(Adventure) Rivenblight's Castaway [Creamsteak judging]

Thomas Hobbes

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You exit the inn and gather outside. The weather has taken a turn for the better, clear and warm. You know where there are some merchants you can ask questions of (237 East Potter's Lane), where a map can be picked up (the guard house on the corner of Livingstone and Broadstroke), and some shopping do to.

What first?
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Velbrik glances at the sky, then returns his gaze to the city-scape in front of him, scanning the city-scape indifferently. "Excellent," he says, "Let's get cracking. We should pick up the map first, and then we ought to head over to talk to the merchants about the attacks."

He taps his chin thoughtfully. "Jaan, did you need to purchase something? As I said, the monks paid me fairly well, and I could lend you a bit of gold if you need it."


"I have enough to cover what I need. Not quite what I want, but what I need. But thank you."

Jaan pauses for a moment to get his bearings.

"The guard house is this way, I think."

ooc: Rivenblight - I really want to see that.


Registered User
OOC: : I guess the only remaining dance partner is Troi, so, GW - with your permission.

The doors of the Red Dragon Inn crash open and spill a reeling pair into the square. Ioleta catches herself and the woodsman just before the two, terribly off balance, fall over. Laughing, she rights herself and, one hand still in Troi's, she smiles and curtsey's yet again. "Not half bad for a rough-and-tumble woodsman. Though it was mostly tumble there at the end." She gives Troi's hand a grateful squeeze and a nod before dropping his hand and turning to the others. With a crosseyed breath she blows a few stray strands of hair from her face and grins, flushed and laughing still, at the other two companions.

"Map then merchants. Check." She raises her eyebrows as she falls in, "I can't help but notice that we don't have anyone skilled in the magical healing arts along for our ramble... perhaps we should pop by one of the Feasthalls. Get a blessing... some healing draughts." She turns out her pockets and sadly pantomimes watching a moth flutter away. "'Fraid I can't help out with the expenses though. Tithed everything at the monastery, don't you know?" She winks.

With a hopping steps she ranges a bit in front of the group, splashing in an occasional puddle, "So, what are we to call ourselves? Every band of adventurers needs a name, no?" She walks, slightly unsteadily - what is in that pack?


OOC: : I guess the only remaining dance partner is Troi, so, GW - with your permission.

OoC: Quite alright. :)

"Not half bad for a rough-and-tumble woodsman. Though it was mostly tumble there at the end."

Troi nods, balancing himself. "Gotta watch out fer those chairs, people dunno how ta push 'em in when they get up..."

"I can't help but notice that we don't have anyone skilled in the magical healing arts along for our ramble... perhaps we should pop by one of the Feasthalls. Get a blessing... some healing draughts."

"Eh, we got Velbrik an' that wand." Troi says, shrugging. "That's been workin' out fine fer us. I got a jar a healin' salve, too, from th' monastery."

"So, what are we to call ourselves? Every band of adventurers needs a name, no?"

Troi shrugs. "Dunno... never really thought 'bout it, y'know? Not real necessary... 'sides, people come an' go as they please, so ya got th' problem a namin' a group that might not stick together after an adventure."


First Post
Velbrik raises an eyebrow at Ioleta. "Whatever happened to grim and dour adventurers, eh?" He shrugs. "Ah, well. And - indeed, I don't see that we really need a name as a group, since I doubt we'll be together much long past this one commission. Never know, though - I've been working with Troi since I got here, but Jaan's a recent acquaintance." He nods to Jaan.

As they walk to the guardhouse, Velbrik asks, "Hm, I don't believe you ever told us what it is that you do. Troi's a woodsman, of course, and Jaan's a knight of - Verdante, you said? I'm a...fighting storyteller, I suppose you could say. Though I cover healing as Troi said," Velbrik continues, removing the wand at his belt and twirling it briefly before replacing it. "And I know a couple basic spells that can get us in or out of trouble," he says, "Plus a couple of other things."

Thomas Hobbes

First Post
The guardhouse is a simple, no-nonsense two story building, with the first floor of stone and the second (perhaps a later addition) of wood. In common script is written

Guardhouse 13
67 Broadstroke Street

Busy-looking men in armor of considerably less polish than Vagan's hustle in and out of the building by its double-door front entrance, so entering takes a bit of timing. There's a middle-aged guardsman behind the desk; as soon as you show him the little piece of paper Vagan gave you, he says, "Oh, you lot," and smiles a little, handing you a small piece of parchment. On it is a reasonably well drawn map; judging by the sparse legend and lablings, Vagan sketched it himself.

