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Adventure: Delivery of Death (DM: Luinnar, Judge: renau1g)


First Post
Andras begins to recite an angry litany of cussing as he draws his seldom-used sword and cuts down a zombie. The cursing is so intense it rouses Sir Exsixten from his unconsciousness.

[sblock=Actions]Immediate Reaction: Triggering off Zombie 10's hit, use Deathcut armor to deal bah, no damage.

Minor: Inspiring Word on Exsixten, healing surge + 3. Passed.
Move->Minor: Draw longsword
Standard: Attack Zombie 9. Hits AC 22 for damage.

[sblock=Andras's mini-stats]Andras genasi Warlord 5
Initiative: +3 | Passive perception: 17 | Passive Insight: 12
AC: 20 | For: 19 | Ref: 17 | Will: 15
HP: 38/46 | Bloodied: 23 | Surge value: 11 | Surges: 9/9
Resist: 5 Fire, 5 Necrotic, 5 Poison
Speed: 6 | Languages: Allarian, Primordial
AP: 1 | Second Wind: not used
Melee Basic Attack: +9 vs AC, 1d8+4 damage
Ranged Basic Attack: +9 vs AC, 1d10+7 damage
Powers: Paint the Bulls-Eye, Risky Shot
Race the Arrow, Staggering Shot
Relentless Wounding, Create Opportunity
Firedeath, Inspiring Word (1/2), Shake It Off
Rebounding Longbow,
Deathcut Armor, Acrobat Boots

Skirmishing Presence:
When an ally who can see Andras spends an Action Point to make an attack, that ally can shift four squares before or after the attack, and gets a +1 bonus to attack rolls with said attack.


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First Post
Using Reactive Shift

[sblock= OOC] As an Immediate Reaction, Brenn will use Reactive Shift when the first new zombie (11) ends turn next to him, shifting 4 squares to X 33, behind the statue. I'll need to know what this does to Zombie 12's action before I do a new round (does he charge Brenn, attack Andras, do something else?)[/sblock]
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First Post
[sblock= OOC] As an Immediate Reaction, Brenn will use Reactive Shift when the first new zombie (11) ends turn next to him, shifting 4 squares to X 33, behind the statue. I'll need to know what this does to Zombie 12's action before I do a new round (does he charge Brenn, attack Andras, do something else?)[/sblock]
GM: It will move to W 33 and attack Brenn :)

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated


[sblock=Actions]Move: Crawl to S31, OA from Zombie 8: 1d20+9=25 AC, hit, 8 damage (reduced to 3 by THP).
Standard: Second Wind - heal 15 hp, 5 THP, gain +2 defenses TSNT
Minor: Boundless Endurance: Sir Exsixten gains regeneration 6 bloodied.
Enemy Start of Turn Damage: Zombie 8 dies, Zombie fighter 1 takes 1d12+4=10 damage, 2 takes 9 damage.

Immediate Interrupt: Piecemeal Chainmail: Any attack by a non-minion that would miss if Sir Exsixten's AC were 2 higher triggers Piecemeal Chainmail, making it miss.

Status Effects: bloodied, +2 defenses, enemies take 1d12+2(+4 if THP), regen 6 bloodied, prone

[sblock=Sir Exsixten's Statblock]
Sir Exsixten, Male Warforged Fighter 5
Passive Perception: 14, Passive Insight: 14
AC: 21, Fort:19, Reflex:16, Will:16 -- Speed:5
HP:5+30/63, Bloodied:31, Surge Value:15, Surges left:11/13
Initiative +3, Action Points: 1
Powers: Crushing Surge, Brash Strike, Combat Challenge, Hack and Hew, Sweeping Blow, Warforged Resolve, Piecemeal Chainmail, Second Wind, Villain's Menace, Rain of Steel, Boundless Endurance, Amulet of Resistance, Dwarven Thrower

MBA/RBA: +11(+13 OA) vs. AC, 1d12+6 damage and enemy movement is stopped and Sir Exsixten gains 4 temporary hitpoints.
Notes: *Sir Exsixten does +2 damage while he has any temporary hitpoints. *Sir Exsixten gains 5 THP whenever he spends a healing surge. *Sir Exsixten rerolls the first 1 on any damage roll.


