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Adventure in the Open Skies: The Liralen Irregulars (Eberron, Updated 5/10)


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All good questions Krafus. There are some good answers too, but you'll have to stay tuned for them. :)

You might be a tad suspicous or annoyed at Ruel with sensitive information too, if you knew as much about *spoiler* as Ravien does, and you knew that Ruel *spoiler*.

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The Adamantine Chef

Hello all,

Thought I'd take you back again to the beginning with a taste of our first session. As Carly (see 1st post) overheard, there was a cooking contest to determine who would be hired as the Liralen's chefs (there are two onboard).

The contest was run as a seven-course meal. Micah created the two NPCs, Meat and Darance, while the third competitor was our Warforged Bodyguard PC, 42NAT0 (Fortunato). For each course a description of the food served was read and a Profession (Chef) check made. The sum of the checks determined the winner.


Halfling: Eustace McGuire (NPC)
aka: Meat
cooking modifier +2

Eustace likes to cook – always has, and there’s always been a frontier inn here or there that’s needed a good cook, but frontiers mean hardship and whether it’s because the business has dried up or the inns been ransacked, there’s been reasons to move on as well. When Eustace saw the notice for an airship cook it sorta sounded neat – and he was currently out of a job. So he’s found himself in the biggest city he’s ever seen – Fairhaven. And he’s out to cook his way onto the Liralen.

1st course
Greens “just greens that’s all I call them – most folk don’t eat much of them, but they can be pretty tasty when cooked right.

2nd course
Campfire bread “ya gotta know what you’re doin ta cook bread like this – If’n ya don’t let it rise the right way it turns inter hardtack – and ya know how tasty hardtack is.”

3rd course
Good ale “Now of course lotsa folks like this as a first course so I guess it’s personal preference where’n ya put it in the meal.”

4th course
Meat “Well alright meat stew to be technical. Doesn’t really matter what type of meat n’ most folks prefer not to know.”

5th course
Meat “ Sometimes we serve it with fried taters, but mostly folks just prefer the meat.

6th course
Meat again “I knew when you folks said 7 courses that I was in my 'element' so ta say. I cook for folks like that all the time –"

7th course
Whiskey ‘n Prune juice “It’s not the most popular drink we serve – but for them seven course folks I usually recommend it. Kinda comes in handy if’n ya know what I mean."


Human: Darance Mewldon the 3rd (NPC)
cooking modifier -4

Darance has always had a flair for creativity. He views food as an artistic medium and usually creates fine sculptures that are very interesting if not quite palatable. Food is an art and he has always aspired to be a master chef. He’s worked for years as an underchef in a fine inn in Scarn. But he was so limited there. When a patron left a wadded copy of the Aundarian scroll on a table – he knew his destiny. He scraped every last cp and bought passage on the lightning rail towards Stormhaven. It’s been an adventure but he also knows it as his destiny.

1st course
Egredoucetes “fish heads and livers with ginger and pepper – placed on the plate and perfectly garnished with gillyflowers”.

2nd course
Eyls in Sorre “Eels in a special thick sauce. The recipe has several secret ingredients that I refuse to reveal lest someone seize this fine dish that I alone can make.”

3rd course
Charlette “Curds with veal, served with broth and bread baked in the shape of porpoises”

4th course
Blandysorye “A pottage of capon with almond milk and saffron. Served with white wine.”

5th course
Gosyl ala Liralen “Stuffed goose wings artfully melded together in a masterpiece. Can you not see it is the very image of the grand airship herself. Served with red wine.”

6th course
Cawdelle Ferry “Wine thickened with egg yolks and spices”

7th course
Trayne Roste “My dessert spectacular! Mock entrails made of batter-dipped fruits and nuts!”


Warforged: 42NAT0 (PC)
cooking modifier +5

Can a warforged cook? Can they taste? Do they really drink oil? Tune in to the ultimate iron chef (or is that the adamantine chef?) contest to find out. . .

1st course
Appetizer “Aundarian stuffed mushrooms – served with green onions, red bell peppers, soft bread crumbs, topped with a fine grated parmesan cheese”.

