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A Dawnforge Legend Storyhour (Chapter 7 started on May 27th)


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Chapter 2 - Part 5

The dwarves maintained a sizeable district in Seaward, and existed on good terms with the lowlanders that dominated the city. Despite the friendly relationship, they were still an insular and suspicious folk, and rarely dealt with outsiders. Needless to say earning their trust would be difficult but not outside the realm of reason.

The sloping organic architecture, an influence of the druids, gave way to functional structures, which were low and squat and hewn of thick stone. The walls of the structures were decorated with engravings and dwarven text, etched directly into the stone. No surface was left bare and flat; each had a story carefully etched into the stone and marble that made up the dwarven district. The sounds of forges and metal upon metal rang in the ears of the trio as some dwarves stopped to glance at the strangers in their midst.

Thane glanced nervously Dais, “So what is the plan?”

“We ask a dwarf if he can direct us to the sage Lain was ranting about earlier,” the soldier replied with a shrug.

“I was ranting about, oh I believe I did not want to even be here,” she replied in Anderlar, “but to answer your question we need to find Ravnar Ironborn, if anyone would have any answers it would be him. Probably the oldest dwarf in this whole city.”

Dais nodded and turned to a passing dwarf maiden, “Excuse me,” speaking the Common tongue, “we are looking for Ravnar Ironborn, perhaps you have heard of him?”

The dwarf sighed, shifting her weight to one foot and folding her thick arms across her bosom, “Master Ironborn is not accepting guests, stranger. You would best be going your way, he is quite busy.”

Thane responded, “Well perhaps you know of someone that would have some knowledge into dwarven artifacts, besides Master Ironborn?”

“And why are you so interested in the affairs of we dwarves, hmm?” she replied dubiously. Lain just gave her companions a look of ‘I told you so’.

“Well we sort of tumbled upon a mystery and we were hoping to find some help,” Dais swallowed hard, not used to trying to be devious.

“Well Master Ironborn is busy, besides you folks is not welcome in these parts, especially with the murder of Lord Ironroot by a Greenfalls assassin,” she spat out the last bit, “treachery like that is not easily forgotten.”

“The Greenfalls House? But that does not make sense; they have had a long-standing agreement with the dwarf merchants of Aradath for decades. Are you sure about this?” Lain questioned.

“A Greenfalls dagger was found in Lord Ironroot’s corpse, it does not get much guiltier then that,” the dwarf maiden replied with a saddened look. She clenched her fist, “They stole a precious object from him as well, the bastards!”

“Where can we find Lord Ironroot?” Dais replied quickly.

“At the temple of Moridrin, under the care of a Diamond Guard and several soldiers, so if you are planning any mischief-”

“No mischief I swear, I think we can help,” Dais replied with his usual earnest look.

Lain raised a brow, but said nothing glancing to Thane, who simply shrugged. The dwarf maiden looked at each face, finally settling on Dais, “Alright, if you really want to help, then follow me. But if you make me regret this, Moridrin help you!”

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Chapter 3 - Part 1

Faith could not believe her luck, it seemed that the fortunes were truly on her side. First she had killed the foolish dwarf lord right under the nose of his protectors, and now her new quarry had walked right up to her and pretty much invited themselves to their doom, it was deliciously perfect if a little too convenient, but speed was of the essence.

She continued walking quickly listening the idle chatter from the trio behind her. The lowlander male and the night elf woman had an interesting antagonistic relationship that was mildly entertaining, although their habit in speaking in the language of Anderland was somewhat distracting. Faith just kept getting the notion they were plotting against her, but a reassuring smile from the insipid boy, reassured her of his ignorance. The trueborn youth though could be a problem, despite his silence, she just did not trust the bald man, and the tales of the trueborn and their celestial roots did not sit well with the doppelganger as she tried to stay focused on her task at hand.

