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[Adventure] A Call for Lovers (DM: jbear Judge:Lord Sessadore)


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Rain presents herself with a deep bow and then adds in a quiet thoughtful voice, "Lord Carric, some of those murderous creatures that you mentioned, a ravaging band of Xivort, have also attacked the town of Crystalbrook. We ourselves fought some of them there earlier today. I don't think it is a coincidence that the havoc that they cause is happening at a time when former friends and allies are at the edge of war."

Rain nods to Sabynha, "This Crystal Cave or Caves appear to be spoken of with an air of dread by those who know something of them. It will be the harder for the noble Houses of both sides to step back from the brink if their scions are not found."

"Lord Carric, tell us where this place is, so that we may help both sides find them and at least hear what they have to say for themselves. For my part, I can't help think that there is another force here seeking to provoke both peoples into even harsher measures and this elopement unfortunately doesn't help matters."

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Lord Carric demands to see "this letter!" As he reads it his face crumples in anguish.

"Oh dear Corellon, forgive me! I have done this!"

He crumples the letter as his hand becomes a fist which he punches into the other hand with a grimace of frustration.

"I thought Juliana was warming to me after our dispute when she asked me to recount legends of the Crystal Cave that I used to tell her when she was younger. But now it is clear her purpose was another. Oh my dear girl has gone to the cave in search of fairy tales and a happily ever after with this boy.

The truth of the Crystal Cave? The Fey of the Sildaine use the oracular powers of the cave from time to time, but the oracle is cryptic and the experience more of a novelty than anything useful. And it is a risky business. My wardens have spotted dangerous creatures near the cave in recent times. It is a place best avoided. Legend tells that the cave contains a fey crossing. I admit I do not know where the crossing is or where it might lead ... no doubt this is what my head strong daughter is searching for.

This changes many things. I must speak with Lady Tamora at once and end these differences once and for all. But I would not leave the village unprotected, and I will have needs of protection myself to visit her in person...

If Count Varis trusts you, then I trust you with the task of finding my daughter ... and the boy. I will fetch you the map."

Lord Carric leaves and returns a short time later, his face calm but his eyes dark with anger. "Apologies. The map is missing. Juliana took it no doubt. I will send my two best wardens with you to guide you to the cave. Please though, stay here tonight. It will be dark soon. You will achieve little stumbling about in the dark, and the cold is most bitter after sundown. Please forgive me for not staying. I would attend to my part in this matter before anyone else gets hurt."

Lord Carric bows deeply and then sets the place in motion as he organises for his departure and the defense of the village in his absence. Part of that organisation includes having food and drink brought to you and a token of Carric's appreciation in the form of 3 delicate and rare red flowers that you have never seen before. Helfaine, the bearer of the gift, tells you that they have healing properties and also taste quite delicious.

As Lord Carric departs you are shown to your sleeping quarters within a large hollow at the base of a towering tree. The walls are slung with comfortable hammocks and a fire crackles in the centre, giving off warmth and light and instead of smoke a delicate aroma of fresh leaves. You are then left to your own devices until morning.

In the morning after a brief breakfast Helfaine himself, along with another warden guides you towards the Crystal Cave. The four hour journey takes you deep into the heart of the Sildaine through what would be most treacherous terrain without your guides. The moss hung cavern huddles beneath a long, high slope. Flowers and undergrowth are lush here.

As you approach your destination Helfaine's ears prick up though you hear nothing. "The horns! The village is under attack! We must leave you ambassadors. Our people need us. May Corellon guide you to bring back Juliana safely!" And then they are gone.

[sblock=Arcana (DC 12):] A strong magical presence pervades this area, wowing stronger the nearer you come to the cave. [/sblock]
[sblock=Nature (DC 8):] Some of the plants here are out of season, and all the plants seem far healthier than those in the rest of the forest. [/sblock]
[sblock= Perception (Active) DC 12]
Numerous humanoids have passed through here over the past few days. [sblock=Nature DC 12;only once tracks are spotted and/or pointed out by someone] Most of the tracks are of small, clawed humanoids [sblock=Nature DC 19] he tracks are without doubt made by xivorts [/sblock][/sblock][sblock=Perception DC 19] Your search reveals the hard-to-find tracks of two Medium humanoids, in shoes or boots, walking close together. And curiously there is another very fresh set of booted prints, both larger and heavier prints both of them. In fact one of the sets of prints is very heavy indeed. [/sblock][/sblock]

GM: Sorry about the wall of text and the large jump in time. I am perhaps a bit too keen to get into the action. I hope you can forgive me!
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Son of Meepo

First Post
[sblock=rolls]Arcana (1d20+7=20)
Nature (1d20+4=14)
Perception (1d20+4=15)
Nature (1d20+4=17)[/sblock]

Wat takes a minute to admire the beauty of the place. Natural beauty like he'd never seen before in the city of his birth. But then he lingers a little longer.