2nd course
Soup “Tangy Cinnamon Gorgon Beef Chowder – a delicacy, very hard to find, but I had the opportunity to make it during the last years of the war when my unit killed a Gorgon and we feasted on it for several days.”

3rd course
Salad “Salmon stuffed tomato – Salmon mixed with a creamy dill dressing and chopped cucumbers served on the side with parsley”

4th course
Main I “Pasta Primavera made with the freshest of local vegetables creating a uniquely regional dish: wherever the Liralen goes the dish will be unique to the locale.”

5th course
Main II “Orion Lightening Roast - A complicated recipe requiring electricity to cook the beef, served with a twice baked potato.”

6th course
Dessert “Fairhaven cheesecake served w/ final course”

7th course
Final “Tinker’s coffee which contains a healthy serving of rum”


The contest took fifteen minutes in real time and was hilarious. Two of our players ran the NPCs (Dox's player with Darance; Loki's player with Meat) and did a great job. The attachment is a short clip of the end of course one and the beginning of course two. It is sort of a microcosm of the whole. Enjoy!

Oh, if you're wondering who won...

I used 42NAT0 as the reference point and scored the two NPCs as either better (positive) or worse (negative). The final tally had Darance at a -53, while Meat racked up an amazing +30! (His rolls were incredible. Even with the single 1 he rolled, he averaged over 15 on all seven courses!)

And so, Meat became the head chef aboard the Liralen, with his trusty assistant, the Warforged cook, 42NAT0.


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Update #12: A Stroll through Fairhaven

Now that audio clip brings back memories. :)

Speaking of our party's warforged cook, a lot more will be learned about Fortunato in this update. Unfortunately one PC will not be enjoying their stroll through Fairhaven...


The party stands on the dock by the Liralen, staring hard at Ruel, while the wizard fidgets under their collective gaze. The normally gaudily dressed entertainer is wrapped up in a cloak with the hood pulled low. His features and skin tone have been subtly altered, his features muted, made to look completely non-descript. In fact, he looks nothing like Ruel at all.

“Are you sure that nothing…” begins Audric.


“Hey! You're not a changling too are you?” Dox pipes up brightly.


The staring continues. Finally Ruel throws up his arms and makes a frustrated sound, “Come on, we do not have all day!”

Ruel leads them through winding streets towards the castle. The only Fairhaven native in the group moves swiftly through the crowded streets, bustling with the activities of the market at midday. It is not long before the rest of the party is completely lost.

Loki grumbles as he strides along the street. Passer-bys give him a wide berth. “I swear we passed that merchant’s stall twice already!”

Behind him, Fortunato seems distracted. “I am certain he knows where he is going.”

Loki snorts, then slows his pace to walk beside the warforged, a magebred mare drawing a carriage in the opposite direction snorts as the half-giant brushes against her side, but plods steadily onward as the driver glares at Loki, opening his mouth to say something snide, then thinking better of it.

“Why aren’t you coming with us? You’re a good man, good fighter too.”

Fortunato looks up at him with a pleased expression. “Thank you my… friend. But it is, complicated.”

Loki smiles. “We have time, tell me about it.”


“Where to begin? I was once told by an old dwarf, ‘If you don’t know where you’ve been boy, how do you know here your going?’ Perhaps with that bit of wisdom, I should start from the beginning, the very beginning.

When I became, aware four years ago I was told only two things, my designation and my assignment. 4-2-N-A-T-O. I was not told what my designation stood for. I still do not today. But my assignment was made clear, to guard the life of Lord Escondido ir’Marr’s sons, Master Antonio. One of the many vassal lords of Aundair fighting under Queen Aurala, the Lord ir’Marr had decided on my particular model after his son barely survived two poisoning attempts. *

For two months I was his tent guard, twenty-four hours a day. I was called inside only to test his food at meal times. In battle, I served as his shield bearer, protecting him against missile attack and engaging foes who came too close.