She finally stopped outside a sturdy stone edifice with a single doorway that was tall enough for a lowlander, but of obvious dwarven architecture and design. The building was tattooed with dwarven script and murals depicting the rise of a dwarven clan, but to faith the script was just random scribble, she could not read the language of the dwarves or any language for that matter. A curse of her species, understanding written script was beyond any of her kind, a minor nuisance at best she had convinced herself.

“What is this place?” Dais uttered as he looked around the street, they were alone on some back lane, he had lost track of the path following the dwarf maiden.

“Lord Ironroot is inside,” she hushed, “his guards have secreted him here to be raised, I should not have brought you here, but you seem to be bound and determined on your fool’s errand. Just a moment, please wait here,” she pleaded.

Faith went inside, and closed the door behind her and padded softly through the halls her shape shifting to that of a tall slim woman with scars across her body. Inside sitting around a table he found three of her cronies playing a game of dice, they stood immediately upon seeing the boss enter the room.

“Hard at work,” she whispered.

“We were waiting boss, for furthers orders just like you asked,” the bravest of the three spoke aloud, though not much more then a whisper. The two other thugs nodded in unison, not daring to speak.

“Good, I found them, I will lure them inside, no mistakes this time, when you have finished with them, bring the artifact to me,” she hissed once more for emphasis. She did not wait for a reply, and closed the door to the room behind her as she walked down the hall, her form slowly changing once more to that of a dwarf maiden. She took a deep breath and walked outside to find the night elf and the lowlander involved in a heated discussion in Anderlar, but the two went silent as the she walked outside focusing on the dwarf.

Faith placed her hands on her hips, “They were not happy to know I brought an outsider, but the Diamond Guard said he would see you, but you best make it quick or have something especially good to say. Just head inside and go don the hall, he is expecting you, I will wait outside, its your audience not mine.”

Lain raised a brow and just glanced to Dai with playful look as the lowlander walked inside the door. Thane was quick to follow, if only to keep up with the determined young soldier. Lain followed, but something just did not sit well with her, as she proceeded down the hall. The dwarf closed the door behind them, and Lain just sighed, she could smell a trap, and this jut smelled ripe with betrayal. Sadly, there as little she could do to deter the lowlander from his current course, perhaps it was best to just leave him to his fate…

A soft voice in Anderlar, tickled her ear, and he froze. It came from the door ahead, a whisper of a man she did not recognize. It had to be a man, no self respecting dwarf would whisper in hushed tones, and let alone whisper in the language of the men. She placed a hand on Thane’s shoulder, and hissed loud enough to give Dais some pause.

Lain whispered in the Common tongue, “There is at least one man… other side of that door… I think it is a trap.”

Gray Sage

First Post
Very entertaining Story Hour you have here. In particular, I've really enjoyed the bantering back and forth between Lain and Dais. And there's a nice flow to the way that you write, it helps to keep my interest in the overall plot.

Oh, and the following quote by Uric after Dais' explanation of his clothes' bloody appearance was classic; it made me laugh.

"By the Green Man, you think you’re on the start of some ‘adventure’?"

Keep up the good work. I'll be stopping by regularly. :)


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Chapter 3 - Part 2

Dais scowled, a strange look on the young soldier’s normally pleasant face. He drew his sword, and brought his shield to the ready. The sound of his blade being drawn, alerted the assassins. The door ahead of the trio slammed open and two men in a row came rushing through the door, scimitars drawn with masks covering the lower half of their faces. Murder was in their eyes.

Dais narrowed his eyes, and brought his shield up to ward off a strike, as the scimitar slid of his light steel shield. He gave his attacker ground and then unleashed a powerful slash that caught the man off guard and slid under the attacker’s chin, severing the head cleanly from the shoulders. The headless corpse continued on forward pass Dais, spilling blood on Thane who nervously watched the second thug slash his scimitar into the young soldier’s right leg.

