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Adventure- Stormrider,Elf,Orc,Cleric (attack at Abyss village) feb 11,2005


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The Item Is Alive

Malled by the innability of the elemest vortex to dissapate the new gate,they were dumbfounded about what was to be done,-the only real answer laying in the focus of the pits,perhaps they led to another area,just beyond the torchlite,-however the only spell that could help may be visioning.Finally settled for what had been done,they now slumped into a light sleep,replenishing their powers,and taking for granted that they were unlikely to be attacked.Some time later,they stood at the energy once again,looking for ways to answer this puzzle,and decided that they should push the vortex into the pit itself,but making sure that it went a good distance was made more difficult.

“well a spell will do the trick,let me see my most material and pushing spell…”Chealsoroy contemplated,the others not interfering.

“rgrh….damn…it is certain the gate can not be openend”Kiazo struggled with might to push the brass problem but it was unbudgable.

“floating object!”the elf cast this spell,but the unmaterial form didn’t take hold,so a new spell was tried-“harbinger trellis!” –fortunately the powers of the trellis to attack an elemental form applied to this elemest,and as it moved the vortex fell into the pit,each passing moment further and further untill it was beyond view,the mage causing a skirting following by the trellis that did the work.Finally the sound was no more,and if there was a bottom it must have landed there,-and they found out suddenly that this was in fact an answer when mist plumed about the room-in orange and violet dithers,and a loud chinking sound resounded.

“laces of mist…perhaps the item is now revealed”Xiena called out in hope,as they hoped the suffuse was’nt lethal; in any way,as it flurried about finally no hope to avoid breathing it.

As they did,they felt the transition of their bodies into a weightless form,with a bit of luck and determination they found that they could control their floating.Alliyah led them into a pit,the one used,and after quite aways their still held torches,lit after beginning this spell trick,showed they were in a new room,the elemest,was now only ½ a ft tall,and had golden flecks flying from it,as if in a transition state,whence a decision about what to do may be immediately needed.The area was twice that of the place above,and the first wall that fell into sight garnered metal runners,that had rune engravements,looking further,as they settled to the ground and the flight was stopped,there were 10 on each side,one type of cymbol over and over on each separate ladding.

Chealsoroy met with the transformed energy,as the others looked about,and found he was able to control it again,only now it was quite easy,-and entailing a placement in the room must have been the answer.

Soon they noticed that two of these metal magi-ward strips were the same engraving,and when Alliyah passed her had across it the triple cross etchings turned blue,and she jogged to the other and the same effect occurred.

“bring the energy to these,no answers may soon be fine truths”Alliyah stated,as the elf did so,pushing the strange elemest across the metal,however no reaction took place.

“it must be hidden in this chamber,the secret and truelly last level,laced,and foresworn of intelligence….hmph damn that pixie,why couldn’t she have just told us how to get it”Xiena was on the take,their brains booming with hope finally.

“perhaps if we look closely….the etchings may be a catch for the room itself,at each place that is represnted by the direction of the 5 sides of this…layered,-laced,a place to make the magic alive with the elemest”the stormrider,looked closely and the others followed,and sure enough a small golden sqaure was placed on the wall at a pattern resembling the etchings.

Chealsoroy went to the closest that Kiazo had found,and the flecks flew into the sqaure and it depressed into the wall.

“brilliant ms stormrider…though I do take my axe”Kiazo bellowed,as the elf did the honours to each sqaure.

Each metal runner glowed alive as the first two had,and the center of the room,cackled with electricity for a while,then the floor slid open and all magic was offed,even the elemest.Alliyah reached in and grabbed an item,showing it to the others.It was a metal strutted orb,with multi shaped cutting ends about the fastening,clear and unfriendly looking though in a dorment state.

Refurling into a gloutey frown the ‘highness’ pulled the looking orb closer and voiced a word for her lack of sight.

“damnations of trolls…this pit is a ward of magic…and now I can not see the prize for the taking….my servants…hmm yes… let’s see”she looked as the vision swirled with mist then showed the beasts walking quickly through a hall checking doors,the Semchaynis recognized it as the hall before the pixie,appearantly the room with the sorceror didn’t have any ways beyond it,and soon she found the servants made to a stairway that ended in a field energy with a golden strutted archway door.

‘well smash it..go…go! you fools,soon the item will be alive and they may be taken beyond my reaches!’:she watched intently as they did just that,rending into the field and frame they slashed,and were bitten with energies that stiffled but did not stop the attack,and moments later they moved on,searching once again for another stairway.

“I will lead us into a meditation…this must prove a way to enable us to follow it’s path,or we are trapped..”Xiena stated,holding the item,now only stormrider with a torch,and they followed her words and closed their eyes.

“divine power…the gods will answer a grant,the world awaits the purity for our path is clear….make alive this unliving storm…our destiny is pure”…”is..pure”/”pure”the orc finally stated.

The air crawled with power,the might of a magic as horrid as spoken of was near,and the group of warriors opened their eyes,and hoped for the best.A crashing weight and dimension portal opened,and they transversed through what felt like planes,time,and fate’s paths all at once.The orb now glowed in a clear color,simple yet great,unrevealing,yet alive-they looked about and realized they were someplace else.The sky was dark,and the air open and light,the ground was dirt,and they could see a mountain range in the distance,but there were no stars in the sky and not a sound from the surroundings.

“what have we done”Alliyah was looking about a few feet from the others,each a bit riled by the transition,trying to determine the place they had landed.

“oh dear….it’s alive again…Alliyah!”Xiena called as the energy went into a torrent that appeared in the air in the center of their standing circle,and the whips that scratched about violently finally,composed a vision.