I must admit, for those first two months I became increasingly depressed. I was ignored by Master Antonio and his men, a construct and nothing more, not to be spoken with and last in line to be healed when injured in battle. I was lonely, I longed for company, conversation with anyone. I contemplated my existence. ‘Why did I have sentience? Do I have a soul? Is there a life beyond this one for a warforged?’

I heard no answers from above, and no one would listen to me there.

My situation improved, finally, when Master Antonio’s cook was revealed to be an assassin, attempting to poison him. I detected the deadly toxin in my usual taste test, when the cook thought me too badly injured to do my duty. Of course, no injuries were too grave for me to be excused from my vigil.

Master Antonio was shaken by this third poisoning attempt, and refused to eat, despite my testing his food. After a week of this, I could tell he was weakening, growing ill and would die if he did not eat something. I took it upon myself to cook a meal and present it to him myself. He was willing to trust me and ate ravenously. He claimed it excellent and I was appointed his personal cook.

My feelings of depression began to subside as Master Antonio took an interest in my well being for the first time. He and a few of the other commanders began to speak to me, mostly about food, but it felt good to talk to someone. I no longer served on the front lines, as Master Antonio was not willing to risk his favorite chef. I felt pride for the first time.

Removed from the front lines, I was free to observe our battles from a distance. We were investing Cyre, and the fights were going very poorly for the nation. But I was struck by how hard they fought, nearly to the last. I asked Antonio about it. He told me they fought for their homes, their way of life. I asked why we fought. He told me we fought for the glory of his father, Queen Aruala and Aundair. I felt the armies of Cyre fought for a better cause.

I can only be thankful we were not in the front lines when the great tragedy befell Cyre, which transformed it into the wasteland that is now called the Mournland. From my months as a silent sentinel I had come to enjoy the sights, sounds and smells of the Cyre countryside. I thought them beautiful, even war-torn as they were. I felt it a great loss that all of that was gone.

Two years later, we were given word that the war was ended, and I was instructed to give a great feast for Master Antonio and his men. I must admit that it was the greatest meal I had made to date. All that attended complemented him and I. After the festivities, Master Antonio asked to speak with me. I was informed that with the war’s end, warforged were no longer considered property, but would be considered as equal members of society. I believe that, if I could have, I would have cried.

Master Antonio smiled at me and told me that it had been a pleasure serving with me. I shook his hand, it was the first time anyone shook my hand. He told me that I was discharged from his service, and that he wished for me to find a life of my own, to do what I pleased. He gave me money and bade me keep my sword and shield, money to start my new life. I could find no words to say. I bowed and left him and the next day my spirits soared with the rising sun as I began my new life, my new quest for self-discovery.

I soon found, however, that diplomats and nobles saying warforged were free, and actually being free, were two different things. Everywhere I went I was met with disrespect, or outright hostility. I was chased from villages by angry mobs, children ran from me and few would do business with me. I found scant work, mostly guard duty, for a fraction of the wages of my flesh and bone peers. I spent six months at a tavern called the Coy Nixie, and was paid a measly three coppers a day. The owner, a greasy fat man named Chunk, took pleasure in yelling at me everyday. I finally quit when he accused me of drinking the lantern oil when he was not looking. I was never treated fairly, no matter where I went.
But I did not allow myself to grow bitter, or violent to those who mistreated me. I saw freedom and sentience as a gift and I cherished it. I wanted to find serenity through faith, but I did not know who, how to worship. I wandered until I chanced upon an advertisement, a position as a chef aboard an airship. I felt it my destiny.”


Fortunato looks up to the half-giant. “When I met you and Ruel on the road to Stormhome, I knew I was correct. Neither of you treat me like less of a person.”

Loki shrugs and claps him on the back. “You aren’t.”

Fortunato looks ahead of them; Fairhold dominates the end of the road before them. “There, you see? He knows where he is going.”
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First Post
Well, Fortunato's background is interesting. But what really intrigues me is why Ruel is trying to go to Fairhold stealthily.

Oh, and just a minor note... 'It's “Hey! You're not a changling too are you?” Dox pipes up brightly.'