Lain rolled past the attacking thug, rolling to her feet and stabbed her blade into the thug’s back slipping the blade into vitals. He gurgled, as Thane gathered his wits and called upon his Immortal’s strength to bless his comrades and himself in the battle and bring them victory. Lain quickly ripped hr blade from the thug’s back as Dais ran him through, ripping the blade out quickly, spilling entrails as the thug collapsed to his knees and died. Dais could feel the strength of Thane’s divine magic coursing through him, strengthening his resolve despite his injury.

Everything was silent, besides the tense breathing of the trio. The calm ended when the third assassin struck. He stepped into the doorway; a crossbow raised and sunk an arrow into Lain’s shoulder, causing her to stumble, but even more insidious was the slow numbing feeling traveling down her limb, and the rest of her body. Lain collapsed to her knees, as she tried to focus and fight the poison, but it was a losing fight.

Lain gurgled out, “Poison…”

Dais narrowed his eyes, and advanced forward as the assassin tossed aside the crossbow and drew a dagger and a scimitar allowing the young soldier to come to him. Thane moved quickly to try and remove the bolt from Lain’s shoulder; once it was free he set to the task of trying to stave off the poison, and hopefully save her from more severe effects of the poison.

Thane glanced up to see Dais and the assassin in the midst of a vicious melee neither giving any quarter, as the nimble assassin used both of his blades to great effect, spinning and parrying with a dazzling display of grace, staying on the defensive as Dais pressed the attack. Where Dais struck, the assassin’s blades were there to deflect another powerful strike, and turn away his blade, but to the young soldier’s credit, his shield had kept him free from harm during the vicious melee, but the injury to Dais’ leg was hampering his footwork, and he had to give more ground then he would have liked.

Thane seeing this, made a quick decision. He stood and chanted a quick incantation and then allowed the divine power of his chosen faith to flow through him, his hand taking on a soft glow as he gently applied it to Dais’ shoulder. The healing divine magic surged through the lowlander and mended the wound in his leg with great speed and alacrity. Dais grinned as he sidestepped the assassin’s slash and brought his blade into his opponent’s side, crunching bone, and rending flesh.

The assassin stumbled clutching his side, and retaliated with a quick slash from his scimitar. Dais raised his shield only to fall prey to the dashing dagger that sunk deep into his shoulder. Dais spun back from the attack, and brought his blade in a wide arc, slicing through the assassin’s gullet, dropping the thug to the floor. Dais though unbalanced fell against the wall breathing hard, despite the pain he ripped the dagger from his shoulder and threw it aside in contempt.

“How is she?” Dais finally muttered, the adrenalin in his system finally subsiding between deep, nourishing breaths.

“She will live, the poison’s worst effects I hope have been staved off, she will limp for some time yet, we had best get her to a place where I can properly care for her,” the disciple replied. He smiled though, “You fight like a trueborn, I am quite impressed, Dais.”

Dais nodded, “Good, I would not forgive myself if she died, because of my decisions.”

Thane paused, taken aback by the lowlander’s words, “It is rare to see such compassion.”

“Compassion? She may have a checkered past but she has a good heart, and has stuck her neck out for me, a complete stranger, I think she is more noble then even she realizes,” Dais replied as he struggled to stand. He helped Thane get Lain to her feet and the trio stumbled out of the dwarven dwelling and into the streets, though this time with more of a crowd as the denizens of the district watched with burning curiosity at the battered and bloody trio.

Dais scowled as he scanned the crowd for the dwarf that had led them into the trap but no such luck, he picked Lain up and cradled her in his arms. Thane looked surprised, “Are you sure you wish to carry her by yourself?”

“I can manage,” he said to Thane before turning to the crowd, and walking forward, in slow unsteady steps but his resolve grew, and the pain fell away as he focused his mind on trying to find shelter for his companion.

Thane smiled gently to the gathered dwarves, “I am Brother Thane Madrigal, a disciple of Alharra the Maiden of the Dawn, we seek shelter, an inn would be sufficient and perhaps pass a message to Lord Ironroot’s protectors that we have information for them. We did not mean to cause such a disturbance, but it could not be helped.”

