[Adventure] A Call for Lovers (DM: jbear Judge:Lord Sessadore)


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OOC: Sorry jbear, not sure where Rain is going here. Rain made the Perception roll (so, she is not surprised), but lost the initiative roll with a 13 against your 14. That doesn't seem to follow with what you wrote.
OOC: [MENTION=100292]Neil1889[/MENTION] Sorry, you're right. Only Zuri to act. Rain acts with Wat.

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Zuri sees the mud men form out of the muck, and shudders. With a quick flick of her wrist, she throws the dagger in her hand at one at the edge of the group, hoping to take him out quickly....
[sblock=Action]Versus L18
Disheartening Strike: (1d20+8=25, 1d4+5=6)
Sneak attack, if applicable (2d6+2=8)[/sblock]
[sblock=mini-stats]Passive Perception 15 / Insight 10
AC: 16, F/R/W:12/16/13, Speed 6
HP: 23/24 +5 THP, Bloodied:12, Surge Value: 6, Surges left: 4/7
Action Points: 0
MBA: Dagger, +6 vs AC, 1d4+3
At-Will: Disheartening Strike, Riposte Strike
(e)Surprise Strike
(e)Torturous Strike
(e)Fey Step
(D)Precise Incision:
Combat notes: Sneak attack is 2d6+2 [/sblock]


First Post
Zuri's dagger flies true, striking the centre of the amorphous mud creature. The shape implodes and resettles back within the pool with a muddy splash.

Moments later balls of mud and rock are flung at the adventurers left, right and centre and the amorphous mud shapes move to attack seemingly gliding through the thick mud of the pool floor. Mud balls crack into Wat and Sabynha's abdomens, winding them and covering them in an unnaturally thick and clinging mud which drips down and wraps about their legs. Gray nimbly ducks under the ball flung at him but is caught from behind by a powerful slam from one of the mud shapes behind him which leaves him covered with the viscous mud as well. Zuri takes a glancing blow as one of the creatures hurtles towards her and Sabynha suddenly finds herself surround and heavily beset on all sides.

OOC: OMG ... I'm horrified. All those crits ... I'm never going to roll that high again for a year! And while I'm DMing of all times to roll high! Horrified I tell you!

GM: Rain and Wat with Surprise Actions and Zuri, Gray and Sabynha with fullround actions

[sblock=Creature Actions]
MM1 uses Mud Ball vs Gray: Critical miss
MM2 uses Mud Ball vs Sabynha: Crits for 14 dmg and Sabynha is slowed TENT
MM3 uses Mud Ball vs Wat: Crits for 14 dmg and Wat is slowed TENT
ms1 charges Zuri: hits for 5 dmg
ms2 charges Gray: crits for 5 dmg and is slowed TENT
ms3 charges Sabynha: misses
ms4 charges Sabynha: hits for 5 dmg

Summary: Sabynha takes 19 dmg and is slowed TENT
Wat takes 14 dmg and is slowed TENT
Gray takes 5 dmg and is slowed TENT
Zuri takes 5 dmg
[sblock=Features of the Area]
Illumination: Your light source
Mud Mounds (surrounded by light brown/orange colour): These three mud mounds are about 3 feet high, wide and strong enough to stand on. They are difficult terrain.
Rockpiles (Grey areas): These squares are difficult terrain.
Pool: Shallow water and mud combine to make this wet area difficult terrain.


Sabynha: 12/28 HP; 7/10 Surges; AP Used: Surprised, Slowed TENT; Bloodied
Wat: 19/28 HP; 8/10 Surges; AP Used; Slowed TENT;
Rain: 5THP+29/31 HP; 9/10 Surges
Zuri: 23/24 HP; 4/7 Surges; AP Used
Gray: 17/22 HP; 6/7 Surges; AP Used: Surprised, Slowed TENT
Mud Men AC ? F/R/W ?/?/?
Mud Shapes (Minions) AC 15 F/R/W ?/?/?


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Son of Meepo

First Post
When struck Wat uses Joven's power to send a backlash of energy that sends the closest mudman flying.
Wat then calls the power of Joven's Wrath to send the others to the back of the cave as well.

OOC: @jbear, I think you forgot about the +5 thp most of us should have to start the encounter.

[sblock=Immediate Reaction]Armor of Wrath
MM3 takes 4 radiant damage and is pushed to L12.[/sblock]

[sblock=Surprise Action]Standard: Thunder of Judgement (MM1, MM2, MM3) (1d20+4=20, 1d6+4+3=13, 1d20+4=20, 1d6+4+3=9, 1d20+4=11, 1d6+4+3=8)[/sblock]

OOC: MM1: 20 Fortitude, 13 thunder damage, dazed, and pushed to M10 on a hit.
MM2: 20 Fortitude, 9 thunder damage, dazed, and pushed to M9 on a hit.
MM3: 11 Fortitude, 8 thunder damage, dazed, and pushed to M11 on a hit.

