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Adventure: Protection (Mal Malenkirk)


[sblock=Aidan Reed]Aedan is not proficient with the parrying dagger. He won't get the +2 proficiency bonus or the defensive property, even if he was wielding a melee weapon in his primary hand.
However, you don't get any penalties for using an off-hand weapon as opposed to a primary weapon.[/sblock]

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While parrying blows from the swordsman with his primary claws and spear, Sound of Stone uses one of his secondary arms to retrieve a vial from one of his belt pouches, which he quickly quaffs. He then lunges sideways, to fast for the swordsman to follow then sprints forwards bursting into an explosive attack on the swordsman.

Free: draw potion from pack
Minor, drink potion, +10 hp -1surge
Move/Standard: Open the Gates of Battle. Move to Q27 (no OA due to movement technique), Open the Gates of Battle (1d20+5=18, 3d10+5=25) 18 vs reflex, 25 hp damage, +4 from Flurry of Blows - Down!

"Tonight we feast on preyflesh!" he cackles. As the elemental disolves, he ducks down and scoops up a pair of handfuls of its waters. "You, I will drink!"

He draws one handful up to his mouth, and swallows it quickly. The second handful he pours into the now empty flask and quickly stoppers and thrusts it into the pouches on his belt. Turning to the swordman again he points and says, "This one owes me a healing draught. I will take it from his flesh if I need to."

Mal Malenkirk

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OOC: One can assume Aedan would be using a standard dagger. You may not know the rules for proficiency, but Aedan would know that he sucks with a parrying dagger and just use a standard one instead!


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OOC: Annnnd approved.

[sblock=Mal Malenkirk] Thanks for taking the time for the sheet review, I only had one question, Do I actually have to change my stats, or just fix the cost values?

Also why can my con apply to All poison damage?;) kidding.... mostly
PC:Queen(LogicsFate) - L4W Wiki

p.s. shoulda PMed, sorry[/sblock]


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Artemis steps back from the Wyrmling, feeling he successfully irritated the beast. Evidenced from his burns and scratches...

"I'm embarrassed M'lday, I know how you frown on public displays of affection," His eyes flash with a deadly light, but the fire elemental resists the attack.

"But may I bother the lady for a favor? I seem to have this dragon all over my backside..."

[sblock=Darkspiral Aura] Anyone who targets Artemis will trigger Darkspiral aura, 1d6 damage immediate interrupt damage [/sblock]

Movement: Shift to K26
Minor: Warlock's Curse on the Fire Elemental: I26
Standard: Spiteful Glamor: ([8, 4], [7, 4, 5]) Roll Lookup Miss by one! Darn!

Tactics: It would be great to drop the wyrmling who seems capable of damaging multiple members of the "softer" group members all at once. Think Mikara could try to take him out? [/sblock]

[sblock=mini-stats]Atremis Harks- Male Human Hybrid: Warlord/Warlock 1
Status: bloodied
Darkspiral Aura: 1
Initiative: +0, Passive perception: 9, Passive Insight: 9
AC: 16, For: 16, Ref: 17, Will: 16 HP: 3/24, Bloodied: 12, Surge value: 6, Surges/day: 7/7
Speed: 6 squares, Languages: Common, Primordial
AP: 1 Powers: Eldritch Strike, Spiteful Glamor, Furious Smash, Darkspiral Aura, Battlefront Shift, Hammer and Anvil, Inspiring Word, Second Wind , Lead by Example, Sustaining Cloak [/sblock]
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"I'll be there to help you soon, friend Artemis!" Sound of Stone calls out to his friend. "If I survive the next few seconds, I will," he continues quietly.

[sblock=Quick Stats]Sound of Stone, Thri-kreen Monk 1 Speaks in Lime Italics HP12/25 Temp HP 0 ,

+5 AC 17, Fort 13, Reflex 16, Will 13 AP 0, Surges 5/8 Centered Flurry of Blows, Crane's Wings, Five Storms, XXThri-kreen ClawsXX, XXOpen the Gates of BattleXX, XXMasterful SpiralXX,
Special: 2nd wind used, Spiral Stance

Wiki page: PC:SoundofStone (rb780nm) - L4W Wiki


Yishim is jolted out of his attack frenzy by the flames licking his robes. Wait a second... Isn't the hobgoblin just attempting to collect an owed debt? I really should consider the long term implications of the moral hazard I'm supporting through my actions in battle.

Nevertheless, Yishim steps away from the fire elemental and unleashes an illusion which confuses Sinruth. The hobgoblin remains rooted to his spot, unable to understand which way is which. The fires are then quickly quenched.
[sblock=Actions]Take 5 from ongoing fire.
Move: Shift to N24

Standard: Maze of Mirrors centered on O21 Hits Swordsman and Sinruth +7 vs Will on Swordsman P20, Sinruth, Fire elemental O22 (1d20+7=17, 1d20+7=25, 1d20+7=11). No damage, but both are immobilized and take -5 to attack rolls until TENT.

