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Adventure in the Open Skies: The Liralen Irregulars (Eberron, Updated 5/10)


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Update #42: A Missing Cook and a Search Abruptly Ends

Sasha Larkana looks over the back page of the Sharn Inquisitive, reflecting on her task as she patiently sits in the back of a skycoach making slow progress skyward. She is fortunate that she is attempting to find Fortunato for two reasons. First, a warforged cook should be easily distinguished – even in Sharn and even though she has never met the living construct. Second the back page of the Inquisitive has an exhaustive review of Sharn’s fine dining establishments. From what she understands of Fortunato, it is very likely he will have attempted to either sample or look for employment from these restaurants. Therefore, she has a clear path to follow.

Her reverie is interrupted as her skycoach suddenly lurches to the side. Thrown against the window of her coach, she sees a ramshackle coach plummeting precipitously down the side of a tower. Curiously, she is fairly certain she can hear familiar hollering and hooting coming from the descending vehicle…

“Maniac!” her driver curses, struggling to reorient his controls. It is a long time before Sasha reaches her destination – the Skyway. The district hovers completely disconnected from the towers beneath it, the floating crown of Sharn’s architecture. As she disembarks, Sasha finds her steps light and the weight of her armor lessened – the atmosphere is somehow more buoyant at this high point of the city.

Immediately, the cleric notes that wealth flows freely in this part of Sharn. Well-dressed individuals stroll clean and well-paved lanes. The district is well-marked with colorful signage pointing out prominent locations, and stores display lavish wares of every sort. She cannot resist the bitter thought that a fraction of the wealth of this district would improve and save lives immeasurably in Fallen.

Pushing aside the thought, she pays her driver three silver pieces and disembarks, then consults her restaurant guide. The Azure Gateway Restaurant is listed first, and she elects to make that her first stop.

The restaurant is sculpted out of glass and metal and raised to provide a panoramic view of the skyway and the countryside beyond. When Sasha steps inside a hostess in a soft blue uniform smiles pleasantly, “Good evening miss, table for one?”

“No, thank you,” Sasha responds amiably. “I am looking for someone, actually. A warforged, who would have been interested in dining or possibly employment. It would have been traveling alone…”

“Oh,” the woman responds. Her expression falters briefly from its smile. “Yes. I remember. We turned it away.”

“May I ask why?” Sasha asks.

“It was alone, not escorting anyone,” the woman shrugs. “I thought it was some sort of joke or mischief. Are you looking for him for an investigation of some kind?”

Sasha doesn’t answer her question, “Do you know where it went afterwards?”

“I’m afraid not miss.”

“When was this?” Sasha persists.

“A few days ago, I don’t remember exactly.”

“Thank you,” Sasha turns and exits the restaurant. The next restaurant on her list is the Celestial Vista, a few blocks down the street, and it doesn’t take her long to find it. The building is made of stone, but when she enters she can see that skylights made of colorful glass are interspersed on the ceiling at several points. The colorful atmosphere is pleasing, and a male half-elf in a formal uniform greets her politely, “May I help you, miss?”

“Yes, thank you. I am looking for a warforged who was looking either for a job or to dine here, have you seen anyone like that?”

The man looks thoughtful, “Not myself, but I remember hearing about it. I think he had an interview with our head chef.”

Sasha brightens, “May I speak with your head chef?”

The man considers, “I’m afraid he is very busy at the moment. I can ask him, but it will likely be a bit of a wait. I do apologize, but it is the dinner hour.”

Sasha nods, “I understand. Perhaps I could have dinner here in the meantime?”

The man smiles, “Certainly, this way miss.”

The host conducts Sasha to a table and leaves her with a menu. The cleric’s eyes widen as she scans the list of prices for the full ten course meal on the menu.

A waitress appears promptly at her side to take her order. “Soup and a glass of water, please.” Sasha hands the waitress the menu, and she manages to mostly conceal her disappointment - she is unlikely to get a good tip.

Sasha has finished her soup and is enjoying the subtle play of light in the room as the day turns to dusk through the colored skylights when a man in a stained, but formal chef’s uniform sits across from her. “You were asking about the warforged cook? Fortunato?” he asks.

“Yes, I am trying to find him, and offer him a job. Did you hire him here?” Sasha asks.

