A Rather Odd Shovel [Judge: Bront]


"They ran away? That's not good," Tommy worries. He loads his crossbow and, squinting owlishly along the shaft, fires into one of the stranded foes.

[sblock=irrelevant foolishness]Edit: this is all pointless, since you can't CdG a stunned creature.

ooc: Tommy wants to step to C3 and CdG one of the stunned guys, using his crossbow as an improvised weapon and doing nonlethal damage. Thank goodness for auto-hit! That might provoke an AoO from one that's not stunned, but, if I understand correctly, it will be prone at least, and possibly blind as well. Figuring that a club is probably the most appropriate damage type, I make it as 2d6-2=4 nonlethal damage. I don't know what you want to do about the save-or-die if he (inevitably) "survives" the damage; save-or-knocked-unconscious, maybe?

ooc: Tommy loads and fires his crossbow, targetting whichever of 4 or d4 is not prone. If they're both prone, he'll shoot 4. Hits AC 16 for 6 damage.
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Fimble comes forward and cheekily relieves the halfling fighter of his waraxe before he can properly come to.

Keldar leaps down from the balcony as light as a bird, and jabs the unfortunate thief in the groin. "Yes, I'm sorry," he says, "they got away. Sometimes you misjudge your capability. I just didn't realise I was so incredibly frightening."

OOC: Fimble A5. Jumping down 10 feet safely 1d20+10=30 :hmm: To C3, then 1d20+6=17, 1d6+2+1d6=7

Rae ArdGaoth

Keldar's graceful stab causes the halfling to jerk and then lie still. (Unconscious.)

OOC: Combat is more or less over, and I'm reduced to posting on my phone only for the next few days. Since I don't have the enemy stats for now, and in order to keep things moving, I'm just going to assume they fail any escape artist checks and that they bleed to death unless taken care of. (Even the dogs. Some stray arrows got 'em.) Mind if we do that?


OOC: I think we can assume the last dog is dead. Full attack: 1d20+4=23, 1d6+2+1d6=8; 1d20+4=13, 1d6+1+1d6=13. Yes, it's very nearly dead.

Keldar scurries about collecting his belongings. "Nice axe, Fimble. Suits you. Leg all right, Tommy? Nasty bite you got there. Well, now they'll know where we've been, they'll know my name, and my gut tells me we'll have to fight those archers again some day. There's - there's no need to meet these two again, though, is there? Tarag?"

Keldar searches the bodies quickly, with a closed expression. "The gnome had a healing potion handy. What do these two have?"

Rae ArdGaoth

The halflings have a few potions and some money, in addition to their equipment. The man's small chain shirt is of exceptionally fine make; not even a scratch has marred the armor despite the beating he got. Both halflings have fine weapons. The dogs have their saddles, but not much else.

[Sblock=ooc: ]I don't have their gear right now, but I'll get it to you. In the meantime, plan of action?[/sblock]


While Keldar searches the bodies, Tommy sidles over to the wall opposite the balcony in what he hopes is an inconspicuous manner, and opens the secret door. "Hello, what's this?" he says, pushing the door open and peering inside.

Rae ArdGaoth

The door opens into a small stone room, furnished with low-quality wooden chairs and tables. The room is clean (though not exceptionally so) and has oil lamps with oil, unlit. 4 doors lead from this room elsewhere.


"Well, that's a lot of doors," comments Keldar. He's in the middle of the grim task of stripping off the chain shirt from the body. "Chain shirts, eh? I've often wondered whether a chain shirt would suit me. I should buy one and see. So, what does the book say? Is there a new passage through each door? Can you tell where they go?"

"If you want my opinion, unless one of them leads somewhere particularly helpful, we should leave the hidden door open a little, but carry on the way we were going." He points to the passageway from which the halfling riders came.

"When the archers bring their friends back here looking for us, and see we know about the hidden room, they'll take for granted that we went through one of the doors. I doubt they'll want to split up to find us - we've left a bit of a mess here to show we can handle them - so maybe they'll have to check four ways."

"It'll buy us a bit of time to get Fingers safely away - sorry, but you didn't tell us your name! I don't blame you, but now you must know we can be trusted. Or at least that you're lucky to have fallen in with us. Anyway, if we leave some marks right before the way out up top, small but obvious enough that they'll notice, they'll figure we've entirely fled from Fallon, and be so pleased to have worked it out, they won't stop to wonder just what is true. I hope. We'll sneak back into the city, and in a few days, when they think all is well again, we raid their tunnels from a new direction, or we go after Turkey, once he's let his guard down after his fright today."

"But I'm just the man who shatters arrows on his forehead and makes half-orcs flee in terror, so take it or leave it."


First Post
At Keldar's question, Tarag looks up from tending Tommy's leg. "What? No, they've earned no mercy from me."

He then says to Fingers, "I take it these weren't the lot who took your hands?"

OOC: I think Tommy's dropped 5 hp, hasn't he? Tarag will cast CLW.

Casts CLW on Tommy: (1d8+4=10)

[sblock=Today’s Spells]Spells per day: 5/4+1/3+1

Create Water
Detect Magic
Resistance (swapped out for CMinW)

Level 1:
Bane (swapped out for CLW)
Burning hands (Fire domain)
Divine Favor
Shield of Faith (swapped out for CLW)

Level 2:
Bull’s Strength
Produce Flame (Fire domain)
Restoration, Lesser
Spiritual Weapon

Domains: Artifice, Fire[/sblock]
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