed sideways and Torious felt his thigh almost snap under a hoof as he was forced back.

Milo released his bolt as the Emberguard span with Torious. The bolt, infused with the luck of Tymora, sped true and slotted neatly between the neck plates of the Emberguard. The bolt punched through the armour, but the bolt burnt to a crisp a moment later. Not much use thought Milo.

Thalin leapt to his feet, leaving Dariel cowering in the corner. A barrage of ice shards thundered into the Emberguard. Thalin felt his heart sink as two of the shards whirred away from the demon and spun into the sky. The Emberguard shrieked again and Thalin felt his bones shiver. The noxious air that belched forth from the molten gate had blurred his vision and scratched madly at his throat.

Torious dodged around the gaping pool of fire, but neglected to see the Emberguard’s next attack. With a crush of bones, Torious was caught by both of the Emberguard’s hooves. Spilling onto his back, Torious narrowly avoided another blazing sword strike to this chest.

Milo considered for a moment using the magic bolts he had found in the mines, but decided against it. He could always sell them later. Milo didn’t notice the clouds above momentarily shudder with the possibility of thunder as his thoughts contemplated Talo’s Laughter.

Putting the bolts out of his mind, Milo sprung forwards, his crossbow clattering to the floor as he unsheathed Sliverspike. He wished it was Vampire. The Emberguard turned in time to receive the sprawled form of Milo crashing into his breastplate. Milo felt the air in his lungs rush with heat and the blood on his body flake away. Keenly finding the chink in the armour from his crossbow bolt, Milo stabbed the thin length of Sliverspike deep into the throat of the Emberguard.

Thalin watched as Torious and Milo swarmed around the hulking demon. Suddenly he remembered what his father had taught him of summonings. Thalin reached his mind out and dissipated the magic in the courtyard.

With a popping of everyone’s ears, a wave of anti-magic rippled over the melee. Thalin felt the Emberguard try to surge through his dispel, but somehow failed. With a final thrust of his longsword into the clambering form of Milo (who was now clung to the Emberguard’s back), the Emberguard backed quickly into the closing portal. Milo realised what was happening and leapt clear. The Emberguard spat a curse in an infernal language as its body stepped back from whence it came. The tearing noise of planes realigning shuddered the air around the companions. Then nothing.

The Emberguard was gone. The courtyard was silent. Thalin noticed a light snow had started.

Torious propped himself up with Freedom’s Edge as he began to sway from loss of blood. His chestplate was twisted and crusted black. Blood flowed freely from beneath his thigh armour. Milo held his side where the Emberguard has left his departing blow, though his wound had been burnt shut. Thalin looked at the mangled cobblestones from where the Emberguard has arisen, then pushed the courtyard gates open with a grunt and scream of its hinges.

Vaerana, Mikka, Errilinth and the villagers were traipsing towards them already. The tiefling hurried over, Vaerana just behind.
Mikka shouted his questions “Thalin thank the gods you’re alive! What was that awful screaming? Has the battle been won? Why on Toril have you shaved? You look terrible!”

Thalin motioned to the villagers to stay back. Vaerana dashed inside as Torious gave up and crumpled to the floor. Milo waved at Mikka. Mikka wondered why his friend was coated in blood.

- - - - - - - - - -​

Hours passed. Bodies were looted and cleared. Rooms were searched and villagers were kept warm with a bonfire. Mikka took advantage of an unearthed parlour and crafted a small feast (aided a little by his magical servants). Everyone agreed the food was excellent. Torious eventually admitted it certainly filled him up. Milo was feeling a little queasy and for the first time in his life declined to join in the revelries.

The night went uneventfully and with everyone rested, healed and full, the adventurers continued their passage into the valley.

To be continued in…

Ice, Luck and Honour
Chapter 11: Out of the Frying Pan…

Our heroes have made it to the valley floor alive. The furious Robar has doubled his patrols and now everyone wants the illustrious heroes dead, alive or worse. As they trek to the town of Illinvur, and amid the plunder of an Umberhulk’s lair, suspicions about the two women in red reach boiling point.

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