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A Six-Fold Tale: The Map of Mynares


"So tell me, Syl," Lira began as they both examined the metal door. "How did you come by this map?"

Syl kneels at the door and takes a look at the handle. "I was a prisoner, just like you. Well, maybe not just like you. I ran into a bit of trouble south of here, in my homeland. A wealthy lord imprisoned me, but I found a way to escape. On my way out, I found some underground ruins. In the ruins, in an urn of some kind, I found the map."

"And you also have no idea about this Mynares character?"

"No," Syl replies. "Let's try the door." Syl stands and, once Lira has taken a step back, pulls on the door handle. "Locked," she announces. Syl again produces her lockpicks from inside her left sleeve. She kneels once again and tries to pick the lock.

[sblock=Game Notes - Thievery Check]Syl attempts a Thievery check to unlock the door.

Syl gets a result of 29, which is more than enough to unlock the door.[/sblock]

The door unlocks in short order. Syl stands and, opening the door, waves Lira and the others past. Beyond the door is a series of rough passages, not unlike those the group first encountered when entering the secret area. Soon, the adventurers find themselves at the top of a set of crude stairs, leading down.

"Guess we move on," Hamil says, descending the stone stairs, the rest of the explorers in tow.

The the bottom of the stairs, the adventurers find in places that the stone has been worked in a more advanced fashion. Vas, referring to the map, points the group to the right. Traveling along the indicated passage, the group descends slightly as the passage twists and turns, eventually stopping in a large, roughly square chamber.

"Listen," Lira says, approaching a side passage. "Do you hear that?"

The rest of the group stops in their tracks. Syl and Jhani edge closer to Lira and try to listen.

[sblock=Game Notes - Perception Checks]This is a group Perception check, with Lira in the lead.

Jhani gets a 15.

Syl gets a 23.

Lira gets a +4 from the Aid Another checks. She gets a result of 22 on the Perception check.[/sblock]

"Chanting," Lira says.

"I hear it too," Syl adds.

"Foul magic," the dwarf priest says. "I've heard that before, during the war."

Thalnek approaches his twin brother. "The Shadow?"

"Yes, brother," Jhani replies. "I'd reconnize that anywhere."

Vastyrnil approaches the group near the passage. "The map leads me to believe we should head in this direction. I suppose we will need to brave the chanting."

Hamil, lantern still in hand, takes the lead, with Syl to his left. The twisting passage is just wide enough for two adventurers to travel abreast. Behind Hamil and Syl are Jhani and Lira, with Vastyrnil and Thalnek taking up the rear.

As the adventurers approach, the chanting becomes louder and more pronounced.

"The Shadow... " Thalnek says, his craghammer at the ready.

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Encounter 2: The Broken Altar
Level 1 Combat Encounter

In this combat encounter, the heroes must face a number of shadowy creatures guarding a strange altar.

1x Shadecloak Adept (Controller 5)
2x Dark Servant (Skirmisher 2)
6x Wisp Wraith (Minion 1)

Hamil and Syl emerge from a twisty cavern to find a chamber of some more modern construction. Stairs on the far side of the room lead to a broken stone altar of some kind. Standing before the stairs is a shadowform humanoid, leading the chants of a pair of sword-wielding humanoids beside the altar and six ethereal shadow creatures, vaguely humanoid, two near the supposed leader, and a pair each in two alcoves, one to the left and one to the right of the entrance. Stairs lead down out of the chamber, while another corridor leads out of the room in a different direction.

"Some sort of ceremony," Jhani says from behind the warrior.

"We must stop it," Thalnek adds. "It can only lead to evil workings."

The shadowy creatures turn, their ire squarely placed on the intruding adventurers.

Initiative Order
Note: Changes to this order will be noted at the appropriate moment during the round in question.

[18] Shadecloak Adept
[16] Wisp Wraith x6
[14] Lira of the Three Woods
[13] Jhani Grudgeborn
[11] Syl
[10] Dark Servant x2
[7] Thalnek Grudgeborn
[4] Vastyrnil Lethandris
[3] Hamil Jordae

Round 1
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The Broken Altar - Round 1

The leader of the group of shadow creatures, a humanoid with a sort of robed figure, bearing glowing purple eyes, turns to face the adventurers. It spits some epithet in a long-forgotten tongue, raises an arm, and points towards the cavern entrance. Surrounding Hamil, Syl, Jhani, and Lira is a void of crackling, black energy! Hamil takes the brunt of the black energy and Syl manages to avoid most of it.

Satisfied, but perhaps not too cocky, the adept flies from the front of the stairs before the broken altar to the left side, getting a bit further from the intruders.