“No, I didn’t,” the man sighs. “It’s not a bad cook. Still needs some work – it made some interesting dishes for me to sample, but the flavors didn’t blend properly. I think it must be difficult for it to understand what is too strong of a seasoning for pallets like yours and mine.”

Sasha nods, “Did it mention where it was staying, or where it might go next?”

The chef shakes his head, “I’m afraid not, it seemed disappointed – but it probably tried other restaurants. I don’t think it would have had much luck in the Skyway.”

Sasha sighs but smiles, “Thank you. I appreciate your taking the time to talk to me.”

The chef nods, and then departs back for the kitchen. Sasha settles her bill, leaving a generous tip for her server.

Sasha next makes her way to the Cloud Dragon. Its architecture is in soft rolling grays, inscribed with laconic dragon shapes. It’s a pretty building, but the host inside is unpleasant when she brings up the matter of the warforged cook.

“It didn’t have a membership card, so I turned it away. Then, it had the gall to ask for a membership! I told it to go to the Warforged Rights Movement. That got rid of it, at least,” the man tersely explains.

Sasha frowns softly, “If I wanted to buy a membership, where might I go to find one?”

“Oh, I can sell you a membership miss,” the man answers, immediately more pleasant. “Twenty gold for a years membership. No guests, they need their own cards and there is a dress code but you would have no trouble with that,” the man indicates Sasha’s glammerweave vestments with a casual gesture.

Sasha struggles to keep her expression neutral. The blatant display of bias has her taken aback. Still she manages to keep answer curtly, “Another time, perhaps.” Leaving the restaurant, she reconsiders her plans. There are a great many restaurants in Sharn and there is no guarantee any of them actually hired Fortunato. She considers that it might be easier if she arranged it so Fortunato finds her. Hailing down a skycoach, she directs it to the office of the Sharn Inquisitive, tossing her own copy of the paper in a nearby waste bin before leaving.


“I’m sorry miss, but the next issue won’t be published for another three days,” the night clerk does seem sincerely apologetic to the beautiful, if severe cleric.

“That’s too long for what I need,” Sasha sighs. An advertisement in the paper had seemed like the perfect solution to get a message to Fortunato, but she had less than two days – certainly not three to contact it. The man smiles sadly in sympathy. She considers a moment and then asks, “Is there a ‘Warforged Rights Movement’ in Sharn?”

“Is there!” the man laughs. “You haven’t been reading the Inquisitive much lately, have you?”

“Ah – no, I’m sorry I haven’t had the chance,” Sasha apologizes.

“Well, that’s alright. We’ve been running a story about a Jack-in-Irons, some sort of warforged poltergeist haunting the bowels of Sharn. It’s murdered a pair of Warforged – torn them apart really, and no one knows how. Our reporters interviewed several ‘forged at Right’s Movement headquarters in the city. So yeah – there’s a movement alright,” the man explains.

Sasha brightens, “Do you know where I could find them?”

The man considers Sasha for a moment. Sasha beams a pleasant smile. Oh why not…

“I probably shouldn’t, but here’s a list of all the locations we know about. It’s supposed to be for field reporters, but we have several copies. And the story is pretty dry so…” the man shrugs and hands a piece of parchment to Sasha.

“Thank you!” Sasha’s bright smile dispels any lingering concerns the clerk has about the minor violation in protocol. He watches her leave with a slow sigh. “Why can’t more of them look like that?” he murmurs as she exits.

Sasha visits several Warforged Rights chapterhouses in the upper parts of the city. She finds that though they are active politically, they largely serve as meeting places for the living constructs to meet and converse. It is somewhat unnerving walking into these chapterhouses – the metal and wood stares of the living constructs initially seem cold and unfriendly. Some of them most likely are, but those who approach her are pleasant when she explains herself and something else. Relieved, she decides eventually. It would seem that when non-warforged enter, it is often to cause trouble.

“Yes, I remember Fortunato,” a construct nods, his frame laced with a shining silvery material. “I suggested several restaurants to him that might be open to his services.”

“Can you tell me which ones? It’s really important I speak to him, the job I’m offering won’t be available for very long,” she explains.

The warforged considers, “I do not remember exactly. The warforged had a list from the newspaper, and I circled some for him. Do you have a copy? That might help my memory.”

Sasha winces. She just threw it away! “No, I don’t.”