"This place owes its beauty to magic, fey magic most likely. But they conceal danger, clawed humanoids walk here, but the lush vegetation conceals much of their passing. Perhaps it would be wise to have a look around to make sure we will not be ambushed from behind before we run into the cave."

Nemesis Destiny

"That would be wise." Sabynha begins to look about, scanning the ground for further clues about what transpired in this beautiful place.
[sblock=rolls]Nature - 1d20+5=24
Perception - 1d20+5=16[/sblock]
"Look here! These tracks vere left by those blue things vith ze bigk eyes! Ve must be careful." With a newfound paranoia, Sabynha straightens, anticipating ambush. She completely missed any further tracks on the ground, but she straps on her belt-buckler, readies a dagger, and shifts her balance in anticipation of beginning the dance of blades.
[sblock]Activating Skald's Aura.[/sblock]


Zuri takes Wat's words to heart and searches for signs of an ambush, but finding nothing, keeps it to herself. If one of the others should spot something she has missed, she doesn't want to look the fool.

Gradually the Eladrin edges her way towards the entrance of the cavern, admiring the flora as she tries to make sense of the tracks.

[sblock="Bad Rolls"]
1d20+5 → [8,5] = (13) Perception Roll fails to find anything new.

1d20 → [15] = (15) Nature roll fails to provide additional enlightment.[/sblock]

OOC: A simultaneous post! I wondered why my quick reply token broke ;) Editing for post-Sabynha's words...

Zuri slides a dagger from one of the many sheathes across her body, looking into the forest for the creatures. She mutters to herself, "Blue color like that, you'd think they'd be easy to see..."
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Seeing two of his companions unsheathing daggers alerts Gray to possible danger. He had no idea what the "blue things vith ze bigk eyes" were, since he had managed to bypass all of the inhabitants of the land with nature's mask and quick movements, and from the sound of it, it may be something worthy of testing his skills against.

"I can not wait to meet them." he says, shifting his weight to maximize his balance and reflexes. Part of the teachings his master imparted to him was that you should strike first, strike fast, and not be there when your opponent wanted to retaliate. Focusing for a moment, Gray reached within his own mind, tapping the mental energy stored within and allowing it to course through his body in preparation for whatever may come their way.



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[sblock=Aha, right then...]Dice rolls in the following order -

Arcana (DC 12): Total = 14
Nature (DC 8): Total: = 5
Perception (Active) DC 12 = 2

Yep, that's more like it.[/sblock]

Rain draws her sword at Zuri's mention of their previous foes, "The Xivort are or were originally corrupted and tortured Gnomes, a race known for their elusiveness. Truly to be pitied. Truly foes to guard to against."


First Post
GM: The cave beyond the entrance overhung with moss is dark. You will need some kind of light source to see within the cave.

Marching order?

Son of Meepo

First Post
Wat pulls a sunrod from his pack and activates it.

"It'll make us pretty obvious as we move through the cave, but it's still better than stumbling through the dark."

OOC: Wat is probably best suited to being somewhere in the middle to rear of the group. He has a mix of ranged and close attacks so will usually start back and then move up after the melee combatants engage.

[sblock=Wat's Stats]Wat - Half-Elf Invoker 1
Passive Perception 14, Passive Insight 16
AC 16, Fort 15, Reflex 13, Will 15
HP 28/28, Bloodied 14, Surge Value 7, Surges 10/10
Speed 5, Initiative +0
Action Points: 1, Second Wind []
At-Will Powers: Astral Wind, Divine Bolts
Encounter Powers: Thunderwave [], Thunder of Judgement [], Shining Symbol [], Channel Divinity []
Daily Powers: Silent Malediction [][/sblock]

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