[sblock=Shadecloak Adept's Actions]The Shadecloak Adept uses Revelation of the Void (Std/Encounter/Area 2 within 10) on the area containing Hamil, Syl, Jhani, and Lira. Attacks Reflex: Hamil (Crit), Syl (Miss), Jhani (Hit), Lira (Hit). Hamil takes 14 cold and necrotic dmg, while Jhani and Lira take 5 cold and necrotic dmg. This creates a zone in the area that lasts until the end of the Shadecloak Adept's next turn.

Hamil (17/31 HP)
Jhani (20/25 HP)
Lira (20/25 HP)
Syl (22/22 HP)

The Shadecloak Adept flies 4 squares (move action).[/sblock]

The adept shouts commands to the ethereal wisps in the alcoves and in the near corner. Rather than advance, the wisps stay where they are... for now.

[sblock=Wisp Wraith Actions]The Wisp Wraiths delay.[/sblock]

Singed by crackling void energy, Lira stumbles forward and, pointing forward, plants an entropic curse on the shadowy adept. As she does this, Lira is partially enveloped in purple-black clouds, obscuring her.

Calling on fey spirits, Lira tries to blind the shadowy figure to her presence, but senses that the attempt has failed.

[sblock=Lira's Actions]Lira takes 5 necrotic damage for starting her turn in the Revelation of the Void zone.

Lira moves 4 squares and gains concealment from Shadow Walk (move action).

Lira uses her Warlock's Curse on the Shadecloak Adept (minor action).

Lira attacks the Shadecloak Adept using Eyebite (Std/At-Will/Ranged 10). Attacks Will and misses.

Lira (15/25 HP).[/sblock]

"Get outta me way," Jhani commands as he dodges tiny bolts of black energy nipping at him. He runs into the middle of the chamber and, seeing the creator of said void of energy, directs his rage. "Foul beastie! Prepare to meet yer end!" The dwarf priest, his right hand glowing, directs a beam of radiance towards the adept, but the beam fails to hit the target.

"That could've gone better!"

[sblock=Jhani's Actions]Jhani takes 5 necrotic damage for starting his turn in the Revelation of the Void zone.

Jhani moves 4 squares (move action).

Jhani attacks Shadecloak Adept using Astral Seal (Std/At-Will/Ranged 5). Attacks Reflex and misses.

Jhani (15/25 HP).[/sblock]

Like the others, Syl is forced to dodge necrotic energy as she makes her way out of the rough-hewn corridor. "I'll take that one," she says, bounding towards the stairs. A sword-wielding human, or perhaps once a human, awaits, seemingly stunned by Syl's bravery. Syl plunges a longsword into the servant's gut, greatly damaging, but not quite a fatal blow.

Strangely, the servant smiles, as brackish blood oozes from its mouth.

[sblock=Syl's Actions]Syl takes 5 necrotic damage for starting her turn in the Revelation of the Void zone.

Syl moves 5 squares (move action).

As part of Deft Strike (Std/At-Will/Melee Wpn), Syl moves 2 squares and attacks Dark Servant 1. Attacks AC and hits for 6 dmg + (Sneak Attack) 10, for a total of 16 damage.

Syl (17/22 HP).[/sblock]

The humanoid Syl attacked strikes back, swinging a blade high and wide, but trailing black energy blazes across Syl's face, sending her reeling.

The other servant bounds down the stairs, striking for the dwarf priest. His sword also strikes true, stabbing Jhani just beneath the priest's attempted parry. Jhani's side burns with entropic energy.

"If this... be... the Radiant One's command," Jhani says. "I'll not go down without a fight!"

[sblock=Dark Servant Actions]Dark Servant 1 attacks Syl using Shadow's Wrath (Std/Recharge 5-6/Melee Wpn). Attacks Fortitude and hits for 7 damage and 5 ongoing necrotic damage (save ends).

Syl (10/22 HP + ongoing 5 necrotic).

Dark Servant 2 moves 3 squares (move action).

Dark Servant 2 attacks Jhani using Shadow's Wrath (Std/Recharge 5-6/Melee Wpn). Attacks Fortitude and hits for 7 damage and ongoing 5 necrotic damage (save ends).

Jhani (8/25 HP + ongoing 5 necrotic - BLOODIED)[/sblock]

"Fear not, brother!" Thalnek yells, charging through the mass of entropic void. Careless, and thinking of only of his twin, the paladin ignored the hazards and met his priest brother shoulder-to-shoulder. "Ye'll not fall this day. Not while I draw a breath."

Thalnek charges the dark servant attacking his brother and slams his hammer into the thing's midsection. Radiant energy from the hammer strike rejuvenates Jhani.

Not done, Thalnek briefly places his hand on Jhani's shoulder. "Be not injured, my brother," he says as Jhani's wounds seem to close.

Then, Thalnek swings his hammer again at the creature who nearly slew Jhani. The hammer blow swings wide, but the creature gets the message.

