[Adventure] A Boy and His Dog (DM: stonegod; Judge: r1)

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First Post
Vimak Stonecarver
Vimak still follows the dog as he answers: "Sapot has the big eyes, but I heard drow can see in the dark. But let's try to stay near to it."

Elkrysn nods, keeping pace with the others. "Of course I can see in the dark. It will be no problem to keep track of that dog."
OOC: Don't listen to him! His passive perception is only 9!
"It is a pleasure to meet all of you. Lhavarr, I like the aura I feel emanating from you. I believe we should stick close."
[sblock=OOC:]Your aura kicks Elkrysn's diplomacy up to 13 (tied with your own) and his intimidate up to 14 (which is rather scary coming from a short, skinny, oblivious young fey)[/sblock]
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First Post
(Johanna Wolfkiller)

The woman in the wolfskin cloak nodded a greeting to the half-elf. Already excited by the prospect of adventure, she felt a wide, fierce smile spread across her face as if greeting an old friend. "If you would help us rescue this dog's owner from who-knows-what, then be welcome in our company. If not, there is a tavern just down the block there where other entertainment might be had..."

[sblock= OOC/Torqua:] Your quick stats should be updated- they still look like ones from your previous adventure (level 1, down HP and surges, etc.). Don't want to give the GM too many extra advantages... [/sblock]
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First Post
"Mind your own business." Vimak answers shortly, not particularly angry, but he thinks he has no time to loose.

"Ah, but this here mutt is my business."

"Not mine, not theirs, not yours. Whose? Investigating that is what we are doing"

"Good, that is what I was doing as well."

"Wait for me, fellows!" Calls a voice a down the street. The ground seems to shake as the massive woman comes running down the street, holding a mug of ale. "Sorry, figured I'd might as well grab one last ale for the road." She says, taking a drink of the said ale. She takes a moment to look over the half-elf then holds out her hand in greetings. "I don't believe we've meet. I'm Torqua Debu...

"Good to meet ya too," the half elf says to the massive woman as he lists off all her names.

"It is a pleasure to meet all of you. Lhavarr, I like the aura I feel emanating from you. I believe we should stick close."

Lhavarr smiles and the emotions of drow towards multiply tenfold. "Of course ya would," he says with a smirk.

"If you would help us rescue this dog's owner from who-knows-what, then be welcome in our company. If not, there is a tavern just down the block there where other entertainment might be had..."

"Tha mutt ran right through my game of dice. Scattered stacks of coin all ova. People were grabbin' coins left 'n righ. I was making out good 'til then. Chased tha mutt halfway across tha city it seems. I just want a little compensation fo' what I lost. Wha' didjou say 'bout rescuin'?"


First Post
"Tha mutt ran right through my game of dice. Scattered stacks of coin all ova. People were grabbin' coins left 'n righ. I was making out good 'til then. Chased tha mutt halfway across tha city it seems. I just want a little compensation fo' what I lost. Wha' didjou say 'bout rescuin'?"

Despite her rough and warlike exterior, the woman's laughter was mellow, her voice rich. "This dog came bearing a note, begging for rescue. We set out with no promise of reward- maybe for the challenge of it, maybe for the good of the act, but not in the least for money. If that is what drives you, the tavern back down the way there is full of folk for hire, and no doubt there will be employers coming in with bags of gold ready in hand. If you would come with us, and the dog, best it be for the pleasure of our company, or the sheer excitement of challenge and brave deeds. And if your grudge against the loyal dog cannot be borne, then I have exactly 1 gold coin remaining in my purse, of all my funds- if that cannot buy back your good will, then another method must serve..." She was still smiling, but now she twirled her spear through a simple figure eight, and she stepped so that she was between the half-elf and the dog who was their only link to their thoughts of adventure...


First Post
The half-elf smiles. "I like how ya speak plainly. I'll come with ya for now. I need allies right now, and the scum I was w' b'fore ain't it."