Several of the dwarves listening murmur amongst themselves. They do not respond for several minutes as Thane fumbles along to catch up with Dais, as he carried their night elf companion. The dwarves seemed suspicious but soon one of them stepped out of the crowd and spoke in a deep baritone, “If you seek shelter, then follow me, I know a good discrete place,” he grabbed a younger dwarf, “boy run and give the Diamond Guard the message lad, and be quick about it.”

Thane smiled, “Alharra be praised, you have done us a great service.”

“Call me Gorn, it not be much to be thanked for, but if you got something for our lord to hear, he best know promptly yes? Now this way, not far from here, just another block, hurry now,” the dwarf motioned for the trio to follow.


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Gray Sage said:
Very entertaining Story Hour you have here. In particular, I've really enjoyed the bantering back and forth between Lain and Dais. And there's a nice flow to the way that you write, it helps to keep my interest in the overall plot.

Oh, and the following quote by Uric after Dais' explanation of his clothes' bloody appearance was classic; it made me laugh.

"By the Green Man, you think you’re on the start of some ‘adventure’?"

Keep up the good work. I'll be stopping by regularly. :)
Thanks I am glad the banter is enjoyable its fun to put together :)


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Chapter 3 - Part 3

Lord Ironroot opened his eyes; the room was dim except for the glow from the dwarven shaper, whose form still glowed with divine energies that seemed to permeate the room. She smelled of a spring wind, and her hair still danced in an unseen wind, as the final remnants of the discharged divine energy dissipated.

“Lord Ironroot, I would like to apologize for allowing you to die under my charge, I have paid for this service myself,” another female dwarf replied her muscular squat frame draped in silver and gold full plate armor, glimmering in the flickering fire light. Her mithril dwarven waraxe rested on her back, and was clean, and well cared for.

Lord Ironroot closed his eyes as he recalled the last memories he had, “I was a fool, and she exploited me for it.”

“She will not get away with this,” the Diamond Guard replied motioning for the shaper to leave them. The shaper bowed her head, and then exited the fire-lit chamber with an ease and grace not normally associated with the dwarves.

“No she will not Talon, not at all,” the dwarf lord replied, “what of the Light of Korum…”

Talon scowled, “The Greenfalls assassin took it as well, we believe. I have brought the matter before the prince and he assures me that the matter will be handled. Ganthis Greenfalls wishes to have audience with you later, milord.”

“Hmm and why do we suspect that Greenfalls is behind my demise,” Lord Ironroot replied with a grunt.

“This dagger,” Talon pulled a dagger from her belt, that had the crest of the Greenfalls on the hilt, “is only given to scions of the Greenfalls house, and those that they favor. In darker methods it is not uncommon for lords to express their displeasure by having one murdered and leaving a telltale sign as a sign of challenge. It’s an old custom here in Anderland, milord.”

“Interesting,” the young dwarf lord replied.

“Interesting, you disagree with the facts?” she replied raising a brow.

“No only intrigued that not only was I a target, but so was the Light of Korum. Whoever had me slain must have known that I would not be dead long,” he paused thinking, “I have to wonder if the purpose to my death was only to steer us away from pursuing the artifact while we become embroiled in conflict with the Greenfalls, a stout ally with much to lose and little to gain.”

“Your political acumen and eye for intrigue is as sharp as the court has led me to believe,” Talon replied as she stroked her chin, “it would be foolish to steal the artifact from us, it was to be a gift, a trade for the artifact they had presented to your father for safekeeping. So you suspect an unknown third party?”


“Then the question is who?” she replied.

“That is your job to root out, Diamond Guard, not mine but I suspect you have been looking into this chain of events despite following standard protocol,” the dwarf lord grinned stroking his dark braided beard.

“I have, but so far nothing has come to light,” Talon paused as one of her subordinates entered the circular chamber.

