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A Simple Errand (DM:renau1g, Judge: covaithe)


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Nope. Feel free to speak OOC (or IC if you prefer) about tactics (it'd happen at the table as well). You can also assume that during the time walking here you could have spoken about strategies/plans for dealing with situations. You had to do something to kill the time ;).

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"Jax, buddy, get off your scaly hide! I'll get this guy's attention while you stick him from behind!"

Crag finishes his statement while simultaneously creeping forward, shield up, towards the bullywug next to Jax, ignoring the croaking menace behind him. He punctuates the word "stick" with a slash of his sword, aiming for center mass.

- Move: Shift to N-8
- Standard: Strength of Stone vs Mucker hits for 11 damage.
- Free: Mark the Mucker. [/sblock]


Jax attacks, slipping his blade into the frogman's throat and then scrambles behind Crag to recover his breath.

[sblock=actions]Move: Stand up.
Standard: Piercing Strike hits Reflex 22 and deals 8 damage. Should kill the mucker. Edit: 4 damage after weakened.
Minor: Shifty + Reckless scramble to move 3. Go to O7.[/sblock]
[sblock=Jax stat block]Jax- Male Kobold Rogue 1
Passive Perception: 16, Passive Insight: 10
AC:17, Fort:11, Reflex:17, Will:13 -- Speed:6
HP:24/24, Bloodied:12, Surge Value:6, Surges left:1/7
Initiative +5
Action Points: 1, Second Wind

Conditions: Armor of Faith, +4 power bonus to fort (15 Fort)

Piercing Strike
Sly Flourish
Positioning Strike
Blinding Barrage
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First Post
Dorn never had much of a place in his heart for frogs, although, to be fair, most of the ones he grew up with were not exactly a mortal threat.

The young sorcerer throws out his arms, and a powerful electric shock gravely wounds one of the frogs while felling another.

Dorn wrinkles his half-orc nose as the putrid stench of cauterized frog-flesh fills the air. To some it smells delicious, a known delicacy in the Isles.

Ingot is initially amused by the strange, frog-like creatures, but then watches with concern as the bullywugs rally, knocking Jax from his feet. It steps in front of Dorn, itching to join the melee, but holds back. Let the battle develop before charging in... and help Jax, first! A quick prayer sends healing energy over the prone kobold, leaving him feeling like a new man reptile.

Ingot concentrates and its eyelights flash. The holy symbol embedded on its chest rotates one quarter turn clockwise, and clicks loudly. A beam of reddish light leaves the symbol and illuminates Jax. The red light coalesces into a transparent suit of heavy plate armor for a brief moment. The insubstantial armor is full-sized, so Jax appears to be swimming in it. Then the armor fades away. A radiant hammer symbol of Vulkar glows on Jax's chest for a few moments longer.

"Jax, buddy, get off your scaly hide! I'll get this guy's attention while you stick him from behind!"

Crag finishes his statement while simultaneously creeping forward, shield up, towards the bullywug next to Jax, ignoring the croaking menace behind him. He punctuates the word "stick" with a slash of his sword, aiming for center mass.

Rrek is surrounded by his enemies but seems to be content to have them all so close.

A teeth baring grin splits his face and he thrusts his sword into the air, pulling power into his outstretched arm and exploding the power out around him.

The power releases as hundreds of miniature swords, in a variety of different styles. They fly end over end at the enemies that surround him.

Several of the swords eviscerate the croaker, spilling his froggy innards out over the muddy ground. A spasm of a leg causes the croaker to flip over and a hollow sounding ribbit sounds as he breathes his last breath.

The mucker takes the attack better but its rubbery hide is slashed open in several areas by the magical blades.

The twitch manages to jump over the attack twisting in mid air to avoid the spinning swords.

After his succesful attack Rrek feels heartened and once again draws upon his magic, this time his blade quivers with thunderous magic. He slashes at the Mucker, as lightning crackles in the trail of his blade.

The magic knocks the Mucker back for a second the thunder rippling from an ugly looking wound across the Mucker's torso.

Jax attacks, slipping his blade into the frogman's throat and then scrambles behind Crag to recover his breath.

The frogmen counterattack with a vengeance at Rrek, knocking him down and bloodying him.

Bullywug Croakers - Rancid Air (Poison) aura 2; each enemy that spends a healing surge within the aura is weakened until the end of its next turn.
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion.
AC 14; Fortitude 12, Reflex 14, Will 1

Bullywug Muckers - Rancid Air (Poison) aura 2; each enemy that spends a healing surge within the aura is weakened until the end of its next turn.
HP 34; Bloodied 17
AC 12; Fortitude 12, Reflex 12, Will 10

Bullywug Twitcher - Rancid Air (Poison) aura 2; each enemy that spends a healing surge within the aura is weakened until the end of its next turn.
HP 34; Bloodied 17
AC 16; Fortitude 13, Reflex 14, Will 13

Sorry for the brevity, just running out the door for the weekend. Have fun.