[sblock=Wat's Stats]Wat - Half-Elf Invoker 1+ Status: Normal Passive Perception 14, Passive Insight 16 AC 16, Fort 15, Reflex 13, Will 15 HP 19/28, Bloodied 14, Surge Value 7, Surges 8/10 Speed 5, Initiative +0 Action Points: 0, Second Wind [] At-Will Powers: Astral Wind, Divine Bolts Encounter Powers: Thunderwave [], Thunder of Judgement [x], Shining Symbol [], Channel Divinity [x] Daily Powers: Silent Malediction [x] [/sblock]
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First Post
GM: MM1 and MM2 are hit by Thunder of Judgement and are pushed and dazed; 11 vs Fort is a miss on MM3. SO MM3 remains in L12 after Armor of Wrath reaction.

Mud Man's fortitude is 15


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Rain moves along the shore line and jumps into the mud pool with a splash next to a mud man's slimy minion. She swings her blade in an arc, striking the creature hard.

[sblock=surprise action]Charge MS2: Rain moves through square F14 and finishes in G13. To Hit = 26, including +1 to charging, +2 for Combat advantage (Gray).

Think that kills it, if it a minion.[/sblock]
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First Post
The mud shape deforms and collapses as Rain's blade pierces its body.

GM: ms1, ms2, ms3 and ms4 are all minions

Thanks to Wat and Rain, those enemies that were at Gray's back were not a threat (at least at the moment), and that left him looking for other targets. Seeing the wall of Mud Men and Mud Shapes to the south, Gray pumps his legs through the soggy terrain that threatened to suck him down until he found himself on a mount of higher ground. That was PERFECT, as it placed him at point of advantage against his foes. Like his legs, Gray pumped his arms out at the mud...things, summoning elemental winds to buffet the sloppy creatures, which caused them to ripple violently in the storm of moving air, but it seems not to do much else.

OOC: GOD BLAST IT!!! Why is it that when I use the endworld dice roller while DMing, I'm rolling 16's through 20's... but when I'm using it as a player, I can't get a roll higher than 10!?

- Move: Surefooted Stride: Gray moves to J10. Until the end of Gray's next turn, when Gray is in Difficult Terrain (this is currently the case), Gray has a +2 bonus to AC and Reflex. Any any that is in Difficult Terrain grants combat advantage to Gray during this same time period.

-Standard: Steel Wind vs MS3 and MS4 misses both.

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Nemesis Destiny

Sabynha was caught completely by surprise, and she paid the price in blood. Reeling and covered in mud, she lets out a cry of pain, and her condition leaves her unable to concentrate on the dance of blades for the moment, but she lashes out with her sword all the same, hoping to strike true against these mud creatures.

Her sword swipe caught the mudman off guard and her blade bit deep into its misshapen form. She was heartened somewhat by the efficacy of her attack, and as she withdrew her slender blade, a smile touched one corner of her mouth, obviously proud of herself. The mud creature was likewise left unprepared for the reversal, and could only clutch at the wound with a slimy appendage.

OOC: I am assuming that a AC 17 will hit.

Also, because I hit, someone gets a +2 bonus on their attack roll usable before the end of my next turn.

[sblock=actions]Minor Action: Song of Serendipity
Move Action -> Minor Action: Skald's Aura (heals herself for 7+1d6=9)
Standard Action: Attack MM3 with a melee basic attack 1d20+7=17, 1d6+6=12 Hit
Free Action: Lesser Flash of Distraction (daze MM3 TENT)[/sblock]
[sblock=mini stats]Passive Insight 20 Passive Perception 15; Senses Low-light Vision
Skald's Aura (Healing, Martial) aura 5; active.
HP 21/28 Bloodied 14 Surge Value 7; Surges Per-Day 6/10
AC 17 Fortitude 13 Reflex 15 Will 15
Action Points 0
Speed 6

Skald's Aura (active; 1 heal remaining)
Focused Discipline (inactive)
Song of Serendipity (active; one ally can claim +2 to hit before the end of my next turn)
Song of Savagery
Knack for Success
Lesser Flash of Distraction (spent)
Cautionary Tale or Disrupting Words[/sblock]


Zuri unsheathes a dagger, teleports forward and plunges it into the back of one of the mudmen.
Minor: unsheathe dagger
Move: Fey Step to J12 (I hope?)
Standard: Disheartening Strike to MM3 1d20+8=28, 1d4+5=8 ** BUT CRIT! so 9 dmg + Sneak Attack 2d6+2=4[/sblock]
OOC: Sorry for the lack of colour, just completely tapped out right now. I tried to make sure this was all legal Happy to fix when you guys determine otherwise ;) Amusement that I crit.. and then roll 1s on sneak attack :p

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