Craggy cliffs,strutted with purple,and stars twinkling orange and silver looking to be just beyond the sky,rather than distant filled the view-sqaulering forward,soon the wings of a mighty black dragon beat at iether side,as the area below was taken by a river-the craggs crumbling ,then opening to a desert,the water turned into mist,and the ground collapsed into a falling skuttle for several seconds finally plummeting into a great lava mass,the wings still in view,swooped near this scorching inner earth molten,as finally thundering Skelteon riders,in armour on black,flame footed Zintrins,some 200 streamed quickly past the wings,which turned to follow,and suddenly the vortex formed,and the vision transolved to a regular looking land,but the riders were there,and the dragon screetched,flying away,leaving view of a castle set into the side of a mountain,and the breaking sun across the forest from this place lit the sky,in a plethera of washes,but this was no ordinary morning event,black streams crashed through the clouds,as golden flecks much like the elemest,fell from these conflicts,-the black sun of chaos was taking a land,the group could now see,an evil legion attacking.

“the castle of Yeilikagen,just beyond the once alley of Athiena,I recognize it for I have been there,once upon dragonback,to slay the Demi-demon that took control-it cried as it’s body melted that the curse was unleashed and one day,all of evils legions will attack,this time is now”Alliyah presented the truths of what was viewed in wizdomous respect.

“we go!…however…we’re lost are we not…”Kiazo looked in awe,and listening to Alliyah was elated with the mission,and swiped the great axe in vow of their fate.

“there’s no material world like this…no place that dwells in peace…no answer for our presence and this…the darkness….we must be on an Abysall dimension..the mountains,then the cliffs,it must be”Chealsoroy stated,as they had no misgivings that nobody really knew,and they set off towards the range,a two day journey.

Xiena cast a recovery the next day after they had taken turns gaurding a precious sleep,though uncomfortable as it was,but they were in need of food,once at the mountains it may be impossible to go across them,there must be an ally or some help that was there or the mission the item had sent them to was to be a mortuary of worthy adventurers.
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The forbidden elemest revocater item~

Though it has proven to transcieve a dimension or plane portal,the characters must discover how this is done,the dungeon 'self' inacted it whence first taken
'3 elemest spells cast within 1 realtime action',and concentration
roll +4 any over 14 Wiz&int each will return them

the fighting use~
/+1d8 attack any spells/concentration check just before or at combat
/1d20 'courting vices' attack any foe that loses 3 sequential attacks
doing 4d10 dmg each (extra won combat roll/may be divyed)
/'greater earthquake' 1d10 actions,-1d6 attack and defense within the 150 ft effected area(any fighter class holding wins 2 attacks in a row may enact)

The visioning that occurs is bound by the last user,as to the place it will look,which is associated,in this case an Abysall owner,-this will occur after any portal use with/from it,showing a 'legion' or similar gathering at an area,as well as a 'route' that approaches the view

each time it is used when the user has dmg on a traite -1 use
every attack won +attack use +1 use

1d20,or 5d6 - 1d8 or 1d12 ,the best # sets original uses


First Post

ASOD New Dimension

The freeze of the human,or orc and elf for this matter;conciousness was calling on the darkest throws of the group,bound with reason,and a goal that had implications that they were sure of ;that had to be met with harshened ardor,disdain,and the victory of their group for those in the free world.The surreal and trying enviorne was like a bathing of uncleanly flotilla across their nature,skin,beings,simplicity,or peacefullness.Fear and power had played it’s roll so far,they had fuaght undead and met with creatures who slaved,raved,and were fiendishly crafty,but now an expression for the Abyss was at hand and the limits of evil may know no bounds from this time on.Alliyah paused at a mild running hill,that had strange washes of cracked ground at the side,and found an interesting view from her perch,and the others approached in this lonely envelopement of hell knowing there was a matter amiss;indeed at least a hope for an answer.

“prints,booted,simple,alone,very strange,I bid we follow,perhaps a fellow wonderer of good intentions lay at the source”she spoke to them as they were baffled for a moment then understood the directive,and as a group they made after the prints.

“this is the first good sign we have,dear Xiena scince you carry the special item,what say you of our path”Chealsoroy asked of the she-Cleric who walked in front of Kiazo who was behind the rest.

“I think there are visions within this item,those that will be true,and show us answers for what they may be found or begun,that I can not answer.”she replies in dim-lack of hope.

The layer of air tension suddenly changed,they knew they were not alone,and each took weapon of their own accord and gathered together looking upon a stonehenge altar or portal that was surrounded by 4 orbs of energy floating 3 ft above the ground.

“if we are certain there is no way to seek help…yes..yes..then we must try this-perhaps it leads to the material world.”Chealsoroy offered as each wondered in thoughts of confusion about the sight before them.

“or to a demon liar..hrmph…I will fight we go!”Kiazo stated and started towards the magic.

As they reached within several feet of the energies they fell to the ground and a field of blue and white energy created a doorway of some sort within the confines of the slabs.It looked harmless,but magic does not always belay it’s intent to those who know not of the nature,and Alliyah first pushed her sword into it,pulling it away there was no sign of damage.

“we can try,I will go first,wait for a while and if I don’t return,perhaps you should follow”she stated,in a half-constrained answer as to what the best way to try this unknown magic gate was.

The air thinned,and blackness fell before her vision,no harm –and no sense of direction when taking a 4th step she found herself in a castle,or dungeon like chamber,and there she noted a few dusty imprints on the brick floor that matched those they had followed.Soon after the others arrived,each now set to strike at a foe,and nervous beyond the nature of ther latest dealings,as it was using a system, of the Abyss could lead to more harm than may be expected.The chamber was sqaure laying way with a series of golden plates to a grande door,carved with cymbols of sorcery about it,and having large wooden planks lateraly to make it a strong hold,with a rounded handle,set at the right.As the portal energy died,Xiena and Kiazo lit torches,and together they made to the door and opened it.A trinkeling series of bells,sounded as if attached to a hinge,and a human voice called out,as they looked unto a regular hall,with some bones scatterd about,not recognisable as from any life form or another.

“eeyeh….rgh ehuhmm…..who goes there-foul creatures,the powers of divine energy are greatest when first arrived at a liar of the mighty…go now leave or be striken in death and servitude to gods of good alignments!!!”

