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Adventure: Redblade's Riches!! (Ozymandias79 judging!)

The Digger

First Post
[sblock=OOC]Oops! I always have problems with the old cursing bit. Usually I forget about it - this time I cursed someone I couldn't. Only the nearest can be cursed so please ignore that bit.[/sblock]

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"Buck up, shorty," Quagmire calls as he moves past Kauldron to the front, taking advantage of the darkness to step down the western passage. He raises his weapon to strike when a foe emerges from the dark cloud. "We're just gettin started."

[sblock=ooc]Minor: Inspiring word on Kauldron, surge plus 1d6+4=8 extra.
Move: to G12
Standard: Ready a Commander's strike against an enemy that moves into H12: Hrav gets a BMA with +1 to hit and +2 damage.


Beyrk adds to Quagmire's encouragement, boosting the little tin can's morale.

He then shouts at one of the bugs and while taunts are likely useless it appears to work anyways.

Minor: Majestic Word - surge + 5hp + 5thp + shift 1 (no shift used)
Standard: Misdirected Mark vs. Adult Kruthik H11 = hit 10dmg,

[sblock=stat block]Beyrk Verkunder - Male Hobgoblin Bard 3
Initiative: +3, Passive Perception: 11, Passive Insight: 12, Low-Light Vision
AC: 18, Fort: 16, Reflex: 14, Will: 18 - Speed: 5
HP: 40/40, Bloodied: 20, Surge Value: 10; Surges left: 11/11
Action Points: 0

Misdirected Mark
Warsong Strike
Virtue of Valor

Hobgoblin Resilience
Majestic Word 2
Words of Friendship
Shout of Triumph
Charger's Call

Slayer's Song
Canon of Avoidance


First Post
OOC: Thanks covaithe! And a belated thanks to Erekose13 for his posting as well. I just caught it while I was in the middle of NPCing Beyrk during my update.

--Leave hard gob alone! With that, Dang't channeled lightning like water, sending bolt after bolt at the larger foe. Dang't's electricity ravages the large Kruthik, leaving it bloody and near death. The strokes of lightning were so powerful that one of the smaller creatures beside it is injured, and the other is killed outright by the booming thunder!

--“And thee also I curse. May thy entrails wither and come out through thy nostrils!” Girth once more channeled the power of his Dark Mistress against the enemy this time against the adult beast at the back of the horde. Then, realizing his precarious position, he jinked back further behind the fighters.

Once in a safer position he raised his arms and dark matter shot from his mouth and nose to cover the ranks of the Kruthik. “Thy Will be done my Demanding Damsel” he chortled as the darkness solidified around the creatures. A wall of blackness extended across the mouth of the facing passage blocking line of sight. (OOC question because I've been away from 4E a bit: Could Girth curse I9 like that? In my PHB it says Warlock's Curse can be targeted at "the enemy nearest to you that you can see." ???)

--"Argh!" Kauldron cried out in pain as his lit cigar fell out of his mouth and onto the cavern floor. "Damn these things be nasty."

"Let's see how they are when I turn on the heat!"
He chuckles and twirls his blade with his hand. His blade flashes forward striking the young kruthik to his right. The young screams in pain inciting the others to attack him as well. Then Kauldron hunkers bunch and let's out a boom of divine power as holy light flashes and spills outwards from him making the kruthik cringe. He then takes a step back to fill in the void and contain the wall.

--Hrav stabs wildly at the nearest kruthik hatchling, and misses just as wildly. (This was dead before he did this, per Dang'ts turn. But with a roll of a natural 1, he wouldn't have hit anything anyway.)

--"Buck up, shorty," Quagmire calls as he moves past Kauldron to the front, taking advantage of the darkness to step down the western passage. He raises his weapon to strike when a foe emerges from the dark cloud. "We're just gettin started."
--(Quagmire takes 2 damage for ending his turn in the Kruthik's Gnashing Horde aura.)

Kauldron feels his spirits lift at Quagmire's words. (8+8 hps healed)

--Beyrk adds to Quagmire's encouragement, boosting the little tin can's morale. (healing Kauldron up to full.)