“Please forgive me, milord, but a boy says he has a message for the protectors of Lord Ironroot, shall I turn him aside?” the male dwarf replied, one of his eyes shut in a perpetual squint; the remnants of an old injury wrought by a fire giant throwing stone.

“Show him in,” Lord Ironroot responded.

The dwarf soldier bowed low, and then exited quickly. He returned shortly with a young dwarf boy behind him, he kept his face downward as was the custom not to look upon his elders, lest he show them disrespect.

“Speak, young one,” Lord Ironroot commanded.

The boy stumbled over his words, “Milord… my… my father sent me to tell you a message. I… I… a moment please milord. Three strangers were attacked today down on Silver Street, milord. One of them, Brother Madrigal said he has information for you… milord. My father took them to his tavern, Gorn’s House of Spirits. I can show you the way milord if need be,” the young boy finished never once lifting his gaze.

Lord Ironroot listened and then dismissed the child with a wave. He turned to Talon, “Fetch me my travel clothes and let’s see what this Brother Madrigal has to say. Shall we?”


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Chapter 3 -Part 4

“And that is about everything that happened, milord,” Thane finished as he placed the fist sized emerald on the table between himself and the dwarf lord and his entourage.

Lord Ironroot raised a slight brow, “That is quite the tale, and you are correct in believing that this is somehow connected to the Light of Korum.”

Talon sat with her fingers forming a steeple as she listened to Thane speak. She regarded both the trueborn and the lowlander with some suspicion but her intuition had allayed her fears, and she recognized that despite the disciple’s nervousness, they were in fact telling the truth. She finally broke her silence, “So, these assassin’s do you have any idea who they may be in league with?’

Dais spoke up, “No.”

“No? You have no idea why they are targeting you?” the dwarf lord replied as he tried to scoop up the emerald.

Talon beat him to it, “I will hold onto that milord, it may be safer in my hands, all things considered.”

Lord Ironroot scowled and then relented, “Fine. So you were saying?” he turned his gaze once more to Dais.

“No milord, our friend, Lain, the night elf said that the thug who first had the stone worked for a gang called the Black Gulls,” the young soldier responded, glancing at the dwarven faces.

“Do you think the Black Gulls were in league with the Greenfalls house?” Talon asked.

“I doubt such a noble house would deal with such ruffians, Lady Stronarr. In fact I think they were acting independently or perhaps for an unknown entity,” Thane replied as he contemplated the situation.

Talon nodded, and then placed a satchel that jingled with coins, as it sat on the table. She glanced to Lord Ironroot, before she stood, “We must go, we have many appointments to attend to. There is 750 crowns in the satchel, take it as a reward for your actions. Be safe, I fear that you may have earned a powerful unknown enemy for your actions. If we cross paths, we will regard you as dwarf-friends and our skalds shall sing of your deeds.”

Thane smiled at the money, “Alharra be praised, you are most welcome.”

Dais stood as well, “Thank you, I don’t fear any phantom menace,” and then turned to check on Lain, “thank you, and excuse me.”

Talon watched as Dais turned to go, somewhat surprised at the human’s concern for the night elf thief. It brought what resembled a smile to her lips, as Lord Ironroot and the dwarven entourage filed out behind her. With a final nod to Thane, Talon turned and followed.

Dais entered the room where Lain laid on her back. She turned her head slowly to Dais and smiled, “I think I would be better off dead, my whole body aches. But Thane says that I will be fine, perhaps in a few days, maybe sooner.”

Dais pulled the chair over to the bed and sat down, “You were lucky, we all were. But we lived, and the dwarf left us 750 crowns for our trouble, so all in all, it was a fun if short adventure.”

“750 crowns! Let me guess they have the gem as well right?” Lain rolled her eyes.

“It was theirs to begin with,” Dais replied with a sigh, “we did the right thing, isn’t that reward enough?”

“No, that gem was worth probably 1000 times that amount easy, my one chance at wealth and happiness and you ruin it! I can’t believe this, you idiot, I got poisoned for that damn gem,” she grumbled.