“hail!dear friend we are very far from evil creatures…we are from Athiena,we suaght to dispell the evils of a dungeon near there and arrived at this place,we seek help…peace to those who fight the….demons…”Alliyah answered loudly.

“a female…let me see….hmm and orc!..and Elf…a divinity…very good,I sense truth in what you preach….go to the door at the end of this hall I will meet you there”

The warriors approached wordless,each with a sense of refined intentions,and the battle slurry of deferences,casting a strein on the soon to be compounded flack of a strange being with no identy revealed before them.

The door creaked open,and the room before them was bound with a field of energy,but one that Xiena could tell was ment to send away foul demons,and looking more about the area was lit by torches flickering multi colored wicks,and several swords were set in a case,each also having a sense of magical projection about them.The walls were windowless,and the roof some 20 ft,the area being a 40 ft by 60 ft rectangle,and another altar like the one that they had taken to arrive was at the end across from the door,this one however was surrounded by 4 candlabra stands,golden,adorned with vinery,and the same multi-colored effect taking place.Soon a man in robes stepped through the gate,layered of black,and carrying a stave with a demons nap attached to each end,that had the look of sniveling fear.
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First Post

The tension mounted as a grueling forethought to the fears of the party that
encountering their first Abyssal being included much of the unremittant evils that may be contained within this realm.The man studied them for a moment,making a pass of the stave acting as a sceptre it seemed,and a quick light flashed,and with a sense of remittance the ‘wizard’ spoke.

“there are a great number of fears I have for any who arrive at this place of
mine…it is warded in far too many ways for me to describe,to protect us from the demons and creatures that walk the lands….yes I see that there is magic within thee,one that has a quest for answers…..well-please let me invite you to a meal and we shall discover the best course of actions”

They followed the man to the gate,still wondering what the name,or intentions of this revealed human,living in hell truelly were,when Xeina noticed the item beginning to shed flecks as it did before,perhaps about to launch a vision for them to behold,and the man turned and paused before entering the portal,and was interested to see as well.

“we have an item that may once again be forming a vision as it did when we
arrived,I believe it will cause no harm”Alliyah made conduction for the event voiced,as they gathered to watch the flecks,soon create a mist then a scenery as the cleric held it forth.

A dark night sky much as before,was suddenly ripped with several round aerial portals streaming energy like beams ,as they faded the mountains surrounding could be seen,with layers of cragy croppings making impossible cliffs,then the sound of thundering ,and a creek running into a cave at the cliffside,the vision of the same riders was soon before them,this time one in the lead with golden armour and a flashy zombie composure stopped the legion of 20,and turned and waved a stave,sending wisps of lightening magic that made the portals first viewed and the Zintrins lept into them,the last image was focused on after this,the lead zombie laughing and casting a spell that showered what looked to be blood on himself before making into the last portal.

“this is quite a trick of magics you have obtained….there are dark riders setting to attack,a place of focus for the sheilding of the Abyss against the material world…this I can see….this I fear….oh forgive me I am Kreffiotor….i am a wizard….and am here by making of the Thendolar Council to learn of the doings of this region….the Troll wars were terrible,and left several rifts that may be evils soon to be reborn,we have similar needs…..please let us have a meal now…”the old man,walked in lambient simplicity through the
portal and without thinking they followed.

Soon they were in a 40 by 70 ft banquet area,with a 20 ft table,and several meals worth of food before them,the server was a strange creature and the warriors looked on in amazment as it appeared that this blue scale skinned she-demon was in perfect servitude.


First Post

Though a vision of nudity the she servant was covered by a virtue of scales,and moved about supply to pour lavish drink,and present a course of meals,-the group looked on in dispondency while the wizard seemed to take it in stride with no defference to the strange servant’s fealty.Finally Alliyah contented of wine and wealth of replenishment offered conversation upon the throne of their budding alliance.

“so this curse…this land….we are of humble means perhaps,for it seems you have made a name for yourself,able to live and find a servant to serve you freely”

Kreffiotor lingured in a smile and passed a hand gesture to the servant,who left the room,then he adressed them each eagerly looking for answers as suggested by Stormrider.

“these spells,thees wards I have claimed…alas they are not my own,but the work of the Thendolar council through several births and deaths of great conjurers..ones who have smitten Evil’s demons and those who have carved a name from the barren horrid place of the Abyss….though I concede no greater call,I have found a way with using them that has made me
a step in favour of control more so than any who may yet understand the powers foretold of these weaves of protection.”

Chealsoroy’s mind gurgled with remission,and wondering into a near arguemental tone spoke another inquistion.

“so these powers don’t effect evils own course on those who posses the talents of their…. nature…surely there is a way to stay pure of reason and discipline against the means that interact with this treacherous place”

“ahh indeed,a good and well thought word Elf friend,though I have been at this place for several seasons I am never in controll of all the elements to the portals,wards and special spells at one turn,for surely that would do as you suggest,however with my stave(showing it upon the table,as it blinks in a splender)I have satisifed the grouping of spells that allow the greatest of needs in battling controlling and summoning the beasts of lore”

“then what is you’re mission,this isn’t a far cry from the first steps that many
advesaries of Athiena have taken before..war” Kiazo let on to the conversation,against the grain of peace.

“my mission is to ….well I shall say this what you have brought may be the greatest find yet,I must gather a message and we,you and I if you should accept shall,find the origin of the legion,and destroy their ways of portal arcana,and that may lead to the vile stand for which their Lord has begun…..an answer to end a stay of powers,a vice broken like ice,frozen in our first steps,and spelling disaster for the wicked who ride to the material plane,and cause the problems that I am sworn to fight”

“shall I bade our gusets to room for sleep good Kreffiotor,for surely they will be stronger for the gate journey upon the morrow”the she-demon suddenly spoke,as if having magically appeared,leaving the unbroken air from the latest remarks,a duantless stalemate for answers greater than each’s first speculations of what may be at hand.