[sblock=Thalnek's Actions]Thalnek moves 5 squares through the Revelation of the Void zone and will take ongoing 5 necrotic damage starting on his next turn (move action).

Thalnek attacks Dark Servant 2 using Paladin's Judgment (Std/Daily/Melee Wpn). Attacks AC and hits for 20 damage. Only ally within 5 squares (Jhani) may spent a Healing Surge (and he does). Dark Servant 2 is BLOODIED.

Jhani (14/25 HP + ongoing 5 necrotic).

Thalnek uses Lay on Hands on Jhani (minor action).

Jhani (20/25 HP + ongoing 5 necrotic).

Thalnek spends an Action Point to gain a standard action. He attacks Dark Servant 2 using Valorous Smite (Std/Encounter/Melee Wpn). Attacks AC and misses.[/sblock]

The elf wizard, Vastyrnil, seeing his fellows in trouble, but unwilling to brave trudging through the field of dark energies, calls upon his magic spells to aid. Incanting a few arcane words, Vas conjures a pillar of thunder and lighting to block the progress of a pair of the wisps waiting to attack.

Moving slightly closer to get a better look at the battlefield, Vas invokes a burst of force energy behind the creature attacking Syl, the blast causing the humanoid figure to tumble to the ground.

Seeing this development, Syl lowers her longsword at the servant's throat. "Perhaps you should stay put."

[sblock=Vastyrnil's Actions]Vastyrnil uses Storm Pillar (Std/At-Will/Ranged 10).

Vastyrnil moves 1 square (move action).

Vastyrnil spends an Action Point to gain a standard action. He attacks Dark Servant 1 using Orbmaster's Incendiary Detonation (Std/Encounter/Area 1 within 10). Attacks Reflex and hits for 9 force damage. Dark Servant 1 is knocked prone and is now BLOODIED. Creates a zone in the area that lasts until the end of Vastyrnil's next turn.[/sblock]

The last to exit the area of crackling energy, Hamil lunges forward and joins his allies in melee combat. On the opposite side of the priest from Thalnek, Hamil hefts his battle axe, striking and badly injuring the servant, letting the creature know who the real threat is here. Hamil, for his part, seems slightly invigorated by his successful attack. Still, Hamil will need attention lest he quickly fall.

[sblock=Hamil's Actions]Hamil takes 5 necrotic damage for starting his turn in the Revelation of the Void zone and is BLOODIED.

Hamil moves 3 squares (move action).

Hamil attacks Dark Servant 2 using Crushing Surge (Std/At-Will/Melee Wpn). Attacks AC and hits for 11 damage. Hamil gains 6 temporary hit points. Dark Servant 2 is marked by Hamil.

Hamil (HP 12/31 + 6 Temp HP).[/sblock]

The adept now shouts orders to the wisps, who react by slowly emerging from their hiding places. The two nearest Vastyrnil's column of thunder and lightning are instantly immolated by electricity. The others loom towards the group in the center of the chamber.

Pawing at the adventurers with hands of black entropy, the shadowy creatures strike Hamil and Jhani and miss Lira and Thalnek. Hamil, in particular, looks drained of energy and he repels from the wraith's touch. Jhani doesn't look much better.

[sblock=Wisp Wraith Actions]The Wisp Wraiths act now and will move to [2] in the Initiative Order.

2 Wisp Wraiths move to squares adjacent to the Storm Pillar and are destroyed. 4 Wisp Wraiths remain.

2 Wisp Wraiths fly 4 squares and the other 2 fly 3 squares (move action).

Wisp Wraith attacks Lira using Shadow Caress (Std/At-Will/Melee touch). Attacks Reflex and misses.

Wisp Wraith attacks Hamil using Shadow Caress (Std/At-Will/Melee touch). Attacks Reflex and crits for 4 necrotic damage and Hamil is slowed until the end of his next turn.

Hamil (HP 12/31 + 2 Temp HP + slowed until the end of his next turn).

Wisp Wraith attacks Jhani using Shadow Caress (Std/At-Will/Melee touch). Attacks Reflex and hits for 4 necrotic damage and Jhani is slowed until the end of his next turn.

Wisp Wraith attacks Thalnek using Shadow Caress (Std/At-Will/Melee touch). Attacks Reflex and misses.[/sblock]

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The Broken Altar - Round 2

The shadowy adept, wary of the intruders, waves an arm towards its allies and invokes some arcane words, provoking the adept's allies into action.

The dark servant closest to Hamil and Lira seems energized by the adept's mutterings and, without care for Hamil's looming battle axe, swipes its sword towards the vulnerable Lira.

"Ignore me, will ya?" Hamil asks, bringing the blade of his axe down rudely and definitively on the dark servant, crushing the last bits of life out of it. The creature falls to the ground with a sickening thud.

