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A New Power - Rebel Group


The patina stained droid, illuminated by the fleeting stars outside the Deepscan's canopy, turns its head to regard the woman as she arrives. It tilts its head slightly as she mentions the flight plan described in the datapad she's holding. In answer to her last question, R-LE-1 gestures to the T.R.A.P.'s data-storage component attached to his left hip; "I'm currently reviewing its Code." Motioning to the other disassembled components the old droid continues; "Its construction is fairly straightforward. A conventional portable holoprojector unit augmented with a miniature algorithmic droid processor, a data storage drive and concealed visual and auditory receptors. The holoprojector lens assembly has also been modified to transmit high-baud optical data bursts."

Gently tilting its head to indicate a subject change, R-LE-1 continues; "As to the aforementioned datapad; I am aware of who it belonged to and of the data it contained since I reviewed its Code prior to handing it to you. I took into account the secret flight plan while programming our hyperspace jump." The old droid modulates its voice slightly to reflect an inquiry and says; "You never answered my earlier question. Do you have any flight experience with such a transport?"

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"Oh, sorry," she says, the apology coming out akward as she hesitates just a little too long- apologising to a droid seeming to be something she shouldn't need to do. "Yeah," she goes on, "I've flown in one of these before. Never modified like this, though. Got carted around the core worlds in these and other transports, but I never payed much attention to them, really. I know a little about them, but you've probably read more on them in an evening than I've ever been told about 'em. Why do you ask?"

OOC: She has a Knowledge: Technology modifier of +4, so she knows a little, but you put her to shame in that department, Ambrus.


"Although all of this vessel's systems can be operated by a single individual from this console..." The patina stained droid sweeps its arm across the Deepscan's helm; "...the lambda class shuttle is meant to be operated by a crew of six to maximize efficiency; a pilot, a co-pilot, a scanner-technician, a shield technician, a communications officer and a weapons officer." As it describes each post R-LE-1 motions to its own seat and each of the cockpit's five other empty seats in turn. "As you can see, we are currently lacking personnel. If you are able, I would suggest sharing responsibilities to increase our chances of successfully completing our mission. Since you are experienced with imperial operating protocols and combat I believe it would be to our advantage for you to operate the communications and weapons systems. If we are contacted by imperial personnel you it may be advantageous to identify yourself as one of this vessel's defectors to maintain the illusion that this vessel is simply pursuing its mission." A proximity alarm beeps softly from the console. Without turning to look at it R-LE-1 continues; "Our ETA is now less than fifteen minutes. We should make our final preparations."
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"I wasn't aware that these things had much in the way of weaponry. You mean keep an eye on shields and that stuff, right? I can handle talking and shields, sure. Do we have an exit strategy planned? We might need to make starlines in a hurry if things don't go well and the Imperials are closer or more observant than we thoght."
She raises an eyebrow when the proximity alarm goes off, and nods when Arley explains it.
"Quick hop. Let me head back and make sure I have everything I plan on bringing out before we get there." Jaess sets the datapad down and starts heading back to the cargo hold. "What should I know to play a good com officer? Got any lies planned?" she asks over her shoulder.

Jaess will take the time to quickly go over the cargo, speaking to Arley through the ship's internal comm, searching for all her equipment and anything that will be of immediate use in the mission. She takes careful stock of the suit she'll be wearing if she needs to go EV to board the Dawnsprinter.


"The lambda-class shuttle is commonly equipped with two forward-facing double laser cannons, two wing-mounted double laser cannons, and a rear-facing double laser cannon. As for a quick escape, I will be pre-programming a return hyperspace jump before we arrive so that we can leave immediately if necessary." The old droid watches the human woman rise and head back towards the companionway leading into the rear passenger compartment.

In response to her final two questions R-LE-1 says: "You should briefly familiarize yourself with the crew manifest contained in the ship's computer, especially a human female crew member you may find necessary to impersonate. It would be best to impersonate the communications officer if at all possible since it is the person who would normally be answering hails. If we are contacted by the empire, identify yourself, the vessel and its assigned mission. They may be curious why we have arrived in this system several hours late. Suggest to them that a previously unidentified gravitational shadow threw us off course while in transit and we've only now managed to make our way here. If they seem doubtful remind them that this is wild space and largely uncharted. If the exchange begins making you nervous seek to change the subject by requesting information such as their updated navigational logs or search status."


First Post
"I doubt I could mimic one of the male crew members," she says into the ship's comm, "But Triss I might be able to do, as long as they aren't very familiar with her. We could say that their usual comm officer was injured or something, probably in that little gravity shadow incident we had that got us here late, but he's in stable condition resting now and we can continue our mission. I'll ask for more data, specific orders, all that, and it should all work out. Hopefully we won't have to chat for long. Waddaya think?"

OOC: Angcuru, could you possibly give us a list of our cargo so we could know exactly what we have, or at least what we probably have?


The patina stained droid keys the intercom and answers: "It would appear to be a reasonable and effective deception should we be contacted by imperial forces. It risks being discovered should it persist overlong however. Along with reviewing 2nd Lieutenant Triss Mason's personnel file I would also recommend that you briefly review the Deepscan 39's recent official log so that you may speak knowledgeably about our supposed mission."

Keying off the intercom the old droid softly begins reciting a short prayer in binary:

With the upload of information from the T.R.A.P. memory module complete, R-LE-1 reaches down and disconnects it from his scomplink. Putting it aside, the old droid pulls out the second data chip it had requisitioned and attaches it to the tip of its scomplink. R-LE-1 then begins a second download of its encrypted memories and personality algorithms for safekeeping. As the download is in progress the patina stained droid rises from the pilot's chair and makes his way over to the navigator's console, sits down and begins manually keying in the information to plot a return hyperspace transit locus back to the Reliant.

OOC: The return jump won't bother following the Lieutenant's datapad information or be plotted to minimize travel time but will instead use a circuitous route intended to be evasive and as difficult for anyone to track as possible.(Astrogate +11, using the NAV computer and taking 20 if possible or 10 if not.)
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OOC: I found this diagram of a lambda class shuttle interior and thought it might help us to visualize how the interior space is divided. I hope it helps. ;)



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Jaess comes back to the front of the Lambda shuttle, sitting down at the comm console and bringing up the logs for the ship and personel files for it's crew (Computer Use +6). she will study these, listening to the audio logs from Triss again and again to get a better handle on her voice and speech patterns, practicing her mimicking skills by reading the logs aloud in her best approximation of Lt. Mason's voice. (Disguise +4)

OOC: Hopefully Jaess'll get a +2 Synnergy bonus from 5 ranks in Bluff, given she has samples to listen to and mimic not just Triss' voice but her speech, and maybe with some sort of circomstance bonus from the practice. Maybe Arley could give tips and aid another for another +2. Who knows?


R-LE-1 listens to Jaess read through the personnel files without comment until she is finished. Without turning around to look at the woman at the communications console the old droid offers a few last pieces of advice: "Keep in mind that most imperial communications are visual as well as auditive. Our ruse may not succeed if the visual sensor in front of you transmits your image while you're wearing your stealth suit. You may want to consider donning one of the lieutenant's uniforms and imperial insignia. Since the alliance crew didn't search the vessel thoroughly, considering they missed a datapad hidden beneath a pillow, you may find some of her extra clothes amongst her personal effects."

OOC: Arley is trying to aid another for that extra +2 to Jaess' Bluff and/or Disguise skills.
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