With Sir Exsixten still on the ground, the larger zombie is able to pay greater attention to his kobold enemy. Jax manages to strike the zombie in spite of its guarded stance, but he can't land the blow where it might have finished the undead off. After his attack, Jax slips free of the horde of undead and disappears into the darkness surrounding Dorn.

He whispers, "It was great! Can you do it again? They all came back..."

[sblock=Jax stat block / actions]Actions
Standard: Piercing Strike vs Zombie Fighter 2 hits Reflex 26 for 11 damage and ongoing 2 acid damage. No combat advantage for once, but it's enough damage to kill the zombie once its turn starts (thanks to Sir Exsixten). (1d20+13-2=26;1d4+6+1+2=11)

Minor: Shifty to T33.

Move: Walk to V35. Zombie's OA misses AC 12. (1d20+9=12) Thanks to Dorn's heavy obscurement, Jax can make a stealth check at the end of the movement. Stealth 27. (1d20+14=27) I actually rolled the stealth first, planning to move and then make an RBA, but I changed my mind in between. Hope it's okay (the result is pretty much the same; Jax would end up in the same spot and still hit, even against AC).

End of turn: Saving throw vs -2 to to attacks succeeds. (1d20=10)

PC:Jax (Dekana) - L4W Wiki- Male Kobold Rogue 7
Passive Perception: 20, Passive Insight: 19
AC:22, Fort:17, Reflex:21, Will:15 -- Speed:6, 7 while not bloodied
HP:34/58, Bloodied:29, Surge Value:14, Surges left:9/9
Initiative +7
Action Points: 1 (encounter)

Hidden (Stealth 27 to beat)

Shifty, Clever Strike, Piercing Strike
Amulet of Life, Imperiling Strike, Low Slash, Perfect Feint, Second Wind, Sly Lunge, Sneak in the Attack
Rat Form, Mocking Strike, Press the Advantage

Combat notes: +1 damage with CA; +2 damage vs bloodied targets; +1 damage vs medium+ targets


First Post
Brenn stepped back another pace, then fired at the zombie at nearly point blank range. The first arrow missed, but he immediately fired again, this time at the larger, grabby zombie- the shot struck the creature full in the chest, rocking it back on its heels. Then Breen stepped sideways into the darkness around Dorn.

[sblock= OOC]
>Move: shift to Y 33
>Standard: attack zombie 12 with RBA; 1d20+12 vs. AC (includes penalty and Dancing Serpent bonus)= 18 (miss by 1!); roll Roll Lookup
>AP: Attack Ju-Ju Zombie with Disruptive Shot; 1d20+10 vs. AC (includes stench penalty)= 19 (hits for 17 damage and ju-ju zombie is immobilized, save ends); roll Roll Lookup
>End of turn: shift to X 34, into obscurement; saving throw vs. stench= 16 (success); roll included above

[sblock= Stat block]
elf Ranger (hunter) 5
Initiative +7/Passive Perception 27/Passive Insight 16; low-light vision
HP 37 (45)/Bloodied 22/Surge value 11/Per day= 7
AC 20/FORT 15/REF 19/WILL 17 (attacks from more than 5 square range take a -1)
Resist 5 necrotic, 5 poison
Speed 7/Size medium/Saves normal
STR 12 (+1)/DEX 20 (+5)/WIS 18 (+4)
CON 13 (+1)/INT 10 (+0)/CHA 8 (-1)
Melee basic: Short sword, +7 (AC), 1d6+2 damage
Ranged basic: +1 duellist’s longbow +13 (AC), 1d10+9 damage, range 20/40
Skills: Acrobatics +9; Athletics +10; Endurance +8; Nature +13; Perception +17; Stealth +12; Thievery +12 (+14 tools)
Aimed shot (at will)
Clever shot (at will)
Rapid shot (at will)
Aspect of the dancing serpent (at will/Stance)(active)
Aspect of the seeking falcon (at will/Stance)
Disruptive shot (Encounter, x2)(1 used)
Reactive shift (Encounter)(used)
Elven accuracy (Encounter)
Centered breath flurry of blows (Encounter)
Safe passage (Daily/utility)
Deathcut armor (Daily/item)



First Post
"It was great! Can you do it again? They all came back..."

