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A Private Little War


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The world goes dark for Archonus Arendorr for but a moment, a blinding pain in his head suddenly subsiding. His eyes refocus, and no longer does he stand in the Throne Room at Caer Albion.

Yet, this place is not altogether unfamiliar. He stands on a lonely dock, jutting out over the crashing sea, thousands of feet above the waves. Oceanus.

The draconid ships are gone, but so too are the ships of man and elf that once hung here. He squints, and for a moment he can almost imagine he sees their wreckage piled below the surface of the harbor....a thousand ships, and millions of men, their skeletons still reaching toward the surface.

He blinks, and the image is gone. The sea is calm, but he remains on the dock. There is no activity, here. This is a dead place - he can feel it in his bones. He should be dead, as well.

No, that's not right. He lives. Someone else is dead...someone close to him.

He turns away from the sea, trying to put the oddly empty harbor from his mind. The city burns behind him, plumes of smoke and dust rising like black clouds from the roaring flames. The draconids are gone, but so are the people. The city of Forsaken Elves is merely a forsaken city, now.

This seems somehow familiar. This has happened before.

A voice echoes in his ears, his mind. The voice is his own. The voice is another's. "The world burns like this. A battle was won, but a war was lost - all based on a single utterence. On another, the same battle was lost, but this war was won."

The voice, the familiar voice, is coming from behind him. He's sure of it. His eyes narrow, his gloved hands tighten on the hilts of his swords. Loss sings in his grip, begging to be released, to be freed from its prison.

A grim smile crosses his face. He will oblige the blade.

Silver steel flashes in the firelight as he turns, the blade cutting a flat arc ahead of his turn. This battle will be over before it begins.

A crash. A ring of razored bells. Another blade has stopped his own, delicate runes cut into the surface of the ancient broad blade, glowing blue in defiance of the fire light. A falcon, forged in gold reaches skyward, its upswept wings forming a crosspiece for the blade. Mansblade.

His own face looks back at him. His lips curl in rage. Archonus Bluestar!

The mirror image holds the broadsword against Loss, but Archonus Arendorr can see his muscles straining. He pushes harder, pouring his anger through his arms to his doppelganger's blade. Yet, as his anger fills him, he sees only sadness on the face of his erstwhile twin.

He blocks the firelight from reaching his opponent's face, but for a moment, he could swear that tears cross the grim features of the man before him.

"This," his twin grunts through gritted teeth, "is my world. I created yours."

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Arendorr spins into his oppenent, letting Mansblade slide of of Loss without much effort, trying to get behind him but the Prince of the North is qucik. Quick enough to be there to block Arendorr's strike as he spins to meet him.
"I'm sick of your lies!" Arendorr spits, "Save them for someone who *wouldn't* rather see you dead."


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Archon said:
Arendorr spins into his oppenent, letting Mansblade slide of of Loss without much effort, trying to get behind him but the Prince of the North is qucik. Quick enough to be there to block Arendorr's strike as he spins to meet him.
"I'm sick of your lies!" Arendorr spits, "Save them for someone who *wouldn't* rather see you dead."
Sparks fly from their flashing blades as he responds, "Then your wish, as mine once was, has been granted."


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Arendorr kicks away from the Prince as he wheels his sword around to chop down heavily.
"Not Yet!" , as the blades spark as they meet once more. "Not until i've ended your deciet myself!"


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For the first time, anger crosses Archonus Bluestar's face. "End my lies, then, if you can find them!" and his blade crashes against Archon's, the momentum shifted in favor of the doppelganger. "This is the world I saved you from!" he shouts, "You squander your place in the world I gave you!"

"No matter what you may think of me," he pants, "I have never lied to you, save once!"


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((Darn it! They both keep making declarative statements! How do I make AB ask a question....something easier for AA to respond to...))


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The_Universe said:
((We're all clear that this is happening in Archon's mind, right?))
((yep he passes out cold, and this is what he sees, does. It's his sub-conscience making a way for his conscience to understand what is going on and trying to find a way for it to deal with the two minds, two lives now one bit. All as we drag him around, talk around him, etc., since to us IC he just seems in a coma. It's still really cool and interesting.
As for asking a question... is that even possible for Arhconus to do :eek: ))

Voidrunner's Codex

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