First Post
Update #13: Dinner with the Family

Ruel gasps for breath as he leans against a crate at the dock, intently searching the crowded streets behind him for any signs on his attacker. The sun is setting in Fairhaven and the clouded sky is awash with vibrant hues of red, orange and violet. Gradually Ruel’s breathing slows and his pulse stops hammering in his tapered ears. Aside from a few curious but fleeting glances, no one seems to be paying him any special attention; his attacker has been lost. Gradually his fingers unclench from the handle of a dagger that had been thrown at his head not minutes before and he studies it for the first time since recovering it. He recognizes its distinctive style and the identity of his attacker hits him like a hammer blow. Struggling for calm, he replays the events of the last day over in his mind.


While the rest of his friends animatedly discuss the wonders of Fairhold court, the banquet, the motherly charm of Queen Aurela and the Knight’s Honor Tokens hanging around their necks, Ruel lags behind. He had spent plenty of time and effort on making certain his approach to the castle went undetected.

But he had not counted on the Queen hiring nearly a dozen members of his House to perform during the banquet.

Not one of the House Phiarlan entertainers had given any sign of recognizing him, but Ruel knew well that the Queen could have been having an affair with the King of Karrnath right before them and they would not have batted an eyelash. Well, perhaps one eyelash.

Ruel suddenly realizes his friends are all waiting for him to lead them back to the dock. Absently, he gives them directions, “Take this road until you reach the docks, turn right and follow the docks until you see the ship. I have some errands I must run… the items we decided to sell.”

His friends look surprised. Loki raises his voice, “You mean we could have just walked straight here!?”

Ruel shrugs, his voice wooden. “I thought you might like a brief tour of the city.”

“There was nothing brief about it!” Alexandre snorts.

Audric is watching him intently. “Perhaps I should accompany you, none of us should wander the city alone.”

“I know Fairhaven like the back of my hand. I will be fine, believe me.” He manages a smile. It hardly seems to satisfy Audric, but the rest move off down the road towards the dock and the monk follows in turn. Ruel can hear their conversation turning towards their coming assignment before they pass out of earshot.

Fairhold, the impressive seat of Aundair’s government, is not far from his new destination: The House Phiarlan’s compound, and it does not take him long before he sees it looming down a familiar avenue. But he is not about to walk in the front door; instead he turns into a florist’s shop a couple blocks away.

The florist recognizes him immediately and beams a smile. “Ruel! Well isn’t this a pleasant surprise? It’s been awhile, someone serious this time?”

Ruel’s demeanor is immediately casual and friendly with the matronly owner of the small shop. “Not yet I am afraid, Mara, actually I need an arrangement delivered to my mother…”

Mara smiles. “Oh that’s sweet! What did you have in mind?”

Ruel spends the next few minutes with Mara creating a fairly elaborate arrangement for his mother. A handwritten note is soon to follow:


I enjoyed your performance the other night. Will you come and meet me, at our favorite restaurant for dinner at sunset, the one we went to after the Spring Festival? I am only in town for a day and I need to talk with you.

-Ole Osiris

Ruel nods as he re-reads the note. It would seem harmless to a casual glance, another letter from one of his mother’s ‘devoted admirers’. A renowned actress and renowned among men for other reasons as well, it should only stand out to her. The reference to his father’s last name would stand out like a sore thumb to her, but most prying eyes at the Phiarlan compound would think nothing of it.

Lifting his gaze Ruel smiles ingratiatingly. “Mara, I know this is a big favor to ask, but could you have this delivered right away? We had a bit of a fight and I feel really bad about it…”

“Oh don’t you worry about a thing, I’ll see it’s in her hands before the passing of the hour. So Ruel, is there any chance of a woman in your life? You need to settle down, its about time you started a family…”

Ruel thinks that over a moment. Elaydren is a member of House Cannith, nothing is happening there, he is among a gaggle of Lyranders, in fact the only one onboard the Liralen who seems available to him is Kashandi. He has to repress a derisive snort.

“Not yet, Mara, not yet.”

Ruel leaves and picks a meandering course through the streets of Fairhaven. As much as his relationship with his mother has been strained in recent months, she’s the only one he can really trust among his House. But he cannot tell even her everything.