The warforged makes a grating noise within its mouth, a sound Sasha realizes indicates it is thinking, “Honestly, most of the restaurants were in the lower parts of the city. You might try there. Or try some of the chapterhouses there; you might have better luck finding him. Be careful though, some of the lower districts are dangerous.”

“I’ll do that, thank you,” Sasha turns to leave, but pauses and smiles back at the ‘forged. “Let me just say, I’m impressed with what you do here.”

“Thank you,” the warforged’s expression doesn’t change, but its tone indicates its pleasure. “Good night.”

Sasha decides against searching the lower districts at night. She returns to Lyrandar Tower and takes her rest immediately, intent on an early start in the morning. When she does awaken, she leaves a brief note on her door indicating where she will be and swiftly hails down a skycoach.

The lower reaches of Sharn are not entirely safe and that includes the Cogs district where she is headed – Sasha knows this, which is why she is fully armed and armored. Traveling with other members of the Irregulars seemed an unnecessary and wasteful proposition, considering how strapped for time she is. However, after she becomes well and truly lost and several shifty humanoid eyes begin to mark her progress, she begins to doubt the wisdom of her actions.

She doesn’t falter, however, continuing with a confident stride as if she knew exactly where she was going. Unfortunately, this only works until four goblins and a pair of bugbears step in front of her path.

“Where you goin’ girlie?” one of the goblins cackles, casually hefting a barbed metal mallet over his shoulder.

“That is no business of yours,” Sasha says sternly. Her hand falls to the hilt of her longsword at her hip. The group of goblinoids glowers as they consider just how easy a mark the cleric will be.

Which is when a heavy hand grips her shoulder…

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Micah makes a lot of beautiful maps & handouts for our games. Attached is an example of one - the restaurant guide Sasha used in her search. Sharn is a complicated city and it certainly helped her keep track of what was where.


  • Restaurant Guide sm.jpg
    Restaurant Guide sm.jpg
    436.8 KB · Views: 274


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My stretch of employment in the newspaper ad office paid off I guess. :heh:
Much of that handout works with Sharn City of Towers if I remember right I had some funky way of knowing what page of the book the restaurant was on for referencing - I think maybe something to do with the addresses. It wasn't the first time we'd used the Inquisitor as a handout. I think we used the front page when we got done with the Whitehearth run to list possible adventures in Sharn. It was a fun way to set up the options.

For a crew travelling on an airship there are going to be cities that the Irregulars see multiple times. Both Sharn and Stormhome will likely see more action as ports of call. (OK - I know that Sharn sees more. . . .) The nice thing is that both of these areas are already fairly detailed. We have PCs who've called those places home and have a lot of background stories, npcs, and familiar locations to work with. . . . not to mention a few enemies in the wings. :cool:

Thanks for the updates PhoenixAsh! Looking forward to more!


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Update #43: A Difficult Search

Ruel steps out from his skycoach at Morgrave University, and hands his driver three silver pieces for his fare. The sun hangs low in the sky, but not too low – he still has enough daylight to work with to find the Jorascos. Thankfully, he also has some acquaintance with Morgrave University, having been there before in his search for information about Sythriel. Therefore, he knows right where the information desk is to begin his current search. There is a small line, but he waits patiently for his turn.

“I am looking for Vijaya d’Jorasco. She should be attending some conferences on the healing arts here, would you have any information on where I could find her?” he asks amiably.

The young woman behind the counter – probably a student herself – looks through some paperwork. “Let’s see, I know there are some conferences going on right now… here we go. Vijaya d’Jorasco you said? She’s presenting, right now actually. Conference room 11B, take those stairs to the fifth floor, go right to the end of the hall.”

“Thank you,” Ruel nods and heads in the indicated direction. ‘I do not know why Alexandre thought this would be so difficult.’

Ruel no sooner reaches the conference room then finds Grelyn, Vijaya’s son, looking quite bored on a bench outside the conference room. The boy brightens on seeing him, “Ruel! Hi!”

“Hi Grelyn, is your mother inside?” Ruel smiles.

“Yeah. Gods this is boring. I miss the airship, but I guess that’s over and done with, huh?” the boy slouches on the bench.

“Perhaps not, actually. That is what I have come to speak to your mother about,” Ruel replies.