Lira looks down at the fallen creature but momentarily and then turns her attention to the adept issuing such commands. She ignores the wraith nipping at her heels in a most ineffective fashion.

Seeing the battle starting to turn, the adept flies up the stairs to the broken altar. There, its purple gaze is set upon Syl, the closest of the adventurers to said altar.

[sblock=Shadecloak Adept's Actions]Shadecloak Adept uses Shadow's Command (Std/At-Will) to grant a standard to Dark Servant 2 and one of the Wisp Wraiths.

Dark Servant 2 (marked by Hamil) attempts to recharge Shadow's Wrath and succeeds. He attempts to use it against Lira (flanking from Wisp Wraith), which provokes an Opportunity Attack from Hamil. Melee Basic Attack (Battle Axe) (OA/At-Will/Melee Wpn) against Dark Servant 2 against AC and hits for 15 damage! Hamil's temporary HP increase to 3. Dark Servant 2 is DESTROYED!

Hamil (12/31 HP + 3 Temp HP + ongoing 5 necrotic damage + BLOODIED + slowed).

Wisp Wraith attacks Lira using Shadow Caress (Std/At-Will/Melee touch) and misses.

Shadecloak Adept flies 2 squares to a space adjacent to the Broken Altar (move action).

The Revelation of the Void zone fades.[/sblock]

Getting away from the annoying wisp creature, Lira again calls upon ancient fey powers and attempts to blind the shadowy adept as to her existence. Once again, the fey powers are unable to overcome the adept's considerable resistance.

[sblock=Lira's Actions]Lira shifts 1 square (move action).

Lira atttacks Shadecloak Adept using Eyebite (Std/At-Will/Ranged 10). Attacks Will and misses.

Lira (15/25 HP).[/sblock]

Seething from the fallen dark servant's shadow attack, Jhani, the dwarf priest, edges away from the wisp wraith at his rear. "They're all over the place," he says, fingering his holy symbol. "Not fer long!" Jhani presents his symbol and, after Jhani intones words of divine power, the symbol begins to emanate radiant power, sapping the entropic forces around him. At the same time, Jhani's nearby allies seem at least somewhat rejuvenated.

"Brother," he says to Thalnek. "You must finish this."

[sblock=Jhani's Actions]Jhani takes ongoing 5 necrotic damage and is BLOODIED and slowed.

Jhani shifts 1 square (move action).

Jhani uses Beacon of Hope (Std/Daily/Close burst 3). Attacks Will: Wisp Wraith (Hits all four remaining), Dark Servant 1 (Crit), Dark Servant 2 (Hit), and Shadecloak Adept (Miss). All hit are weakened until the end of its next turn. Jhani and allies in burst (Thalnek, Syl, Hamil, and Lira) regain 5 hit points. Until the end of the encounter, Jhani's healing powers restore +5 hit points.

Hamil (17/31 HP + ongoing 5 necrotic damage + slowed).
Jhani (16/25 HP + slowed).
Lira (20/25 HP).
Syl (15/25 HP).
Thalnek is at max HP.

Jhani (16/25 HP).[/sblock]

Her attention squarely focused on the prone servant before her, Syl thrusts her longsword into and through the creature's neck, killing it utterly and without question. Syl pulls forth her longsword just in time to see the shadowy adept training its otherworldly purple eyes on her.

"I've got your attention, creature, and you've got mine."

At that moment, however, Syl noticed small motes of dark energy coming from the altar. "What's this?" she asks. "Some sort of trick? Or perhaps you're hiding something you'd rather we didn't see?"

The adept fails to answer.

[sblock=Syl's Actions]Syl attacks the prone Dark Servant 1 using Sly Flourish (Std/At-Will/Melee wpn). Attacks AC and hits for 14 damage + (Sneak Attack) 3 damage, for a total of 17 damage. Dark Servant 1 is DESTROYED! No more Dark Servants remain, so they are removed from the Initiative Order.

Syl moves 2 squares adjacent to both the Broken Altar and the Shadecloak Adept (move action).

With her Passive Perception, Syl notices something not quite right about the Broken Altar.

Syl (15/25 HP).[/sblock]

"Aye, brother," Thalnek replies to Jhani's urging. Heedless of the wisp creatures lashing at him, Thalnek makes for the altar atop the stone dais.

The dwarf paladin points a finger at the shadowy adept near the altar. "Woman," he says. "That creature is mine!" The adept quickly darts its "head" toward Thalnek as the paladin bounds up the stairs and swings a deadly hammer in the adept's direction. The blow misses, but the adept gets the message just the same.

[sblock=Thalnek's Actions]Thalnek uses Divine Challenge on the Shadecloak Adept (minor action).