Mucker 78 charges Rrek - vs fort dmg (1d20 5=16, 2d6 4=12) hits for 12 and knocked prone.
Mucker and Twitch attack with CA - 1d20 6=18, 1d8 3=9, 1d20 6=13, 1d6 3=8 - both miss somehow...
Twitch 47 attacks Crag - vs ac; dmg (1d20 7=19, 2d6 3=8) miss
Twitch 80 attacks Rrek - vs ac; dmg (1d20 9=25, 2d6 3=8) hit for 8 and you take -4 penalty to attack rolls TENT

Mucker - 11/34 - bloodied
Twitch - 19/34

Jax - 20 - 24/24 - 1/7 - +4 power bonus to Fort defense until end of the encounter
Crag - 17 - 42/49 - 14/14
Rrek - 15 - 13/33 - 9/12 - prone, bloodied
Bad Guys
Dorn - 11 - 27/27 - 4/6 <- you're up
Ingot - 9 -32/32 - 6/9 -
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First Post
With Rrek surrounded by the frog-like creatures, Dorn's next move is clear. He steps toe to toe with the brave swordmage (OOC Move to P4) and summons waves of rolling flames, bathing one of the beasts with fiery death (OOC: Burning Spray hits Twitch west of Rrek, misses Mucker for 15 fire damage)

Dorn instinctively waves his hands in a quick circle, hoping to somehow protect Rrek (and himself). A huge, strangely unsettling fog appears to emanate from Dorn, covering the two allies and the nearest frog in an obscuring darkness. (OOC: Minor - Use Deep Shroud)

"Wow - that's never happened before.." he marvels.

[sblock=Get your Free Concealment Here!]
Every square within one of Dorn is heavily obscured as long as he sustains the power. Each creature in the zone gains concealment against enemies adjacent, and total concealement against enemies more than one square away. Unfortunately it means that the twitch west of Rrek is also in the zone.

Concealment (-2 penalty) and Total Concealment (-5) only apply to ranged and melee attacks - close and area attacks are unaffected.

Hopefully I just saved someone some time looking this all up. :)

[sblock=Dorn Stat Block]

Dorn, Half-Orc Sorcerer 2
Passive Perception 10, Passive Insight 10
AC 17, Fort 12, Reflex 15, Will 17 (base defenses)
HP 27/27 Bloodied 13 Surge Value 6, Surges 4/6
Speed 6, Initiative +5
Action Points: 0

Current Effects
Wild Soul: Psychic (resist 5, ignore 5 enemy resistance)
+1 AC from even roll
Deep Shroud - my square and all within one are heavily obscured
Arcane Spellfury bonus on twitch west of rrek TENT

Encounter Resources
Bedeviling Burst
USED Furious Assault
Half-Orc Resilience
Second Wind
Use Action Point

Daily Resources
Ice Javelins
USED Deep Shroud
Deathstalker Dagger

1x potion of healing
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First Post
[sblock=Jax, ren](I swear I posted this already... did I post it in the wrong thread or something?)

Jax was weakened due to spending a surge in the stink aura, right? So he'd have done half damage... was that still enough to kill the mucker?[/sblock]


[sblock=oops]Sorry, I was in a rush and entirely forgot about the weakened status. I did the piercing strike since I figured it would auto-kill on a hit, but if I thought it wouldn't have, I would have used sly flourish instead for the extra damage. It's a little late now though.[/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=ooc]Sorry, didn't realize it was my turn!![/sblock]
[sblock=milestone?]We didn't hit a milestone since the encounter with the dragons, did we?[/sblock]
[sblock=Rrek]I can use my last healing word on Rrek... however, I wonder if you might not just want to use second wind instead, since you have that nasty -4 to hit? (too bad I missed with righteous brand to cancel it out...)
And either way, you'll be weakened for spending a surge in that nasty aura, perhaps another reason to do the second wind. Well, let me know if you want the healing word. (Ingot will ask in character)[/sblock]

Ingot follows Dorn's lead, advancing to the aid of the fallen gith, its path taking it in range of the angry twitcher. OOC: move to O3... this will draw an OA from the Twitcher, but Ingot will have concealment thanks to Dorn's shroud. The warforged hacks at the frog man, but misses badly. OOC: Righteous Brand vs. Twitcher 11 vs AC, nope.

It looks down at Rrek who lies bleeding on the ground. "Rrek, do you require repair at this time?" the priest inquires politely.
[sblock=Ingot stat block]Ingot- Neuter Warforged Cleric 2
Passive Perception: 14, Passive Insight: 14
AC:19, Fort:15, Reflex:12, Will:17 -- Speed:5
HP:32/32, Bloodied:16, Surge Value:8, Surges left:6/9
Initiative -1
Action Points: 0, Second Wind: Not Used
Powers: Sacred Flame, Righteous Brand, Healing Word(x2), Healing Strike, Avenging Flame, Armor of Faith, Channel Divinity (Divine Fortune/Turn Undead), Warforged Resolve
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First Post
Not yet. After this fight yes. The skill challenge wasn't enough to generate enough of a challenge to warrant the milestone.

Voidrunner's Codex

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