There's a trade route that heads up north from Orussus towards the Elven city of Rivenblight and the several human cities in between. It travels for about twenty miles (a day and a half walk or less than half a day's ride) through the cultivated land immediatly on either side the road before it enters a forest, which is of no small size- although Vagan's less than expert mapping leaves how big it is precisely up in the air. You figure it is not so wide that even a laden carvan couldn't pass through it in about a day

ooc: Since we haven't nailed down ENworld geography yet and I feel a cartoonish MS Paint map may detract from the feel, the description is what you get. Feel free to ask clarifying questions, ask for paticular knowledge checks, etc.
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"Yes, I am a Guardian of the House of the Greenman, as we call him in our part of the world. Verdante is more common down here, though."

Jaan's never heard of hired swords naming their groups. Perhaps its a southern custom. He has no particular objection, but as Velbrik pointed out, they will proably go separate ways at the end of this commission. He says nothing on the topic, as he has nothing new to add.

He turns to see what Ioleta has to say about herself.


Thomas Hobbes said:
There's a trade route that heads up north from Orussus towards the Elven city of Rivenblight and the several human cities in between. It travels for about twenty miles (a day and a half walk or less than half a day's ride) through the cultivated land immediatly on either side the road before it enters a forest, which is of no small size- although Vagan's less than expert mapping leaves how big it is precisely up in the air. You figure it is not so wide that even a laden carvan couldn't pass through it in about a day

Jaan considers the map for a moment. Its seems clear enough.

"This area," he says, pointing to the forest region, "is it flat or hilly?"

"What is the last place to get food and a bed before arriving at the forest?"

For the moment Jaan can think of no more questions. Jaan thanks the Watchman for his assistance when all are done with their questions.

ooc: ready to move on to the merchants when everyone is done.
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"Troi's a woodsman, of course..."

At that, Troi grimaces. "Man, I dunno if I'd use that word ta describe myself. Sure, I can track an' all that... comes with wanderin' 'round all over th' place, y'know? But I dunno if 'woodsman' is th' right word. I like th' smell an' sounds an' sights a th' city, more'n th' woods."

"I'm a...fighting storyteller, I suppose you could say."

Troi nods, and looks to Ioleta. "Y'ever hear a th' Nobius college? That's where he learned all his stuff. An' good stuff... when he's recitin' a tale, ya feel... empowered. It's kinda strange, but it works: we all did a lot better with Velbrik around, back at th' monastery."

The Map
There's a trade route that heads up north from Orussus towards the Elven city of Rivenblight and the several human cities in between. It travels for about twenty miles (a day and a half walk or less than half a day's ride) through the cultivated land immediatly on either side the road before it enters a forest, which is of no small size- although Vagan's less than expert mapping leaves how big it is precisely up in the air. You figure it is not so wide that even a laden carvan couldn't pass through it in about a day.

"Hmm..." Troi muses aloud, looking over the map. "This map seems kinda... iffy... lemme think 'bout it fer a minute..."

Knowledge (Geography) +5. Attempting to recall the regions between Orussus and Rivenblight, and the road(s) between them - basically trying to figure out how accurate the map is.

Thomas Hobbes

First Post
doghead said:
"This area," he says, pointing to the forest region, "is it flat or hilly?"

"What is the last place to get food and a bed before arriving at the forest?"
GnomeWorks said:
Knowledge (Geography) +5. Attempting to recall the regions between Orussus and Rivenblight, and the road(s) between them - basically trying to figure out how accurate the map is.

The map itself offers no clue as to either of Jaan's questions (the map has no roadside landmarks and the forest is designated by a blobbish area enclosed by a line, with "forrest" written within in Vagan's handwriting), but the guardsman answers "Hilly, I seem to recall. Road's pretty flat, but that's cause it was made that way. There're small inns along the way, too. Nothin' inside the forest, and nothin' to compare to the Dragon, but they're there."

The map, Troi thinks, is decent. It gets the proportions right, anyway- it’s about 25 miles to the forest from Orussus and the road goes through the dense forest for another 17 or so, with sparser trees beyond those limits. The map extends only a few miles north of the edge of the denser forest. Rivenblight, however, is far, far away- and while he might know some of the closer kingdoms and roads, he doesn’t know all of them. (13+5=18)
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