Thalnek moves 4 squares to adjacent to the Shadecloak Adept (move action). This provokes Opportunity Attacks from 2 Wisp Wraiths. They each attack Thalnek using Shadow Caress (OA/At-Will/Melee touch) and both miss.

Thalnek atttacks the Shadecloak Adept using Forbidding Strike (Std/At-Will/Melee wpn). Attacks AC and misses.[/sblock]

With the void energy field now gone, Vastyrnil approaches the chamber's entrance. Wary of the presence of the wisp wraiths, however, the elf still keeps his distance. Vas recognizes that the dwarf priest, Jhani, needs assistance in dealing with the wisps near him, and so invokes another column of thunder and lightning to block those creatures in pestering the priest.

[sblock=Vastyrnil's Actions]Vastyrnil moves 3 squares to the mouth of the cavern entrance (move action).

Vastyrnil uses Storm Pillar (Std/At-Will/Ranged 10) on a square adjacent to 2 Wisp Wraiths.

The Storm Pillar Vastyrnil used last turn vanishes.

The Orbmaster's Incendiary Detonation zone ends.[/sblock]

Hamil, the axe-bearer, begins to tire as his lifeforce is slowly sapped from his body. "Foul creatures," he says. "You'll not take me... not this day!"

Hefting his mighty axe, Hamil slashes through the nearest wisp, destroying it without a thought. Somewhat refreshed from his destruction of the ethereal creature, Hamil steps into the fray near the priest.

[sblock=Hamil's Actions]Hamil takes ongoing 5 necrotic damage and is BLOODIED and slowed.

Hamil attacks a Wisp Wraith using Crushing Surge (Std/At-Will/Melee wpn). Attacks AC and hits for 9 damage. Hamil gains 6 temporary hit points. Wisp Wraith is DESTROYED.

Hamil shifts 1 square (move action).

Hamil (15/31 HP + 6 Temp HP + BLOODIED).[/sblock]

The wisps, now acting on their own, as the adept is too busy to command them, try to surround the dwarf priest. One of them gets too close to Vastyrnil's storm column and is destroyed, leaving only two wraiths remaining. One attacks Jhani from where it is and its entropic touch strikes true, leaving the dwarf priest with an otherworldly chill. The other swipes at Lira and the attempt is successful, draining Lira of a bit of her lifeforce.

[sblock=Wisp Wraith Actions]The Wisp Wraiths are weakened.

One Wisp Wraith moves to a square adjacent to the Storm Pillar and is DESTROYED. 2 Wisp Wraiths remain.

One Wisp Wraith shifts 1 square adjacent to Lira (move action).

One Wisp Wraith attacks Jhani using Shadow Caress (Std/At-Will/Melee touch). Attacks Reflex and hits, doing 4 cold necrotic damage and Jhani is slowed until the end of his next turn.

Jhani (14/25 HP + slowed).

One Wisp Wraith atttacks Lira using Shadow Caress (Std/At-Will/Melee touch). Attacks Reflex and hits, doing 4 cold necrotic damage and Lira is slowed until the end of her next turn.

Lira (18/25 HP + slowed).

The Wisp Wraiths are no longer weakened.[/sblock]

End of Round 2
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The Broken Altar - Round 3

The shadowy adept, enraged at the interlopers, speaks words of dark power, which collects the black motes of energy around the shadowy creature's hands. The adept calls out one more syllable and the power in his hands jets forth, punishing Thalnek, but Syl manages to avoid the blast, despite also being nearby.

The dwarf tumbles 15ft away and lands on his back. He's hurt, but it's more his pride than anything else. "What a revoltin' development!" he says.

[sblock=Shadecloak Adept's Actions]The Shadecloak Adept is under Thalnek's divine challenge.

The Shadecloak Adept uses the Power of the Invoked Altar. He attacks Syl and Thalnek using Shadow's Rebuke (Std/Encounter Special/Close Burst 3 (affects enemies). Attacks Reflex: Syl (miss natural 1), Thalnek (hit). Thalnek takes 6 force damage and is pushed 3 squares and knocked prone.[/sblock]

Still under lingering effects from the wisps' attacks, Lira in nonetheless undeterred in calling upon her fey powers to strike at the cloaked adept. Her attack again misses. Frustrated, Lira spits words of dark power and a slight black aura appears around a nearby wisp.

[sblock=Lira's Actions]Lira is slowed.

Lira shifts 1 square (move action).

Lisa puts a Wisp Wraith under her Warlock's Curse (minor action).

Lira attacks the Shadecloak Adept using Eyebite (Std/At-Will/Ranged 10). Attacks Will and misses.

Lira (18/25 HP).[/sblock]

Mindful of the axe-man's condition, Jhani intones the power of the Seven Servants to mend Hamil's growing wounds.