A worn cloak once again hides Ruel’s glammerweave clothing, and he could pass for any poor face at The Riverside Inn. A bowl of thick soup and a mug of ale sit nearly untouched before him as his eyes dart around the inn, examining each patron for the tenth time. A glance out the window shows the sun nearly submerged beneath the mountains. Doubts eat at the wizard. She could be out of town or she could have not read the note yet. Perhaps he should not be doing this at all… he wrestles with the idea of standing up to leave, when he sees another figure shuffle slowly into the inn.

If it were not his mother and were she not wrapped in one of his father’s old cloaks, he would not have recognized her. In one of her most popular performances she played a woman who dressed as a man to learn more about a man that she had fallen in love with. Now she had applied similar mannerisms, makeup and hairstyle, which with the concealing cloak, produced an unbelievable disguise. Ruel cannot help but entertain the thought that no one else here knew they were being treated to a caliber of performance that most would have to pay over a year’s wages to see on the stage. Ruel settles back down in his seat and takes half-hearted sips of his soup while she slowly makes her way to his table and sits down across from him heavily. They lock eyes for several long moments before Ishesethe speaks, her voice thick and not with an attempt to conceal her gender.

“Its good… very good to see you again. Your grandfather got the request for information from the Lyranders, he took care of it but I didn’t hear much else. Your working on an airship now?”

Before he can respond, a waitress comes to take their order. Ruel orders the same thing that he has for his mother, bread and soup, while she makes a show of studying the wall. The waitress takes the order and moves off to the kitchen without a second glance. Briefly, Ruel scans the inn one more time. No one seems to be paying them any attention.

“Yes. Mother, do you remember Paramyx? He knew I was in Stormhome as soon as I arrived.”

“Paramyx? Paramyx... yes I remember.” Her expression clouds.

“He knew whom I was and what I was trying to do before a day had passed! How did that happen?” Ruel’s words come out as more of an accusation than he intends.

Ishesethe reaches a hand out for Ruel’s but he jerks it away, nearly knocking over his ale. A few patrons glance their way and conscious of that, she scoops up her own ale and drinks a little from it while her eyes fix on her sons. She speaks quietly when she lowers her drink.

“Ythilus was discreet Ruel. I don’t know how they knew what you were doing. We took every precaution, but the eyes of our House are many and some of them are turned inwards. I was not happy that you left the way you did, but I think you were right to do it. Why don’t you tell me everything that’s happened?” She smiles sadly. “I would like to know what my son has been doing for the past month and a half.”

Ruel deflates with a slow breath, and gradualy starts relating everything that has happened to him since leaving Fairhaven, with some small but notable exceptions. As he finishes, his mother smiles softly.

“You remind me of your father Ruel, I’m proud of you.” She sighs slowly and glances behind her. “I cannot linger any longer. I want you to contact me in three weeks Ruel, I want you to use the south side sending stone in Lathleer, I have a friend there, her name is Melindra Tanner. Will you do this for me?“

Ruel’s nod is hesitant, but he reaches out and squeezes her hand. Her smile is tight as he let’s go and she rises to leave. Ruel makes a quick series of gestures and mutters a distinct arcane phrase as she turns and slowly ambles out the door, the gestures and arcane phrases disguised in pitch, tone and motion to look like nothing more than grumbling murmurs and restless shifting in his chair.

As the Message spell takes effect, Ruel whispers into his mug. “Did you like the flowers?”

Her voice is clear as day in his ears alone as she replies. “Oh yes, very much so. Ruel, do not forget your heritage. And stay safe, please be very careful.”

Ruel ponders her last remarks while leaving payment on the table for their untouched meal, like so many remarks from his extended family, it could mean any number of things. A few minutes later, he too rises and walks out the door. Starting down the road towards the dock, he sees a shadowy figure making a quick gesture, as if to throw something his direction. Reacting quicker he turns and casts a Grease spell under the figure, while running behind a stacked pair of crates. He hears a muffled curse, a female voice he cannot quite place and feels a dagger sail less than a foot over his head and lodge in the wood above him. Quickly he yanks the dagger free and turns to sprint down an alley to a busier street, ducking behind foot traffic and weaving his way towards the docks, and the safety of the Liralen.