“I am sorry Lain,” Dais replied apologetically.

“I am sure you are.”

Dais poured Lain some water, and tilted it to her lips, “Here drink this, and rest. You shouldn’t worry about the jewel, I am sure we can find another one,” he joked.

“If we do, I get to decide what we do it,” she replied as she lifted her head and drank the water, “I still can’t believe you gave it back.”

“You should not focus too much on your greed,” Thane replied from the doorway, “focus perhaps on the path ahead, and the fact that you have done a good deed, and earned powerful friends.”

“Oh well then next time I find myself in the mountains of the dwarves I will be sure to thank my lucky stars that I am a dwarf-friend, do we get shiny axes and prickly beards as well,” she hissed.

Dais rolled his eyes, with a laugh, “Are you ever happy?”

“I was until I met you,” she rolled away from the two humans, with a smirk on her face.

Dais nodded, “Oh…” he said weakly. Dais concealed the hurt in his eyes and stood moving for the door, “once you are rested we can part ways, thank you Lain, for helping me.”

Thane glanced to the sullen soldier, “My path is where you wander, Dais, be it to the pits of Valhedar or the mysterious lands across the seas. I will follow and see what it is that Alharra wishes me to see.”

Dais smiled weakly, “Thank you Thane, I am not sure how adventurous I would be, this is my first time in Seaward, and I have never been anywhere beyond the lands of Ironwall.”

“You are already set to leave Seaward already,” Lain replied, turning her head to her to the humans. She gave a cough-ridden laugh, “There are many things to see and do here in Seaward, and I could show you guys around, unless you are dead-set on leaving.”

“I thought we ruined your life?” Dais smirked over his shoulder.

“Sure, but I think you two clueless fops would get taken for a ride by some two-bit urchin, for your hard-earned coins. Besides you need me,” she sat up weakly leaning on her knees, “even if you do decide to leave Seaward.”

“And we need you why?” Thane asked, giving her a dubious look.

Lain thought for a moment, “You humans are so simple minded, if it isn’t obvious by now, you will never understand.”

Dais shrugged, “Well it’s settled then, our fellowship can continue.”

Lain flopped back on the bed, “Dais, shut up.”


First Post
Well the heroes have finished their first short adventure and I figured, levling up was in order, so now they will be Level two at the start of the next chapter. Dais took another Fighter level, Lain took a Ranger level, and of course Thane took a Disciple level. No ideas for Prestige Classes yet, so I am just going with the flow.

Dais (Male Lowlander Fighter 2 Neutral Good): CR 2; STR 18, DEX 14, CON 14, INT 10, WIS 10, CHA 12; HD 2d10+4 (HP 22); BAB +2; FORT +5, REF +2, WILL +0; AC 17 (+2 DEX, +4 Armor, +1 Shield), Flat-Footed 15, Touch 12; Initiative +6; Attack +8 melee (Longsword 1d8+4 19-20/x2), +5 ranged (Light Crossbow 1d8 19-20/x2); Move 20 ft.; Skills- Climb (5) +9/+4, Swim (5) +9, Craft Artwork (5) +5; Feats- Improved Initiative, Weapon Focus Longsword, Quick Draw, Power Attack; Languages- Common, Anderlar; Racial Talents- Ironwall (Longsword, Spear, Light Crossbow); Racial Transformations- Hero’s Son; SQ- Lowlander Traits; Legend Points- 0; Equipment- Longsword, Light Crossbow, 20 bolts, Dagger, Scale Mail, Light Steel Shield, Uniform, Traveler’s Clothes, Backpack, 280 GP

Brash young soldier from Ironwall, with an uncharted destiny and a penchant for meeting the wrong people at the right time. He is a good person, and is naïve and wants to see the good in everyone, and is the most likely person to try and save an enemy, if only because there may be some good in that person.