"I knew we kept priests around for good reason," Hamil replies as his wounds completely heal over within moments.

The dwarven priest backs slightly away from the dais and, seeing Hamil, Lira, and Syl near the adept, presents his holy symbol and, with a radiant light, showers his allies in divine power. "Go forth," he says. "Smite that agent of the Shadow, in the name of Lord Suth!"

[sblock=Jhani's Actions]Jhani is slowed.

Jhani uses Healing Word on Hamil (minor action). Hamil spends a Healing Surge and regains a total of 16 Hit Points.

Hamil (31/31 HP + 3 Temp HP).

Jhani shifts 1 square (move action).

Jhani uses Divine Glow (Std/Encounter/Close Blast 3), which grants Syl, Lira, and Hamil a +2 power bonus to attack rolls until the end of Jhani's next turn. The Shadecloak Adept is unaffected because he is out of range.

Jhani (14/25 HP).[/sblock]

Syl takes one more look at the broken altar and determines, to her mind anyway, that the adept is gaining some sort of extra power from the motes of dark energy. "How about you step away from the altar, all right?" Brandishing her longsword, a few deft swings are enough not only to slash the adept and damage it for the first time, but also to back the adept away from the altar.

Syl steps in the adept's way, preventing the creature from regaining direct access to the altar. "I think we're about done with you."

[sblock=Syl's Actions]Syl has a +2 power bonus to her attack rolls from Jhani.

Syl attacks the Shadecloak Adept using Duelist's Flurry (Std/At-Will/Melee wpn). Attacks AC and hits (with combat advantage from the power) for 15 damage and slides the Shadecloak Adept 1 square and Syl shifts 1 square.

Syl (15/22 HP).[/sblock]

"Ugh," the dwarf paladin says, quickly getting to his feet. "I knew that altar was trouble. Damnable Shadow!" Thalnek charges right past a wary wisp, who brushes the dwarf on the way past. Thalnek doesn't utter a word, despite more of his lifeforce being sapped in the process. Thalnek brings his mighty hammer down on the adept, who takes a punishing blow.

"This be yer end, creature."

[sblock=Thalnek's Actions]Thalnek is prone.

Thalnek stands up (move action).

Thalnek uses his Divine Challenge against the Shadecloak Adept (minor action).

Thalnek charges the Shadecloak Adept using a Melee Basic Attack (Craghammer) (Std/At-Will/Melee wpn). During the charge, Thalnek provokes an Opportunity Attack from a Wisp Wraith. The Wraith attacks Thalnek using Shadow Caress (OA/At-Will/Melee touch) and hits for 4 necrotic damage and Thalnek is slowed until the end of his next turn. Thalnek completes his charge. Attacks the Shadecloak Adept's AC and hits for 12 damage.

Thalnek (18/28 HP + slowed).[/sblock]

"Well, this seems to be fairly well in hand now," Vastyrnil says, nodding in the priest's direction. "Perhaps I could do to take care of some of these wisps."

"No, wizard," Jhani says. "Focus on the shadow critter. He's the one bringin' the pain!"

"Very well," Vastyrnil replies. The elf focuses on the adept and, invoking powers of arcane force, fires a bolt of silvery energy at the shadow adept, striking the creature dead center.

[sblock=Vastyrnil's Actions]Vastyrnil attacks the Shadecloak Adept using Magic Missile (Std/At-Will/Ranged 20). Attacks Reflex and hits for 13 force damage. The Shadecloak Adept is BLOODIED.

Vastyrnil moves 3 squares into the room (move action).

Vastyrnil's Storm Pillar vanishes.[/sblock]

Set on bringing the adept down, Hamil, energized by Jhani's divine power, moves right past the wisp nattering at him. Unfortunately, the wisp takes the opportunity to strike at a momentarily defenseless Hamil and drags an entropic paw across the fighter's bare arm, draining more of his lifeforce. Hamil drops to one knee and, rather than strike at the adept, Hamil turns and swings wildly at the wraith, but misses.

[sblock=Hamil's Actions]Hamil has a +2 power bonus to his attack rolls from Jhani.

Hamil moves 3 squares (move action). This provokes an Opportunity Attack from a Wisp Wraith. The Wraith attacks Hamil using Shadow Caress (OA/At-Will/Melee touch) and crits for 4 necrotic damage and Hamil is slowed until the end of his next turn. This prevents Hamil from reaching his intended square (the stairs are difficult terrain and cost 2 squares of movement).

Hamil attacks the Wisp Wraith using Crushing Surge (Std/At-Will/Melee wpn). Attacks AC and misses. The Wisp Wraith is marked by Hamil.

Hamil (30/31 HP + 3 Temp HP + slowed).[/sblock]

The wisp wraiths converge, one on Jhani and the other on the unwary axe-man. The wisp attacking the dwarf priest is unsuccessful in getting past Jhani's defenses, but the wisp who had just drained Hamil did so again.

