(Adventure) Crocodile Rock [Knight Otu judging]


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Nielan moves forward, ready to send a bullet at the first rat he sees.

OOC: Are we still all standing in the same places that we're marked on the map? If so, Nielan will move one square NE then 5 squares N.

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Cain was waiting on instructions from Lady Fant, but when Neilan suddenly moves towards the rats, he figures that he must have missed some nonverbal cue. He also moves forward towards the rats, but he doesn't shoot yet. He is still nervous that he doesn't understand the plan.

OOC: Cain moves 4 spaces north (avoiding the water) and readies an action to shoot at the rats as soon as someone else attacks them or tells him to.


Eberk Torunn

Knowing that he can't move fast enough to reach the rats unnoticed, Eberk waits to see what the rest of the group is going to do, thinking about guarding the rear for the time being.

Thomas Hobbes

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"Right, let's do this in an orderly fashion." She organizes most of the group four abreast sixty feet away from the rats, with Donoros behind. She draws her shortbow. "Cain, fire on my mark. Everyone else, fire as soon as you have a good shot. Clear? Good." She draws back her bow.

"Mark." If things go as they should, all the rats should die before they get close. Lady Fant, General of the rat exterminators.

The plan goes like this- the sunrod provides 20' of illumination, and Cain has 60' darkvision. Everyone else readies action to shoot as soon as they come within 20' (when we can see them) and Cain, who can see them anyway, launches the first bolt to draw them out.

The Goblin King

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The party readies weapons. Cain and Eberk can see down the tunnel. Cain lets one bullet fly towards the rats. It whistles through the air but misses the target. It ricochets and lands in the water with a sploosh. The three rats chitter in anger but do not advance. It would seem they are not in the mood for a fight. Cain reloads and fires again. His shot connects and smack the rat on the far left in the head. The rat sqeaks in pain and runs west down the left branching corridor. The other two follow behind it.

Thomas Hobbes

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Fant shrugs and shoulders her bow, exchanging it for her sword and shield. "Good enough. Where to now, Lord Donoros? Where does your map say we should go?"

The Goblin King

First Post
"According to my calculations, its lair is straight ahead. The intersection up ahead leads off left and right to join with the rest of the underground. The large chamber here is where many pipes join togather and then flow into the river."
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First Post

Cain again moves to the front of the group and scouts ahead, continuing straight forward as Lord Donoros indicated. He advances slowly and carefully.

OOC: Once Cain regains an interval of 30' in front of the others, he moves forward at a single move each round, endeavoring to spot, search, and move silently as he goes. Move action: regular move. Standard Action: ready a sling attack against the crocodile if he sees it. Re-ready each round.


First Post
Nielan Tal

Nielan will move forward with the rest of the group, staying on the side of the passage where there is better footing.

When the group reaches the location the rats were at, he'll pause to examine the body they were eating, to see if he can tell what it was and how it died.

The Goblin King

First Post
OOC: Sorry for the lack of updates. Work has been kicking my butt lately.

The party continues onward and downward. Cain is in front scouting. You pass another set of side passages similar to the ones the rats disappeared into. These passages slope back and up sharply and are shaped like a V. You then come to a four way intersection. The two side tunnels lead off at right angles to the main tunnel. They slowly slope upward out of sight. Up ahead you see the large pool. You can hear water flowing from unseen pipes above you into the center of it.

Eberk Torunn:
You place your hand on the wall to steady yourself after walking through the muck. When you do you notice that the masonry is newer then the rest of the tunnel. Someone covered up an archway here and tried to make it look like the rest of the sewer.


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