Adventure: Escort Duty (DM: KarinsDad, Judge: TBD)



1 Hilkalas, Kalashtar Wizard|Warlord 4 ([Mention=10]Voda_Vosa[/Mention])
2 Jayce Male Human Sentinel Marshal Fighter (Slayer) 4 ([Mention=11]FourMonos[/Mention])
3 Jiska Female Human Adventurer Battlemind 4 ([Mention=12]SuperZero[/Mention])
4 Rava, Female Deva Templar Pacifist Cleric 4 ([Mention=13]CrimsonFlameWielder[/Mention])
5 Sirrah Male Deathless (Revenant) Elf Hordelands Nomad Berserker 4 ([Mention=14]Son of Meepo[/Mention])
6 Tana Female Gnome Adventurer Swordmage 5 ([Mention=15]drothgery[/Mention])

Major Quests: Escort Jasper to his sister's house.

Minor Quests: None.

XP Awarded: 0 XP

Treasure Awarded: None

Date Started: Mar 11, 2013
Judge: TBD

[sblock=Expectations and Rules Recap]

I don't have many rules of play. My main ones are to try to post at least once every day (with the possible exception for some people of weekends and holidays) and have fun. Let me know via PM if you have any issues with either of these (i.e. cannot post, or something is bothering you about the game). At a very minimum, please try to post by every second or third day to keep the adventure moving.

I prefer conversations to be in character and not out of character. Please discuss in combat tactics in character (or ahead of time in character). If you want someone to flank for you, tell him to do so, or set up a code word to do so. I realize that people can PM each other to discuss tactics out of character, but I prefer that we don't do that.

Please pick a unique color "This is conversation" for your PC's talking and normal white for non-conversation descriptions. If you can, make the conversation color a brighter color.

Please write down the consequences of your actions as well. For example, if an attack which hits also gives a bonus to defense for another PC, please write that down within the Action sblock. I'd also like a stat block in sblock format as well so that we can more easily keep track of what resources have been used.

The only special combat rule that I use is that if a PC is stunned or knocked unconscious, that PC's turn goes first in the initiative order and s/he loses the turn.

That's basically it.


A man in his fifties walks into the tavern. He has thin graying hair and worn clothing. "Err, I'm looking for some bodyguards and I was told that this was the place to find them." he says nervously, as if he is not accustomed to addressing larger groups of people.

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As the man enters the bar and begins asking for help, Rava stands, content to let her conversation with the drow end where it was currently, which was to mean it was going in circles that would lead nowhere. Seeing Brews about to inform the newcomer as to the announcement customs of the tavern, Rava held up her hands to tell him that she could handle it this time.

"Greetings, good sir. I can see that Boldrei has seen fit to bring you to us in your time of need. It is customary, when entering this establishment, that we introduce ourselves and our purpose to all who would hear. This allows us to distinguish as to who is an employer, or one seeking assistance, and the rest of us, who are here as employees, adventure seekers, and those like myself who are here to find the greater good in the world. My name is Rava. What is your name, good sir, and how can this humble servant of the Host be of assistance to you?"


"Oh, my." the man says a little startled, looking up at the taller woman. "I didn't know the rules. You see, I've never had to hire out bodyguards before. My name is Jasper. Jasper Rumblebelly. Yes, I know. A thin man like myself with a last name of Rumblebelly doesn't make sense, but some ancestor was probably quite portly. Um, well, as I said, I'm in need of some bodyguards. I can't pay much, but I want to go to my sister's house." Jasper replies, a bit overwhelmed by the diversity of people in the Shard.

Son of Meepo

First Post
The deathless had been standing silent in the corner of the tavern for hours. You might have mistaken him for a corpse. As Rumblebelly address the tavern, Sirrah's eyes open.

"I do not think that you are capable of calling my from beyond the grave... But I no longer feel the presence of the one who did. Perhaps I am not yet ready for the purpose I was summoned... A journey will do well to ease a restless spirit."


First Post
Tana, gnome female swordmage 5

"I've actually a fair bit of experience as a bodyguard," Tana says, looking up from her drink, and somehow the 3' 8" gnome seems quite believable when she says that. "What makes a journey to your sister's so perilous that you feel you need to hire guards?"


"Well, I've heard rumors that there are bandits and monsters outside of Sharn. I talked to the city guard to get an escort, but they won't do it. They told me that it was because they are spread too thin already, but I think it's because I'm not a man of means. It's not a long trip, only about two days walk. It's just that I cannot defend myself that well." Jasper replies.


First Post
Jayce sets his snifter, still full, on the bar. His curiosity piqued by this humble appearing man. He makes a couple steps forward, leaning against one of the tavern posts. His badge is not on display.

"Bandits, you say? This close to Sharn?" His eyes are covered by the shadow of his traveling hat, but they are studying the newcomer's every movement, every nuance of his expressions. "Where does your sister live? Why not use House Deneith?"

OOC: limited posting this week
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"Well, yes. That's what I've heard. I don't know if it's true." Jasper says. "My sister doesn't live off the main roads, so I don't know if I can tell you exactly where. I know how to get there, but she just lives out in the shrubs a bit. And House Deneith?" he spits off to the side. "Those thieves are just as bad as most of the other houses. Living off the sweat of everyone else. Thinking that they are all high and mighty. They wanted to charge me 100 gold and they were only going to send one guy with me. He'd probably cut my throat while I slept. Sure, if you are a merchant or a noble, then they are all nice and polite and such. But, they've no respect for most folk, that's for sure. Legal robbery, that's what it is." Jasper starts getting a little bit red as his voices starts rising in annoyance.

OOC: Don't forget to pick a color for your conversational text [MENTION=88601]FourMonos[/MENTION]
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Son of Meepo

First Post
The undead elf speaks again.

"I care little for your money as it will not buy my loyalty... The journey is what I am interested in. When do we leave?"

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