"Yer swipes are just makin' me mad," Hamil seethes.

[sblock=Wisp Wraith Actions]A Wisp Wraith shifts 1 square adjacent to Jhani (move action).

One Wisp Wraith attacks Jhani using Shadow Caress (Std/At-Will/Melee touch). Attacks Reflex and misses.

One Wisp Wraith (marked by Hamil) attacks Hamil using Shadow Caress (Std/At-Will/Melee touch). Attacks Reflex and hits for 4 necrotic damage and Hamil is slowed until the end of his next turn.

Hamil (29/31 HP + slowed).[/sblock]

End of Round 3
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The Broken Altar - Round 4

Seeing the adventurers closing in, the cloaked adept is forced to back away from the altar. It makes a few calculations and decides that getting closer to the broken altar isn't worth the risk. Instead, the adept invokes words of dark power and commands the wisps to do his bidding.

Both wraiths, emboldened by their erstwhile master, strike true. One slashes the dwarf priest across the back, causing Jhani to stumble forward. The other attacks the axe-man, and strikes past Hamil's shield, drawing more lifeforce from him.

[sblock=Shadecloak Adept's Actions]The Shadecloak Adept is subject to Thalnek's divine challenge and is BLOODIED.

The Shadecloak Adept uses Shadow's Command (Std/At-Will/2 Allies in the Close Burst 5) to grant standard actions to both of the remaining Wisp Wraiths.

One Wisp Wraith attacks Jhani using Shadow Caress (Std/At-Will/Melee touch). Attacks Reflex and hits for 4 necrotic damage and Jhani is slowed until the end of his next turn. Jhani is BLOODIED.

Jhani (9/25 HP + BLOODIED + Slowed).

One Wisp Wraith (marked by Hamil) attacks Hamil using Shadow Caress (Std/At-Will/Melee touch). Attacks Reflex and hits for 4 necrotic damage and Hamil is slowed until the end of his next turn.

Hamil (25/31 HP + Slowed).

The Shadecloak Adept shifts 1 square away from Syl (move action).[/sblock]

Lira speaks dark words of power, which definitely gets the attention of Jhani and Thalnek Grudgeborn. A dark aura appears over the other wisp. All of the adventurers' current enemies are now enshrouded with this strange dark energy. Then, Lira shouts more strenuously words of ineffable darkness, causing both of the remaining wraiths to explode! The adept, burning from the unexpected attack, seems to be somewhat less affected, but still reels from Lira's dark magic.

[sblock=Lira's Actions]Lira has a +2 power bonus to attack rolls from Jhani.

Lira uses her Warlock's Curse on the other Wisp Wraith (minor action).

Lira uses Cursebite (Std/Encounter/Attacks all cursed enemies in Close burst 20). Attacks Fortitude: Wisp Wraith (both are hit and DESTROYED) and Shadecloak Adept (hit for 11 necrotic + (Warlock's Curse) 3 = 14 damage). The Shadecloak Adept seems to resist some of the necrotic damage.

Lira moves 3 squares away from the dais (move action).

Lira (18/25 HP).[/sblock]

While Jhani is perhaps too wounded to do anything about it now, the dwarf priest stores some pointed questions for their new companion. Jhani grits his teeth and regains his composure, focusing again on the shady adept.

Jhani presents his holy symbol and emits radiance in a beam of light focused on the adept, striking true. The adept stumbles back, trying to keep his footing.

"Go now, my allies," Jhani says. "Finish this."

[sblock=Jhani's Actions]Jhani is BLOODIED and Slowed.

Jhani uses his Second Wind and regains 6 hit points (minor action) and a +2 bonus to all defenses until the end of his next turn.

Jhani uses Divine Fortune to grant himself a +1 bonus to his next attack roll (free action).

Jhani attacks the Shadecloak Adept using Astral Seal (Std/At-Will/Ranged 5). Attacks Reflex and hits. The Shadecloak Adept takes a -2 penalty to all defenses until the end of Jhani's next turn. The next ally who hits the Shadecloak Adept 9 hit points.

Jhani (15/25 HP).[/sblock]

Syl carefully examines her situation and, wishing to prevent the adept from escaping down the hallway, hopes to finish him before he takes a step. She looks to Thalnek, who is edging ever closer to the shadow creature.

[sblock=Syl's Actions]Syl delays her action.

Syl (15/22 HP).[/sblock]

Thalnek moves in, facing down the adept. "The Shadow is the way of corruption!" Swinging his mighty craghammer, Thalnek brings it down on the adept's "head", dropping the adept to the floor.

The dwarf looms over the fallen adept. "See now where you have failed, monster."

[sblock=Thalnek's Actions]Thalnek is Slowed.