“Really!? Yes!” Grelyn springs to his feet and grabs the wizard’s arm. “You gotta convince her to go, and let me go! I hate these boring lectures!”

“That is my intention,” Ruel laughs and pries himself free from the lad’s grasp. “Let me talk to her.”

Ruel enters the conference room, but is obliged to wait several minutes for Vijaya to finish her lecture. He notes with amusement that Vijaya is presenting on healing techniques and theories in the environment of the Mournlands. He finds it interesting enough to be diverting.

When she finishes he approaches her behind a small throng of curious students and academics. When Vijaya notices him, however, she steers him aside so they can speak.

“It’s nice to see you Ruel, can I help you with anything?”

“Actually, I have come from Ravien to offer you and your son your places back onboard the Liralen. We have come across a way to salvage the ship’s ability to do business,” he explains.

“I see,” Vijaya considers. “When will the ship be departing?”

“Tomorrow, actually. At mid-afternoon, sooner if possible.”

Vijaya shakes her head, “No, I’m afraid not Ruel. I’ve promised to give several more lectures over the next few weeks and I cannot go back on that.”

Ruel smiles understandingly. Really, getting a healer like Vijaya onboard is not a high priority with Sasha present. Still… “Of course. But what about your son?”

“What about Grelyn?” she replies.

“It seems to me he is eager to rejoin the Liralen,” he points out.

She sighs, “You told him about this already.”

Ruel has the grace to look apologetic, “I did not know to withhold the information from him. However, I would point out that roaming Morgrave’s hallways hardly seems like a good activity for him. Aboard the Liralen he would have guidance and supervision and honestly, I think he would learn and retain a lot more about your craft.”

Vijaya considers the wizard’s words. Ruel has always been convincing, but she is still troubled by the idea, “I take it this haste has a reason. I’ll bet that reason is dangerous.”

Ruel has to acknowledge this, “Yes, the mission will be dangerous. However, not for those aboard ship, only for those of us with… irregular duty.”

Vijaya sighs, “You can’t know that for sure.”

Ruel shrugs gently, “It is your decision.”

Vijaya considers for a time, interrupted briefly by a professor complimenting her on the lecture. But she does acquiesce. “Alright Ruel. But I want your word. No… away missions for Grelyn. I want him safely aboard ship at all times. I’m going to write you a letter and I want you to make sure Ravien sees it. I think I may speak to him myself also.”

Ruel nods, “Agreed.” He waits patiently for Vijaya to quickly draft a letter for Ravien, takes it and excuses himself. Leaving the University he flags down another skycoach. With the matter of the Jorascos settled, the next task he should be doing is locating Kashandi…

“I am feeling in the mood for something spicy for dinner. Take me to the Lava Pit,” he announces to the driver, stretching out in the back of the conveyance.

“I can get you close, but not right there. Districts low, you’ll have a little walk,” the driver answers gruffly.

“That is acceptable,” Ruel smiles and closes his eyes.

The Cogs are not a very pleasant district, but the Lava Pit restaurant is still a relatively safe destination, and so Ruel enjoys a pleasant, if stimulating, spicy dinner. He asks briefly about Fortunato, but no one he talks to has seen him. Unfortunately the hour is quite late by the time he makes it back to Lyrandar Tower and leaves the note with Ravien. He decides to go to sleep now, and see what the morning will bring.


It turns out the morning brings an early visitor, interrupting his morning meditations. Bidding the visitor entrance, he finds it is Errol, the ships cabin boy. Ruel had spoken to Errol and Fendrik in the Lyrandar Tower before going to Morgrave yesterday, and both were quite agreeable to rejoin the ship. Errol’s visit comes as a surprise.

“Ruel, can you help me with something?”

“Is Fendrik with you?” The bo’sun had agreed to watch over Errol while others were occupied.

“No, he said I should ‘bother’ you about this,” the shifter boy flinches uncomfortably.

“No bother, Errol. What seems to be the problem?”

“I… uh want to get a pet, see. And I was, uh, kinda hoping you could help me decide what to get,” Errol looks at his feet while answering.

Ruel smiles, “Certainly. Let me finish my meditations and I will assist you. Feel free to play with Fredrick.”

Ruel’s familiar and the Liralen’s cabin boy play an amusing game of hide and seek until Ruel is ready to go.

