(Adventure) Dwarven Golems and Old Ruins (GaryH Judging)

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Living EN World Judge


Silvercat moves from where he had been leaning aganst the wall to stand near Shariff. Not sure what to do to help, he stands ready to assist in any endeavor as needed, although , as the halfling stated, they might have just done great wrong.'It was all of our decision, Shariff, not yours alone. Any blame, like any praise and glory, falls to all who made that decision...'


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Devlin sighs, "There is no blame. We're not even sure whatever was trying to communicate with us is dead. And if it is, well, that was our job. To disable whatever was controlling the constructs that were plaguing this place. I'd say it's a safe bet that the sentience in that sphere was the control behind them. And if it's been silenced the so have the constructs. Our job here appears to be finished and I, for one, would like to get someplace where I can heal up before we decide to do anything else."


Gur speaks up, "Well, until at least half of us can walk, were stuck in the cavern I think. You like it in here, or you want to try moving somewhere else..."

"After were walking ready, let's gather up what supplies we can and head to either Allimon or Orussus..."


Everyone rests in the chamber, though not comfortably.

OOC: I'm ruling as I did before when you rested: that you gain the benefit of your new hit dice.

So Gur is restored to 1 hit point.
Silvercat is restored to 1 + hit points from hit dice.
Devlin is at -1 + hit points from hit dice.

That suffices to bring everyone to walking capacity, however everyone is considered to be fatigued approaching exausted.

Were not leveling up this time though, as anything encounter related should be minimal right now.

Gur looks at everyone, "You all ready? I just want to get somewhere less creepy than this place."


Living EN World Judge
OoC:Did we level again?


Silvercat feels able to walk, although slowly. He will help any that are unable, if possible.'Yes Gur, perhaps we should move closer to the surface at that...'


(You guys are a little over the 4,000 mark in xp (only including combat awards), but I'm not permitting in game leveling till after we resolve this.

After spending an hour packing up and walking back through the main corridors, you come to the original chamber where you sealed up the door to prevent the constructs from following you. The heavy door still sits on the ground, the crank is still functional. The room is quiete, and you can't hear any noise coming from the other side, however, Gur is reluctant to operate the pulley system.

Argent Silvermage

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Silvercat if you would look under the gate as I raise it to see if any mechanisms are moving I would appriciate it. Says Shariff as he winds the crank to open the gates. The rest of you get ready for anything.

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