Dais is average height and has a lean build with dark hair that touches his shoulders. He has a young slim face, and strong gray eyes which burn with his youth and idealism. He truly believes that good can triumph over all evils in the world. His greatest dream is to become a hero like his brother Baile.

Lain (Female Night Elf Rogue 1/Ranger 1 Chaotic Good): CR 2; STR 12, DEX 18, CON 10, INT 14, WIS 14, CHA 10; HD 1d6 + 1d8 (HP 12); BAB +1; FORT +2, REF +8, WILL +2; AC 16 (+4 DEX, +2 Armor), Flat-Footed 12, Touch 14; Initiative +4; Attack +2 melee (Dagger 1d4+1 18-20/x2), +5 ranged (Shortbow 1d6 x3); Move 30 ft.; Skills- Balance (4) +8, Climb (4) +5, Decipher Script (4) +6, Disable Device (4) +6, Hide (5) +11, Listen (5) +7, Move Silently (5) +11, Open Locks (4) +8, Sleight of Hand (4) +8, Spot (5) +7, Survival (4) +6; Feats- Stealthy, Track; Languages- Common, Elven, Anderlar, Sylvan; Racial Talents- Unusual Stealth; Racial Transformations- Minor Spell Resistance; SQ- Night Elf Traits, SR 7, Sneak Attack +1d6, Trapfinding, Wild Empathy, Favored Enemy Evil Outsider +1; Legend Points- 0; Equipment- Dagger, Shortbow, 20 arrows, Leather Armor, Backpack, Traveling Clothes, Thieves’ Tools, Scimitar, 290 GP

Capricious, and dishonest, Lain lives her life on the edge. A petty street thief, surviving off the scraps of the city, she has eked out a good living for herself far from the lands of her people. She arrived in Seaward nearly fifteen years ago, fleeing persecution from the dawn elves. She hates that her people are involved in a civil war and tries to steer clear of it, wishing that it would end so maybe one day she could go home, but until that time comes she just enjoys herself.

Lain has a lithe curvy build with smooth ebon skin and a bright smile. Her eyes are silver just like the silken strands of her hair, which she wears short, around her face. She usually carries a permanent smirk on her face, and is always dressed for mobility.

Thane Madrigal (Male Trueborn Disciple 2 Lawful Good): CR 2; STR 10, DEX 10, CON 14, INT 12, WIS 18, CHA 16; HD 2d8+4 (HP 18); BAB +1; FORT +5, REF +0, WILL +7; AC 15 (+4 Armor, +1 Shield), Flat-Footed 15, Touch 10; Initiative +4; Attack +1 melee (Heavy Mace 1d8 x2), +1 ranged; Move 20 ft.; Skills- Concentration (5) +7, Diplomacy (3) +6, Heal (5) +9, Knowledge Religion (5) +6, Spellcraft (2) +3; Feats- Improved Initiative, Favored Disciple; Languages- Common, King’s Tongue, Celestial; Racial Talents- Divine Mastery; Racial Transformations- Divine Health; SQ- Trueborn Traits, Intercession 1/day, Divine Spells, Spell DC 14+Spell Level, Innate Spell (Light); Legend Points- 0; Equipment- Heavy Mace, Scale Mail, Light Wooden Shield, Disciple’s Robes, Divine Focus, Pack Mule “Jake”, Supplies, 267 GP

Spells Prepared- 0th (Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Light, Purify Food and Drink); 1st (Bless, Cure Light Wounds x2, Protection From Evil)

A pious disciple, Thane shows promise to his brethren, and favor of his chosen Immortal. He is a gentle soul, and much prefers words to action, and is not the kind to embark on adventuring indeed, he is much happier in his enclave then traipsing about trying to right wrongs forcefully. But it seems fate has a different path in mind for Thane.

Thane is short, and an unimposing figure. He is bald, by choice, and wears a long dark robe. He does not carry any weapons though he is trained in their use, he just does not travel about armed unless he must. His eyes are dark and filled with wisdom, but he is not overly prideful, though he can be a coward at times.
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