“yes…tomorrow-“the words were suddenly cut off,as the ringing chimes as those that occurred for the adventurers,broke the air.

“intruders my master….i know they are of evil nature you need not wonder,my
vision in this is true…they’re close,they!-“the demoness responded as the others stood,and took weapons,and set forth for any foe,the wizard slamming a beam of energy at the doorway that
created a blazing perimeter of strange fire about it’s arch.

The door was pounded on,not by one creature but several,and soon the planks bust open,and the fire turned black,and deceased,and 5 Quazilith demons ,2 grey and 5 black,each with a twisting
Golden sword,and eyes furled in an evil glow,walking upon cloven legs,and snarling made for an attack.

“quaziliths’s….ice….friends cast ice spells”the she servant shouted.

Stormrider slamed her sword in a duel against the first black monster,and was offset by the twisted blade of the foe,finding difficulty in moving her own sword against the offseting strikes ocurred from the fracas.Kreffiotor,again sent a beam,this one causing
a mist upon the ground,that after a few moments fell one of the foes,who strained to stand but could not,and in that moment Kiazo delt a terrible gash across it’s chest,but as it recovered a fire blazed across it’s chest,and it was well once more.Soon an ‘ice flurry’ slamed a demon who met with a painfull reaction,and when Kiazo attacked this one ity’s stooper it did not recover but lay dead on the floor.A field covered the wizard as two demons
were striking at him unable to bust the magic,and from behind them Alliyah punctured through one,but this foe recovered fully healed within moments,and that’s when they realized that only ice could effect these foes to be unworthy advesaries before weapons could make the kill
wholesome.Twice more ice confounded the demons,who soon met with sword strikes that left them dying,and only 3 remained.Quickly seeing that they must make a mark they cornered the she servant.

“you…you serve the weak fool who dares make a home upon our lands…you will pay for this with you’re life!”

A beam struck through one,as the sceptre glowed ina mithral force,and the result was a transformation that left the Quaziltih standing only 3 ft tall.The demoness,quickly kicked it 10 ft across the room,and quickly jumped past the other two,as Xeina cast a spell of molding whips that slashed and frought the foes with damage.Suddenly the room was alive in a dark blue glow that coverd it’s entirety and in an instant all the demons were gone,corspes and the two still living,and the air was steeped in a poisen.

“quickly friends,gather –an Abysall poisen,I will make a field of protection”with that they soon found themselves entering the gate in the next room,sealed away from the demise of the air’s evils,and finally they were safe.

“there is work to be done,please,she will show you to you’re rooms,and I will make ice spells for our journey,I’m sorry this has never happened before”Kreffiotor spoke in confusion about the attack,and dissapeared back through the portal.

“well,barers of bad luck…we are,perhaps you should see if there are any potions you might aquire Chealsoroy,this will soon be a time of battle we won’t soon forget”Alliyah suggested as they followed the servant to a hall that had several rooms.
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First Post

The following morning,as time flow had referred to,Chealsoroy attended a room for making elxiers and other strange artifices of the wizards own creations.The walls were splayne with maps of both stars and outlying lands,one of which looked to include Atheina,and several vat containers were being mixed as Kreffiotor added what looked to be dried bat wings to each,and motioned for the elf to take a whiff of the batter.

“you see in the Abyss Abyssal ingrediants are a key to making the right mixture,and I don’t doubt that this ice potion will be very usefull should we fight anymore Quaziliths that seem to be greatly weakened by the effect”the simplicity was apperant in the tone,and Chealsoroy finally bade the interest for being there.

“I have often used potions myself,as we did at Tehreceine,and ms Stormrider thinks we should have several for this next battle…perhaps ahealing elixer,or a ward effecting liquid….though you’re the one who knows about this”

“hmm yes of course,we shall each have an elixer(4d10 recovery 5 uses,cures poisen) and I believe I just have enough Fey dust left to break the spells of warding and glyphs that we may encounter good thinking”

At that time Chealsoroy had abaited the mire for which the host had been seen as,receiving 2 bottles that were poured into the metakl flasks,one of ice making,the other for wards,and with a resolution of greater trust they made their way to thye final portal,or entry portal to the compound,and found themselves in a new place,that lay way to yet another portal gate
in the distance,this one which did not have spheres,was to take them near the place of the second visioning.

“what talents do you have…..i fear we know not your name,one such as yourself must know some arcane tricks”Xeina inquired of the she demon as they neared the next gate,which was now clearly black,and had metal runners about the slabs.

“I am Shieiste,born of a Zeliotrope and a Fey,and left for dead,for niether parent could bring themselves to care for me as their own,good Kreffiotor found me just after the Troll Wars,and bade the Council that he should take me as an apprentice,and that my ways may follow the paths of ritcheosness….so it was done,and now I have learned the use of spells,and can invoke the talents of Elemental control more focused than
the simple sorceress.”she whipped her tail,and smiled,relived to make an
answer to the group,furthuring their mutual trust.

“this will lead us to the cliffs we have seen,and we may be taken by storm,or there may be no Zombie Legions about,however if we do fight we must be certain not to lose the way to return into the portal if they mar our control,and make such necessary”

“understood,we will fight,but is there a reason for this,what is the meaning behind what we seek to achieve good mage”Alliyah asked as they took their weapons,and stepped towards the juncture.

“the great army they seek to achieve is not fully gathered,if destroyed before then,our goal will be met”with that they felt the drop of air into a swirling mist that lasts for several seconds,then a skak of light,followed by a shimmer about their own bodies and they stood beside a river next to the creeping cliffs.

“I smell evil….i fear you not show yourself!”Kiazo spoke,stepping in front of the group and making towards what looked to be a dormant bonfire pit.