“Now, I am in a bit of a hurry, you understand. So we need to be as quick as possible, alright?” Ruel explains as they head out into the early morning. Errol nods quickly and starts off towards the pet shop. The wizard’s admonishment is well-heeded and Ruel must jog at some points to keep up with the boy, who scurries through the crowd easily.

The pet shop is a riot of animal noises, but the shopkeeper is obviously familiar with Errol. The shifter soon points out the animals he has narrowed down towards being his pet (or pets):

-A litter of jumping rambunctious puppies (“I could buy three of them!” Errol exclaims.)
-A huge orange and red monstrosity of a toad. (“This fine specimen used to a familiar to a great wizard!” the shopkeeper pronounces grandly)
-A beautiful hawk with silver-tip wings.

Ruel considers the toad. He is something of an expert on magical beasts, which all familiars are. And the toad is no more magical beast than Errol is! “I would recommend the hawk, my boy,” he advises gently. Errol is easily convinced, and with the purchase made exits the shop with hawk in hand in a metal cage, along with a squirming container of live mice.

“Where to now Ruel?” Errol seems to be eager to help. Ruel considers – the boy knows the streets, but…

“Let us show it to Grelyn, he has probably arrived by now. And then… the pair of you can help Audric,” Ruel decides. Errol brightens and just as quickly as they left, they are back at Lyrandar Tower. After extracting himself from the boys (Grelyn had just arrived), Ruel takes stock of who has arrived and who has not.

The ship’s second mate, Travyl d’Lyrandar, is available and has kept track of who has checked in.

“Well, all the officers are here… except Aloysius. Levic showed up yesterday and has been helping out all night. Oliver d’Sivis is here, Grelyn, Errol and Fendrik you know about. Tamblyn and Gemma showed up.” Travyl points out Gemma’s griffon taking exercise above the Liralen, but Maddy and Kyrjet couldn’t be found at the addresses they left. Oh, Redbeard just checked in too. Cynde’s messenger left her the note, but she hasn’t arrived yet.”

Ruel nods and considers, “No word on Fortunato then. Very well, I am confident Sasha will find our cook. The matter of Kyrjet and Maddy is concerning. Since Alexandre has found Redbeard, could you ask him to try and locate Maddy if you see him? I will be looking into Kyrjet.”

Travyl nods and Ruel makes haste to depart for the Sunrise district in Tavick’s Landing. ‘No sign of Kashandi either, what a shame… surely a good sword arm is more important!’

Tavick’s Landing is a gated community, and Ruel is obliged to turn over his weapons at the gate before entering – hardly an inconvenience. When he arrives at Sea Ray Tower, which Kyrjet left as his forwarding address he immediately learns why the messenger couldn’t find him – the address is listed as #333, and the tower’s addresses only go to #33! Ruel asks around at the tower, but none of its residents know of Kyrjet nor can they explain the discrepancy, so Ruel returns to Lyrandar Tower.

When he comes back, he learns firsthand that Cynde d’Lyrandar has arrived. The scullery maid quickly approaches Ruel. “Hi Ruel, did you let Kashandi know about all this? I know where she’s working, if you haven’t.”

Ruel inwardly groans, “We have not found her yet, no.”

“Oh,” Cynde frowns. “Well, she’s working at the Starfire Dragon, in Smoky Towers…”

“I see. I had best find her then,” Ruel replies tightly. “If you see Sasha or Alexandre, please let them know. Oh, and also see if they can try and find Kyrjet, he gave the wrong address.”

Cynde nods brightly. Ruel turns away and permits himself a scowl. ‘Alexandre was right. This is… difficult.’


First Post
It's not as easy as it looks. These sessions were awesome. Like having the copy of the "only map" :cool:(This was part of Zanders back story I wanted to give the DMs stuff to work with, and I was very surprised when Zander had the map it was like an assest on a slam dunk . Our DMs love to reward creativity :D ) This then started what was a frenzy of activeity, inclueding racing around the city with my mate,and long lost friend One Eye Jack ;) .


First Post
It's not as easy as it looks. These sessions were awesome. Like having the copy of the "only map" :cool:(This was part of Zanders back story, I wanted to give the DMs stuff to work with, and I was very surprised when Zander had the map; it was like an assist on a slam dunk . Our DMs love to reward creativity :D ) This then started what was a frenzy of activity, including racing around the city with my mate, and long lost friend One Eye Jack ;) .


