A new class for Elves? [think Tolkien here]


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dude . . .wow.

What can i say . . .that is almost exactly what i am looking for. a few variations, suer, but wow. The skill of the ages is perfect. I'd add Craft, and Perform to the list as well, for Skills of Ages, add heal to skill list . . a few other things, but almost perfect. Wow. do you have a link for the website, in specific, i tried looking fo it on google, but i got lost in the links. Thanks man. just some spelllist tweaking, adn i think i am almost okay . . .

thanks again! May your d20's always roll a crit!!

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First Post
Strutinan said:
The "Skill of the Ages" ability is all Int-Linked skills, which includes Craft, btw. Perform is a good one to put in as well, so maybe I should just rewrite it to be specified skills instead of ability-linked ones.
yeah, i'd go for a specific lost man, and perform would be a biggie for that. dammit, though, i like it. Thanks again, but i gtg.

I'll try to get a version for my campaign out soon! (with credits due)

question though > would it be bad to give them a bards spell prog, adn let them use the sorc list to choose spells from? (with edits, for my campaign anyways?)

Just a thought.


First Post
here's what i'd do for . . .

Skills of Ages

you gain a +2 competence bonus to one of the following skilss {list upcoming}. This must be taught to you by an Elf (not a half-elf, although you yourslef may be one) who is at least one age catergory older tha you (unless you are venerable, in which case they must be +1/4 more than your age), who is at least 3 levels higher than you, and who has maxed out his ranks in the associated skill. You must have at least one rank prior to gaining a bonus in the associated skill.


what do you think? this came off the top of my head, and i thought i'd post it before i forgot.


First Post
okay, i can see how for your campaign that a pureblood elf could only take the Elf class, but since my campaign is based a lot off the Lord of the Rings and all, and since Elrond was a half-elf who, in D&D terms, would have taken the elf class (per your own creation), i'd be okay with that. Just my opinion, for my campaign.

My description was to create something to do in campaign not to say "when i was a youngling, my mother crafted a magnificent sword . . . ." etc. I want my players to roleplay in the moment, not tell a story about "back in the day." Personally, i'd say that that creates better RPing than otherwise, but again, just my opinion. If you don't like it, that's cool man, remeber, this is going to be changed (like most of the classes in the PHB anyways) for my cmapaign. Thanks again for a great base to build my class on.

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Staff member
The last time I HR'ed the Elves' favored class, I simply used Sorcerers.

Recently, however, I have toyed, with a Ranger/Sorcerer fusion of some kind, possibly presenting class abilities in a "buffet list" like the Rogue's 10th level ability list and no divine spells.

The player would choose a new ability with each level.

Abilities on the list would include:
+1lvl arcane spells, INT based, with spontaneous casting, spells/level as per Specialist Wizard

+2 Domain spells (and Domain abilities) chosen from Domains of: Air, Animal, Earth, Fire, Magic, Plant, Travel, Water. Repeated Domain selections do not result in stacking or increasing Domain ability bonuses.


Woodland stride*

+1 Racial bonus to hit with longsword, rapier or bow. Can only be taken once per weapon.

+1 Racial bonus damage with longsword, rapier or bow. Can only be taken once per weapon.

Combat style as per ranger†

Bonus Metamagic Feat†

* can only be taken once
† can only be taken 1/4 levels


Personally, I find it... amusing?... that you are attempting to model a Tolkein-inspired class on a Tolkein-inspired race.

If you go waaaaaay back to OD&D, the original Elf class was a Fighter/Mage combination, requiring 4000 XP to hit level 2.

In all seriousness, though, I'd consider making the class some sort of gestalt class between Druid and Sorcerer, then trim it down by using the WORSE statistic of each class as the base. Or, use Bard as the base, and tailor your spell list appropriately.

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