A scuttling sound from a group of boulders,was made,and Shieiste swiftly swooped her way towards it,and created a glow in her hands,as she followed the sound that changed from one area to another a beam was released and the boulder melted into liquid then formed into dust,and
there on the ground was a Mrytel,female-with golden wrist gaurds,and a nervous composure. It did’nt move,and soon Kreffiotor had cast a speak with animals spell and learned of the nature of their find.

`what is the nature of you’re relation with the Zombie Legion’
‘i…i.. was once the gaurdian to a mage….a mage of the Thendolar Council’
‘then you are not Abysall’
‘no…I was sent here by mistake as mky master was slain,before we left the Abyss,after scouting’
‘I am Kreffiotor and this is my group of warriors,we also work with reguard of the Thendolar council’
‘then please may I join you,I was nearly slain,but they left,one carrying a stave cast blood from the sky,but my armours are protective against Abysall formed spells’
‘what did this blood do’
‘it made the leader glow,and it’s body looked like the energy of 100 demons,as the ground melted into blur lava from the raindrops’
‘very strange,so you will join us,we must fight one of these legions,if you have any idea where they are,that should be very helpful…excuse me this is Shieista,Alliyah the Stormrider of Doom,Kiazo,Chealsoroy,and Xeina’

With the intoduction and nature of the task set into good will,they walked for several hours in the direction the Mrytel suggested,past stained cliff faces,datrk and blemished by spellwork,a series of broken portals as the black one used,and a row of human bodies rotted and cut oopen across their bodies as if to bleed the blood from them,attached to a chain held by
two posts with engravings written in Abysall and the look of being cast of silver.They stood before the corpses,and finally agreed to perform a fire burial,with Xiena’s blessings in spite of the chance the flames may attract enemies,but this went un disturbed,and just a few minutes later,they finally found a butress,black and ominous,that revealed steps leading into the ground.

“undoubtedly the compound for one of the Legions,perhaps those that are away,we shall find a way to destroy what we can”Kreffiotor suggested as they made onto the stairs ,but suddenly the hallbefore them flowed in a field,that relished black wisps,and a dancing strein of blue energy.

The Elf got to the problem,and after several applications,they suffered a reffuse of damage,but the field was destroyed,and the room before them fell to the sepctacle of what these Zombies were made of.

The walls had gemed eyes,10 a side,that were alive,a spell of magic jewel,it was uncertain,and four altars made of copper and bronze with words of power written upon them,lay at the corners with skulls of baby dragoons,one on each,-these had a black silk band wrapped about their eyes,and the center of the room,was opened to a blue lava pit,that gutgled louldly
and occasionaly let wisps of black into the air.

“Abysall poisen,we must cover that pit”the mage warned,holding the others back,as the she demon,cast a super pile of earthen material across the opening,that held for an uncertain tenure.She,stepped upon it,being certain of the effect,and the room soon layd way to their intent.

They took the skulls and smashed them open,and set fire to the silks,and Kiazo was able to smash enough about one of the eyes of power,and retrieve one,however when the orc picked it from the ground it burned like a devil in beligerence,and the others,gathered about,hoping they could resolve this,and take each gem,surely breaking any hold the room had.

“it is not fire…it is evil,the pain….”Kiazo then took a drink of elixer,and they understood the nature of the icon of which the Zombies surely had used for powers of Abysall arcana that could crush an enemy.

The Mrytel then stepped in before they could make a resolve,and picked it from the ground into her claw,and showed it to them,they looked in confidence,and Kiazo tried to remove another,as the Myrtel,dug a hole in the earthen cover over the pit,and dropped the gem into the lava,then covered the hole.They found that casting ice across the gems,made them
removable from the wall without destroying the wall in a vain effort,and soon they had destroyed all but 4 of them,which they set in a silk and ties to the Myrtel.This done,the group now searched for a secret door,and soon Xein had uncovered a switch from a fake wall stone,that opned a doorway across from the first.

“what strange work is this we’ve found,surely it takes a great mage to control
the weave with that we’ve seen”Alliyah asked as they began through the hall,Kreffiotor having cast ‘dancing lights’ by the stave’s invocation.

“we shall see,there’s no enemy like the wisdomous,demon or nay”Chealsoroy
presented what was a voiced concern for the same idea as Stormrider’s.

The answer of battel’s call awaited them,as soon as they enterd the next chamber,for gaurding another altar,in a 100 ft sqaure room,were 4 Hell Dogs,made into a form of zombie beast.The altar glowed in a fissure of energy,and died as soon as the creatures lept from the dias on which it stood,the nature of the power being gaurded for certain.

Ice flurries,and weaves of spells streamed like a rainbow of uncontined power from the party,as they used the potions,and spells to make weaker these foes.This was not necessarily true,but they made this their first strike,and Alliyah was able to slash deeply across the muzzle of one attacker,as Kiazo delimbed it just after.Fire lept from the maws of the foes,and scarred Shieiste and Xeina,while the others dofged away,taking into a fight of 3 on 1.As Kreffiotor sent a beam spell,at the un cornered beast,another
had lurched around behind him and tackled him to the ground rending a tetrrible gash.The Mrytel,jumped upon it,taking it away from it’s attack,and slashes one of it’s eyes before being thrown off,as Chealsoroy,turned and cast at this Hell dog,with ‘vorporeal straffs’ that exacted a tripley powerfull array of slashes,and as the Myrtel slashed a final attack it died.Only two remained,but again the attack of a fire stream fell across each of them this time,and Xiena cast ‘Xexia Recovery’ using the remaining liquid of an ice potion,flowing a needed surge of health into the group,and allowing the next several rounds to end with victory,as they watched the corpses
swarm into pourous scaled skin that bled the mirky blood onto the floor,as if the death had undone a spell of some nature that had made them into the zombie empowered gaurds,leaving yet another clue about the spells of raining blood that were used by the legions of zombies.