He then shouts at one of the bugs and while taunts are likely useless it appears to work anyways.


--Each of the adult Kruthiks take 15 damage from Girth's Hunger of Hadar, killing the one nearest Quagmire. The Kruthik young at I11 and J11 also take 15 damage from it.

--The remaining adult Kruthik does not recharge it's Toxic Spikes.

--The remaining adult Kruthik moves forward to attack Quagmire, but misses badly. Then it feels the burn of Kauldron's holy light after failing to attack the goblinoid. (15 radiant damage to Kruthik adult 2)

--The young Kruthik move forward to attack Kauldron in force, one even tunneling through the nearby wall to reach him. None of the 3 are able to hit the brave Goblin though.

--Two of the hatchlings reappear behind Hrav and Beyrk as they burrow up from beneath the ground. They claw at the party members, but are unable to hurt either of them.


Your turns again...

[sblock=Die rolls]Recharge Toxic spikes on 5 or 6. (1d6=3) No recharge.

Adult Kruthik 2 claw attack at Quagmire AC20. (1d20+8-2=10, 1d10+3=10)

Young Kruthik 1,2, and 3 claw attack at Kauldron AC21. (1d20+5=7, 1d8+2=10, 1d20+5=18, 1d8+2=3, 1d20+5=8, 1d8+2=10)

Kruthik Hatchling 2 attacks Hrav AC20 Kruthik Hatchling 4 attacks Beyrk AC18 (1d20+5=11, 1d0+4=5, 1d20+5=9, 1d0+4=5)[/sblock][sblock=Map]
[/sblock][sblock=Status]Party current/total HP's (future/total hp's), [current/total HS's]; conditions
Hrav: 46/51, [8/8]; @I13;
Quagmire: 44/46, [9/9]; @G12;
Girth: 50/50, [10/10]; @J16; Concealment(TENT)
Dang't: 37/37, [8/8]; @J17;
Beyrk: 40/40, [11/11]; @J14;
Kauldron: 35/35, [10/12]; @J13;

Milestones: .5 (0 AP's awarded today)

Enemy current(future)/total HP's/conditions:
*All--Divine Sanction until end of Kauldron's next turn.
Kruthik Adult 1; -14/67 hp; Dead
Kruthik Adult 2; H11; 37/67 hp;
Kruthik Young 1; I12; 20/43 hp; Bloodied, vulnerable 5 radiant teKnt
Kruthik Young 2; J12; 28/43 hp; vulnerable 5 radiant teKnt
Kruthik Young 3; K13; 32/43 hp; vulnerable 5 radiant teKnt
Kruthik Hatchling 1; -3/1 hp; Dead
Kruthik Hatchling 2; I14; 1/1 hp;
Kruthik Hatchling 3; Last seen at M4; 1/1 hp;
Kruthik Hatchling 4;J15; 1/1 hp;

All Kruthik
-Gnashing Horde (Aura 1): An enemy that ends its turn within the aura takes 2 damage.

-Divine Sanction: Creatures are Marked taking a -2 penalty to attack rolls and 10 RADIANT damage if they target a character other then Kauldron.

-Channel Divinity: Solar Enemy(Close Burst 2) Effect:Each target gains vulnerable 5 radiant, or its vulnerability to radiant damage increases by 5 until the end of his next turn.[/sblock][sblock=Enemy Stats]Kruthik Hatchling Level 2 Minion
Small natural beast (reptile)
Initiative +3
Senses Perception +0; low-light vision,
tremorsense 10
Gnashing Horde aura 1; an enemy that ends its turn in the aura
takes 2 damage.
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion.
AC 15; Fortitude 13, Reflex 15, Will 12
Speed 8, burrow 2 (tunneling), climb 8
:bmelee:Claw (standard; at-will) +5 vs. AC; 4 damage.
Alignment Unaligned Languages
Str 13 (+1) Dex 16 (+3) Wis 10 (+0)
Con 13 (+1) Int 4 (–3) Cha 6 (–2)