Ruel turns the dagger over in his hands. The quality of the dagger is very high and the distinctive pattern on the handle mark its owner clearly. His sister Cailya. He has seen her practicing throwing it more times than he could count. His mind racing, he remembers his still active Message spell, whispering “Mother, are you safe?”

“Yes dear, why?”

“Where is Cailya?”

“I don’t know, I think she is at home, why?”

“I’is nothing, never mind.”

“Don’t lie to me Ruel, what happened?”

“How does she always know?” Ruel thinks to himself, and then whispers aloud, “Cailya, she just attacked me. She threw a dagger at me but missed, is she still spending a lot of time with Dysinth?”

“Oh, well are you sure she wasn’t just trying to scare you? You know she does that and she usually hits what she aim...”

“No, mother, this was serious, do you know why Cailya would try and kill me …Mother? Mother!”
Ruel curses, the spell must have expired. He suddenly jabs Cailya’s dagger into the crate behind him. “Mothers!” His sudden shout causes a few passerbies to jump. His thoughts whirl, but he yanks the dagger free and hurries back towards the airship. Home is no longer safe for him, now more than ever he is certain of that.


First Post
So Ruel is of House Phiarlan... It will be interesting to learn why he had to leave, and why his sister is apparently intent on killing him.


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Update #14: Reunion at the Docks

Elisa fiddles with the gold in her pouch. So far, working in the employee of House Lyrander has been very profitable. Fortunato had concocted the idea to sample several dishes of local Fairhaven cuisine, and invited herself and Dox along. Loki was busy loading cargo on the ship, as was Alexandre. Audric had elected not to join them and none of them were sure exactly where Ruel went off to.

Fortunato had taken them to several inns and restaurants, ordered several dishes and tasted each one. He then passed them to herself and Dox, and declared the virtues or ills of each dish while the two of them ate. They all tasted good to her but Fortunato, she imagines, was designed and built to be a finely tuned, flavor distinguishing man-machine.

It’s still weird having a warforged cooking their meals.

Dox spots Ruel returning to the dock and waves him over. The wizard joins them, and she stares hard at him. It looks like he has been running. He’s sweating and, for a wizard, he’s in pretty decent shape, so that would not come just from walking around. Either that or he’s nervous. Dox opens his mouth tospeak, but before he can Ruel takes some money and shoves it into his hands, than her own and Fortunato’s.

“From the items we recovered. I could not get as good a price as I had hoped, but I still got a decent deal, I assure you.” She barely hears him, she’s counting the gold and silver he shoved in her hands.

“If this keeps up, maybe I’ll be able to buy a better sword. Or maybe have this one enchanted…” She thinks as she claps her scabbard fondly and smiles. “Very good pay.”

“Help!” A distressed shout from a familiar voice draws all their attention. It takes a moment for Elisa to recognize Elaydren running towards them. She’s used to seeing her in one of her formal gowns, but she’s in far more casual clothing now. And she’s bleeding from the arm. And being pursued by four kobolds!

As Elisa watches, Elaydren jumps out of the way of a clumsy attempt to grab her from one kobold, while whirling away from a spear thrust at her by another. She sprints towards them and runs behind Dox, struggling for breath she blurts out, “I’m very glad to see you all here!”

Dox, briefly looking torn between twin desires to protect their employer or retreat behind cover, draws his bow and fires at the lead kobold. The arrow sails over the kobold’s head, who points his spear at him and yips excitedly. Cursing quietly, he takes a few steps back, apologizing hastily to Elaydren as he bumps into her.

Elisa has her blade free in an instant and gripped in both hands as she moves to intercept that same kobold. Her teeth grit together and her vision tinges red as she focuses intently at that kobold, focusing all her anger and channeling it into an intense rage. Her blade comes down in a perfect arc, splitting the kobolds head, chest and torso in two and nearly getting stuck in the dock beneath the unfortunate creature. She yanks the weapon free and turns her attention to the remaining three kobolds, suddenly looking a great deal more nervous.

