A Merc's Life: Howl of the Carrion King [03]

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
You reach your place atop the monastery walls, and Houwlou's words are quickly proven as two scenes unfold before you. In the town itself, a group of six gnolls has taken a human prisoner to the open square west of the battle market. By the time you begin your 'viewing,' they've staked the poor man to the ground and begun pulling out his intestines and inner organs with red-hot iron tongs. His screams are loud enough that you can hear their faint echoes all the way across the pesh fields.

A second group of gnolls must have left the town some time before; they're leading another captive into the pesh fields close by the monastery. As you watch, the gnolls lead their bound prisoner to a large cleared area in the middle of the pesh cactus fields, where they force him to his knees and lash the rope securing his wrists to a stake in the ground. Thereafter, the gnolls begin beating the ground with over sized staves, setting up a rhythmic drumming. After about 30 seconds of this pounding, they tuck their staves under their arms and begin walking quickly back toward Kelmarane. Their prisoner remains bound to the stake, plainly too beaten and worn to even attempt to do anything about his situation.

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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
When Harnrey's turn comes he says quietly to tsadock, "This may change your mind about them. Look to the square and then the pesh field." Handing the spy lkass to tsadock, he returns to ground and starts gathering equipment.
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Houwlou Groulenas, Olcán Ranger4

"Quickly, Comrades, let us rush to his aid, who is thus bound and staked below, lest some more dire mischief befall him!" Unless someone speaks up to stop him, Houwlou will straightaway hie him to the man's rescue.

[sblock=Stat Block]
   Houwlou Groulenas, Olcán Ranger4
   Level: Ranger 4
   HP: 44/44     AC: 17  AC(T): 11   AC(FF): 16
 Init: +01    ST(F):+05  ST(R):+04    ST(W):+05
  Per: 15 (+2 Undead or Desert) HERO Points: 03
S16 +3
D13 +1
C16 +3
I16 +3
W18 +4
C15 +2

BAB: 04  CMB: +7  CMD: 18

Weapon                  Attack    Damage      Critical     Special
Longsword (MW)          +9        1d8+3       19-20/x2     +1 TH Gnolls
Dagger +1 (T)           +8 (+6)   1d4+2       19-20/x2     +3 TH/Damage
Longsword (MW)          +7        1d8+3       19-20/x2        (Undead)
  & Dagger +1           +6        1d4+2       19-20/x2     
Longsword (MW)          +5        1d8+3       19-20/x2     
  & Longsword           +4        1d8+1       19-20/x2     
Javelin   (M)           +5 (+3)   1d6+3          20/x2     Range 30'

Selected Skills (not quite all are shown)
Acrobatics -5; 
Appraise +4; 
Bluff +5; 
Climb +2 (with ACP); 
Diplomacy +3; 
Intimidate +3; 
Knowledge (nature) +9; 
Handle Animal +10; 
Heal +10;  
Perception +15 (+2 undead or desert)
Perform +3 
Profession (Guide) +10; 
Ride +3; 
Sense Motive +7; 
Spellcraft +10; 
Stealth +2; 
Survival +10; 
Swim -9

Spells Prepared:
Summon Nature's Ally I


First Post

When Harnrey turns to speak to Tsadok, he sees Tsadok's heart is already broken as tears roll down the young man's face. "Who treats fellow men like that?"

As Houwlou lets out to aid the man, Tsadok doesn't think twice about following and runs at his full out speed.

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
[sblock=OOC]OK, I've got Harnrey, Tsadok and Leif haring off to the Pesh field to help the fella that's staked to the ground. Harnrey's detour for equipment will put him two rounds behind those who simply head out.

Scotley, what's Keeland up to?[/sblock]


[sblock=OOC]OK, I've got Harnrey, Tsadok and Leif haring off to the Pesh field to help the fella that's staked to the ground. Harnrey's detour for equipment will put him two rounds behind those who simply head out.

Scotley, what's Keeland up to?[/sblock]
[sblock=Mowgs]Uhhh, that's Houwlou, not Leif, Boss.[/sblock]
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Keeland follows to the rescue as well, but he keeps his eyes peeled for an ambush. Something is not right here and he keeps his bow in hand ready for trouble staying 20' or so behind the others.

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