A Merc's Life: Howl of the Carrion King [03]

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First Post
"Hmmmm...well, this is quite the obstacle. Perhaps we should take Haidar's stuff and hold it ransom until he helps?" the cleric suggests.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
"That ideaq has merit, now what might have a bit more merit is possibly healing me of where this arrow protrudes from, including the removval of said arrow."


First Post
"Sigh...bitch, bitch, bitch... maybe I should just leave you guys, you won't learn anything if I heal you" Aodhán jokes, letting the silence hang for a moment before focusing on his healing energy and all within a short range of him feel heartened.

"So, now that you're little scratch is fixed, what about my suggestion" he says.

channel energy (2d6=12) - everyone within 30'

[sblock=Stat Block]
   HP: 36/36     AC: 20   AC(T): 12   AC(FF): 18
 Init: +02    ST(F):+05   ST(R):+03    ST(W):+08
  Per: +05                        HERO Points: 02
Channel Energy: 3/6

  BAB: 02       CMB: 04     CMD: 16

Weapon                  Attack    Damage      Critical     Special
Dwarven WarAxe          +5        1d10+2         20/x3     +3 Damage (2H)
Javelin                 +4        1d6 +2         20/x2     

Domain Powers:
    Travel                                Trickery
    * Agile Feet (8x/Day)                 * Copy Cat (1 Rnd/Lvl, 8x/Day) - 6 left

    Orisons (4)                           First Level (4+1)
    * Create Water                        * Bless
    * Detect Magic                        * [s]Cause Fear[/s]
    * Light                               * Longstrider (Domain Spell)
    * Mending                             * Lonrach's Favor
                                          * Protection from Evil

    Second Level (3+1)


Houwlou Groulenas, Olcán Ranger 3

"Yes, you have my grateful thanks as well, Aodhán, even though I was seemingly uninjured?"

[sblock=Stat Block]
   Level: Olcán Ranger3
   HP: 32/32     AC: 17   AC(T): 11   AC(FF): 16
 Init: +01    ST(F):+04  ST(R):+04    ST(W):+05

  BAB: 03       CMB: +6     CMD: 17

Weapon                  Attack    Damage      Critical     Special
Longsword (MW)          +6        1d8+3       19-20/x2     +1 TH Gnolls
  Dagger +1             +6        1d4+2       19-20/x2     +3 TH/Damage
Longsword (MW)          +4        1d8+3       19-20/x2        (Undead)
  Longsword             +3        1d8+1       19-20/x2     
Javelin                 +4        1d6+3          20/x2     

                        *+7 & +6 TH if using these alone in primary hand


First Post
"You were smart Houwlou, you didn't try and shoot your friends" the cleric says wryly, then shrugs, "So, how you want to try and get back through? Seems every time we go in the mists someone decides to try and hit an ally? he asks, but really doens't expect any solutions.

Yeah, too bad it was out of combat, but hey I won't turn down max hit point healing. Now let's just hope in combat when we need it, I don't pull up snake eyes ;) [/sblock]


First Post
"What if we each went though one at a time... The next person doesn't enter the mist until the other person calls that they have reached the other side. "

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