First Post

ASOD Action at the Abyss

As the group linguired in their victory the corspes,led to questions about what
scorcery was being cast,and how they could find answers to this;certainly
the spells of control and empowerment that were derrived from the items
and aracana about had some clue as to this,and the blood being tranfused inton the beasts,which now bled unremittadly were linked to this.Kreffiotor gathered a sample to take back to the compound,and the others looked at the altar which the Hell dogs gaurded that now lay dormant,though it had been a blaze of glory when they had enetered.

“there are tricks of the demons ctreations,playing at all this,how it works I
don’t know,but,with this power they have a hand over ours,if we are to defend and attack with all our might,we must know”Alliyah stated,while Xenia looked at several etchingg in Untzuhfeient.

“those who fall into the shadows shall recover the aura of deities,those who
send blood shall retain death in it’s entirety”

“hmmm…yes that is quite a find…I believe that the ‘shadow land’ is
just beyond the east mountain range,perhaps these are the shadows spoken of”Kreffiotor explained.

After looking about they found that there was nothing else to be done and returned to the surface.Finally reaching the portal they stepped through,however this time the mists were different,and when they arrived they found themselves at a diffierent place alltogether than it’s origin previously.Scattered across the ground were burns,like a shower of acid rain,and quickly they beheld the sight of Yeilikagen Castle,and the
appearance of a legion as seen before making towards it.

“we are at Yeilikagen,and those are our foes,what bid thee?”Xiena asked

“we shall go now,and fight them if you agree”Kreffiotor offered.

And so they did…..they marched quickly for several hours and finally found themselves at a cave entrance that may have a passage leading into and onto the cliff the castle stood.Once again ‘dancing lights’ was cast,and Shieiste led the way having a better range of vision than the others.The dark and dank atmosphere was tell tale of the harbinging troubles that awaited.The pungent scratch of demon and zombie flavour broke through the blackness,and the ground was heavily tampered by passage of Zintrins and others.As theytreached a stair well the forms of quarry layde
bricks,rough and unkemptly set,created the passage and stairs now before them,and the chances of traps and other such problems was now more greatly considered.

As they reached the first open chamber after several hundered feet,of grueling Climbing,a clanking sound eminated and just after they found that a group of 10 Dire Bats were flying at them.The cage swung open on the ceiling just 15 ft beyond them,and the realization that a trap opened may be a warning sent to the keepers was taken in dissain as they cast several spells including Magic arrow,Whips of Magic,Festering Sphere,and Stale Air.Alliyah and Kiazo made quick work of 4 of the creatures,while the Mrytel and Shieiste claw swiped 2 to instant death in a few actions.

“the first trap,and perhaps a guard now awaits us…this is most unfortunate.”
Kreffiotor said,as they followed the hall beyond,and reached more stairs.

As they made to the second flight,suddenly,a gate closed in the front and back of them trapping them instantly,however Shieiste was able to ivoke a melting spell,and they hurried to the next room.There they found a 2 Gargoyles standing at the side of a greater gate,with 4 metal glphs inscribed with magic cymbols.

“these gaurdians will be alive…I know their way,we fight”the Orc proclaimed
setting the battle axe for a swipe and did so just as the foe animated.

Useless sword strikes did little to these armoured enemies,but Kreffiotor used
A beam to make one stand now at only 1 ½ ft which kiazo stomped on killing’
it instantly.A beam blast forth from the othetr striking Chealsoroy,then Kreffiotor as finally the Elfs casting of ‘Dithers of Arcana’ finished the combat.They each took a sip from their elixers,recovering ½ the damge done by each encounter,and Shieista treid unavailingly to melt the gate before them.

“it seems there are wards I can not break upon this”she answered.

“I’ll get that,certainly this potion will undo the wards”and within a few
tries the gate was a mundane metal that now fell to the she-demon’s work.

They found the finall tunnel way to the open air,and fell into a certainty for
attack,but there was none.The air was silent,and the ground showed that the
Legion had traveled around the castles front bridge,certainly only a short time
before they arrived.Following the trail the were led to a strange swirl,that looked to be one step more powerfull than the portals yet taken,and this offered a problem.

“the castle must be under the control of a mage…we shall be playing on
hope if we step through but I see no other way”the Abysall houseguest offered.

“perhaps we should toss a stone through first,or…”Xiena spoke,but before
she could finish her statement,the Myrtel stepped into it,and a few momkents later the swirl was dissapeted,but a strange goo was sluffed across the beast friends claws.

“it seems we’re in luck”Chealsoroy stated,walking firstly into the hall.

Torches were lit,and 4 locked wooden doors were on one side,as after aways they fell within range of the sounds of a gathered Legion.

“ec nactrenu the befuim me uchtu yeag threeinu”the words being encanted
were starnge,but easily an Abysall form of dialect.

“we must go quickly,now is our time to attack”Kreffiotor spoke,not looking to
the others and stepped forward taking the lead,and into the 200 ft chamber with 10 Zombies 10 zintrins,and one leader.

“Golden Glamour of Striking!”Chelasoroy,spoke,before the beam unleashed by the council mage struck but had no effect on the lead zombie.

They clashed into a flurry of combat,and fortunately the Zintrins were not being used,and a fracas of attacks of opportunity didn’t bely the zombies attacks.Two great wisping ice funnels scattered about the room,plowing over 5 zombies 2 of which quickly were killed by Alliytah and Kiazo,and the Elf soon had to defend himself with sword,as 3 assualted him.The council mage,she-demon and Xeina focused there effort at the lead golden armoured Zombie,that finally cast a spell that showered blood upon the entire room,this had an effect on the Legion, and now the adventurers could only make magical attacks,as their swords seemed to be slipping off the hides of their foes like they were encased in grease and made of metal.The Myrtel though having no speaking favour,was not entirely unintelligent
and took one of the gems,and slamed into the lead Zombie pressing it into its’s flesh, a flash of light occurred,and suddenly the blood liquid from the spell was there no more and seeing this Chealsoroy,Alliyah and Kiazo each rend terrible cutting wounds onto their unsuspecting advesaries.A swirl like the energy at the castle entrance they had run into appeared in front of the leader,and as it spoke three words,it flew forward and blast Xeina and Kreffiotor to the wall,and held them motionless.

