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A Keep on the Borderlands: Consolidation

Dr Simon

At Comoray's strike, the snake creature evaporates into a cloud of angry smoke. There is a cheer from the dwarves, but it is cut short as the Cobalt dwarves burst through the entrance. The two dwarves guarding the entrance cut down the first one as he charges in. The second is wounded but makes it inot the chamber, dodging Cassie's crossbow bolt. Then a second follows him and soon the Copper Dwarves at the entrance are hard pressed. Fyfe and Menexes move in to the attack, sword and axe turned aside by the Cobalt dwarves' strong armour, and more Copper Dwarves, freed from fighting serpents, move into to halt the advance.

Dwarf Sanctuary 7.jpg

Comoray's attack kills H2
(For reference to the dwarves, C# refers to the Cobalt Dwarves (blue, bad guys), D# refers to Copper Dwarves (brown, good guys (?)))

C1 moves into chamber, activates attack from D2 - hits for 10 damage and kills him.
C2 moves in, activates attack from D1 - miss. Moves into chamber, AoO from D1 miss, D2 hits for 6 damage, crossbow attack from Cassie miss.
C7 moves in with nobody left to offer AoOs for movement.
Other C dwarves move up.

Fyfe - moves to attack C7 - miss
Menexes - moves to attack C6 - miss.

Other D dwarves, move only.

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Sh'aah grunted in surprise and congratulation at the warrior-priest's strike to vanquish the magical snake. Hearing the commotion from behind, he spun about and moved to engage the blue dwarves. His first strike is too weak to do much more than draw sparks as it glances off the dwarf's shoulder guards.

Move to square south of Menezes. Attack cobalt dwarf 6: 1d20+8=12 (gonna call that one a miss...) http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4487891/


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Bastian Sangue, human cavalier

Bastian swears as the blue dwarves begin to enter, and he sees just how little lies between them and the Lady Arcata. In desperation, he swings his broadsword once again, hoping to end the final snake creature.

[sblock=ooc]I'm an idiot. Somehow I was thinking Cormoroy got the last smoke critter, but after I rolled, I looked at the map again and realized Bastian's still next to one. So, the roll says "C7," but I'm hoping you'll just let it apply to the snake:

Power attack vs. C7;damage w/ power attack (1d20+7=24, 2d6+7=13)[/sblock]

Dr Simon

The cobalt dwarves are well armoured, and Sh'aah's axe slides off metal plate with a shower of sparks. Bastian's sword bites deep into the smoke snake, but the creature is not disrupted yet and bites back at the Last Lion. Bastian easily ducks such a forecast attack.

Dwarf Sanctuary 8.jpg

Sh'aah - Attack C6. Yes, that's a miss
Bastian - Attack snake 3, hits.
Snake 3 - Attacks Bastian, miss.

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Arcata winces as the snake narrowly misses Bastian, but as much as she wants to help him, there is a more pressing problem. The cobalt dwarves are starting to pour in...and threatened to flank and overwhelm her own forces while they were mopping up the snake problem. No doubt what was intended all along.

Well, he wasn't the only one with battlefield magic.

She intoned under her breath, and multivalent veils of soft bluish light wavered before her, like an aurora in the far northern climes. The phantasmagoria rippled and undulated across to the southern passageway where the dwarves contended with one another, and there it sank to the rocky floor and covered it over with a shimmering surface.

A surface, as it turned out, that was very very slick.

(OOC - Grease, centered on Cobalt Dwarf 3. That'll make it impossible to use that passage without passing through 3 squares of the spell, which ought to slow 'em down a bit. Dwarves currently in the area (3, 2 and 8) must make a Reflex save at DC 15 or fall prone.)

Dr Simon

Two of the cobalt dwarves caught in the area of Arcata's spell fall to the ground, effectively blocking the tunnel as they try to regain their feet. The nearest one, however, stays upright and presses his attack on one of the copper dwarves barring the entrance, badly wounding him. Cassie curses, takes a step in front of Arcata and reloads her crossbow. Meanwhile the only person to land any kind of effective strike is Fyfe, wounding one of the vanguard of the cobalt dwarves. The rest is a flurry of axes parrying and rebounding off sturdy dwarf armour or supernatural snake-hide.

Dwarf Sanctuary 9.jpg
Basically a flurry of misses from most combatants (mostly rolled 5s and 6s!).

C3 and C8 fail their Reflex save and fall prone.
C2 makes a save and hits D2 for 7 damage.
Fyfe hits C7 for 6 damage.

Wounded but up:
D2, D4, D7, Rexhun.
C6, C7


Trusting that the others have the defence of the passage well in hand, at least for a moment, Comoray turns his attention to the remaining snake and dives into the melee with it intent on ending it. Focused by his last successful strike, he hews as deep into the creature.

OOC: Flanking Charge, Attack: 1d20+11=22, 1d10+3=13, w00t!

Dr Simon

Brother Comoray's arm is surely guided by Gammerack Stonebreaker, or maybe Saint Ecillieve as the strike cuts deeply into the substance of the smoke-snake, and the creature evaporates into nothingness. The dwarves that were fighting it give sighs of relief and one or two of them give the priest a nod of appreciation, accompanied by a gruff utterance of "Sehr gut".

That's all the snake things down.

Next up:


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Bastian Sangue, human cavalier

"Many thanks, brother," the Last Lion says as the snake evaporates. He turns on his heel to intercept the new threat, then swears under his breath to realize he'd have to shove their allies out of the way if he wanted to get close enough to swing.

He swings wide, then, moving to Cassie's shoulder to form a human wall between the Lady Arcata and the cobalt dwarves.

"Your magic moves around me just fine, yes, milady? But I'm thinking the dwarves won't be quite so nimble as your spells."

[sblock=ooc]As above, moving to the nearer side of Cassie. I think Bastian has just enough movement to accomplish that with a double move.[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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