Walking Dad

First Post
Vimak Stonecarver

Vimak looks shortly back, what holds the others up as he follows the dog.

still no approval :(

[sblock=Mini stat block]
Perception: 15 Insight: 19 Normal Vision
AC 21 Fortitude 17 Reflex 16 Will 18
Initiative: +4
Hit Points: 44 / 44 Bloodied: 22
Temporary Hit Points: 0
Resist: -
Saving Throw:
Action Points: 1 Second Wind: 1
Healing Surge:11 Surges per day: 10 / 10
At-Will Powers: Word of Diminishment, Word of Binding, Lightning Damage
Encounter Powers: Rune of Mending 2/2, Stone’s Endurance, Flames of Purity, Symbol of Wrath Reversed
Daily Powers: Rune of Endless Fire, Shield of Sacrifice, Deny CA Bonus, Extra Lightning Damage.




Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
The motley crew makes its way through Daunton towards the docks. They pass around the Inner Harbor towards the Outer Harbor, noting the grandiose dragon turtle of TURTLEDOME! in the distance. Soon, the buildings become more worn. Not run down, but not well off either. The locals call it "The Smears" due to the mud flat nearby, the Big Smear. Out this far in the harbor, the shoreline is a series of muddy inlets and sewer outlets.

Lots of sewer outlets.

The dog slows down, worn from his adventure so far. He will likely be of little help finding the right path for now.

Find the Right Sewers

The Big Smear is mostly sewers. But only one of them leads to Bryan.

Being a workday, street traffic is moderate in The Smears, people going about their business. But beyond, somewhere, is an abandoned sewer-line an adventuresome boy fell afoul. Did someone see something? Is there a trail? How else can they find the boy?

This is a skill challenge. Feel free to post in any order, but only once per "round" (you'll have to wait until everyone else has posted before posting again). One skill check per round only. I'll be handling posts in the order received, so any bonus accrued by one PC will apply to the next PC that goes. Use IC chat/OOC notes to strategize.

Primary Skills

Dungeoneering Examples: Useful knowledge of the Daunton sewer system.

Perception Example: See some part of a trail.

Streetwise Example: Hear from someone on the street that saw a boy.

Secondary Skills

If you can figure out a good use, I'll generally allow one use of a skill either for a bonus or a success. Some example (which may or may not be only used once).

History Example: Recall something about the local sewers.

Nature Example: Useful knowledge of the Big Smear ecology.


First Post
OOC (since a character with a wisdom of 8 probably shouldn't be strategizing): Our easiest primary success would be Sapo Toa's perception check of +7. Our highest dungeoneering is only Vimak's +4 and our highest streetwise is a +5 for both Elkrysn (me) and Lhavarr.

History's pretty useless as a secondary skill (no one has more than a +2), but Torqua and Vimak both have a nature check of +6

I don't have much experience with skill challeges. Should we just go for the primary skills since the secondaries likely have higher DCs anyways?

[sblock=Highest Skills in Party:]
Acrobatics 8 (Sapo Toa)
Arcana 6 (Torqua Debu)
Athletics 13 (Vimak Stonecarver)
Bluff 12 (Elkrysn (Bluff 14 to make disguises))
Diplomacy 13 (Elkrysn (when within 5 of Lhavarr) & Lhavarr Soprrano)
Dungeoneering 4 (Vimak Stonecarver)
Endurance 10 (Vimak Stonecarver)
Heal 5 (Johanna Wolfkiller)
History 2 (Johanna Wolfkiller & Vimak Stonecarver)
Insight 9 (Lhavarr Soprrano & Vimak Stonecarver)
Intimidate 14 (Elkrysn (when within 5 of Lhavarr))
Nature 6 (Torqua Debu & Vimak Stonecarver)
Perception 7 (Sapo Toa)
Religion 7 (Vimak Stonecarver)
Stealth 11 (Elkrysn (12 to move silently))
Streetwise 5 (Elkrysn & Lhavarr Soprrano)
Thievery 4 (Elkrysn & Vimak Stonecarver)

Since this is just strategizing, I assume it doesn't count as a "post."

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