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A Dance with Dragons - Pre-order?

Hello Everyone,

I noticed Amazon has A dance of dragons is up for pre-order on amazon (September 30, 2008). However, there is nothing on George R R Marton's site saying that he's finished. Anyone have a clue what's going on?

Best Regards
Herremann the Wise

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I'm gonna guess he's not done. Amazon has published release dates in the past, before GRRM has even turned in a final draft. Its too bad really. I loved his books, but my interest is waning with the looong delays between releases.


Amazon and other websites do this all of the time. They want to start advertising and such so they set a date when they hear the author hopes to have it out. Martin has not announced on his website that he is finished, so I think it is safe to say that it is still up in the air at this point when it will be released.

Don't publishers have to set their schedules significantly in advance? So the Sept 30 date could represent a projection based on GRRM's current deadline which is sometime after April 2008, but the publisher has to either announce or postpone to another cycle.

Maybe the publisher is feeling optimistic. I'll believe ADwD is out when I see it in bookstores, not before.


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Olgar Shiverstone said:
Don't publishers have to set their schedules significantly in advance? So the Sept 30 date could represent a projection based on GRRM's current deadline which is sometime after April 2008, but the publisher has to either announce or postpone to another cycle

I don't know how they pick the date, but it may as well be a number drawn out of a hat. I never, ever, ever ever believe a release date shown on Amazon. They've been wrong so many times I've lost count. My wife was waiting a for a book for over a year and Amazon probably revised the release date 3 or 4 times over that period.

Amazon has shown dates for Dance when GRRM has said he has no clue when he'll be done. This has been going on for years, it seems.


First Post
I'll start paying attention to ADwD release dates once GRRM announces he's finished with the first draft, and not a moment before.


First Post
Herremann the Wise said:
I can't think of anything further from the truth.

Best Regards
Herremann the Wise

He seems like a very humble guy and does attend a lot of conventions, so I agree that he's very aware and appreciative of his fans. Only he can say why it's taking so long between books, it's not like we're there watching him work every day.

Darth Shoju

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I'm not sure if the following will make you folks feel reassured or not. I've personally decided to not touch ASoIaF until the whole series is complete (he can thank Robert Jordan for that). Anyway, make of this blog post what you will:

Anyway, I'm back now, and not going anywhere until late June, when I will be taking off on my long-anticipated trip to Ireland, Portugal, and Spain. It's part vacation, part speaking engagement, and part promotional tour. If you live in or near any of those three places, watch the Appearances page on my website for details of when and when I'll be. We'll be adding dates as the events are confirmed.

Of course, I need to finish A DANCE WITH DRAGONS before I leave, or else my publishers will hunt me down and kill me. So that's pretty much all I'll be doing between now and then. And if I don't finish, maybe I'll just stay in Ireland, Portugal, or Spain, where no one will ever be able to find me.

From here: http://grrm.livejournal.com/

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