First Post

PhoenixAsh said:
the next task he should be doing is locating Kashandi…

“I am feeling in the mood for something spicy for dinner. Take me to the Lava Pit,”
That made me laugh!

One of our goals in getting away from pre-written modules was to see if we could build sessions to tie into the PC's backgrounds and development. Alexandre had "inherited" a thinblade and mapcase in his backstory. It became an easy plot-hook to start off an adventure. Alexandre's map bore a startling likeness to the old "Isle of Dread" map. Because we had it around and it's a good map, we used it rather than re-inventing the wheel.


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Update #44: Brief Success

Dox looks over the food and drink supplies stored in the hold. It seems like enough to him. Really he’s not sure why he’s stuck moving crates and barrels around, he’s a bartender not a deckhand…

He is interrupted by Redbeard and Travyl. “Dox, would you find Alexandre and let him know that he needs to find Maddy Tregar? Oh, and help him out, your dismissed. Redbeard, take over.”

The impassive Redbeard nods and Dox smiles up at the man and pats him on the shoulder as he exits the hold, “Good to have you back!”

Alexandre isn’t hard to find, the deckhand watches the progress onboard the Liralen with a satisfied smirk. Dox moves next to him, “Travyl says we gotta find Maddy.”

Alxandre groans, “Arrgh! Do you know how much good time and money I’ve spent finding Redbeard?!”

Dox shrugs, “Well finding Maddy can’t be that hard. She’s a griffon-rider! Even in a city this big there can’t be that many places to hide a griffon. Come on, let’s ask Gemma, she should know.”

The Liralen’s other griffon-rider confirms Dox’s theory: there aren’t a lot of places to stable a griffon in Sharn. Since Daggerwatch Garrison (her listed address) is out, and Stormwind Keep (Gemma’s address) is also out, it narrows it down to the Platinum Heights.

“Come on!” Dox encourages. The pair find a skycoach and Dox pays three silver to have the man take them to Platinum Heights. Above the district they actually spot Maddy – flying on her griffon! “Follow that griffon!” Alexandre enjoins, and the driver does. They land in an open building that houses a small variety of large flying animals – pegasi and giant owls as well as griffons. They find Maddy stabling her griffon.

“Maddy!” Dox exclaims. “Want to work on the Liralen again?”

Maddy blinks at the pair, but shrugs, “Okay.”


Sasha tries to draw her longsword, but another strong hand closes around her wrist. It’s then that she notices the hand is metal – with only three large fingers. A warforged.

“This woman is in my company, I suggest you disperse,” the warforged intones flatly, directed at the goblinoids. Reluctantly, they do leave, deciding the odds are no longer in their favor.

The warforged releases her and Sasha turns to face it. The warforged has a heavy, solid look – its chassis a dull, heavy gray, likely adamantine. A heavy shield is strapped to its back, as well as a battle axe. “I’m Hash, I’m sorry if I startled you.”

Sasha smiles at Hash, letting relief wash into her expression, “You did startle me, but don’t apologize. Thank you for helping me.”

Hash nods, “We should get off the street. There’s an inn, the Red Hammer, a few blocks from here. Will you accompany me?”

Sasha nods and the pair head off. Hash explains that he is attempting to join the city guard, and the Red Hammer is providing him a residence while they consider his application. He then inquires into her business in the Cogs.

“I am trying to find a Waforged cook, his name is Fortunato,” she explains.

“Ahh – Fortunato,” Hash nods.

“You’ve met him?” Sasha asks, wide-eyed.

“Yes… why do you ask?”

“I need to give him a message, a job offer, but it will expire if I don’t find him soon.”

“I see. I should take you to him then, he is staying at the Hammer,” Hash answers evenly.


Fortunato examines the food he purchased from a street vendor – meat, cheese, and chopped vegetables wrapped up in unleavened bread, fried. He holds it up to his mouth and ascertains its scent – bland. He opens it slightly and prods the contents with one finger. The meat is a poor cut, the vegetables are beginning to turn bad and the cheese doesn’t appear fresh. He puts it inside his mouth and takes a bite. The bread splits at the bottom and the contents spill all over his lap.

He sighs – so many flesh and blood cooks put so little care into their work.