Dorn is about to answer when Sir Existen's considerable frame crashes into him.


Dorn stands up, comforted to have two of his allies close at hand. He quickly scans the battlefield for a decent target, and blasts the first zombie he sees into oblivion (Storm Walk destroys Zombie 12. Sustain shroud)

[sblock=Dorn Stat Block]
Dorn, Half-Orc Sorcerer 7
Passive Perception 12, Passive Insight 12
AC 20, Fort 15, Reflex 18, Will 20 (base defenses)
HP 49/57 Bloodied 28 Surge Value 14, Surges 7/7
Speed 6, Initiative +9
Action Points: 1

Current Effects
Wild Soul: poison (Resist 5 poison and ignore first 5 poison resistance)
Deep Shroud (sustain minor)

Encounter Resources
Bedeviling Burst
USED Ice Dragon's Teeth
USED Spark Form
Furious Assault
Half-Orc Resilience
Goblin Stompers
Second Wind
Use Action Point

Daily Resources
Ice Javelins
Moon and the Stars
USED Deep Shroud
Chaotic Defense
Deathstalker Dagger
Repulsion Leather Armor

2x potion of healing


First Post
GM: That is fine for Jax, nobody can see him with 27 stealth by the way :)

You are doing well, but not well enough! Marcel says, giving a hoarse chuckle. Soon my undead army will have overrun the town and I shall rise the dead up as new members of the "merry" band. You shall join them soon, he adds, as lightning flashes overhead through the glass dome.

The Ju-ju zombie roars in anger as his breaks free of Brenn's arrow while the zombies batter and bash Andras and Sir ExSixTen, slicing and bruising them with sword and fist.


Zombie 7:Move around OA and MBA Sir ExSixTen, miss
Zombie 10: MBA Andras: 24 vs AC hit 8 damage.
Zombie 11: Move and MBA Andras: 22 vs AC hit 8 damage.

Zombie Fighter 1: Standard: Longsword vs Sir ExSixTen 27 vs AC hit 16 damage.

Ju-ju Zombie:
Immobilized Save succeded

Standard: Command the Horde, Zombies 7.10,11 get a free MBA.
Zombie 7:MBA Sir ExSixTen, miss
Zombie 10: MBA Andras: 21 vs AC hit 8 damage.
Zombie 11: Move and MBA Andras: 22 vs AC hit 8 damage.

HP: 237/237 Bloodied 119
AC:22 Fort:19 Ref:19 Will:19
Immune: Disease, Poison
Resist 10 Necrotic, Vulnerable: 5 Radiant

Ju-ju Zombie
HP: 109/186 Bloodied 93
AC:19 Fort: 22 Ref:16 Will:17
Immune: Disease, Poison
Resist 5 Necrotic, Vulnerable: 5 Radiant

Zombie Fighter
HP: 80 Bloodied 40
AC:23 Fort:20 Ref:18 Will:18
Immune: Disease, Poison
Resist 5 Necrotic, Vulnerable: 5 Radiant
Zombie Fighter 1:42/80

HP: Minion
AC:19 Fort:19 Ref:15 Will:16
Immune: Disease, Poison
Resist 5 Necrotic, Vulnerable: 5 Radiant

Jax 34/58, hidden stealth 27
Andras 6/46, bloodied
Brenn 37/45
Sir ExSixTen 19/63, prone, bloodied, any enemy that starts its turn adjacent to Sir Exsixten takes 1d12+2 damage(reroll the first 1), +2 defenses TSNT, regeneration 6 bloodied.
Dorn 29/57 Dorn's square and all adjacent are heavily obscured EONT

The braziers (the circular things), are impassible, light the area, but don't block line of sight or line of effect.

The statues are impassible, block LOS/LOE.