Save vs. Fire (1d20=17)[/sblock][sblock=Yishim Stat Block]Yishim- Male Human Wizard 3
Passive Perception: 14, Passive Insight: 17
AC:18, Fort:13, Reflex:18, Will:17, Resist 10 Force -- Speed:6
HP:20/29, Bloodied:14, Surge Value:7, Surges left:6/6
Initiative +5
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: not used
Powers: Scorching Burst, Chilling Cloud, Phantom Bolt, Shield, Grasping Shadows, Maze of Mirrors, Orb of Deception, Sleep, Orb of Unintended Consequences, Brooch of Shielding[/sblock]


First Post
Whoa there, this is getting out of hand... I'll be right back.
Gils words pour faster than his legs move, and his ghostly form dances away from the flying beast. Kill the wyrm! Nasty flying flilth pile, sleeping in a pile of gold, FILTHIEST THING YOU TOUCH ON A DAILY BASIS! Gold, not dragons, I'll be right back... Working his magic frantically the wizard stepped away at a pace defined as "I'm not running" by many children to lifeguards in the pools of the Imperium.

Turning the corner he stopped, his back slumping against the wall, and breathing deep slow breathes. Muttering soft as a mouse about school spirit and teamwork. Reviewing things his combat coach had told him would save his life during real conflicts.


:blush: Sorry Mal... I'll try to avoid making the same mistake in the future.

Immediate Interrupt; Moonstride, When the Wyrmling moved adjacent to Gilgamesh. Dante Mephisto Gilgamesh became insubstantial, and shifted 2 squares away from the Wyrmling to I23.
Half damage from the Wyrmlings attack, Gil at 13/26, bloodied.

Move, six squares to E21, Stealth 14 after penalty.

Standard, second wind, spend 1 surge, regain 6 hp, +2 defenses TENT. No longer bloodied.

Gil at 19/26 insubstantial wears off, Caustic Rampart wears off, potential ally damage averted.


[sblock=Gil 19/26 -2 HS, at E21, +2 defenses TSNT included, Stealth 14]
Gil Human Hybrid Wizard/Artificer Multiclass Assassin
AC 18 Fort 16 Reflex 19 Will 16
HP 19/26 Surges 5/7 Surge value 6
Passive Insight 17, Passive Perception 17, Normal vision
Second Wind Used, AP total 0, Speed 6, Initiative +7, Languages Common, Draconic
At-will powers; Thundering Armor, Winged Horde, Scorching Burst, Ghost Sound, Light, Prestidigitation, Mage Hand
Encounter powers; Grasping Shadows, Shadow Step, Moonstride, Healing Infusion: Curative or Resistive,Orb Shift
Daily powers; Caustic Rampart



"Sorry flamer. Need to take out sparky." Mikara deftly steps by the clumsy fire elemental and lets two arrows fly at the wyrmling. They strike true, but the dragon seems no worse for wear. In fact, it seems that the arrows are just making it mad.

Mikara shrugs, and turns to face the assailants behind her, "Guys!" she calls over her shoulder, "I'm going to need help with the either the dragon or these two goons," she indicates the elemental and the archer, "Take your pick."
[sblock=Actions]Move: To J24
Fire Elemental OA: 1d20+4=12 vs. Reflex (Miss)
Minor: New HQ on Wyrmling
Standard: Twin Strike
Target1: Dragon Wyrmling
Attack1: 1d20+11=20 vs. AC for 1d12+2=6 damage
Target2: Dragon Wyrmling
Attack2: 1d20+11=28 vs. AC for 1d12+2=4 damage
HQ Damage: 1d8=5

Dragon takes 15 damage. That did not go as well as I had hoped. Somebody else needs to finish the job, because I've got the human torch and an archer behind me!
[/sblock][sblock=Ministats]Mikara Li Mesadh
Passive Insight 15
Passive Perception 22
Senses Low-Light Vision

HP 30; Surges Per-Day 7; AP 0
AC 20; FORT 14; REF 18 WIL 15
Speed 7 (Wildstep)

Str 10 (+0) Dex 21 (+5) Wis 17 (+3)
Con 12 (+1) Int 10 (+0) Cha 10 (+0)

:bmelee: +5 vs AC 1d4 damage
:branged:+11 vs AC 1d12 + 7 damage
Nimble Strike
:ranged: +11 vs. AC 1d12+7 damage
Twin Strike
:melee: +5 vs. AC 1d4 damage per attack
:ranged: +11 vs. AC 1d12+2 damage per attack
Agile Recovery
Minor: Stand Up

Elven Accuracy
Free: Re-roll Attack
Evasive Strike
:melee:+5 vs. AC 2d4 damage
:ranged: +11 vs. AC 2d12+7 damage
Cut & Run
:melee:+5 vs. AC 1d4 damage per attack
:ranged: +11 vs. AC 1d12+7 damage per attack

Hunter's Bear Trap
:melee: +5 vs. AC 1d4 damage per attack
:ranged: +11 vs. AC 1d12+7 damage per attack


Voidrunner's Codex

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