“Fortunato?” a woman’s voice interrupts his taste test.

“Yes?” he turns in his chair, but the woman is already sitting across from him.

“I’m glad I finally found you,” she smiles pleasantly.

Fortunato considers the woman carefully. Many humanoids look very similar to him, but he is certain he would have recognized the rose-etched plate mail, and the glimmering weave of her clothing and… her holy symbol. Dol Arrah, he notes with fascination. “Yes,” he responds finally. “But who are you?”

“Oh, I’m sorry. My name is Sasha Larkana. I recently joined the crew of the Liralen. I met Ruel, and several other members of the crew while they were doing a side-job.”

Fortunato nods. That makes more sense. However… “Perhaps you have not heard, the Liralen is, sadly, no longer in business.”

“It is once again! Ravien’s found a way to get a new wheel that should let the ship be properly controlled. We’ve been trying to get all the crew back together. Would you take your old job back? I’m looking forward to making your acquaintance.

Fortunato looks around slowly, “You are alone.”

Sasha blinks, “Yes…”

The warforged stands, spilling the food that fell on his lap onto the floor, but paying it little attention. “This is a dangerous district. I will escort you out of it, and then you will please take me to Ravien?”

Sasha grins and rises, wrapping her arm around the solid metal arm of the Liralen's cook.


Fortunato and Sasha arrive back at Lyrandar Tower at about the same time as Alexandre and Dox return with Maddy. Sasha, Alexandre and Dox are sharing the results of their searches when Cynde finds them. “Hey! Ruel says you should check on Kyrjet. He hasn’t come in yet and Ruel says his address is wrong.”

Sasha looks at the scullery maid, “Where is Ruel?”

“He’s looking for Kashandi, I told him where she works. I’m just passing word along, I’ve kinda got a lot to pack up…”

Sasha smiles, “Of course. Thank you.” Cynde scampers off.

“Bet that’ll stick in Ruel’s craw!” Dox grins and Alexandre guffaws, slapping his thigh.

Sasha looks at them evenly, “Come along, let’s see to Kyrjet.” Deckhand and bartender smirk as they follow along behind the cleric.


Ruel is not smiling as he enters the Starfire Dragon. He has no trouble locating Kashandi – she is singing and playing her harp for the patrons eating their lunch. Gruffly, he requests a table, one in a corner, which will hopefully keep him out of sight of Kashandi.

No such luck. As the host seats him a catch in the harp music lets him know Kashandi has spotted him. She recovers smoothly enough that it goes mostly unnoticed by everyone else in the restaurant-theatre. Ruel barely pays attention to what he orders to eat and quickly drafts a short note.


We need to talk. Liralen business.


Ruel considers the note briefly, than makes one change:


We need to talk. Liralen business.


Nodding in satisfaction, he folds the note up and hands it to his server as he brings her a drink, “Please give this to your harpist along with my ah- compliments.”

The server nods and winks. Ruel sips his drink and tries to decide for which of them this is going to be more awkward.

Ruel is on dessert before Kashandi finishes, and a short while later flings herself down opposite him in his booth. “What do you want?”

“Nice to see you too, Kashandi,” Ruel replies sarcastically. He cuts off a biting remark quickly, “Just business, like my note stated. The Liralen is going to fly again, and Ravien is extending the offer of everyone’s job back, who wish to take it.”

“What?” Kashandi’s tone softens. “But I thought…”

“Long story. We are flying, limping really, across the country to find an artifact which will allow for proper control and locomotion on an island Alexandre has a map to,” Ruel explains tersely.

Kashandi ignores his tone, “When is this happening?”

“Tomorrow afternoon,” Ruel replies.

“What!? Why didn’t you tell me sooner!” Kashandi almost shouts, rising up from her seat.

“By the gods woman! I did not find out myself until yesterday and you did not exactly leave a forwarding address! Calm yourself!” Ruel hisses.

Kashandi’s anger smothers in an embarrassed flush. She sits back down. “Sorry,” she mutters. “Look, I don’t know… this isn’t a bad job and I hate to just up and leave so quickly…”

Ruel rolls his eyes but holds up his hands, “It is completely your decision Kashandi. If you can make it, come to Lyrandar Tower tomorrow by three. Earlier if possible. If you cannot, I am sure no one will hold it against you.”

