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[Adventure] Desolation Island (DM: jsb420; JUDGE: covaithe)

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First Post
OOC: I fear for Ixen's life right now...the gnome can easily deal that 11 damage...And I just woke up guys! Good morning *drwozy*


First Post
Round 4: Pirate Attacks (and Die)!

Jesse flicks a Magic Missile towards the Motley Pirate blocking Finnean's way. The Missile streaks across the ship and lands squarely on his chest with a loud "thump".The Pirate keels over and falls into the ocean with a loud splash, the dark waters swallows him into the sea.

Drawing his rapier, Finnean vaults the rail and up the stairs. He uses his advantageous position in an attempt to plunge his rapier into the back of the elf archer.

"You can run but you can't hide..." Damien snickered. With that he pulled himself behind the large mast to gain a terrain advantage and released another arrow directly at the gnome.

Arden’s arcane missile hits the elf in the side of the head, killing him before he even reaches the floor.

Ixenvalignat swarms over the gangplank, gracefully (well, at least for a dragonborn in scalemale) sidestepping Jesse, and onto the cutter. Sighting the last man standing he charges for the forecastle, but trips on the stairs, managing not to fall prone, but missing the opportunity to end the battle. Looking the archer dead in the eyes he roars, "You have thirty seconds to live suppleskin!"

Cyrus looks around only noticing the elf archer left standing but then his keen eyes spot it. The gnome coward hiding behind a crate, though his flank lay open to Cyrus. He dashes forwards once again across the deck of the ship, slamming his shoulder hard into the unsuspecting gnome; the blow knocking the gnome off balance, enough for him to slip his rapier between the gnome's ribs. Pulling the blade back out, he stands to his full height. The shadowed figure looms over the gnome. Cyrus grinned.

Jack strides up the stairway. Scanning the horizon to ensure no other boats are approaching. Seeing none, he turns to watch the end of the battle.

Rogar, dazed, attempts to gather his wits.

The archer has seen his captain and comrades stricken down, and even against overwhelming odds, continues the fight. He tosses his bow aside and draws his shorts sword, salutes the dragonborn, then attacks him, but misses as his blade lunges wide.

The gnome wilts under the onslaught. An arrow protruding from his side, and a strange feline-looking creature gloating over him poking his rapier into his other side, the gnome squints its eyes – and disappears! Moments later Cyrus hears twin splashes. Looking down, he notices a pile of sand on the deck. Peering over the bulwark, he sees an empty fire bucket drifting farther and farther away from both the pirate’s cutter and the Salty Dog, no sign of the sneaky gnome.

[sblock=Actions] Rogar: J13, save vs. DAZED (1d20=14), saves
Jack: moves to Q7

Motley crew: 8 dead
Elf archer 1: f11, free: drop bow; minor: draw shortsword; attacks Ixen (G12); MBA vs. Ixen (1d20+5=13, 1d6+4=8) ; misses
Elf archer: 2 dead
Gnome arcanist: Fade Away
Pirate Captain: dead[/sblock]

[sblock=Terrain, please read]The Salty Dog
Rogar keeps a tight ship, everything is secured and tidy.
Bulwark: Runs the perimeter of the Salty Dog’s main deck; 3 feet high. Provides cover from ranged attacks.
Masts (E5:E6 and L5:L6): You must squeeze into these squares (Except small sized creatures); provides cover against ranged attacks.
Stairs (N4 and N8): difficult terrain; ascend 5 feet to stern castle; bulwarks ring the perimeter.
Booby hatch (H5:J6): Considered difficult terrain to avoid tripping.

Pirate Ship
(*NOTE: disregard catapults!)
Bulwark: Runs the perimeter of the Salty Dog’s main deck; 3 feet high. Provides cover from ranged attacks.
Mast (H12 not really shown): provides cover against ranged attacks.
Stairs (i11 and i14): ascends 5 feet to fo’csle.
Gangplank: challenging terrain; Acrobatics DC 15 or Athletics DC 15 as part of movement to cross it; If check is failed, immediate saving throw or fall into water (a successful save means falling prone on gangplank)[/sblock]


Rogar: J13
Jack: Q7
Damien: E5
Cyrus: L14
Ardens: H9
Finnean: H12
Jesse: G6
Ixenvalignat: G12

Motley crew: 8 dead
Elf archer 1: f11
Elf archer 2:
Elf archer 3:
Gnome arcanist: invisible, possibly overboard
Pirate Captain:

Elf archer 1: HP 19/32; AC 15, Fort 11; Ref 13; Will 12; RBA shortbow: +7 vs. AC; 1d10+4 damage; MBA cutlass: +5 vs. AC; 1d6+4 damage.
Gnome Arcanist: HP 17/46; AC 16; Fort 13; Ref 15; Will 13; Fade Away; MBA dagger: +6 vs. AC; 1d4 damage.

Ardens: 19/26; HS 9 (+1)/9; AP 1; Benefit: +1 healing surge; Status
Cyrus: 26/26; HS 9/9; AP 1; Benefit: Special; Status
Damien: 17/28; HS 9/9; AP 1; Benefit: +1 bonus to some attacks; Status Aspect of Seeking Falcon
Finnean: 24/24; HS 7/7; AP 1[/]; Benefits: +1 to saves; +1 dmg when flanking; Status
Ixenvalignat: 12/22; HS 8/8; AP 1; Benefits: +1 to saves; +1 dmg when flanking; Status
Jesse: 18/23; HS 7/7; AP 1; Benefit: +5 temp hp; Status

Salty crew 1: non-combatant; Awake in galley
Salty crew 2: non-combatant; Awake in galley
Salty crew 3: non-combatant; Awake in galley
Salty crew 4: non-combatant; Awake in galley
Salty crew 5: non-combatant; Awake in galley
Braedin: non-combatant; Awake in galley
Jack the Skipper: 31/31; AC 18; Fort 18; Ref 14; Will 14; MBA Footwork Lure: +9 vs. AC; 1d8+7 damage, and Jack can shift 1 square then slide the target into that vacated square.
Rogar: 31/34; AC 18; Fort 15; Ref 18; Will 12; MBA Clever Strike: +8 vs. AC; 1d10+7 damage; If an ally is adjacent to the enemy, Rogar gains CA for this attack.
Whiggans: non-combatant; hiding in crow’s nest
Aziim: non-combatant; hiding below in cabin shared with Jack

[sblock=ooc]I'm willing to call it if you are.[/sblock]
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First Post
OOC: Despite being invisible, he is not hidden. We should know which square he is in. I would really like to snuff out that gnome rather then let him live to fight another day, which would like...totally bite me in the ass. If...for some reason we can't target him, then too bad, I'll target the Archer.

EDIT: I don't understand the line "I'm willing to call it if you are"
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Son of Meepo

First Post
OOC: Despite being invisible, he is not hidden. We should know which square he is in. I would really like to snuff out that gnome rather then let him live to fight another day, which would like...totally bite me in the ass. If...for some reason we can't target him, then too bad, I'll target the Archer.

EDIT: I don't understand the line "I'm willing to call it if you are"

OOC: Calling a fight means that victory by the PCs is inevitable without much chance of further harm to the PCs. Thus, the DM is willing to have the monsters surrender or be ruled defeated without any more dice rolling. There is little point to playing out a fight once the enemy poses little threat.

I am willing to call it at this point.

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