“fools….what god will save you upon our evil lands…I am the master of
this castle…..and you’re material bodies and souls will rot in hell for all eternity!” the leader,suddenly integrated a twisted golden metal blade,and charged to send a deathly pucturing wound into Kreffiotor.

Chealsoroy,made the ice flow in great vastness about and onto the zombie master before reaching her,and in that moment,Shieiste and the Mytrel made a grappling hold on it,while the Elf slashes across its neck.The wound only made a small scratch,bute the leaders eyes glowed in anger,and it broke free flying into the air now floating with a controled grace,and creating another swiorl aimed at the three. The other zombies attack from behind,and gouged wounds into the party,as one made to Kreffiotor and sent a sword plunged into the stomache of the trapped Mage.Chealsoroy staggered to the held victims,and used the last of the potion hoping the spellwork was similar enough to a form of warding or trap binding weave,and found that it was.As Kreffiotor fell to the floor,Xiena cast ‘Mass Mortem’ sending a flow of recovery to the party,except Shieste,who stumbled to the doorway seeking ewnough time to drink the elixer,and was able to do so,before,the leader suddenly cast a ray at her,then Kreffiotor in one fell swoop.Only 3 zombies remained,as the Mytrtel,Alliyah,Cheaslory and Kiazo slew another 4,except for the leader,who now once again thwarted the powers of the mage,and gashed a terrible wound upon him,several times,causing the golden sword to glow,perhaps a sign that a kill and surge of victory was soon to be in it’s grasp.But as a ‘Whips of Magic’ spell sliced,in blue straffing volatile energy cast by the Elf,Kreffiotor,pushed forward the stave,and called upon a last effort defense against the foe,thwarting it’s sword strike enough that the whips did their damage,and the corspe of herald to the powers icon that lay on the ground was the Legion zombie’s.Shieiste held the last living zombie in a choke hold,and carried it over to have a word with the group.

“speak!”she shouted.

“I shall never speak to you!”

“we have little reason to make you believe we won’t kill you,however if you speak the truth and speak answers we shall let you leave”Kiazo now said,grumphing into it’s face.

“there are no answers only death….our leader will be avenged,the Abyss will rule all realms!”

“ha ha ha…I think there are few answers as stupid as those just spoken,in the face of death….”Chealsoroy took sword,and layde it across the neck of the prisoner,the others only looked wordless,and with that the last foe was slayne.


First Post

ASOD Action at the Abyss

As the group linguired in their victory the corspes,led to questions about what
scorcery was being cast,and how they could find answers to this;certainly
the spells of control and empowerment that were derrived from the items
and aracana about had some clue as to this,and the blood being tranfused inton the beasts,which now bled unremittadly were linked to this.Kreffiotor gathered a sample to take back to the compound,and the others looked at the altar which the Hell dogs gaurded that now lay dormant,though it had been a blaze of glory when they had enetered.

“there are tricks of the demons ctreations,playing at all this,how it works I
don’t know,but,with this power they have a hand over ours,if we are to defend and attack with all our might,we must know”Alliyah stated,while Xenia looked at several etchingg in Untzuhfeient.

“those who fall into the shadows shall recover the aura of deities,those who
send blood shall retain death in it’s entirety”

“hmmm…yes that is quite a find…I believe that the ‘shadow land’ is
just beyond the east mountain range,perhaps these are the shadows spoken of”Kreffiotor explained.

After looking about they found that there was nothing else to be done and returned to the surface.Finally reaching the portal they stepped through,however this time the mists were different,and when they arrived they found themselves at a diffierent place alltogether than it’s origin previously.Scattered across the ground were burns,like a shower of acid rain,and quickly they beheld the sight of Yeilikagen Castle,and the
appearance of a legion as seen before making towards it.

“we are at Yeilikagen,and those are our foes,what bid thee?”Xiena asked

“we shall go now,and fight them if you agree”Kreffiotor offered.

And so they did…..they marched quickly for several hours and finally found themselves at a cave entrance that may have a passage leading into and onto the cliff the castle stood.Once again ‘dancing lights’ was cast,and Shieiste led the way having a better range of vision than the others.The dark and dank atmosphere was tell tale of the harbinging troubles that awaited.The pungent scratch of demon and zombie flavour broke through the blackness,and the ground was heavily tampered by passage of Zintrins and others.As theytreached a stair well the forms of quarry layde
bricks,rough and unkemptly set,created the passage and stairs now before them,and the chances of traps and other such problems was now more greatly considered.

As they reached the first open chamber after several hundered feet,of grueling Climbing,a clanking sound eminated and just after they found that a group of 10 Dire Bats were flying at them.The cage swung open on the ceiling just 15 ft beyond them,and the realization that a trap opened may be a warning sent to the keepers was taken in dissain as they cast several spells including Magic arrow,Whips of Magic,Festering Sphere,and Stale Air.Alliyah and Kiazo made quick work of 4 of the creatures,while the Mrytel and Shieiste claw swiped 2 to instant death in a few actions.

“the first trap,and perhaps a guard now awaits us…this is most unfortunate.”
Kreffiotor said,as they followed the hall beyond,and reached more stairs.

As they made to the second flight,suddenly,a gate closed in the front and back of them trapping them instantly,however Shieiste was able to ivoke a melting spell,and they hurried to the next room.There they found a 2 Gargoyles standing at the side of a greater gate,with 4 metal glphs inscribed with magic cymbols.

“these gaurdians will be alive…I know their way,we fight”the Orc proclaimed
setting the battle axe for a swipe and did so just as the foe animated.

