A Few New Maps

Thanks for the info Pyrandon. I'll see how I can score a copy of Photoshop and get to work. In the meantime, I would be hard-pressed to imagine a publisher whose player handouts and props rival what you've shown us here.

Please post a link to your online portfolio here.

Publishers: please come to an arrangement with this artist for your 4E products.

I love to get this kind of stuff from a DM at a table, and kick myself for not doing more of it for my players. I would be thrilled with the crusades-era handout. I would be the first player to volunteer to copy the mosaic maps from the prop. I am the DM who would go back after the game and point out my greatness and demand adulation from my players for my stunning visuals.

Again, Pyrandon, cool stuff. Thanks for sharing.

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First Post
Dan: I'm glad you found it useful. If you feel like it, I'd love to see your results either in this thread or over at the Cartographers' Guild. I'd get a huge kick out of that!

Arbiter: Okay, you crack me up; love your sense of humor. Thanks so much for the kind words, encouragement, and praise. I really, really appreciate it.

Oh, and I should tell both you and everyone else that the tutorial link in my above message also shows how to adapt my instructions for the mosaic style map image to GIMP, a free shareware Photoshop-type program.

Again thanks so much for the responses!

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