From around a corner, a warforged arrives with sword and shield in hand. It looks at her and the kobolds and yells out “Weak Flesh!” while running towards the fray. Whether it means her, the kobolds, or her friends behind her, it didn’t really matter to Elisa, she itches to break it with her greatsword. But the warforged’s arrival does encourage the kobolds to fight her, though not very well, as she deflects each of their timid stabs with powerful strikes from her sword. In her haste to remove a kobold’s head from shoulders, her blade slashes too high and she has to struggle to yank the weapon free from the side of a wooden outbuilding while they regroup.

Behind her, Fortunato moves into view, drawing sword and shield. The warforged turns its attention to him and charges into the cook, penetrating his guard and savagely hacking into his armored form, while Fortunato’s answering strike is deflected off of its shield. A moment later, in a burst of bright light a giant beetle appears behind one of the kobolds and lashes at it with its mandibles, but the agile creature dodges the strike. A pool of Grease forms under another kobold and the warforged, and both lose their balance on the slick substance. Elisa barely heard Ruel’s incanting from behind her, but it is apparent the wizard has been busy.

Dox shoots an arrow that lodges in the thigh of one of the two kobolds still on their feet, but Elisa has no intention of letting either of the two keep standing. Focusing just enough through her battle rage to attack when one of the kobolds is distracted by the beetle, she cuts clean through the gut of that kobold and into the one next to it. Both slump over dead as she yanks her greatsword free.

Fortunato strikes at the opposing warforged as he struggles to his feet from the Grease, hitting it but barely damaging it, as the warforged’s plating seems as tough as Fortunato’s. A second strike is deflected off the construct’s blade. The kobold on the ground beneath her manages to both roll away from the beetle’s second strike and thrust his spear up into her leg from the ground. Elisa briefly admires the skill and surprising courage of the kobold before ending the creature’s life. The beetle disappears as quickly as it arrived in a brief puff of sweet-smelling smoke.

There are no more opponents to kill immediately beside her. Ruel is trying to convince the opposing Warforged to back off, and surprisingly, he almost seems to be listening to the entertainer. As he and Fortunato trade blows, however, Ruel grumbles something about a Charm spell not going to do any good now and he loads his crossbow while Dox ‘safeguards’ Elaydren. Elisa remembers very well when she and Ruel last fought together on a different dock, and waits until the Grease spell dissipates before maneuvering behind the warforged and slamming her blade home, rending into the warforged’s internals. From a short distance away, Ruel shoots a small ball of acid at the warforged, further dissolving into its metal skin. The living construct tries to strike at her, but is unable to break her guard while also deflecting Fortunato’s attack. Elisa’s answering strike easily breaks through its own guard, however, and the warforged is broken beyond any repairing by the thunderous blow.

Moments later, her battle rage clears and a familiar, almost pleasant feeling of fatigue seeps into her. She winces as she feels the wound in her leg screaming across her nerves for the first time and leans against her greatsword, still lodged in the warforged. The rest are staring at her. She smiles at them.

“Wow!” Dox says at last, looking back and forth from the warforged to the kobolds. “You killed them all!”

She shrugs and then yanks her weapon free. Wrapping an arm around Fortunato’s broad shoulders, she tugs him along with her back towards the Liralen. “Come on Fortunato, let’s go get fixed up. You too Elaydren, let’s get that arm looked at.” Both women and the cook move on-ship, heading for the healer’s quarters.

Ruel and Dox watch them a moment, then look at the corpses strewn around them. They share a look, then smile and set to recovering whatever valuables they can find from the mangled corpses.


First Post
“Come on Fortunato, let’s go get fixed up. You too Elaydren, let’s get that arm looked at.” Both women and the cook move on-ship, heading for the healer’s quarters.

They didn't bother looting, or at least making sure they would get part of the loot, before going off? What kind of adventurers are they? *shakes head*

Voidrunner's Codex

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