Kruthik Young Level 2 Brute
Small natural beast (reptile)
Initiative +4 Senses Perception +1; low-light vision,
tremorsense 10
Gnashing Horde aura 1; an enemy that ends its turn in the aura
takes 2 damage.
HP 43; Bloodied 21
AC 15; Fortitude 13, Reflex 14, Will 11
Speed 8, burrow 2, climb 8
:bmelee:Claw (standard; at-will) +5 vs. AC; 1d8 + 2 damage.
Alignment Unaligned Languages
Str 15 (+3) Dex 16 (+4) Wis 10 (+1)
Con 13 (+2) Int 4 (–2) Cha 6 (–1)

Kruthik Adult Level 4 Brute
Medium natural beast (reptile)
Initiative +6 Senses Perception +4; low-light vision,
tremorsense 10
Gnashing Horde aura 1; an enemy that ends its turn in the aura
takes 2 damage.
HP 67; Bloodied 33
AC 17; Fortitude 14, Reflex 15, Will 13
Speed 6, burrow 3 (tunneling), climb 6
:bmelee:Claw (standard; at-will) +8 vs. AC; 1d10 + 3 damage.
:ranged:Toxic Spikes (standard; recharge :5::6: ) * Poison
The kruthik makes 2 attacks against two different targets:
ranged 5; +7 vs. AC; 1d8 + 4 damage, and the target takes
ongoing 5 poison damage and is slowed (save ends both).
Alignment Unaligned Languages
Str 17 (+5) Dex 18 (+6) Wis 12 (+4)
Con 17 (+5) Int 4 (–1) Cha 8 (+1)[/sblock]


  • RR8 Hive 2.JPG
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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
The little gob continues to channel electricity at the bugs. Dang't says die! But his exuberance does not translate to accuracy.[sblock=OOC]Lighting Strike vs KY1: REf 7 misses[/sblock][sblock=Dang't]Dang't—Male Goblin Storm Sorcerer 2
Initiative: +5, Low-Light, Passive Perception: 11, Passive Insight: 11
AC: 15, Fort: 13, Reflex: 16, Will: 17 — Speed: 6
Resist: lightning 5, thunder 5
HP: 37/37, Bloodied: 18, Surge: 9, Surges left: 8/8
Action Points: 1/2, Second Wind: Not Used, Milestones: 0
Powers -
Storm Walk
Lightning Strike

Pinning Bolt
Dancing Lightning

Howling Tempest
Goblin Tactics
Storm Soul
Sneak Attack
Sorcerous Sirocco

Stormbiter Warblade Dagger +1


The Digger

First Post
Girth's screamed with joy as his mistresses darkness seared the flesh of the opposing beasts. His pleasure was cut short however as, when he tried to maintain the debilitating cloud, the large kruthik which remained seemed unaffected.

[sblock=OOC] Minor: sustain the power. +8 vs Fort. Fail; Roll Lookup[/sblock]

Still angry he tried once more to employ the fell arts of His Lady against his target. A horrible keening noise issued from his throat - a noise which no human should have been able to produce. The remaining adult kruthik winced visibly as the sound struck home.

[sblock=OOC]Dreadful Word: 22 vs Will; 14 psychic damage and target takes -3 to Will defense TEoMNT.
Roll Lookup [/sblock]

"Good! Good!" muttered the warlock as he skipped away from the newly arrived hatchlings

[sblock=OOC]Move to I19 and gain concealment.
NB: Kruthik at H11 should have suffered 5 damage from Girth's original curse [/sblock]


First Post
*Kauldron's armor rang out as claw meant steel over and over again. His footwork was smooth and fast. He lured the three into a position better suited to his needs. He chuckled as he slipped around the back of one of the three flailing Kruthik.*


*He called out turning to keep the Kruthiks attention away from the other members of his crew. He weaved and ducked some more. During the fray he some how managed to kick up his fallen cigar into his fingers. He grinned as he placed it back into his mouth.*

Yeah much better. Can't have that going to waste.