The tomb is difficult terrain.

A DC 15 athletics check is needed to climb the sides of the raised platform in the middle.

GM: Party is up! :)


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Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
SIR EXSIXTEN SPRINGS TO HIS FEET, BURYING HIS AXE SO DEEP INTO THE ZOMBIE THAT ORCUS CAN FEEL IT! Sir Exsixten says, actually doing what he says for once (minus the hyperbole).

He turns to Marcel.


OOC: I don't know if you guys have any powers that push/slide, but if you do and can get enemies next to Sir Exsixten before the enemy's turn starts, they'll take a hurting.

[sblock=Actions]Start of Turn: Regen 6 hp to 25.
Minor: Warforged Resolve: Sir Exsixten gains 5 THP and heals 5 hp to 30.
Move: Stand up
Standard: Brash Strike: 1d20+13=24 AC vs Zombie Fighter 1, hit, 1d12+10+2(THP)=21 damage and marked TENT and Sir Exsixten grants CA to fighter 1 (note: forgot Brash Strike's +2 power bonus to hit on my IC roll).
Enemy Start of Turn Damage: Fighter 1 takes 1d12+4=9 damage.

Immediate Interrupt: Piecemeal Chainmail: Any attack by a non-minion that would miss if Sir Exsixten's AC were 2 higher triggers Piecemeal Chainmail, making it miss.

Status Effects: bloodied, grants CA to ZF1, enemies starting adjacent take 1d12+2(+2 more if THP), regen 6 bloodied

[sblock=Sir Exsixten's Statblock]
Sir Exsixten, Male Warforged Fighter 5
Passive Perception: 14, Passive Insight: 14
AC: 21, Fort:19, Reflex:16, Will:16 -- Speed:5
HP:5+30/63, Bloodied:31, Surge Value:15, Surges left:11/13
Initiative +3, Action Points: 1
Powers: Crushing Surge, Brash Strike, Combat Challenge, Hack and Hew, Sweeping Blow, Warforged Resolve, Piecemeal Chainmail, Second Wind, Villain's Menace, Rain of Steel, Boundless Endurance, Amulet of Resistance, Dwarven Thrower

MBA/RBA: +11(+13 OA) vs. AC, 1d12+6 damage and enemy movement is stopped and Sir Exsixten gains 4 temporary hitpoints.
Notes: *Sir Exsixten does +2 damage with attacks he has any temporary hitpoints. *Sir Exsixten gains 5 THP whenever he spends a healing surge. *Sir Exsixten rerolls the first 1 on any damage roll.
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Jax dashes out of the darkness surrounding Dorn while the zombies are all looking elsewhere. He gets into a flanking position with the remaining zombie fighter before anything can touch him. Without delay, he leaps onto the fighter's back, takes his dagger in both hands, and slashes deeply into its neck. The zombie crumples to the ground with its head nearly severed and with Jax standing triumphantly on top of the corpse.

[sblock=Jax stat block / actions]Actions
Move: walk to Q29. "If you take an action that causes you not to remain hidden, you retain the benefits of being hidden until you resolve the action." So Jax avoids OAs from the movement because he's still hidden while he moves.

Standard: Piercing Strike vs Zombie Fighter 1 crits for 33+3 damage and ongoing 2 acid damage. (1d20+16=36, 1d6=3)

Minor: Shifty to R30

PC:Jax (Dekana) - L4W Wiki- Male Kobold Rogue 7
Passive Perception: 20, Passive Insight: 19
AC:22, Fort:17, Reflex:21, Will:15 -- Speed:6, 7 while not bloodied
HP:34/58, Bloodied:29, Surge Value:14, Surges left:9/9
Initiative +7
Action Points: 1 (encounter)


Shifty, Clever Strike, Piercing Strike
Amulet of Life, Imperiling Strike, Low Slash, Perfect Feint, Second Wind, Sly Lunge, Sneak in the Attack
Rat Form, Mocking Strike, Press the Advantage

Combat notes: +1 damage with CA; +2 damage vs bloodied targets; +1 damage vs medium+ targets

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