Useless sword strikes did little to these armoured enemies,but Kreffiotor used
A beam to make one stand now at only 1 ½ ft which kiazo stomped on killing’
it instantly.A beam blast forth from the othetr striking Chealsoroy,then Kreffiotor as finally the Elfs casting of ‘Dithers of Arcana’ finished the combat.They each took a sip from their elixers,recovering ½ the damge done by each encounter,and Shieista treid unavailingly to melt the gate before them.

“it seems there are wards I can not break upon this”she answered.

“I’ll get that,certainly this potion will undo the wards”and within a few
tries the gate was a mundane metal that now fell to the she-demon’s work.

They found the finall tunnel way to the open air,and fell into a certainty for
attack,but there was none.The air was silent,and the ground showed that the
Legion had traveled around the castles front bridge,certainly only a short time
before they arrived.Following the trail the were led to a strange swirl,that looked to be one step more powerfull than the portals yet taken,and this offered a problem.

“the castle must be under the control of a mage…we shall be playing on
hope if we step through but I see no other way”the Abysall houseguest offered.

“perhaps we should toss a stone through first,or…”Xiena spoke,but before
she could finish her statement,the Myrtel stepped into it,and a few momkents later the swirl was dissapeted,but a strange goo was sluffed across the beast friends claws.

“it seems we’re in luck”Chealsoroy stated,walking firstly into the hall.

Torches were lit,and 4 locked wooden doors were on one side,as after aways they fell within range of the sounds of a gathered Legion.

“ec nactrenu the befuim me uchtu yeag threeinu”the words being encanted
were starnge,but easily an Abysall form of dialect.

“we must go quickly,now is our time to attack”Kreffiotor spoke,not looking to
the others and stepped forward taking the lead,and into the 200 ft chamber with 10 Zombies 10 zintrins,and one leader.

“Golden Glamour of Striking!”Chelasoroy,spoke,before the beam unleashed by the council mage struck but had no effect on the lead zombie.

They clashed into a flurry of combat,and fortunately the Zintrins were not being used,and a fracas of attacks of opportunity didn’t bely the zombies attacks.Two great wisping ice funnels scattered about the room,plowing over 5 zombies 2 of which quickly were killed by Alliytah and Kiazo,and the Elf soon had to defend himself with sword,as 3 assualted him.The council mage,she-demon and Xeina focused there effort at the lead golden armoured Zombie,that finally cast a spell that showered blood upon the entire room,this had an effect on the Legion, and now the adventurers could only make magical attacks,as their swords seemed to be slipping off the hides of their foes like they were encased in grease and made of metal.The Myrtel though having no speaking favour,was not entirely unintelligent
and took one of the gems,and slamed into the lead Zombie pressing it into its’s flesh, a flash of light occurred,and suddenly the blood liquid from the spell was there no more and seeing this Chealsoroy,Alliyah and Kiazo each rend terrible cutting wounds onto their unsuspecting advesaries.A swirl like the energy at the castle entrance they had run into appeared in front of the leader,and as it spoke three words,it flew forward and blast Xeina and Kreffiotor to the wall,and held them motionless.

“fools….what god will save you upon our evil lands…I am the master of
this castle…..and you’re material bodies and souls will rot in hell for all eternity!” the leader,suddenly integrated a twisted golden metal blade,and charged to send a deathly pucturing wound into Kreffiotor.

Chealsoroy,made the ice flow in great vastness about and onto the zombie master before reaching her,and in that moment,Shieiste and the Mytrel made a grappling hold on it,while the Elf slashes across its neck.The wound only made a small scratch,bute the leaders eyes glowed in anger,and it broke free flying into the air now floating with a controled grace,and creating another swiorl aimed at the three. The other zombies attack from behind,and gouged wounds into the party,as one made to Kreffiotor and sent a sword plunged into the stomache of the trapped Mage.Chealsoroy staggered to the held victims,and used the last of the potion hoping the spellwork was similar enough to a form of warding or trap binding weave,and found that it was.As Kreffiotor fell to the floor,Xiena cast ‘Mass Mortem’ sending a flow of recovery to the party,except Shieste,who stumbled to the doorway seeking ewnough time to drink the elixer,and was able to do so,before,the leader suddenly cast a ray at her,then Kreffiotor in one fell swoop.Only 3 zombies remained,as the Mytrtel,Alliyah,Cheaslory and Kiazo slew another 4,except for the leader,who now once again thwarted the powers of the mage,and gashed a terrible wound upon him,several times,causing the golden sword to glow,perhaps a sign that a kill and surge of victory was soon to be in it’s grasp.But as a ‘Whips of Magic’ spell sliced,in blue straffing volatile energy cast by the Elf,Kreffiotor,pushed forward the stave,and called upon a last effort defense against the foe,thwarting it’s sword strike enough that the whips did their damage,and the corspe of herald to the powers icon that lay on the ground was the Legion zombie’s.Shieiste held the last living zombie in a choke hold,and carried it over to have a word with the group.

“speak!”she shouted.

“I shall never speak to you!”

“we have little reason to make you believe we won’t kill you,however if you speak the truth and speak answers we shall let you leave”Kiazo now said,grumphing into it’s face.

“there are no answers only death….our leader will be avenged,the Abyss will rule all realms!”

“ha ha ha…I think there are few answers as stupid as those just spoken,in the face of death….”Chealsoroy took sword,and layde it across the neck of the prisoner,the others only looked wordless,and with that the last foe was slayne.


First Post
the 'revocater' item,was interpreted as being able to 'not' do
it's location portal trick neccesarily if the party using it was
involved with a mission concerning generaly the 'legion vision' and
and whence their minds were clear of this task,then as we see they
found that the revocater took them to the legion


First Post
oh...and to all the great fans of this story hour

is there a way to split the material from this into more than 1 page

great appreciate it

.....don't forget to bring torches and knives,the ruler of the universe
is able to steal my wife,bludgeon my dog,put me in jail,plunder my
lands,make ill my people,turn gold to sewer rasputin,and live in the
miracle of eleven ears in an explanation that has yet to be run through the
RPG community....

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