Kashandi nods and Ruel places a pair of gold pieces on the table. “I am in a hurry.”

“Right. My break is almost over,” Kashandi sighs.

“Break a leg,” Ruel stands and smirking, moves to depart. Kashandi glares after him.


Sasha, Dox and Alexandre spend some time searching after Kyrjet, but they have no more success than Ruel – no one in or around the building that they speak to have seen the man. When they return to Lyrandar Tower, Ruel awaits them.

“Kashandi has been notified,” the wizard advises evenly.

“Will she come with us?” Sasha questions.

“She declined to say for sure. I let her know when the Liralen is leaving and where to come. I can do no more.”

Sasha observes the wizard carefully, but he seems sincere, so she nods. “We had no luck finding Kyrjet.”

“That is concerning… still, he is the only one left of importance to find. Kyrjet is good with a sword, but I do not know if it is critical we find him,” Ruel considers.

“Why don’t we ask Ravien?” Dox asks.

There is general agreement to the suggestion, and the four Irregulars track down Ravien as swiftly as possible.

Ravien is largely aware of their progress, but listens patiently and nods his approval as his team delivers their report. He frowns as they describe their inability to find Kyrjet. “That does concern me. However, there is a matter of greater urgency I need you four to address. Aloysius, the ship’s first mate, has gone missing. I’ve contacted his family, and it would seem he may have been the victim of foul play.”

The small group of Irregulars visibly deflate – yet another person to track down in the huge city. “Any word on where he might be?” Alexandre asks.

“He was staying with his family in Platinate, in the Upper Menthis. I have the address for you,” Ravien hands a scrap of parchment to Alexandre, who perks up with a clear destination in mind. “He is not there, however. I understand there was an… incident yesterday and he disappeared under strange circumstances while purchasing a weapon. Talk to his family, then see what you can do to find him. Aloysius is first priority.”

“Aye,” Alexandre nods. “Let’s be off mates!”

Sasha doesn’t follow along with the rest behind Alexandre. When they realize she’s not following, they look back questioningly at the cleric. Sasha looks carefully at Alexandre, “Alexandre. Platinate... they say in that district you have to look like you dressed yourself with platinum. You can’t walk in like that. We’ll all have to go without arms as well”

Alexandre looks down at his workman’s clothing and rubs his chin, “I’ve been meaning to find myself a good tailor. Blast!”

Ruel shrugs, “Accompany us as far as you can. It is likely whatever incident afflicted Aloysius didn’t affect him inside that district, we can meet up after speaking with his family.”

Alexandre sighs, “Aye.”

The more sharply dressed Irregulars make their way inside Platinate and to the address Ravien gave them. They have no trouble meeting with Aloysius’ mother, who seems to have been made aware that they would be coming. She is emotionally strained, but holding herself together with an effort of will. “I know my son is alive,” she says immediately.

Sasha nods softly, “I believe you. We’re going to find him. I know it’s hard, but can you tell me exactly what happened when he disappeared?”

She sighs, “I told the watch this, but it’s only been a day, so they say there isn’t much they can do yet. They don’t understand him, he wouldn’t just up and vanish without telling me.”

Sasha nods, “Of course.”

“He was going to buy something. He was going to Wilkenson’s Enchanted Weapons. He didn’t come back. I sent my husband to look for him, but he never made it to the shop. No one there had seen him, and they still had the bolas they made for him.”

Sasha smiles gently, “Thank you, that is very helpful.”

Aloysius’ mother looks at Sasha and trembles with the effort of restraint. In a soft voice, she asks, “You’re a priestess of the Host? Will you pray for my son?”

“One of the Host, yes. Yes, of course,” Sasha steps forward and bends at one knee in front of Aloysius’ mother, resting a hand on her shoulder. Softly, she prays for Dol Arrah and his brothers and sisters of the host to watch over Aloysius. His mother prays fervently with her. Ruel and Dox excuse themselves, and await Sasha in the foyer.

When she finishes the Irregulars meet back up with Alexandre – it is fortunate they have a clear trail to follow, as they barely have a day to find the Liralen’s first mate.


First Post
time is of the essences

Will our heroes solve the mystery of the missing first mate???
Will they make it back to the ship in time?????

what is up with Zanders wardrobe?

Stay tuned for the next installment of the Liralen Irregulars.

Voidrunner's Codex

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