Thalnek shifts 1 square adjacent to the Shadecloak Adept (move action).

Thalnek uses Divine Strength to gain a +3 bonus to his damage roll on his next attack this turn (minor action).

Thalnek attacks the Shadecloak Adept using Valiant Strike (Std/At-Will/Melee wpn). Attacks AC and hits for 12 damage. Thalnek regains 9 hit points.

The Shadecloak Adept is defeated!

Thalnek (27/28 HP).[/sblock]


[sblock=Game Notes]Encounter 2 was worth a total of 600xp, or 100xp per PC.[/sblock]
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Once the dust had settled, the group closes in on the broken altar, still emitting motes of dark energy. Jhani and Thalnek each exchange concerned glances and then turn to Lira, who ignores them for the time being.

"What do you suppose this thing is?" Syl asks of Vastyrnil, who also approaches the altar.

"I've not had much experience with this sort of object," the Vanth elf replies. "Perhaps the dwarves would --"

"Perhaps our friend, Lira, would!" Thalnek blurts out.

"What?" Lira asks, backing away from the dwarves.

Thalnek presses. "We both saw what you were doing."

Jhani joins his twin. "Listen, Lira. We appreciate yer helpin' us with the shadow critters 'n all, but we have to ask. Did we see you speakin' words of Shadow yerself?"

Hamil, shocked by the suggestion (he was too busy during the fight to notice this himself), turns to Lira. "What about it?"

Lira looks to Hamil and then to the dwarves. "Working with the Shadow is... one of my talents, yes."

"I'll not travel one more step with a witch!" Thalnek says, backing away from both Lira and the altar. Jhani wordlessly follows.

"Now, wait," Syl says. "Lira helped us defeat those things. Surely, you don't think she's in league with them!"

"I don't have time to worry about who's on what side, little lady," Thalnek replies. "The Shadow is the Shadow. All's I know."

Vastyrnil continues to study the altar. "I hate to interrupt, but I think I may know what's wrong with this object." All briefly turn their attention to the elf. "This was once an altar dedicated to the Seven Servants, or perhaps, one of them at least."

Jhani rushes to the elf's side. "What, you say? A holy altar? In this place?"

Thalnek joins his twin brother's side. "What's with the Shadow coming from it?"

"That's a good question," Vas replies. "Perhaps Lira could shed some light on it, no pun intended."

"I'll not trust anything she says," Thalnek says.

"Fair enough, but I believe we should investigate this before moving on," the elf says. "If we're moving on."

Lira approaches the altar. She slowly runs her hand through the rising motes of black enegy coming from the altar. She playfully tries to catch a few of the motes in her hand before turning to the group.

[sblock=Game Notes - Arcana Check]Lira attempts an Arcana check to see what's going on with the Broken Altar. She gets a result of 4 -- no clue![/sblock]

"I don't have the first clue, sorry," Lira says. "Seems more of a religious thing to me. Maybe the accusatory dwarves can figure this out."

The dwarves grumble at any suggestion from Lira, but agree to take a look.

[sblock=Game Notes - Religion Checks]Thalnek uses Religion as an Aid Another check to bolster Jhani's Religion check.

Thalnek gets a result of 13, which is enough to grant Jhani a +2 circumstance bonus.

Jhani gets a total result of 20, which is enough to learn something.[/sblock]

"Aye," Jhani says upon studying the altar for a few minutes. "This was an altar to the Harvester. But why would it be found in this dark, forgotten place?"

"Can it be recovered?" Syl asks.

"Recovered?" Jhani asks, stroking his long, red beard. "S'pose so. Need some sort of rite, mebbe. Not somethin' I'm knowin' 'bout, though."

"Our teachin' at Black Peak didn't talk nuthin' 'bout broken altars," Thalnek adds.

"Very well, then," Vastyrnil says. "Perhaps it's best that we move on. I see two exits from here."

"Hold on," Thalnek says. "We haven't settled the matter of this witch." He squints at Lira, who steps back a few paces, to the edge of the dais. "I demand an explanation of her consorting with Shadow powers, or I'd just as soon leave her back in her cell."

Jhani nods in agreement. "Brother, you were right when you said we should not have let her out."

"May I at least have a chance to defend myself?" Lira asks.

"Of course," Syl replies. "I, for one, don't think we'd have survived that fight without your 'consorting'. So, Lira, tell us how you came to know these Shadow powers."

Lira sighs, looks at the scowling dwarves, and then to Syl. "All right, then."

[sblock=Game Notes - Healing Surges Spent]Between encounters, Jhani, Lira, and Syl each spend a Healing Surge.

Jhani (21/25 HP).
Lira (24/25 HP).
Syl (20/22 HP).[/sblock]
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Voidrunner's Codex

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