*With a new bellow of cigar smoke his blade flashed forwards and cuts into the kruthiks tough hide. Divine fire engulfing it as his holy light hits.*

[sblock=Goblin Tactics]Immediate Reaction: Goblin Tactics
-Trigger: After last Kruthik misses Kauldron.
-Effect: Kauldron shift to K12.[/sblock]

[sblock=Actions]Minor: Call to Challenge
-Close Burst 3: Gets Kruthik Adult 2, Kruthik Young 1/2/3, Kruthik Hatchling 2/4
-Effect: Each target is subject to Kauldron's Divine Sanction until the end of his next turn.
-Divine Sanction: Creatures are Marked taking a -2 penalty to attack rolls if they target another character other then Kauldron. As well as take 10 RADIANT damage if they target another character other then Kauldron.

Move: Shift to K11.

Standard: Virtuous Strike vs. Kruthik Young (J12)
-Attack: +8 (+10 w/CA) vs. AC (24; Hit!)
-Damage: 1d6+4 RADIANT Damage (+5 from Vulnerable radiant) (14)
-Effect: Kauldron gains a +2 bonus to saving throws until the start of his next turn.

End of Turn: Solar Enemy ends.[/sblock]

[sblock=Kauldron]Kauldron- Male Goblin Paladin 2
Passive Perception: 11, Passive Insight: 11
AC:21, Fort:15, Reflex:17, Will:16 -- Speed:5
HP:35/35, Temp HP:5
Bloodied:17, Surge Value:8, Surges left:7/12
Divine Challenge
Enfeebling Strike
Goblin Tactics
Virtuous Strike

Action Point [X]
Call to Challenge [X]
Channel Divinity [X]
Javelin [ ] [ ]
Second Wind [ ]
Valorous Smite [X]

Lay on Hands [ ]
Majestic Halo [ ]
Symbol of Brawn [ ]
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First Post
Hrav moves over to where Kauldron just was, and uses Beryk's presence as a distraction to finish off a hatchling.

[sblock=Mechanics]Move action - Shift to J13.

Standard action - Clever Strike against Kruthik Hatchling L13.

Clever Strike Kruthik Hatchling L13 (CA, SA) (1d20+12+2=19, 1d10+6=8, 2d8+4=13)

Hits AC 19 for 21 damage against Kruthik Hatchling L13.[/sblock]

[sblock=Hrav's Info]Hrav Kortaga - Male Bugbear Rogue (Fighter) 6
Initiative: +7, Passive Perception: 20, Passive Insight: 19, Low-Light Vision
AC: 20, Fort: 18, Reflex: 20, Will: 15 - Speed: 6
HP: 46/51, Bloodied: 25, Surge Value: 13, Surges left: 6/8
Action Points: 1
Resists: 5 Necrotic, 5 Poison

Clever Strike
Piercing Strike

Everybody Move
Nasty Backswing
Predatory Eye
Second Wind (Item: May use two surges when bloodied)
Student of the Sword +1 and Mark
Torturous Strike

Handspring Assault
Mocking Strike

Acidic Rapier - Ranged Attack (Encounter)
Acidic Rapier - Ongoing Damage (Daily)
Deathcut Leather Armor (Daily)
Lightning Dagger -Lightning Damage (At-Will)
Lightning Dagger -Burst (Dailyl)
Potion of Healing x1

Full character sheet[/sblock]


Beyrk swings his songblade at the hatchling behind him, but the maneuver proves too difficult for the large hobgoblin.

Standard: warsong strike

[sblock=stat block]Beyrk Verkunder - Male Hobgoblin Bard 3
Initiative: +3, Passive Perception: 11, Passive Insight: 12, Low-Light Vision
AC: 18, Fort: 16, Reflex: 14, Will: 18 - Speed: 5
HP: 40/40, Bloodied: 20, Surge Value: 10; Surges left: 11/11
Action Points: 0

Misdirected Mark
Warsong Strike
Virtue of Valor

Hobgoblin Resilience
Majestic Word 2
Words of Friendship
Shout of Triumph
Charger's Call

Slayer's Song
Canon of Avoidance
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